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HEARHE’S J Cure COUGH e3T> / v 33 j/1 r ; r “ir mf u .13 Xi x>i 'o.txJL JL Jl O THE FAKCU3 REMEDY FOR ASTHMA, AND CONSUMPTIO M x"* ■ lias tn< 303 £ Sale of any Chest Medicine in the World* MTUiOSE who have taken this medicine are amazed at its womieiful influence. Sufferers from any form of Bronchitis, Cough, Difficulty of Breathing, JL Pain or Soreness in the Chest, experience delightful and immediate relief; and to those who are subject to Colds on the Chest it is invaluable, as it effects a Complete Cure. It is most comforting in allaying irritation in the throat and giving strength to the voice, and it neither allows a Cough or Asthma to become chronic, nor consumption to develop. Consumption has never been known to exist where “Coughs” have been properly ti rated with this medicine. No house should be without it, as, taken tne beginning, a dose is generally sufficient, and a Complete Ciuo is certain. BEWARE OF GOUGHSI REMEMBER THAT EVERY DISEASE HAS ITS COMMENCEMENT, AND CONSUMPTION IS NO EXCEPTION TO THIS RULE. BRONCHITIS AND PLDURISY. A Severe Case Cubed by Two Bottles of Hearne’s Bronchitis Cube. Aftee Other Treatment Had Failed. Mr Hearne, Chemist, Geelong. Dear Sir, —Some months ago. in Sydney, I suffered from a severe attack of influenza, and was ceilin'd to my room fop about a week, at die end of which time, feeling somewhat better, I got up and tried to transact my business as usual. But I got up too soon, for the very next day 1 had a relapse, and suffered tortures, from what the doctor told me was pleurisy and bronchitis. The pain from the former in my chest and shoulders was frightful, and tor four long weeks I was confined to my bed under the care of a well-known Sydney doctor, and all the time his medicine gave me but temporary relief The landlady of the hotel (the Cleveland), where I resided, told me of a medicine —Hearne’s Bronchitis Cure — from Victoria, which had cured her of a bad attack of bronchitis and pains in the chest, and begged of me to try it. I did so, and, in thanks and gratitude to you, tell yon that, after the second bottle, my cough had ceased, but what is more astonishing, the pains from pleurisy entirely left me, and in about a week I was able to attend to my duties as usual. • Yours faithfully,,!. BRAHAM, Melbourne Punch Office, Melbourne. BRONCHITIS. Child’s Lice Saved by Hearne’s Bronchitis Cuke. Aftee the Case had been “ given up." Mr Haerne. Dear Sir,—We have to thank your bronchitis Cure that we have one little boy spared to us, as we nearly lost him .After doctors had given him up, we saw the advertisemect for your Bronchitis Cure, and gave it a trial, with the result above mentioned.— Yours faithfully, (Mrs) E, GRANT, C/o. Mr Harvey, baker, Cbiltern, Victoria. QUEENSLAND TESTIMONY From Beisbane Wholesale Chfm'is ts. We often hear your bronchitis cure spoken vi el) of. A gentleman told us to-day that he had given it to a child of his wiih most remarkable result, the child being quite cured in three doses —We are, faithfully vours, THOMASON. CH A TER and Co., 69 Queen-street, Brisbane. BRONCHITIS AND ASTHMA. A Fifteen Years’"Sufferer. At times almost imfosible to get his breath. WIK N mi COUGHED. BLOOD CAME UP. Cured by Hearne’s Bronchitis Cure Mr W. G. Hearne. Dear Sir, —I have been a sufferer from Asthma and Chronic Bronchitis for over 15 years. Las' Saturday 1 was suffering from a very severe attack of it. The cough was t> rribly severe, and when I coughed, blood earne up. ] bund it ulrnosi im possible to get my breath. Every breath seemed as it it would be the last. My wife went to the chemist, and got a bottle of your Bnmehitis Clue. 1 took a dose ot the medicine* and in a few minutes ot great relief. I rapidly improved, and m a few days was out of bed and walking about. I believe y< 11 r Bronchitis Cure is worth its weight in gold to anyone who suffers from \sthma ami Bronchitis. —I remain, y'-nr- fmtbfuily, .lOUN BLAIR, Grafton Road, Warnambeoi, Victoria. A Lady in London —A Martyr to Colds and Bronchial Asthma. Cceed nv One Bottle of Heahne’s Bronchi ns Cure. The Doctor so interested ’ hat he carried off the empty bottle. .Mr Hearne. Orange, N.S.WDear Sir, —J enelo-e for your own private peru-fd portion ot a letter received Ir m rny mother, W's— - ol Loud n. England, from uhieh yon will glean that your medicine has been sperfect Godsend to a martyr to colds, and bronchial asthma. I do not «ish any names to be mentioned, but you are at liberty to make use of any portion of this letter yon elmose, am) you can confidently refer anybody to me. I heard of your excellent remedy, and sent it to England. You can >, e for yourself what an immense success it was.—Yours faithfully, Extract from letter alluded to above: You will be interested in hearing that I think the Bronchitis Cure really exc. . . I was very bad when it arirved, and I immediately flew to 11 . That was last Friday, and it has cured me. Dr i- very mu.-h inieres'ed in it. He came yesterday, and carried olf the empty bottle to find out if he could get;i full one from a chemist who is in a large way here. The names are withheld from publication, but will bo supplied privately when desired. BRONCHITIS AND ASTHMA. A Twelve YYars’ Case with Distressing Cough. Cured by Hearne’s Bronchitis and Asthma Cure. Mr Hearne. Dear Sir, —Please send by post to Copruanhurst a complete course of your valuable medicine, for ahstinatc asthma. The last medicine you sent to me cured one man that had a distressing cough ter twelve years. Please find post office order enclosed for payment —Yours thankfully, WILLIAM CAN HAM, Upper Copmanhurst, via Grafton, 1 N.S W. BRONCHITIS. A Camberwell Resident Expefsses Gratitude. Mr Hearne. Dear Sir,—Your Bronchitis Cure has relieved my wife of a cough w’hieh followed on an attack of influenza. W bile I acknowledge that all good comes from only one source, ordinary gratitude bids me to offer my earnest thanks to you, through whom this particular blessing lias come. I remain, dear sir, yours very truly, GEO S. CALDWELL, Camberwell Victoria. A SEVEN YEARS’ CASE. Expect bating Blood and Matter Completely Curep. Mr W. G- Hearne. Dear Sir,—Your medicine has cured me of bronchi tU and asthma, from which I have suffered for upwards of seven years, during which period I was scarcely ever free from coughs, and frequently the difficulty of breathing wus so distressing, that for nights in succession I had to sit up. I write to you this acknowledgement from a sense of duty, as in my case every other treatment had failed. For a year previous I bad been getting very much worse, and at the time I ob'ained your medicine I was confined to lied, suffering from a most violent cough, expectorating blood and matter, and apparently beymul hope oi recovery. The first dose of the medicine gave me welcome relief, and I steadily improved as I enntip .ed the treatment, until I became, as lam now, quite well.—Yours sincerely, H. Walker, Balmain, SydneyA CHILD SEVEN MONTHS OLD— A SUFFERER FROM BIRTH. Cured by a Bottle of Hearne’s ASTHMA. Two Obstinate Cases Cured by Jlearne’s Bronchitis and Asuima Cure After Other Testament had Failed Mr W G. Hearne Dear Sir, -It is wub much ih'tikfulncs' I write to let yon know that X have taken three bo'tles of your Bronchi is and Asthma Cure. I laid previously suffered terribly from as'hma for about 3 years, and bad tn d everything, and had advice. but vvitle.iit avail I had been n>r a f r night at a time without rmwing day or night <nt of my chair. If I went to bed 1 was not able to lie down. We came t<> New Zealand some three years ago from Tasmania. One of my uncles there suffered from asthma for a number of years till he took y«>ur cure about 5 years ago, and has never had the us lima since. I Ltw this, but it ha.l passed . lit ot my mind until reading tour advertis-ment in some Tasmanian papers it to mymemory. Itld my husband, ai d he got your cure for me, which 1 haye taken with completely satisfactory result.—Yours respectfully, W. McCOMBE, Mosgiel, New Zealand. Mr W. G. Hearne. Dear Sir, — Kindly forward me a small bottle of your Bronchitis Cure as soon as possible as I cannot speak above a whisper, owing to a cold. I bad a bo'tie from yon before for my little girl when she was seven iimirhs Id bin* bad been suffering from bronchitis from her birth, aid now she is three year- old. and has not had a return of it suice. It is a splendid medicine for bronchitis or colds of any sort. —I remain, yours truly*. Mr- 11. Ramage, Violet Town.- Victoria. BRONCHITIS. A A r ERY Obstinate Case. ’ured Through Persevering in the Tbeatme t by Hearne’ Bronchitis Cure Mr W. C. Hearne. Dear Sir.—Havig been a sufferer from bronchitis tor a umber of years, and not being able to ;e. relief from doctors, I tertrd taking our Bronchi'is Cure ‘about two years go, ami 1 have been taking it on and if ever since. lam happy to tell you hat I now feel 1 lioroughly cured, and can bear testimony to its worth.—l m, yours truly, W. J. Clarke, Bedbank, via Avoca, Victoria. HE ARNE'S BRONCHITIS CURE-Small Size, 2s 6d; Large Size, 4s 6d. Sold oy Chemists and Medicma Vendors, and by the Proprietor. W. G. HEARNE, CHEMIST GEELONG, VICTORIA. FOB WARDED BY POST TO ANY ADDRESS WHEN ROT OBTAINABLE LOCALLY. SET New Zealand Branch Office: No. 11 Firs! Floor, Hume’s Buildings, Willis Srreet, Wellington. Sold wholesale and retail by—lS. H. and A. E. HUGH, Vogel St., Woodville, 3GBtc

Burns and Scalds. Kvr ill • :-! ihti l >1 I ll' II or ie it'd v. iI j ■ aiM: a hh ter, oprll li 'I ;i cill aiid chronic Min . In no,! y .'«(:«•»• ■' burn, i.polv t 'linin' '•! 1 -iin l Jiiiim, I which will relive the ;-:un, und in tnost j ,mms ]:revci I the (hniin! ion of« hleter • ij - scj v (’. No (Inin iu'v iic(‘ideiil N so like. , ly to lend l/j diuyo fioiis results ns a ; 1 diiro or sea! I, and it ( haiuhei lum a i ahi lliiliu w ..s rood lor noUuo;; el-e, it would ; . ill 1„. ;, medy dial, no househol i ■ i(iiiii) i it.; ' 1 . L' uf fadlU . •./j.e.oii o Co., WViodville, I

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Woodville Examiner, Volume XXII, Issue 3878, 25 May 1906, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Woodville Examiner, Volume XXII, Issue 3878, 25 May 1906, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Woodville Examiner, Volume XXII, Issue 3878, 25 May 1906, Page 4