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Miscellaneous. i^iHEAP BIBLES! CHEAP BIBLES! v CHEAP BIBLES !! ! per Loclilce, from the National Bible Society of Scotland, now on sale at F. FRASER'S, Bookseller, Stationer &c., Manners street. jl/rR~ C. M. IGKJLE3DKN, C.E. and IjlL Architect, will, frora this date, bo in attendance at bis office, next to the Provincial Treasury, Latnbton Qu*y North, before 10 a.m. and after 4 p.m. Instructions can be left with Mr G-ladman Smith, Estate Agent, at the same office. 15th July, 1871. W' ELLINGTON "BREAD & BISCUIT MANUFACTORY, And Provision Warehouse, Willis Street. SHIP, CABIN, AND FANCY BISCUITS, In any quantity. Bread delivered daily at 3&rt per 2lb Loaf. WM. ANDERSON. JAND R. SHEERIN beg to inform the a inhabitants of the Taita and its vicinity that they commenced business as BUTCHERS on the Ist November, at the premises adjoining the Albion Hotel j and hope by strict attention, and supplying only tho best of meat, to merit a share of public patronage. t6"thf7 p üblic7 'PHE highest price given for old left off J- cloth-ing and boots Look them all up, and take them to FRANKEL'S, Lumbton quay. WOOL AND TALLOW. HpHE undersigned is prepared to purchase JL oradvance on wool and tallow, either in argc or small parcels. EDWARD PEARCE. undersigned are prepared to make X advances on Flax, Wool, and Tallow on liberal terms. LEVI N" & HO. „________ MR. A. BRYOE BAIN, Mining Agent, . Albert street, Thames, underhikes the purchase, or sale of mining property, payment of calls, receipt of dividends, and the genera! care of mining interests entrusted to his charge. Reference in Wellington, Messrs Levin & Co. f 3IUE undersigned are buyers of WEANED 1 X CALVES and YOUNO- STORE ! CATTLE ! BETHUNR & HUNTER. L.~ JFNYIYs^r Wi7tch"tind Clock o Mnker, &c, Manners street, Wellington, takes this opportunity of returning thanks to his cv tomers and the public generally for their p:ist favors, and trusts by I strict attention to obtain a continu-ince of the j same. G. L. J. is prepared to make watches j to order in evory style to suit purchasers at j the following low prices : — 18 carat Gold j Oocn Face (English) Lever Watcher fvom £12to£l(5; Do. Gold Hunting L»wr Wai Hies from £14 to £10 ; Silver Lever Watches from £o to £10 ; Gold Geneva Watches from £5 to £12; Silver Geneva Watches from £2 to £5 lOi ; Silver Watches with vertical move ment. from £4 to £5. Jivery watch hero quite! is guaranteed for thorough soundness and correct performa'HV. N.8.-— Pa: ties favoring him with their orders may rely that every effort will be made to give satisfaction. CMP.IXET AND UI'HOr.STKKI' WAIIEROOMS, LAM 11 TON QUAY, (Next to Mr JJurne, Draper) BYRNE & KKR respect fully solicit the Gentry, Bunkers, Alercliams, and Inhabitants of Wellington to an inspect ion of their Siock of Cabinet and Upholstery Work, which is unsurpassed in Wellington for Quality of Workmanship and Malerhl. ]). &, X, bring Practical Workmen, can confidently guarantee each article of their nutnul'uetnie. N.U. — A considerable reduction in the price of Flax Mattresses. 291 h -May, 1871. KOTICK. nnilK Undersigned beg to intimate that they JL have disposed of tho olock-iu -Trade and Goodwill of their business as Engravers and Lithographers to MR KOIIEUT EURRKTT, A this Oily, who will, after l.liis date, carry yn the busim-ss in his premises, Chariot!.!! street, Thormlon, under the supervision of Mr J. M. Lloyd. * (-igned) LLOYD & CO. Wellington, 2(>lh May. Tn reference to the above, Mr R. Buriittt desires to intimate that, having purchased the whole of the Stock-in-Trade and Plant of Messrs Lloyd k Co., Engravers and Lithographers, ho will ha prepared to exocul call orders entrusted to his care at the LOWEST PO3SIHI/iS RATES. That branch of the business will bo under the supervision of Mr Lloyd, and he trusts to morit the support bestowed upon the late Jinn. R . 15 URRE TT , Wholesale and Retail iioo'^clloi', Bookbinder, I Stationer, Engraver, Lithogrnplicr, I and Printer, , Moles worth street and Willis street, Wellington. Wellington, 26th May. friNCOUiUGE CO LO N iTIIN DUST R V And Buy Williaftia & Co.'s WELLINGTON SAUCE! Patronised by the lcadiug gentlemen ajicJ medical profession of Wellington. Sold wholesale by tho manufacturers, Kaiwarra, or Mr G., auctioneer, Wellington. WILLIAMS & CO. T MKMBRY, MONUMKNTAL MASON, »J © Willis Street, (Opposite .Mr Port's Store). Head-stones and Monuments executed in the most approved style, and at; moderate rates. Designs furnished, and inscriptions cut. May, 25, 1871. NEW Z\i ALAND STEAM; NAVIGATION COMPANY (LIMITED), IN LIQUIDATION. NOTICE is hereby given that a final dividend of £1 5s lid sterling per share will be paid at the Company's Olliee, in Grey street, ON AND AFTER MONDAY, 3rd JULY NEXT. Dividends will be paid between the hours of 2 and 4 p.m. each day, one day's notice having previously bren given. WILLIAM ALLEN ") DAVID ANDERSON [ Liquidators. JOSKPII BURNE ) Wellington. 21st June, ' Education. OTAGO UNIVERSITY. M.HE OTAGO UNIVERSITY will be X opened on tho 15th JULY. , Professors will give instruction in — , Ist. Classics, English Language, and ( Literature. 2nd. Mathematics and Natural Philo- i eophy. 3rd. Mental Science. ] Intending Students are requested to enter their names with the undorsigned. i JOHN HISLOP, . . : Hon. See. < Dunedin, 26th June. (

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Wellington Independent, Volume XXVI, Issue XXVI, 27 July 1871, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Wellington Independent, Volume XXVI, Issue XXVI, 27 July 1871, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Wellington Independent, Volume XXVI, Issue XXVI, 27 July 1871, Page 4