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PASMA, OR HEALING POWDER For Burns, Ulcors, Eruptions, Abrasions' Tender and Irritable Skina. A preparation which has for years stood tho test of medical experience, ! as possessing healing properties of a most marked and rapid character. Sold in boxes, Is ; bottbs, 2s Gd, 4s, 83, and lGs, by chemists, druggists, &o t throughout tho world. A liberal discount to the trade. I In constant use at most of tho London and Provincial Hospitals, and prescribed by hundreds of the Profession in the United Kingdom. "Colombo, Ceylon, March 10th, 1863. To Messrs Curtis & Co, London. Dear Sirs, — Wo had the pleasure of receiving by lust mail, twelv& dozen of your Pasma, and have now the pleasure of sending yon three of our local papers. Yoo. will see what we have done in the matter. Wo have no doubt it will find a ready sale here ; so, will thank you to send for inclosure, to Messrs Curling & Co, double the quantity already sent, and also one dozen Plasma. — Yours faithfully, H. O'HALLORAN BHO3. Be careful to order Curtis' Pasma and Plasma, bearing Trade Mark find Signature, CURTIS & CO, 8, Baker street, London. W. Eife, agent for Wellington. DR. DE JOKGH'S (Knight of the Urdor of Leopold of Belgium) LIGHT-BROWN COD LIVER OIL, The practical experience of tho most eminent medical men during the last twenty years has now conclusively established the fact that the full beneficial effects of cod liver oil can be realized only by tho use of Dr de Jongh's pure and palatable light-brown oil. CONSUMPTION AND DISEASES 01? THE CHEST. Dr do Jongh's oil is administered with extraordinary success in cases of consumption and diseases of the chest. Allan G. Chattaway, Esq, Surgeon to tho Leominstor Infirmary, England, writes: — "The effects of Dr de Jongh's oil ure very superior to thoso of any other cod liver oil. Nearly four years since, two cases of confirmed consumption were placed under my care. In both, the lunga were a mass of tubercular deposit,, and every possible sound to bo heard in phthisis was present. The solo remedy employed was Dr de Jongh's light-brown cod liver oil ; and now the patients aro strong and fat ; the diseased (abnormal) Bounds nearly inaudiblo ; and in the one ease (male), hunting, fishing, and shooting are freely indulged in, the patient expressing himself quite capable of undergoing as much fatigue na any of his fellow sportsmen." DEBILITY OJP ADULTS AND CHILDREN. Dr de Jongh's oil possesses unequnlled and peculiar nutritive and restorative properties j hence its marvellous efficacy in debility of adults and children. ■ Rowland Dalron, Esq. M.R.C.S., L.S.A., District Medical Officer at Bury St. Edmunds, England, writes : — " Dr de Jongh's oil has certainly been the only means of saving my life on two occasions, and even now, when I feel ' out of condition,' 1 take it, and like it, unmixed with anything, as being the most agreeable way." Thomas Hunt, Esq, Medical Officer of Health* Bloomsbury, London, writes: — "For badlynourished infants, Dv de Jongh's Hghl-bvown cod liver oil is invaluable. The rapidity with which two or three teaßpoonfuls per diem will fatten & young child is astonishing. Children generally like tho taste of Dr de Jongh's oil, and when it is given them, often cry for more." Dr. de Jongh's light-brown cod liver oil is sold only in capsuled Imperial half-pints, 2s 8d j pints, 4s 9d ; quarts, Gs ; labelled with his Btarap and signature, without which none can possiby be genuine, by chemists, druggists, and storekeepers throughout the world. SOLE CONSIGNEES, Ansar, Harford & Co, 77, Strand, London, W.C. WHOLESALE AGENTS. New Zealand — French, Xenipthovne & Co Dunedin. DYSBNIEBY, CHOLERA, FEVER, AGUE COUGHS, COLDS, &o. DE. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S (Ex Army Med. Staff) CHLORODYNE Is the original and only genuine. Caution.— Vice-Chancellor Sir W. P. Wood stated that Dr Collis Browne was undoubtedly tho inventor of ChlorodyHO ; that the story of the defendant, Freeman, being the inventor was deliberately untrue, which ho regretted had been sworn to. Eminent Hospital Physicians of London elated that Dr. J. Collis Browne was th» discoverer of Chlorodyne ; that they prescribe it largely, and mean no other than Dr. Brownt'a. —See Times, July 12, 1864. The public, therefore, are cautioned against using any other than DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE REMEDIAL TJSE3 AND ACTION. This invaluable remedy produces quiet, refreshing sleep, relieves pain, calms the system Restores the deranged functions, and stimulateshealthy action of tho secretions of the body, without creating any of those unpleasant results at tending the uso of opium. Old and young maytake it at all hours and times when requisite. Thousands of persons testify to its marvellous good effects and wonderful cures, while medical mea extol its virtues most extensively, using it in great quantities in tho following diseases: — Diseases in which it is found eminently usefu —Cholera, Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Colics, Coughs Asthma, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Cough, Cramp, Hysteria, &c. EXTRACTS FROM MEDICAL OPINIONS. The Right Hon. Earl Rus3ell communicated to the College of Physicians and J. T. Davenport, that he had received information to the effect that tho only remedy of any service in Cholerft was Chlorodyne. — See Lancet, Dec. 31, 1864. From A. Montgomery,Esq, late lnspoctorof Hospitals, Bombay :— " Chlorodyno is a most valuable remedy in' Neuralgia, Asthma, and Dysentery* To it I fairly owe my restoration to health after eighteen mouths' severe suffering, and when all other medicines had failed." Dr Lowe, medicul missionary in India, reports (Dec. 1865) that in nearly every caso of Cholera in which Dr. J. Collis Browne's Chlorodyne was administered, the patient recovered. Extract from Medical Times, January 12, 1866. — " Chlorodyne is prescribed by scores of orthodox medical practitioners. Of course it would notba thus singularly popular did it not 'supply a want and fill a place.' " Extract from the General Board of Health, London, as to its efficacy in Cholera— "So strongly are we convinced of tho immense value of this remedy, that wo cannot too forcibly urge tho. necessity of adopting it in all cases." Beware of spurious and dangerous compounds sold us CHLORODYNE, from which frequent fatal results have followed. See leading article, Pliarmaceulical Journal, August 1, 18G9, which states that Dr. J. Colliu Browne was the In mentor of Chlorodyno ; that it is always right to uso his preparation whea Chlorodyne is ordered. Caution. — None genuine without tho words "Dr. J. Collis Browne" on the Government stamp. Overwhelming medical testimony accompanies each bottlo. Solo Manufacturer, J. T. Davenpobt, 33, Great Russell street, Bloomsbury, London. Sold in Bottles, Is \\A, 2s 9d, 4s Gd, and 11s. Agents for Dunedin— Kempthorne, Prosser, and Co. July 22— 26*. ~A LL who suffer from Indigestion should use -CL NORTON'S CAMOMILE PILLS. Sold Ea'erywhehe. Bottles Is lid, 2s Od, and 11s. Jones's Staffordshire Iron and Patent Galvanised Tin. TjIOR the above well-known brands of GalvaJJ niscd Iron, Jones's Staffordshire, Emu, Camoleopards, and Palm Tree, apply to tho Wolverhampton Corrugated Iron Company. Works :— CHURCH LANE, WOLVERHAMPTON, England.

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Wellington Independent, Volume XXV, Issue 3041, 3 September 1870, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Wellington Independent, Volume XXV, Issue 3041, 3 September 1870, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Wellington Independent, Volume XXV, Issue 3041, 3 September 1870, Page 3