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NEW BOOKS just received and on sale by the undersigned. Mystery of Edwin Drood, by Charles Dickens, part 3rd, Is 6d Essay in Aid of a Grammar of Assent, by Father J. H. Nowman, 13s Gd Ballantyno's Selections from the Writings of Carlyle, 8s Gd Insect World, by Figuier, 15s Vegetable World do 15a Ocean World do 15s Bain's Logic, Inductive and Deductive, 16s Selkirk's Guide to Cricket, 2a J. R. M'Culloch'a Political Economy, 5s Dryden's Poetns, globo edition, 8a Tischendorff's Tuuchnitz edition of the New Testament, 2s Gd and 3s Gd Jessica's First Prayer, Is Gd The Maori's Daughter, 2a Beelon's Book of Household Management, 10s ; Joyce's Scientific Dialogues, new edition, 3s Gd Spurgoon's Anecdotes and Stories, 19 Gd I Cruickshank's Fairy Libiary, Gs Gd Mrs Caudle's Curtain Lectures, cheap edition, Is Gd Jeffrey's Essays, crown 4to, 12s Gd Gor&t's Maori King, 5s B rudder Bones's Stump Speeches, fid An Old Fashioned Girl, by Mrs Alcotr, 4s 6d A Sister's Bye Hour?, by' tho author of Studies and Stovic?, Gs Smith's Tales of Chivalry nnd Romance, 5.? WILLIAM LYON. __ -_ MONEY TO LEND on good freehold security. JACOBjIOSEPH & CO. pITKN^WRbuaHT'NAILSr" JJ. CORDES & Co., tho Patentees and Sole « Manufacturers of the well known Patent Wrought Nails, commonly known as " EWBANK'S NAILS," desire to make it known that they have adopted a " Star" or " Cross," as their Trade Mark, and that all nails now made and sent out by them, excepfcelasp, bear this murk upon their heads, and that within overy package sent from their works is also placed a curd bearing their name and address. Any nails, therefore, which aro not distinguished as above, must not bo confounded with " Ewbauk's Nails," tho quality of which is so well appreciated as being far superior to that of any other make, DO3 Works : Newport, Monmouthshire England. April 3, 1870. 52w. TT'FaTING'S COUGH LOZEMO-Ep IV — Upwards of Fifty Years' experience has fully confirmed the superior reputation of these lozenges in the cure of Asthma, Winter Cough, Hoarseness, Shortness of Breath, and other Pulmonary Maladies. Sold in boxes, tins, and bottles of various pizes. KEATING'S CHILDREN'S WORM TABLET. A purely vegetable sweetmeat, both in appearance and taste, furnishing a most agrceablo method of administering a well-known remedy for Intestinal or Thread Worms. It is a perfectly safe and mild preparation, and is especially adapted for children. Sold in tins and bottles of various sizes. KEATING'S PERSIAN INSECT DESTROYING POWDER, This powder is quite harmless to animals, but unrivalled in destroying fleas, bugs, emmets, flies, cockroaches,, beetles, gnats, mosquitoes, moths in furs, and every other species of insect in all stages of metamorphosis. Sold in packets, tins, and bottles of various sizeß. (£2s" Caution— The public are particularly requested to observe that all the above preparations bear the Trade Mark. Sold by ull Chemists and Druggists. Wholesalo agent for Now Zealand — Kcmpthorne Proßscr & Co, Dunedin EVERYONE HIS OWN PHYSICIAN. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS For a period of thirty years, in every country and clime (not even excepting China and Tartary) these Pills have established for thornselves a lasting renown, such a 9 no medicine ever enjoyed before ; and nowhere, perhaps, have they been more appreciated than by Settlers, Diggers, and Emigrants in the Australian Colonies. Weakness and Debility. — How many persons suffer from debility without knowing the causes why they are feeble! li. most cases the stomach is tho aggressor. IloUoway's Pills havo long been famed for regulating a disordered stomach, and restoring its healthy digestive tone ; they aro, therefore, confidently recommended as a never-failing remedy in all cases where the constitution, from any cause, has become impaired o weakenod. Diseases of the Head and Heart. — Those formidable diseases are, unfortunately, of frequent occurrence ,- for tho most part they creep on gradually, but. may be prevented by proper precautions. llolloway'B Pills are tho surest preservatives against ull derangements of tho brain, and arc the speediest correctors of irregular circulation. If they bo taken without delay when tingling in the limbs, drowsiness, or giddiness comes on, tho effect will be marvellous. Females of all ages and classes. — The fame of the^o Pills is partly based upon tho beneficial effects they havo upon the constitution of females, From tho domestic servant to the peeress, universal favor is accorded to them for their invigorating and purifying properties, which render them so safe and invaluable in all disorders peculiar to their sex. Obstructions of every kind, either iw young persons entering into womanhood or npproaching the turn of life — tho moat critical period — may be radically removed by a recourse to these Pills. All disorders affecting the Liver, Stomach, and Bowels. — Whenever the stomach, liver, or bowels are disored by high living, climate, over-indul-gence, undue exertion or other causes, these fine regulating Pills will soon rectify the evil, and speedily bring back energy, strength, and cheerfulness to tho frame, where previously all wa3 lassitude, gloom and dejection. Despondency. Low Spirits.— Tho misery occasioned by a disordered digestion is, unfortunately, felt by most persons. These famous Pills should be taken in appropriate doses to adjust the disordered functions. They dispel headache, biliousness, nausea, lowncss of spirits, and all similar ailments. A course of these invaluable purifying Pills never fails in removing tho oause of such movbid affections, without subjecting the sufferer to any inconvenience. Influenza, Diptheria, Bronchitis, Coughs, and Colds. — In our changeable climate fow persons escape without colds, sore throats, influenza, diptheria, or bronchitis, for all of which thoso famous eorrectivo Pills may be taken with the certainty of effecting a cure. ' Whilo the Pills are expelling all impurities from tho body generally, nolloway'a Ointment should be well rubbed upon the chest and throat; it will penetrate the skin, reduco inflammation, and restore lasting soundness. Holloway's Pills are the best remedy known in the world' for the following diseases: — Ague, Asthma, Bilious Complaints, Blotches on the Skin, Bowel Complaints, Colics, Constipation of the Bowels Consumption. Debility, Dropsy^ Dysentery, Erysipelas. Female Irregularities, Fevers of all kinds, Fits Gout, Headaches, Indigestion, Inflammation, Jaundice, Liver Complaints, Lum- | bago, Piles. Rheumatism, Retention of Urine, Scrofula, or King's Evil. Sore Throats, Stone and Gravel, Secondary Symptoms, Tic-Doulouroux, Tumours, Ulcers Venereal Affections, Worms of all kinds, Weakness, from whatever cause, &c, &c. Sold at tho Establishment of Professor Hol- i lowat, 244, Strand (near Temple Bar), London j also by all respectable Druggists and dealers in Medicines throughout the civilised world. * # *There is a considerable saving by taking the larger sizes. N.B. — Direction-* for tho guidance of patient { in every disorder are affixed to each box, j

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Wellington Independent, Volume XXV, Issue 3041, 3 September 1870, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Wellington Independent, Volume XXV, Issue 3041, 3 September 1870, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Wellington Independent, Volume XXV, Issue 3041, 3 September 1870, Page 3