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Medical. T)OWELL'S BALSAM OF ANISEED Jl for coughs. Powell's Balsam of Aniseed for Influenza. Powell's Balsam ©f Aniseed for Bronchitis. SHOCKING MORTALITY throughout Australia last year through the almost universal prevalence of Influenza, especially among children, hundreds of whom suffered ; and many died who might have been saved by the timely use of the above invaluable remedy. Those living up the country where medical assistance is not available, should never be without a supply in the house. Mr Powell holds testimonials from a great number of persons who have been cured by this wonderful medicine. Sold by Storekeepers and Chemists throughout Australia. Prepared by Thomas Powell, 16, Blackfriara Road, London. Established nearly half a Century. POWELL'S BALSAM OF ANISEED. Important Caution. Observe that the words "Thomas Powell, Blaclcfriars Road, London," are (by permission of Her Majesty's Honorable Commissioners of Stamps) engraved in White Letters upon a Red Ground, in the Government Stamp pasted over the top of each bottle, without which it cannot be genuine. /CORDIAL of tiirBENEDICTINE MONKS \J of tho Abbey of Fecamp. — This Liqueur which dates from 1510, is Tonic, Anti-apoplectic, Digestive, and of an exquisite flavour. The Salutary Plants of which it is composed are gathered on the Cliffs of Normandy, they possess all the vivifying emanations of the Northern Sea, and compose one of the best Cordials and one of the most efficacious preservations against epidemic diseases. Latterly the French Medical men have almost unanimously prescribed it for patients who by their gastric tendency were more subject to attacks of Fever and Cholera. May be had of A. Leqbanb, Ainc at Fecamp. House in Paris : No. 19, Rue Vivienne. This Liqueur may be lound all over the world at tho principal Winf and Spirit Merchants, Pharmaceutists, Confectioners, Grocers, and dealers in provisions iv aenral, &c. -pORWICK'S PATENT OZONIZED COD Jl3 LIVER OIL, the nearest specific known for consumption and all diseases of the chest ; invaluable in skin diseases, and a preventive of cholera and fever. Wholesale: GEORGE BORWICK, 24 Chiswell st, E.C London. Sold in half pints, pints, and quarts, by all chemists. Tu. FRENCH MEDICINES PREPARED BY GRIMAULT AND CO., Chemists to H.I.H. Puince Napoleon, Paris. riIHESE different medicines represent the most X recent medical discoveries, founded on the principles of chemistry and therapeutics. They must not be confounded with secret or quack medicines, as their names sufficiently indieato their composition ; a cireumstanoe which has caused them to be appreciated and proscribed by the faculty in the whole world.- They widely differ from those numerous medicines advertised in the public papers as able? to cure every possiblo disease, as they arc applicable only to but a very few complaints. Tho most stringest laws exist, • in France, with regard to the snle of medical preparations, and only those, which have undergone an examination by tho Academy oi' Medicine, and have been proved efficacious, cither in the Hospitals, or in tho practice of the first medical men, are authorised by the Government. This fact must be a guarantee for the excellency of Messrs. Grimault & Go's mediciues. Doctor Leras' (Doctor of Medicine) Liquid Phosphate of Ikon. — The newest and most esteemed medicine? in cases of chlorosis, pains in the stomach, difficult digestion, dismenorrhea, nnimeii, general debility* and poorness of blood, It is particularly recommended to regulate the functions of nature, and to all ladies of delicate i constitution, as well as to persons suffering under every kind of debility whatsoever. It is the preservative of health par excellence, in all wurm j and relaxing climates. No moke Cod-Liver Oil.— Grimault's Syrup of lodized Horse-Radish. This medicine has been administered with the utmost success in the Hospitals of Paris. It is a perfect substitute for cod-liver oil, and has boen found most beneficial in diseases of the chest, scrofula, lymphatic disorders, green sickness, muscular atony and loss of appetite. It regenerates the constitution in purifying the blood, it being' the most powerful depurative known. It has " also been applied with happy results in diseases of the skin. Further, it will be found to be of great benefit to young children subject to humors and obstruction of the glands. Consumption Cuiied! — Grimault's Syrup of Hypophosphite of Lime. This new medicine is considered to bo a sovereign remedy in cases of consumption and other diseases of the lungs. It promptly removes all the most serious symptoms. Tho cough is relieved, night perspirations cease, and tho patient is rapidly restored to health. N.B. — Be sure to see that the signature of Grimault & Co., is affixed to the bottle, as this syrup is liable to imitations. No MOKE DIFFICULT OR PAINFUL DIGESTION.— Dr Burin du Buisson's (Laureate of the Paris Imperial Academy of Medicine) Digestive Lozenges. This delicious preparation is always prescribed by the most reputed medical men in France, in cases of derangements of the digestive functions, such as gastritis, gastralgia, long, and laborious digestion, wind in tho stomach and bowels, emaciation, jaundice, and complaints of the liver and loins. Nervous Headaches, Neuralgia, Diarkhoja, Dysentery, instantaneously cured by Grimault's Guarana. This vegetable substance which grows in the Brazils, has been employed since timo immemorial to cure inflammation of the bowels. It has proved of late to be of the greatest service in cases of cholera, as it is a preventntive and a cure in cases of diarrhoea. NO MORE DI3EASE3 01? THE SKlN.— Doctor Cazenave's Pills. The efficacy of these pills has been found after twenty years of experience in tho Hospital of Saint-Louis in Paris, imdor the direction of Professor Cazenave, head medical man. This hospital is especially devotod to the cure of sdin diseases. No more Dyspepsia, Vomiting during Pregnancy, or Sea. Sickness. — Grimault's Elixir of Popsino. Pepsine undergoes no alteration in this delicious preparation. It will consequently be preferred to Pepsino powders or pills. It is the digestive medicine par excellence, and is at the sumo timo a most agreeable liqueur. Messrs. Grimault beg to call the attention of the faculty and of the publio in general to tho fact that real pspsino is prepared in Franco alone. It is far superior to all others often extracted from the stomach, of porci. Asthma! Asthma! Asthma J-Iwdian Cigarottee j prepared with the essence of Canabis indiea. Wonderful results have been obtained from the use of these cigarettes, by persons suffering from ; a6thma, and other complaints of tho respiratory organß. N.B.— All tho above medical prcpara' tions are accompanied by instructions as to the manner in which they are to be taken. No more Copaiba and Cubebs. — Grimault's Capsules and Liquid Extract of Matico Vegetalis. Where all other medicines have failed, these preparations will always effect a cure. These insure rapid and extraordinary cure of severe, recont and chronic cases of private disease. They aro used in the Hospitals of Paris, by tho celebrated Dr Ricord, and are found greatly superior to all hitherto unknown mineral raniedios and copaiba and cubebs. The injection is used in recont, and capsules in the more chronic cases. General Depot.— ln Paris, at Grimault & Co, 45, Rue Richelieu. In London, at Newberry & Sons, -15, St. Paul's Churchyard. Agents.— ln Invercargill, Mr G. M. R. Clarke. In Auckland, Mr Aslier, Shortland street. In N-lson, Mr T. B. liadfinld. InDuncdin, Messrs H. E. YOUNG-MAN, & Co., Wholesale, Agents.

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Wellington Independent, Volume XXII, Issue XXII, 21 November 1867, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 2 Wellington Independent, Volume XXII, Issue XXII, 21 November 1867, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 2 Wellington Independent, Volume XXII, Issue XXII, 21 November 1867, Page 6