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I HALLETT'S PEDIGREE KUESEE.Y WHEAT. 78 BUSHELS OF THIS CELEBRATED WHEAT FOR SALE. j PRICE THREE GUINEAS PER. BUSHEL. 3TOR, CASH ONLY. npHIS WHEAT w a very largo, cojuse-gniined, R red variety, and is mainly lvinarkalile for its extieme productiveness, frequently yielding in England so much as 108 Bushels perAure, wuerc it still sell for Seed at two guineas per bushel, ' The yield in Canterbury this season has been 78 bushels from ono and a half bushels of grain sown on one acre, so late as the ttlst of last July, ' being fully two mouths beyond its proper Beason , for sowing. The one and a-half bushels of seed was imported last season, at a high price, from the farm of Mr J Pat'lby, of Brentwood, in the south of England, whore this variety of wheat is extensively grown ; and high pneos have been oilered tor itare-expor-i tat ion to England, after two seasons giowlh iu Canterbury. The Canterbury Pastoral and Agricultural Association at, their recent exhibition awarded a first prize to a three bushel sample of this wheat. 1 To aid in its distribution, and to assist in more fully testing its merits, any quantity will be supi plkd front One Quart to One or More Bushels. s G. EDWARDS, Commission Agent, No 4 Stall, Market Hull. TinilE undersigned having sseured the services X of an efficient Horse-breaker, is prepared to breik in colts for Saddle or Harness. For terms cM'piy to ! HARRY" BOWLEK. Good Paddocks and Stabling, WOOL. : m : iK UNDERSIGNED is a cash buyer of wool, JL either washed or iu the grease. EDWARD PEARCE. Oct. 21, 1864. '". THE MOST CONSTANT FRIEND [TOLLOWAYis' OINTMENT Possessed of thin remedy every mau in his own Family Physician. If his wife »r children be , troubled with eruptions of the skin, sores, tumours, while swellings, sore throats, asthma, or any other similar ailment, a persevering use of this Ointment is all that is necessary to produce a radical cuie. BAP LEOS AND BAD BREASTS. In no case has this Ointment been known to fail j ' either iu the cure of bud lega, or bad breasts; 1 thousands of persons of all ages have been efl'ectu ally cured by it when discharged fiom hospitals as incurable. If dropsy settle in the legs, the Ointment will cttrp it used with the Pills. 9 _ SKIN UISKASES, HOWEVER DESPERATE, MAT BJS KADICA.LLY CUIIED. Scald-heads, itch, blotches on the skiu, ecro/u /'ous eores-or kiug's evil, aud such like alllictions, I i yield to the mighty power of this line Ointment, j provided it be well rubbed into the aflected pans i I two or three times a day, and the Pills be taken to purify the blood. GOUT AND UIIKUMATISM. This ini aluable preparation has greater power over gout and rheunmtism than any other medicine, ' none need remain uncured if he will but set about it in good earnest, wring ibis infullable remedy according to the printed instructions affixed to each pot. All settled aclu-.s and pains are removed in the same manner, ] CMtTAIN OUHK FOU ASTHMA, WHEEZING ON J TUE CHEST, COUGHS Oil COLDS. This wonderful Ointment, if well rubbed In tc he chest night and morning in the same mannei b r sa! lis forced into meat, will soon remove the wot:;i ease of asthma or any alVection of the chest, pro- | viding the Fills are used with the Ointment. ti SCURVY, SCftOI'ULA, KRYSU'KLAS. \ llcw does this Oiutniuui expel disease ? By iui reeling all undue aeiiou of the nervous and circulatory systems, by lessening inllainulion, nnd by re- ;] moving stagnation ; bui &'<ove ull, by casting out L) the impurities which mo ->nily giiiuitig admission into the body. By ihi:. means it eradi. 0 caies M-uivy, ibcrC'fulu, ersbiprlus, and nil external diseases ; while its penetrating powers enable it lu i-eau!i {iucuucM which me deeper si'iued, und successfully to cope Viiih the ."ueds of tumours, cancer.A, and similarly malignant maladies, which only a few years since defied evciy treiuiuut, and hurried their vu'tinib picinaturely to th« grave. DUOI'SICAL SWELLINGS, PARALYSIS, AND STIPE JOINTS. y Although the übove complaints differ widely i t j their origin and intltue, yci they all require locul treatment. Many tf the worst cases of fetich diseases will yicid, in a comparatively short apuoc of liin" when this Ointment is diligently rubbed into the parts: aOVcted even when eveiy other means have failed l " lu allseiious maladies the Pills SjlioulJ be taken nv 1 coming to the primed directions ticcompauyiug cauli r box. e GREAT HOUSKHODI) RKJIKDY 1 i'hosc diseases of the skin to which children are most subject, kucli as encrusted soies on the head und fact;, rashes, ringworm, tetter, uinipies, >S;o. aie ijiiie.kb relieved by this ungiicin and cured without leaving behind any Hear or alemuh. DHOI'SIES. r . 'I his miraculous Ointment, if well worked into llic Cdmpiumiii^ pfirts twice u dny, will penetrate la il.'i' disordered vessels ; and the I'ills, if mUen no-ui-i-uKi^ to ihc jji-intixl directions, will prod ice the ipoht pleahiug and wonderful etl'ects. , j This mvuluabie (.aniiiient will cine any ulcer or <ni>, hov.ever lifsiiGi-dtc und long standing, <jve:i \ '.'. iitnc iuiipi.tuuijii hus been recoinniendcd as lie ' only HKiJins of sitviiig ihe limb. 1 iJoth the Ointment and- Pills should be used In the Jolluicing cases .• — 1 i i; »J T-t'SS, Gout, \ j Had Ureasts, Glandular Swellings, I iJiiins, Lumbago, bunions, I'ile*, • tiite of Mosquitoes and Ithumalism, ! Sand-Flies, Scalds, ■ Coco-Bay, Sore Nipples, Uhiego-foot, Sore Throats, (Jhilljlaiiis Skiu Utseusei, 'JJmpped II an :1s Scurvy, Corns (soli), Sore-heads, Cancers, Turr.o/s \ Contractod and Stiff' Ulcers, ' J (li "t 3 » Wouudo, Elcphau;iasia, Yaws. Fistulas, Sold at the Establishments of Puofessor Homo way, HU Strand, (near Temple Bar,) London Also by all respectable Druggists and Dealers iu Medieines throughout the civilized world, at the fol. lowing prices — 5i,,., u. (id., «». (id., IBs., 38s. ar.d d8«. oach. ' (gj^" 'J'litf'oia a considerable saving by taking the larger sizes. N.B.—Directionsfur the guidance of paliema i disorder are allixcd to each Boa. iStib-Aijents : — CD. JJAiUIAUb ..." Wkliinotok WILLIAM BISHOP ..'!."""" i) 0 Frcm whom this valuable Medicine maj b» obt&ined.

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Wellington Independent, Volume XX, Issue 2219, 15 June 1865, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 4 Wellington Independent, Volume XX, Issue 2219, 15 June 1865, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 4 Wellington Independent, Volume XX, Issue 2219, 15 June 1865, Page 6