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IMPORTANT TO ADVERTISERS. ripllE "Wellington Independent" has the JL greatest circulation of any Newspaper yet published in this Province ; its subscribers being located in all the most important Districts of the Oolony. It in also extensively circulated in Nsw South Wales, South and Western Australia, Van Dicmon's Land, Cape of Good Hope, and in tha Mother Country. Advertisers, therefore, in making use of tbe columns of the "Independent" nmy' feel certain that the greatest publicity will bo given to the Goods, Wares, &c, oilcred for sale, and that Advertisers will ultimately reap heneiits in propor* tion to the manner in which they keep their uamea before the public. Advertisements to boleft at the " Independent Office," Lambtou Quay, before Eight o'clock Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Evenings, AOKNTS FCil TIIK "WELLINGTON INDEPENDEMI" WiiLLiNuroN. — Messrs. \V. Lyon, J. Hougutoi?, J.Wallace, Lambisn Quay; \V. Sc«tt, E. 11. Carpenter, Tkorndon I'lat. Hutt Piudge — T. Mullins Uiver Hutt — Mr. T. Mills Upper Hutt— Mi-. P. Wilki* Masxerton — H. Bannister, Pest Office Gheytown — J. Fuller, liising Suu Cab^kiiton — R. Keistjii* Otaki — \V. Daviea Turakina — Mr James Stewart^ VVanqanui — Mr. 11. Iresna Jsnes Tabakaki — Mr. Wooh Auckland — " New Zealander '' Office JNelson — Mr. Kl!)»tt OANTBRBunT — Mr. J. lC.Mn.rsh Otago — W. Hay, News Ajjeut, Duuedin' byuNEV — Mr. E. Groi4ti«; — ile^m*, Q«-«i*a & Gotch LoJiDON — Mesau. 1\ i.lg ex, 11 Clement's-3tree Lombard-street, E.C.; aud G. Street, Cornhill,

White Zinc „ „ 200 220 R «'* k«'»'l „ „ 116 o—o 0 0 On,— Black, ton 35 0 0 — none Colza, (Iriinn gull 0 G 6 — scarce . Ho., in tins • „ 0 7 0— 0 7 6 Linseed, !:,,i! i;i l „ 0 v G— 0 0 9 .. Jvi»' „ 0 5 3 — 056 K"io>inc oil host brand-; 0 5 0 — 0 5 0 lv'Td.-.iiif. Limps 35 per c^-nt advance 'i'lirp-iiiiiic „ 08G — 000 PAPISLIPriu liny, one fourth advance — in demand .. colored ") Wrapping, brown • 20 to 25 per cent ). gray j advance, dull Writing j Stationary according to assortment. PITCH, &c— Stockholm, pure half brl 2 10 0 — 800 IWm, bright „ 2 0 0— 2 10 0 Tar, Coal ,000 — 208 „ Stockholm „250 — 300 PROVISIONS— Ba.ton, English — 0 0 12 Cheese, English, prm lb 0 Oil —0 1 0 Dunlop „011 — 000 English „0 1 .'? — 0 1 4 Oatmeal, best „0 0 2f— 0 0 0 Pearl barley „ 0 0 0 — 0 0 2£ Split Peas „ 0 0 2 — 0 0 2i RICE— Carolina cwt none •lava „ 1 10 0 — 1 11 0 Palna „ 16 0 — 16 0 SADDLERY— Well assDixwil parcels, 20 to 30 adv. supplied SALT — scarce Liverpool, coarse, ton 5 0 0 ' — 0 0 ft „ fine, 5 0 0— 0 00 SOA P— Liverpool, dbl crown, ton 35 0 0 —40 0 0 Sydney „40 0 0 —42 0 0 Melbourne „ 40 0 0 — 4'<s 0 O SPICES— Caira way Seeds lb 008 — 00 0 Cassia „ 0 2 6— 0 2 & Cinnamon „ 03 0— 03 6 Cloves „ 0 0 9— 0 010 Ginger, bleached „ 013 — 014 „ brown „ 0 011 — Nutmegs „ 026 — 036 Pimento „ 0 0 9— 0 010 Pepper, black „ 000 — 008 white „ 0 011 — 0 1 » SPIRITS in Bond— Brandy Maftell's dark gall 0 8 6 — 090 „ pale „ 0 9 o—o 10 0 Hennessy'o dark „ 0 8 6— 0 9 0 pale „ 0 9 o—o 10 O United Vineyard Proprietor's dark, gal 0 7 6 — 0 8 0 He i messy 'a pale, in cases doz 110 0 — 112 0United Yin. pale, in cases „180 — 000 Inferior brands „ 0 1G 0 — 1 0 0 Geneva — • JDKZ or key brand 34 gallon red case 0 12 0 — 0 12 6 Do. green ease 0 7 G no demand Ruin. W. 1. 0 3 6 — 039 Whisky Scotch, in bulk „ 03 9 — 043 „ in case „ 010 o—o 12 0 heavy stocks Old Tom. Booth's „ 014 o—o 15 0 „ inferior brands,, 010 o—o 12 0 SUGAR, duty paid— (loss! pore ton 60 0 0 none Mauritius Ist Crystal „5200 —54 0 0 2nd „ „ 48 0 0 —50 0 0 " „ brown & yel Si 0 0 — 14 0 0 Co.yd No. I Pieces S3 0 0 — 5i 0 0 2 „ 48 0 0 —60 0 0 Pampanjra none Refined Loaf lb 0 0 6— 0 0 6$ Crushed & Lump „000 — 0 O 6J TEA, Duty PaidCongou, fine, chests 1 1 11 0 —12 12 0 Do. medium to good 9 0 0 — 10 0 0 Do. low to ordinary „ 7 10 0 — 8 0 0 Do. Boxes, „ 1 10 0 — 1 16 0 Boxes scented orange Pekoe „ 1 15 0— 2 2 0 Gunpowder 1 15 0 — 2 2 0 COBTEE, Duty Paid—, Manila „0 1 1 — 0 1 £ Ceylon Plantation „013—015 Rio „ none TOBACCO, CIGARS, &c, in bond— Cigais, real H*vanah 7 0 0 — 810 0 Manila, No. 2, 1000 3 15 0 — 4 0 0Havanah shape do. 3 15 0 — 4 0 0 Swiss, Ormond's 2 15 0 — 3 5 O Tobacco, best brands lbO 3 0 — 0 4 0 Do. Cavendish 0 19 — 030 WINES, Duty PaidPort, best brands, bulk, gal 0 12 0 — 0 IB 0 Sherry, do., „ 012 o—o 14 0 Do. do. bottled doz 115 0— 2 8 0 Port, do. do., „ 115 0— 2 8 O Sparkling Hock, do „ 2 5 o—2 10 0 Still Hock, do. „ 2 5 o—2 10 0 Claret, superior „ 200 — 300 Do., inferior „ 1 8 o—l 12 0 Champ Jacquesson's „ 210 o—2 15 0' „ Bollinger's „ 3 0 0— 3 5 0 „E. Irroy & Co. „ 210 0 — 300 „ Borizy „ 215 0— 3 0 0

Tuesday, June 13, 1865. ALE AND BEER,— D. P. £ b d £ s d W. Younger hhd 9 0 0 — scarce Allsopp's 8 10 0 — 9 0 0 London & Colonial Co's per hhd 8 0 0 — 8 10 0 „ qts doz 0 11 6—o 12 0 Bass's „ „ none Allsopp's „ „000 — none Bynss' „ „ Oil 0-OU 6 Marzeiti's „ „ 011 6—o 12 0 Porter, Lndn. Stout, hhd 7 0 0 — 710 0 qts doz 0 11 0 — 0 12 0 BAGS AND PACKS— Gunnies, large, doz 0 12 0 — 0 0 G source Sucks, 3 bshs, scarce, 020 o—o 22 0 Wool Packs, LOlbs" each 0 5 0 — 0 6 0 BLACKING— i'aste and Liquid, best makers, Invoice, 33£ per cent advance BOOTS AND SHOES— (English made) Ladies' and Children's Boots "] and Shoes |- 25 per ct. adv. Men's, seasonable sort 3 J CANDLES— Neva Stearino „ 0 11 0— 0 1 1 Light weights „ unsaleable. Price's IJelmont, No. 1,, 0 10 — Oil Melbourne Moulds „0 0 7£— 0 0 8 Cnndlewick, „ 0 2 G — 000 CONFECTIONERY— Assorted .Scotch , 0 1 2£— 0 13 Candied P<;el „ 00 0— 0 1 6 CORDAGE, TWINE, &c— Manila Uope, asstd., ton 58 0 0 — 63 0 0 Europe „ -LQ 0 0 — 4.5 0 0 Twill %JS"g ingand }"> 0 12-013 „ shop „013 — 018 DRUGS AND CHEMICALS— Tartaric Acid, 1b023 — 02G Blue Stone „ 009 — 008 Castor Oil, pints, doz OIS o—o 14 0 „ ' half pints „ 09 0 — 096 Croain Tartar lb 0 1 6— 0 18 Saltpetre, refined „ 009—000 Soda Crystals ton 1 1 0 0 „ Carbonate lb 0 0 2J — 0 0 2£ DRAPERY AND SLOP CLOTHING— Seasonable 2. r > to 30 per cent, advance. EAR THEN WARE— Supplied and dull. FISH— Herrings, white in barrels and firkins, l?s 6d to 20a unsaleable. „ red. in do. (2 doz) per tin 2 9 3 0 Ling, Halted in L cwt cases, lb 0 5 0 Salmon, preserved, lb 0 1 6 ' Lobsters „013 very scarce. Herrings, fresh „0 0 9 „ kippered „0 011 Sardines, Halves doz 01] J) —0 12 0 Quarters „ 0 7 6— 0 7 9 FRUITS. DRIED— Almonds, Jordan lbO 1 3— 0 1 9 soft shell „008 — 009 Apples, dried „007 — 008 Currants „0 0 d..£— 0 0 5 Nuts. Barcelona „000 — 007 Walnuts „ 0 0 6J Raisins, Sultana „ 0 0 7 „ Valencia „000—0 00 „ Elenie „000 — 007 „ Cape „060 — 006 Fi<;s, now „ 0 0 7—o 0 11 FURNITURE— Cnairs, American cane "> „ n A . A seated, do/.) 3 0 0 — 400 English Furniture, 30 to 50 per cent advance. GLASS — scarco. Window- per 100, 50 to 70 percent, advance. GLASSWARE— Cut and moulded 35 lo 50 per cent, advance. GUNPOWDER— Canister assorted 0 2 6 — 0 0 0 IRONAIONGERY AND HARDWARE— Axes, American, doz 3 0 0 — 3 10 0 Cutlery, sorted 30 per cent, ad ranee Hollow are, 40 to GO per cent advance Nails, Ewbank's, 1.0 per cent discount from list Tinware, 45 per cent, advance — no sale. MATCHES— Saloon Matches, „ 086 — 000 Vesta* „ 33| per cent, advance WJ-HTII-Kt ton 5 0 0 — 600 Firebricks 9 0 0 —12 10 © scarce METALS— Iron, I Corrugated ") best 33 0 0 —30 0 0 I galvd., -21 to linlr. 25 0 o—2B 0 0 28 guagc ton J in domand Plain do., 2(5 to 28, ton 40 0 0 — no sale Hoop, sorted sizes „ 3(3 0 0 — 18 0 0 ! Bar and Bolt. „ lo 0 0 — 17 0 0 Sheet and Plate „ 16 0 o—lß 0 © Vox iron „ (J 0 0— 0 0 0 j OILMAN'S STORES— i (best brands only) ! Wue Thumb, Colo- J Ib QnQ _ Q mans, J ]':uits, bottled, pts. doz 0 22 0 — 0 24 0 Jnms&.JeHies.l&ajj,, 0 1 o_ d X 3 I\liistnid, Colemswi's — In luilk per lb 010 0— 0 0 10J i In ! lb bottles, doa 0 13 0 — 0 14 0 ■ In Mb „ „ 0 8 G — 0 9 0 Pioklos — not saleable Quarts 0 15 0 — 0 16 0 i'i">'- 0 12 6—o l:] 6 Banes — j n Joxnand Assorted Pints doz „ Half-pints „ 010 o—o 12 0 Lea & Perriiw „ 014 0-0 15 0 Starch. Colciuan'a lb 0 0 5— 0 0 5§ Vinegar Champions gall 0 2 0 — 0 2 ;} j Its, doz 010 o—.o 10 8 Paints Oils, &c— Colours, assorted cwt 1 10 o—l 16 0 ; White Lead, „ 118 0- !J 2 0

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Wellington Independent, Volume XX, Issue 2218, 13 June 1865, Page 8

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WELLINGTON WHOLESALE PRICES CURRENT. Wellington Independent, Volume XX, Issue 2218, 13 June 1865, Page 8

WELLINGTON WHOLESALE PRICES CURRENT. Wellington Independent, Volume XX, Issue 2218, 13 June 1865, Page 8