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TT l) L L O \V AY ' S PI.L LS . Tliis gient Household Medicine ranks among the leading necessaries of life. It is well known to the world that il cures many complaints other ie*TK->iicb caunot reach, this fact is as well established at. that the Sua lights the World. DISORDERS OF THE LIVEB AHE STOMACH. Most persons will, at some period of their lives, suffer from indigestion, derangement of their liver stomach, or bowels, wliich if not quickly removed, frequently settles into a dangerous illness. It is well known in India, ana other tropical climates, that Holloway's Pills are the ouly remedy that cau he relied upon in such cases. Almost every soldier abroad carries a box of them in his knapsack, ln Kuglaud most persons know that these Pills will cure them whenever the liver, stomucli, or bowelf», are out of order, and tliat tiiey need no physician. WEAKNESS AND DEBILITY. Such as BUlFer from weakness, or debility, and those who feel waut of energy, should at once uuve recourse lo these I'ills, as tiiey immediately purify the blood, and acting upon the muin-spring of life, give strength and vigour to the system. To young persons entering iuto wonuiuhood, wilh a dcrfingemeut of the functions, and to mothers at the turn of life, ihese Pills will be most efficacious in correcting the tide of life that may he on the turn. Young mil elderly men sufier in a similar manner at the same peiiods, when there is always danger : they should therefore undergo a course of this purifying medicine, wbich ensures lasting health. oisonnuns of children. All young children should have administered to them, from time to time, a few doses of these Pills which will purify their blood, and enable tbem to pass safely through the. different disorders incidental ' to children, suoh as measles, hoopiug-cough, cow« pock, and other infuntile diseases. These Pills nre so harinlet-s in their nature na uot lo injure the most delicate constitution, aud are therefore mora peculiarly adupted as a corrective of the humours affecting them. JDKOFSX. Hundreds are cured yearly by the U6e of these Pills conjointly with the Ointment, whicli ahould be rubbed very bountifully into ibe, parts affected. UEHaNGEjMENT OF THB JCIDNKYg. If these Pills be used according to the printed directions, and the Ointment rubbed over tbe region of the Hdneys, al least ouce a day as salt is forced into meat, it will peuetrate the kidneys and correct any derangement of their organs, Should the liction oe stone or gravel, cben the Ointment -* -übhed into lhe ueck of the bladder, and a few i vn-iil convince the sufferer that tbe effect thj wo leini'dies is aslouishing. DISORDERS of thk stomach. Are lhe sources of the deadliest maladies. Their effect is v> vitiate all the fluids of the body, aud to scud a piisouod stream through all the channels of cireulit'ioa. Now what is the operation of the I'itls? They cleanse the bowels, regulate the liver, btiiife Ue relaxed or irritated stomacb into a natural condition, ;md ncting through the secretive oigans upon the blood itself, change the state ot the system from sickness 10 health, by exercising a simultaneous and wUulcsome effect upon all the pnrts and lunciious. COMPLAINTS OK FKMALa* The fimctiouul irregularities peculiar to the weaker sex, are invariably corrected without pain, or iiicouvunibiice by the use ot Holloway's Pills.. They arc the stWem uud surest medicine for all diseases incidental 10 females of all ages. BILLICUB AFFECTIONS. The quantity ami quality ofthe bile are of vltfci inipoituuce 10 health. Upon the liver, ihe gland which secretes this fluid so necessary for digestion, the Pills operate specifically, infallibly rectifying its irregularities, aud effcctuully curing jaundice, b Jious remittauts, aud all the varieties of disease ge uevated by an uuutuural condition of that organ* MEDICAL CARD. DR. VAN HEEKEREN, Consulting Physician and .a Graduate and duly qualified Member of the Royal Medico-cbirurgical Academy of Bonn (Prussia) lormerly of the Hospitals of Paris, Vienna, Prague, and Berlin, Member of the University, and late Surgeon to the Belle Vuo Hospital, New York, United States of America, respectfully informs the inhabitants of Sydney and suburbs that be is daily to be consulted " confidentially" on all diseases of a certain nature. All nervous disoiders and prostration of tbe system, nervous and physical debility, skin diseases of all kinds, venereal affections and all neglected complaints, and those arising from exposure, imprudence, or excesses in youth are cured radically in both sexes. Dr Van Heekeien's great expeiience iv tho hospitals of P-iris. especially at the Lourcine, and the hospital Duuiidi (des Veneriens) where he was intern and disciple of lhe gr at Philippe Uicoid, and his long practice in tbe United States of Ameiica give him ihe guarantee of great success also in these colonies. The viet'ins of misplaced confidence in quacks or unprincipled medical pretenders, can call with a certainty of being cured in the shortest possible time. All cases given up in hospitals or by other physicians, as inourallo, will be attended to with the inmost care. Consultations to both sexes from 9 a.m. till 9 o'clock in the evening, at *82, Castlereagh-streefr, near Park street, Sydney. Private and separate waiting-rooms. N.B. — All letters duly attended to. AMMUNITION. $ J-L Imml j I Mmm inu TARGET :::::::::::g:::::::::' 12 Fmt Squahb. ;:i:: :i;;;^5E:i:::;:z: Reprasenti avarsf* ::::::z::;p|r::::::;:: •hooting at boqjmlij :::::::::3iXa_:::::::; :::EEEs=±S=^= = ELEY'S ::::::i:: : :ff : ? :::: 3 ENFIELD :dddrH-W^^ BARTRIDBES, Eley's Ammunition * OF EVERY DESCRIPTION g 'or Sporting or Military Purpose* DOUHLR Waterproof Central Fire Caps, Fe Wuddiugs to prevent the lending of duns Vire Cartrhlges for killing gume, Src, at long distincea, Breech Loading Cartridge Cases of superior us! ity for Shot Guns and Itifles, Pin Cartridges >r " Lefiiuclieux" Kerolvers of 7, 9, nnd 12 mililetres. Jacob's Rifle Shel! Tubes, Cartridges and Capa r»i- Colt's, Deane's, Tranter's, Adam's aud other tevolvers. BALL C/VRTRIDGES 'or Enfield, VYhiiworth, and Henry's Rifles, also jr Westley Rio hind's, ferry's, Wilson's, Piince's, Jeane's, and oilier Breech Loaders, lullets of uniform weight ninde by compression from soft refined lead. .LEY BROS., G«by'sJnn-Hoad, London, W.O. IwrSOLKBAI.H OHLY.] Cau be cousulted daily. loruiugs, beforo eleven o'clock; evsniuga, sereQ till half-past eight, 102 Bourlie-street east; ud at bis private residence, heiweeu two o'clo'lt aad three, 6 Koyal Terrace, Fitzroy. Consultation fee liy letter, £1. ,3 i% February 10, 1800. ...-iSssH

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Wellington Independent, Volume XX, Issue 2217, 10 June 1865, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 6 Wellington Independent, Volume XX, Issue 2217, 10 June 1865, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 6 Wellington Independent, Volume XX, Issue 2217, 10 June 1865, Page 6