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a__cc*cn_uiiiiii riiiiiiii-iiiiiiiiiiiaaaMßgaar TnmtßtpmßßXßmamaß<mfimrnm\*meamMm JUST PUBLI SHE D, Price, 2s 6d ; hy post, 3s Cd, No. 1 of a Series of Works, each complete in itself. DR, L. L. SMITH "ON THE MEANS OF PROLONGING LIFE AND AVOIDING DISEASES." H. T. Dwight, publisher, and all Booksellers ; or direct from the author. CONTENTS: Chapteb I. Causes of Diseases. — Iniemperance in tbis colony, action of a ' nobbier' on the liver, peculiarity of this climate, difference between functional and sruc'tural derangement of organs, instances of longevity, death at the age of 370 years, Nature's means of repelling diseases, imperfect nourishment, diet with children, lollies, &c : infaut deaths in the colony, \ Impure air— ' Choke damp' amongst onr diggers; fonl air amongst shopmen, printers, &c. Over exertion — Heenan, the prize-fighter, oontinued wakefulness, anxiety, quartz-mining speculators. Want of exercise — Brahmins of India, accumuliitions of fat. Climnte of colony — Long-continued heat, effects on muscles, the heart, liver, bile, .dysentery, diarrl.cea. Effects of cold — Infant mortality during our winter, effects on the aged. Congestion, &c. Hints to mothers as regards dress. Spirit-drink-ing — The stomach of habitual druukards; Hypochondriacs, depression of mind, malades imaginaires, faith, action of the mind ou diseases and their cure. Electro-biology, mesmerism ; defective cleanliness, perspiration. The skin — ICnanielling ; Madame Rachel. Ventilation — Dr Arnold; 'The' Times': hint for ventilation on simple piinciple. Diseased food — Pleuro-pueumonia meat, poisonous fish, sausages, parasitic mutton, raeasely pork, &c. Drainage — The Yarra ; Dr Fnrre on sanitary measures. Chapter 11. Nature of Disease. — Exemplification, tracing ' a cold' to 'consumption'; quantity of perspiration eliminated, sympathy of kidneys hfid ether organs with skin. Derangement, of digestive organs — tracing the progress of food till it becomes part of the animal ; physiology and pathology of digestion ; chyme, chyle, tobacco, Americans, gastric diseases, mental emotions, and their influence on the stomach; bolting food ; a word to our Uollins-street merchants and city men; the serpent at the Zoological Gardens ; inadequate mastication ; action of fluids on the stomach ; warm tea, &c ; improperly cooked food; different styles of cooking ; rules for eating ; digesting; Dr Mandeville, Sir F. Burdett, the London Alderman; flatulency, acids, heartburn ; excess of food, its effects, and deficiency of food; derangement of liver, &c ; gymnastic exercises; injurious effects of cricket, a warning; continued wakefulness. Diseases of the biain, how engendered; freI quency in this colony; giving prizes at our schools ; excessive evacuations ; their action on the brain ; grief; Her Majesty; the ploughboy; the Anieri. cans ; the silent, prison system ; Ernest Jones, the Chartist; Vernon; Pentridge; influence of the mind ;Lr Bcddoes. Insanity, symptoms ; how to discover it ; how to promptly remedy it ; incipient insanity ; treatment easy in early stage. Chapteb 111. Means of Avoiding Disease.' — Laws which govern health, importance of Diet, quality ; Italian, French, and Englishmen t s diet ; Garrick, Macready, Welliugton ; report of health of navy ; qunnlity, Dr Abercrombie ; indigestion, over-feeding, its effects ; the stomach pump ; laws concerning feeding; the Laplander, Sir Walter Scott,, Stilites, 11 iItuio, Dr Spark, the sagacious Irishman, case ofthe English miller, Dr Robertson, tonjours perdrix; starvation ; digestibility and indigestibility offood; diflerent kinds of food and digestibility of same; table showing length of lime of digestion of the diffei ent articles offood usually consumed, and mode of preparation ; fat. 'I'he culinary art — a hint to cooks, Dr Chambers, cooking and cooks, high estimation in which they have been and are held; France, Rome, Careme, George tbe Fourth, Emperors of Prussia and Austria, Baron Rothschild, Mark Antony, Sir Henry Halford. List of different indigestible kinds of food ; digestibility of animal in contradistinction to vegetable food, paralysis of stomach, nutritious and innutritious food, portable soup s, inhabitants of Africa, Asia, North America, aborigines, racehorses, different kinds of nutritious food, list of them and quantity of nutriment contained in each shown. Clothing — stays, the Medicean Venus, tight-lacing, crinoline, disease engenderEfl by it, Dr Lankester, mothers; culpable manner in which they dress their children ; mackintosh coverings, woollen coveiings, sun-stroke, bead coverings. Light — its influence on health and disease, ' etiolation.' Mr Bagehaw Ward, Commison the State of Towns Report, Duputien. Sir James Wylie, experiments of Dr Edwards, Free ventilation — Melbourne lodging-houses, our inspector, , Sanitary condition of Adelaide, Hobart Town, Melbourne, Dr Southwood Smith's opinion. Drainage — Stagnant water, miasmata, the floods, contagion, infection. Quarantine laws, the late Emperor of Russia, black vomit, itch, syphilis, &c, contagion, inoculation, small-pox, measles, hooping-couyh, typhus, means of avoiding infectiou, rules for bathing, swimming, want of sleep, infants, the nervous system, palpitation of the heart, the Turkish bath, -rated bread. Sold by all booksellers aud direct from the author, DrL.L. SMITH, 144, Bourke-street, east, Melbourne. Price, 2s Od. COUGHS, ASTHMA, AND INCIPIENT CONSUMPTION, ARK EFFECTUAL!. V CURED BY KEATING'S COUGH LOZENGES. HIS world-renowned medicine, which has obtaiued such celebrity in all parts of tho Globe, for curing the above-named complaints and other Affections of the Chest and Pulmonary Organs, is strongly recommended to all suffering from auy of the above disorders, as One Trial will be sufficient to prove their undoubted efficacy, being frequently used under the recommendation of the most eminent ofthe Faculty. Prepared aud sold in boxes aud tins of various sizes by Thomas Keating, Chemist, &c, 79, St. Paul's Church Yard, Loudon. Sold retail by all Druggists and Patent Medicine Vendors in the World. N.B. — To prevent spurious imitations, please to observe that the words ' Keating's Cough Lozenges' are engraven on the Government Stamp of each box, without which none are genuine. Sold in Wellington by Messrs Barraud,; Owen Bros., a,nd Bishop. Auckland — Mr gAsher Asher, Nelsou — Mr Prichard. FOR HORSES. SPRING and Autumn are the Seasons the CONDITION of MORSES ought to he looked to, when they arc generally rough coated, hide bound, and altogether debilitated nnd out of tone, perhaps proceeding from irreguiar or over-reached exercise, musty or innutritious feeding, which always causes worms, and induces the most destructive disorders, even to the death of the Horse ; but may in such seasons be entirely eradicated by administering GIBiON'S ORIGINAL WORM AND CONDITION POWDERS, thoy being easily given, and wiihout auy alteration necessary in either feeding or exercise. See his treatise on the care of the Horse, oue of which is enclosed in each package. 'lhe Public aie particularly requested to observe that the Signature of Robt. N. Gibton is on each wrapper. Bcle Wholesale Agent, VV. Edwards, 157 St. Paul's, London. . Sold by Mr C. D. Barraud, also by Mr W. Bishop, Chemists, Wellington; and by most respectable Chemists in the Colony. CLEANLINESS ! A Stove most brilliantly polished in two minutes of less than one farthing WG. NIXEY'S celebrated registeredßLACK • LEAD. A newdomestic discovery ! Can- ' uot be wasted, and is a preservative of Furniture from the injurious effects of the common article now ' in use, as it creates no dust, and requires compara. ' lively no labor. I Sold everywhere, in Solid Blocks, Id. 2d, -id, & Is The Advantages ol this Elegant Chemical Pre- l laration are great saving of time, cleanliness- of "" implication, smallness of quantity required, and the 1 nevsntion of waste, dust, aud its destructive con- I lequences. Further, it ultimately produces a pure i netallic coating of a high degree of brilliancy aud r lurability, reflecting both light and heat. (See B pecimeu on the sides of each block.) j 12, Soho S(*u_m', London. J

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Wellington Independent, Volume XIX, Issue 2177, 9 March 1865, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 2 Wellington Independent, Volume XIX, Issue 2177, 9 March 1865, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 2 Wellington Independent, Volume XIX, Issue 2177, 9 March 1865, Page 6