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NEW ZEALAND EXHIBITION, 1805. | f Office of Local Committee, Wellington, April 21st, 1864. THE attention of the Settlers of Wellington is | respectfully but earnestly called to the necessity for hearty co-operation, so that the skill, industry, and resources of the Proviuce may be fairly represented in the forthcoming Exhibition The Committee is aware that there are many | skilled workmen in various branches residing here, that wool, butler, cheese, &c, are being extensively produced, that timber is being cut to a large extent, that iron-founding, ship and boat- building, tanning, rope-making, aud other industrial pursuits are followed, that embroidery Berlin wool work, &c, are tastefully executed by many ladies in the Province, and that the Fine Arts are cultivated, and many valuable specimens of art and art productions are in the possession of individuals. The Committee therefore beg to point out the following as among tbe articles of which specimens are desired for the purpose of being exhibited : — RAW MATERIALS. Mining, quarrying, metalling, and mineral products. Substances used for food. Animal aud vegetable substances used for manufactures. MACHINERY. Manufacturing machines asd tools. Machinery in general. Agricultural and Horticultural machines and- implements. Naval architecture and ships' tackle, or models of such works. Philosophical instruments. Photographic apparatus and photography. MANUFACTURES. Flax and hemp. Tapestry, lace, and embroidery. Skins, fur, feathers, and hair. Leather, including saddlery and harness Articles of clothing, including boots and shoes Paper, stationery, printing and book-binding Educational works and appliances Furniture and upholstery Turning and carving Iron, and general hardware Steel, cutlery, and edge-tools Pottery, including bricks and tiles Manufactures not included in the above Maori, and other aboriginal manufactures and implements FINE ARTS. Architecture (drawing and models) Paintings in oil and water-colours, and drawings Sculpture, models, die sinking, and intaglios Etchings and engravings Tho Local Committee will undertake to pay all the charges of forwarding any of the above to Dunedin, and returning them to the exhibitors here (unless otherwise directed.) The Committee will take all necessary care for the safety ef articles sent, and will insure them for their declared value, both against risk of loss in transit and agaiust fire when in Dunedin, but will not he farther responsible for them. It is alao intended to exhibit the articles for two or three days in Wellington, and prizes will be awarded for merit, of which farther notice will be given. All articles must be sent to the Committee in Wellington on or before Saturday, the 12th of November, 1861, but intending exhibitors are requested to inform the Secretary what space they will 'require, as early as possible. By order of the Comnni j, J. Woo j«p, . Sec, N.B. — Exhibitors of wool are reque o apply to tho Seoretary for a form whicli the ' _ issoners require to be filled up, to accompany t" •-. .ol when exhibited. THE MOST CONSTANT FRlii.' D. TT 0 L L 0 W A Y S ' OINTMENT Possessed of this remedy every man in his own Family Physician. If his wife or children be troubled with eruptions of the skin, sores, tumours, white swellings, sore throats, asthma, or any other similar ailment, a persevering use of this Ointment is all that is necessary to produce a radical cure. BAD LEGS AND HAD BMSASTB. In no case has this Ointment been known to fail : either in the cure of ba<l legs, or bad breasts; thousands of persons of all ages have been effectu J ally cured by it when discharged from hospitals as incurable. If dropsy settle in the legs, the Ointment I will cure it used with the Pills. j SKIN DISEASES, HOWEVER DESPEBATE, MAT BE RADICALLY COKED. j Scald-heads, itch, blotches on the skin, scro/u lous sores or king's evil, and such like afflictions, yield to the mighty power of this fine Ointment, provided it be well rubbed into the affected parts two or three times a day, and the Pills be taken to purify the blood. » GOUT AND RHEUMATISM. This invaluable preparation has greater power over gout and rheumatism than any other medicine, none need remain uucured if be will but set about it in good earnest, using this iufallabLe remedy according to the printed instructions affixed to each pot. All settled aches and pains are removed the same manner, CERTAIN CURE FOR ASTHMA, WHEEZIN THE CHEST, COUGHS OR COLDS. This wonderful Ointment, if well rubbed into he chest night aud morning in the same mannei s salt is forced into meat, will soon remove the worst case of asthma or any affection of the chest, providing the Pills are used with the Ointment. SCURVY, SCROFULA, ERYSIPELAS. How does this Ointment expel disease ? By arresting all undue action of the nervous and circulatory systems, by lessening inflamatiou, aud by removing stagnation ; but above all, by casting out the impurities which are luily gaining admission into the body. By this means it eradicates scurvy, scrofula, erysipelas, and all external diseases ; while its penetrating powers enable it to reach diseases which are deeper seated, aud successfully to cope with the seeds of tumours, cancers, and similarly malignant maladies, which »nly a few years since defied every treuunnt, aud hurried their victims prematurely to the grave. DROPSICAL SWELLINGS, PARALYSIS, AND STIFt JOINTS. Although the above complaints differ widely in their origiu and nature, yet they all require locul treatment. Many ef the worst cases of such diseases will yield, in a comparatively short space of time, when this Oiutme nt is diligently rubbed into the puns affected even when every other means have failed In allserious maladies the Pills should be taken ac cordiug to the printed directions accompanying euch box. GREAT HOUSEHODD REMEDY! Those diseases of the skin to which children are most subject, such as encrusted sores on the head and face, rashes, riugwonn, tetter, pimples, &c. are quickly relieved by this unguent aud cured without leaving behind any scar or blemish. DROPSIES. This miraculous Ointment, if well worked in to the complaining parts twice a day, will penetrate to the disordered vessels ; and the Pills, if taken according to the prir;od directions, will produce the most pleasing and wonderful effects. ! This invaluable Ointment will cure imy ulcer er sore, however desperate and long stunning, even where amputation has been recommen<! I as Ji« only means of saving the limb. Holloivay's Pills are the best remed noivn in the world for the following Di > — Ague Dropsy Liver CO3 ■> e-Doulo-Asthma Dysentery plaints /eux Bilious Com- Erysipelas Lumbago . :mours plaints Female Irre- Piles icers Blotches on gulaiities Rheumatism Venereal the skin Fevers of all Retention oi lectionsBowel Corn- kinds Urine Worms of plaints Fits Scrofula, or kinds Colics Gout King's Evil Weakness ! Constipation Head-ache Sore Throats from whatoftheßowels Indigestion Stone and ever causß onsump- Infiamma- Gravel &c, &c. tion tion Secondary Debility Jauudica Symptoms Sub 'Agents : — CD. BARRAUD VYum-wotoh OWEN BROS c. Do WILLIAM BISHOP Do. MESSRS. BEAVAN & WOONi ....Wanganim W.T.OWEN, Do From whom this valuable Medicine may ba ebtoiaedg

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Wellington Independent, Volume XIX, Issue 2082, 2 July 1864, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Wellington Independent, Volume XIX, Issue 2082, 2 July 1864, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Wellington Independent, Volume XIX, Issue 2082, 2 July 1864, Page 4