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|dWo^^mS^ROWNE's|| isfJiw'i i^u&i ORODYNE I™ UHOLKUA.nYSENTIIY, DIAIUiHCEA. ORAMP, AOUI?., FBVKR, RFIKUMATJBM, CONSUMP- 1 'nON,' ASTHMA, COUGFI, &o. • „ ALL pnin, vbmiiting «nd distress ceases in a few | minutes after taking n dr»eof that wonderful Sodativc Anodyne and Antisposuiodio remedy Chloro- I dyne discovered by Dr J. Collis Browne. M.M.O.S.L.; ((•x-Arm/ Med. Staff) the receipe of which was conflded solely to J. T. Davenport, 33, Great Hussnlstreet, Bloomsbnry.square, London, (Phnrmaoeutical Chemist). The medical testimony of civil, hospital, military, and naval praotioners pronounce zt invaluable. It relieves pain of any kind, soothes the restlessness of fever, and imparts the most refreshing sleep, without producing or leaving any of the unpleasant effects of opium. A3 a proof of its efficacy, a few extracts from numerous testimonials by physicians and surgeons are given :' — From W. Vesalius Pettigrew, M.D., Hon F.R.C.S., England formerly Lecturer upon Anatomy and Physiology at St. George's School of Medicine. •< i jiaye used it in consumption, asthma, diarrhoea, and other diseases, and am most perfectly satisfied with the results." Dr. Gibbon, Army Medical Staff, Calcutta.—" Two doses completely cured me of diarrhosa." From C. V. hidout,Esq., Surgeon, Egham.—" As an astringent in severe diarrhoea, and an antispasmodic in colic with cramps in the abdomen, the relief is instantaneous. 1 ' Extracts from the General Board of Hbalth, London, as to its efficacy in Cholera. Ist Stage or Premonitory— ln tliis stage the remedy acts as a charm, one dose generally sufficient. 2nd Stage or that of Vomiting and Purging-- In this stnge the remedy possessja/gMat power, more than any other we we acquainrca with, two or three i doses being sufficient. 3rd Stage or Collapse— ln all cases restoring the pulse. So strongly are we convinced of the imrnence value of this .remedy, that we cannot too forcibly urge the necessity of adopting it in all coses. From A. Moutmougery, Etq., late Inspector of Hospitals, Bombay. — " Chlorodyne is a most valu- ' able remedy in neuraglia, asthma, and dysentry. To ' it I fairly owe my restoration te health after 18 month's severe suffering, and when all other mcdi. cines had failed." Caution. — In consequence of the extraordinary efficacy of this remedy, several unprincipled parties have been induced to vend imitations. tempted to buy Chlorodyne, except in sealed bottles, having the words, " Dr. J. Collis Browne's Chloro. dyne" engraved on the wrapper. A sheet full of medical testimonials accompanies each bottle. Sole manufacturer, J. T. Davenfobt, 33 Great Russel-street.Bloomabury, London. Sold ' iv bottles, 2s 9d and 4s 6d. Agents for Melbourne — Messrs. Taylor & Co. r 47 Hinders Lane. [10-7. QUINTESSENCE OP JAMAICA GINGER AND CAMOMILE. 1 "CXTILKINSON'S (late Bridge's) Quintessence E VV of Jamoioa Ginger and Camomile. Gingei has long been deservedly known as an excellenl domestic medicine, and, combined with Camomile, il . is the most efficient Stomachic Tonic known ; foi whilst the Ginger relieves the stomaoh from Distension and Flatulency, arising from impaired di. gestion, the Camomile strengthens the coats of the stomach, and by that means gives it a healthy and invigoratiug tone. So highly concentrated is this 1 preparation (a few drops being a dose), it is unimpaired by age or climate, and consequently wel adapted for exportation. Full directions are en closed with each bottle for the following complaints Flatulency, or, restoring tone to the stomach, Cho lera, Dysentery, &c., Gout, Rheumatism, Spasms when the stomach feels distended after eating, foi assisting digestion, nervous affections, &c, &c. No Englishman in India, or those resident it Tropical Climates should ever he without this valuable preparation, as in numerous cases, wher medical men are not always at hand, a dose ortwc 1 has checked, and frequently cured most violent at tacks of illness incidental to those climates. Solo in bottles, $ pints, k do., and f do. WILKINSON, (LATE BRIDGE) & CO.'S AGBEKABLE » SEDILITZ POWDER, IN ONE BOTTLE. 1 rpHE advantages this preparation possesses ovei JL the ordinary compounds, is the perfect combination of the solid ingredients of the Seidlhz Spring in one compound powder. It is very agreeable to the palate, and, by a chemical process, more active than those prepared in the usual way (mixing two powJers together,) and saves much trouble, It is well adapted for Exportation, or Travellers bj land or sea, being unimpaired by age or keeping. This preparation is highly recommended not only as a Mild Aperient, but to allay Fever, Thirst, &o, SARSAPARILLA. WILKINSON'S (late BRIDGE') ESSENCE or Fluid Extract of Ked Jamaioa Sarsapa. rilla, is appreciated for its Purity and marked Superiority, daily prescribed by the Faoulty for the Impurities of the Blood, Affections of the Liver, Constitutional Debility, Attenuation of Boders, aa an Alterative Medicine at the Change of the Seasons, and for freeing the system from the effects oi Mercury. In India and the Colonies it is extensively used to prevent taking complaints incidental to, Tropical Climates, and as a renovator of the system after Sickness, invaluable. " A superior preparation, that may always be relied on." — Sib Abtle* Coopbb. 11 We are iv every respeot satisfied with it."— Lancet. " We recommmend your Sarsaparilla &s the best." — Medical Review. " Latterly, ln consequence of much debility, &c. subsequent to -Cholera, I have freely used Bridge', Sarsaparilla myself, with complete benefit and buc cess."— J. Poett, F.R.C.S. " It is in the strictest sense a Tonic, with this invaluable attribute, that it is applicable to a state of the system so sunken and so irritable, as renders other substances of the tonic class unavailable and injurious.''— Mb. Tbavebs, F.R.S. "The compound decoction of Sarsaparilla act* as a Diaphoretic and Alterative,, and is of the greatest service in Chronic Rheumatism, Cutaneous Eruptions, the advanced stages of Indigestion, and many very severe local diseases, originating in disorders of the Constitution." — Db. Graham. Sold in pints, i pints, and J pints. One pint is equal to 8 pints of the ordinary preparations. IMPORTANT CAUTION.—Tie public are respectfully cautioned against cheap preparations, which, instead of being what they profess (Sarsu. parilla), are nothing more than a decoction of Common Herbs sweetened with Molasses, and flavored with American Winter Green. The genuine has T. Wilkinson, late Wilkinson, Bbidoe & Co., ; 270 Regent-street London, in addition to the trade mark W in diamond is engraved on the bottle ; none else is genuine. The above articles, prepared only by THOMAS WILKINSON (late BRIDGE & C 0.,) at WIL, KINSON'S (late BRIDGE'S), celebrated Barsaparilla, also Ginger and Camomile — Depot 270, Regent-street, London. Wholesale Agents for New Zealand BARRAUD & BRIDGE, Chemists, Napi«r. C. D. BARRAUD, Chemist, Wellington. A USTBALIAN MUTUAL PROVIDENT J\. SOCIETY. * LIVES ASSURED. ANNUITIES AND ENDOWMENTS GBANTSD ON THH MOST FAVORABLE TERMS. ' All the profits of the business from time to' time i divided among the assured. I a— «™ I •WBIIINGTOH J 1 Mxdiqax Referee— •Alexander Johnstojt, Eaq For prospectuses, forms of application, &c, auri i- all information, apply to ' JONAS WOODWARD, Agent* Wellington, N0t,' 6, 1803

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Wellington Independent, Volume XIX, Issue 2051, 21 April 1864, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Wellington Independent, Volume XIX, Issue 2051, 21 April 1864, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Wellington Independent, Volume XIX, Issue 2051, 21 April 1864, Page 4