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iH epical CA UTION. — Beware of spurious imitations. None are genuine unless the signature of R. & L.'JPeiuiy 8c Co., is affixed to eai'h wrap-, per, and bloivn, on the Bottle. ON NERVOUSNESS, RELAXATION, & EXHAUSTION A new nnd Improved Edition, enlarged to 190 pages, illustrated by 100 Anatomical Coloured Engravings, on Steel, price 2s. Od., THB SILENT FRIENDA MEDICAL Work'on tho Physical Exhaustion nnd decay of tho Frame from tho effect of Fndiscriminate Excesses, &c, by R. &L. PERRY & CO. Surgeons, (who maybe consulted at their residence, No 19, Burners street, Oxford-st, London.) Sold by W. H. Fr.onAwoß, 228 Lonarlale-strpiet. Melbourne; and W.I. Pinkh, 112, Pitt street. Sydney. The CORDIAL BALM of SYRTACUM" is employed to renovate the impaired powers of life. Its action is purely balsamic; its power of re-invigo-rating the framo in all cases of Nervous Debility , Spermatorrhoea, Exhaustion, lncapacity for Soci"tv, Stu'y, or Business* shaking of the Hands aul ] Limbs Indigestion, Shortness of Breath Con- j sumptivc Habits, Dimness of Sitfit, D'-zin^s. i pains in the Head, Eruptions, Sore Tim. > and all deficiency pf natural strength, has been demonstrated by its unvarying success in thousand-: of cases. Price Us. per ljottlo, or four quantities in one for 3.15., which saves I The CONCENTRATED DETERSIVE ESSENCE, a remedy for any of the varied forms of Secondary Symptoms, nnd for Purifying the system from Contamination. It is recommended for all those diseases for which Mercury, Sarsaparilla, &c, ate not only employed in vain, but too often to thf> utter ruin of health,. Its action is purely detersive, and its beneficial influence on the system is undeniable. Price lla. uud 335; per bottls, also a saving of lla; PERRY'S PURIFYING SPECIFIC PILLS eonstitnte a most safe and sppedy remedy for Discharges of any kind, Stone in the Bladder, and diseases of the Kidneys, and Urinary Organs gene.ra'ly. Trine 2s. od., 4s. od., and 11s. per box. Wholesale Agents for the United States and Bri'ish America — ATr. A. H. Barrow, 157, Princestreet. New York, a. few blocks West of Broadway. Agents for the East and West Indie* and Australia — Antigua, T. aij^d O. Carroll ; Barbadoes, N. T. Ruck; Kingston, Edward Aaron; Nasaan, T. Bruce; Sydney, W. I. Pi nice, H2, ntt-streot ; Ceylon, J. E. Eaton; Bombay Messrs. Frnmjfie, Ncssjrwanjee, & Co., 11. Forbes strc Q t ; Rengal, Tlulse & Nephews. Medical Hali, A?ra ; Melbourne, W. H. Florance, 225, Lousdale-atreet. rjP!HESrc\rAß— Protected by Roynl Letters i. Patent of E'lg'and, and spunred by fie sea's of the V.cole rle Phivmacie da Paris, and the Impelia! flo'lege of Medicine, Vienna. TKIRRRMAR, Noe. 1, 2. and o\ aro alike devoid of taste or smell, and of all nauseating qualities. They mny lie on the toilet table' without their use bnwx s'lßpect^d, divided into separate doses, a« administered by Valpeau, Lalleir.and, end Roux, ailppt^d for both saxes. TRIE^KMAK, No. I, is a remedy for relaxation, spermatorrhoea, and exhaustion of tliQ system. TRIERRMAR, No. 2, effectually, in the short space of three da <- s, completely and entirely eradlenres all traces of those disorders which capsules have so long been thought an antidote for, to the ruin of the health of a vast portion of the population. TRTE SEAT ATI, No. 3, is tho great Continental remedy for that class of disorders which unfortunately the English physician treats with mercury, to the inevitable destruction of the patient's constitutton, and which all tho Sarsaparillas in the world cannot remove. Price 1 Is., or four eases in one for 33q., which saves Us. ; and in £5 cases, whereby there is a savins; of £1 12s, To be bad wholesale and retail in London of Darby & Gosden, 149, Leadenhnllstrcpt, (opposite (he East India Houde) ; Barclay t q oiis, Ftirrmglon- street. Wholesale Asent for United States ami British America — ?.fr IT. A. Harrow, l.*> 7, Princes-street, New York, a few blocks West of Broadway. Agents for the East and West Indies anil Ana tvaliii — Anticcun. T. & G. Carroll; BarbaJoes, N. J. Ruck; Kingston, Edward Aaron; Nassau, T. Bruce; Sydney, W. I. Pinke, 112, Pitt-street; Ceylon, J. E. Eator. ; Bombay, Messrs. Framjee. Nesserwanjce, & Co.. 11, Forbes street ; Bengal, Hulse & Nephews, Medical Hall, Agra; Melbourne, W. IT. Florawoc, Q'2H. f.onsdftle-strcet. HUMAN FRAILTY; a popular Medical Work, priop 2s. fid., hoantifiilly illustrated with 100 Engrnvings, coMtiiiniu/T Hie opinions of Yalpeati, Lollemand, Pinux, Record. &o It gives copious insiruftiions Tor the perfect lestoration of those who are suftVrhm from the above disorders, and clearly points :nt the lifiiiefits arising from the chemical tests md examination of ihe spcrmalozn, by the Authiv's newly conslracod ■tficroscnpe, with powerful lense.T. From all Agents for the sale of "Tr cscnru'.'' i de TKiRsEMAn may also lie obtains! from the p-iucip'il Patent Mtdieii'e Vendors in every other part of the World. "April 7, 1858. |) xoft ss a x Jl jrj to .U g . HAVING at con«idorrtll9 expense, improved tlie Interior of his Premises begs most respectfully to auuotinco lhat he is prepared to Polish of!" tho exterior of his Putrons, in the Interior of his Establishment The traveller v.ho sails from Polo to Pole, may seek in vain for superior performances to those dniiy carried on by the inimitable Professor, who confidently asserts thai hs is the " no plus ultra" of his profession. Having receifort a consignment of Buy Rum, ho is prepared to beautify the complexion of his Customers, and his Goldou Hair Wash can now he obtained. He would remind his Friends that Iho unrivalled and luxurious luxury can only be oblniued at PIIOFESSOR ROWLEY'S, Near Swinbourne's Hotel. Wellington, Jan. 26th, 1859. MR. W. F. JONES, g>vg&tt & pianoforte $uner, AND EEGOLATOK, aiIUZNEE STREET, April 17, ISGO.

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Wellington Independent, Volume XIV, Issue 1444, 7 August 1860, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Wellington Independent, Volume XIV, Issue 1444, 7 August 1860, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Wellington Independent, Volume XIV, Issue 1444, 7 August 1860, Page 1