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||EG to inform their Friends and the Wellington Public generally, that their Goods per " Constantino," are now in course of landing. They hope to have the majority of them open for inspection by Monday next, when they will bo prepared to sell at very mo lerate prices. Lambton Quay, July 12, 1860. GILBERT PICKETT & CO., TD>EG to inform the Public of Wellington and the surrounding Districts, that on -^ and after the Ist of August next they intend making an alteration in the'r system of business. From that date they intend to confine themselves almost solely to a " Ca.^li Business," and will be prepared to offer their Goods at such a reduction on their present prices as will, they believe, fully compensate for the trouble of paying for them at the time of selection. Lambton Quny, 31st July, 1860.

SWINBOURN E'S STEAM PACKET HOTEL, LAMBTON QUAY, (Opposite the " Commercial Hotel ") LATE SWINBOURFE'S HOTEL, 1b now open, where Wines, Spirits, Ales, «fec &c., of the best quality will nlways be kept on hnnd. Soups, Teas, Dinners, and Luncheons, at P-11 hours. Wellington, August 3rd, 18G0. ON SALE STUART, KINROSS & CO, ex "Sterling; "Covstantine." &c, &c, ' &c. LIQUOBS. Brandy 10 hhds. "i „, , -„, , „ 9-0,. i ( Martoll's and other Ao or. -casks > -, ■, An ' I branda 40 cases ) Bitttera 20 " (Joneva 20 " Port 50 " (1 . 2, & 3 doe.) 25 qr.-caska 20 octaves Sharry 15 " o0 Ga.soß Rubi 20 " Janiftiea 6 qr.-easka 5 octaves 4 hhds. Old Tozn 2 " (i qr.-otinks Whisky BtO cases 80 q r. -casks' Alo 20 hhda Irr , , 10 barrels I Ldinbur « h . 80 calks in bottle J l^™ Porter 50 hlids 100 casks in bottle Cordials 10 cases assorted OILMAN'S STORES, PROVISIONS, &«. Mustard 6 esues in tins an'd bottlea Spico^ 5 " aasortod Pickles 5 " Hops 12 {Kickots Red Herrings 13 ca«es 6 hhds Cipfars 1 gmq Thimib Bluo t canes flnffeo 8 bags Rice 2o " Sujrar 40 bags Company's )iie>«as &«. To:i in chfints, hnlvefi. and boxes Iyi'ist>o-1, Cocoa nut, and other oils Blacking 1 civ.k Toltn'-oo Cavendish OilofTnr 10 d irns Sulphur 14 c;i-ks Roman Cement 10 ciskn Sod:i Crystals 5 cables Peal Barley 38 k»£3 Pc.i'ifH n JHortol eolora Pnlt T-nin^s 20 cu.ik.i SOFT GOOlifl Niivv r-n\\ Cloth 3 kilos W<hil Vne.kfl 16 ba'on 8 Bit -1«. el sacks 5 " Rft.«n!'Tj: twine .3 " Flannel 1 " Blanket" 8 " Horss lhi S s 1 « Prints 2 " Cheesecloth 1 " Tweeds & Doea 1 halo Linens 1 " Dennim°, tfc Denies 1 " Onnnv B.i<?s 2 " CLOTr-TING (Silver's Manufacture, «feo.) Rhirto, longcloth, regattii, and serpe Coats, vests, and trousers (assorted) liudi'^s' woollen cloaks Ladies, underclothing Gentl'Miien's do. Pilot Reefing Jackets Hats, caps, and bonnets lioota & Shoes, (ladies, genta. and ehildren's) Hosiery Waterproof good.* (in great variety.) FURNITURE Superior Piano in Rosewood (ptnt. movement) Sideboards and chefToniers. Chairs, mahogany rosewood, walnut, &e. Tables do. do. do Couches and easy chairs Whatnots, music-stools Ch:>.st« of Drawers, and wash stands. Wardrobes, Hassocks Pier mirrors, and looking glasses Wallpapers, grates and stoves. SADDLERY (Milroy's Manufacture.) Saddles, Ladies' and Gentleman's Bridles and Sa-ddlfi Cloths Spurs, Straps and Martingalea, <$•«».«&«. INDIA RUBBER GOODS Tubing, various sizes Air Cushions, Life Belts Flouting Raft Fire Buckets, Dnnking Ctipg Inflated Balls Steam Packing Sundries Iron Bedsteads, Shovels AVirc Hurdles and Fencing Wire Portmanteau's and Knapsacks Carpet and Leather T: availing Bag.} i Tobacco Pipes Patent Nails Door Mats, Corka Folding Gridirons, Anvils Screw Drivers, Picks, Axes Galvanised Iron Tiles. Rivets, Nails, ivc. Galvanized Buckets, Bowls. & Guttering Frying Panii, Bullock Chains * Portable Forges, Wedges Cainp Ovens Bullock DravM and Ploughs Sheathing and Roofing Felt Fire and Building Br'ekn Ci'.rk-d Hoiwhtn'r arid Flock HoLir Lamps, Globe.- and Cliiiunie" F.u. d>. di. I';'.ca' Uk* and Tmublors Picture Fiamo.-i M.iniLi Cordage i?!o\vn and Grey Wm?>pin>{ ra;e:', assoriol GingerlKMrßottljs ' Cu-it Iron Pumps AND VARIOUS OTHER GOOD3. Wellington, Bth July, ISGO.

N OTIC E IS TIF,nF,OY GIVEN that any person fouul Tre.= Hpiß'<iiij 111 vnv land after this (lute, will lie prose. • uteri ttcconlitiy to Law. JAMF.S MITOIIKLL, Curnside Fnrm, Poiirua Road. July 01st, 18110. CROWN LANDS OFFICE, Wellington, 7t.h July, 1800. NOTIOFi is hereby given that the undermentioned LAND OKDERS iseued under the minority of the " Wnste 1 Act, 1858," are now ren<lv for di'livry nt tliis n(Tsee. In o»ses whore the person entitled to til? I.ninl Order is nimble to ntfend in person to ri-eehe it, it wi'l be delivered to lhe hrnrer of nn r.ntliority ncftnvdincr to the fill joined Form, certified by a Mngissrate or by a Snlicilo- of the Supren^e Court. POIIM OP AUTHOItITY REFEP.R?:D TO. I hereby authorise A. 13. of to receive the Land Orler issued in my f.-ivour under the ftuihority of the-" Wusti* Lands Act, 18;8." ( Signature) Witness," (Sis;iintiire of a or of a Solicitor of t!ie Supreme Court ) No. Name. Arre. . 1 Geo. Scrimshaw 00 2 Mi.-hnel Fimu-ano 80 8 John GO 4 P. McAfferty (50 5 John Jarvis CO 0 John Doughty , CO 7 C. Campion *0 fl Walter Tricker GO 0 Robert .lohnstcn 80 10 JolinlVssor fiO 11 Thomas Gibson 80 12 Patrick Hngen CO 13 Thomas Liddy 60 14 David Hostan 00 Ifl Isaac Green 60 Ifi George Gray 80 17 11. Brncken 80 18 Patrick Moran 60 10 J. McNnmnra 60 31 JnHeph Weight (50 Q'J Wm. McKelvey 80 S3 Chnrles Cnrty 00 '9-i Willinm Bennett 00 SO E . Spencer (10 97 Henry Hushes f«0 28 ' William Pex-on 00 2!i Jsimea Kend ick f.O 80 Kdv.-urd Ouhill rtO 31 John 00 Hi Clmrhs Cnss 00 •T3 P. Monnihan (10 .14 N. Alounsrhnn «0 ,'ii Jnmes Slifrht CO SH Georp-e Goodman (JO .17 John Gnilnm (!0 SR Edward II shun (50 89 Thomas /Indian 00 40 James Mr tin (50 41 Pistrick nroffHii - 00 42 Thomni CoftVc 00 4-k .Tomes Wcuborn 80 4-"> Ilemy Kells 80 40 Henry Abbot' 80 47 Jofieiih Frnncis (iO 48 .1. Mfinniiipr <>° 41) Wm. Uprfinn «0 80 Wm. Scurrow 80 f> 1 Patrick Doiiully 00 s'i Fdwurd Elliott 00 ft:'! Thomas Oilbert <K) Ti-L Wi'Wam Hinds 00 f>s William Brown (!0 r>« David Andercon ?0 57 N. Va'entine 00 88 John Desmond <>0 fW Jnmes McDonough f0 00 Edward Downey 00 01 John Gibson -. 60 03 William Franco 00 03 Robert (V.mpbell 00 04 Jnmes Gillijran 00 05 Chnrles Hewitt 00 00 Henry Lynch 80 07 \S . j. Phil i.-s 00 08 Thomas Phillips 00 09 I'dward Bnttersbee 400 70 Georcre Will's 00 71 William McCcU'idon 00 7-i William McLaughiin 00 7:} J. Tl. Cook 00 U J. F. Kells 80 7f> Patrick Hyrne 80 "iO P. Summerville 00 77 Willinm Penlney 00 78 Georsre Knnpp 00 7;» William Hroo'ts 00 80 N. Vincent CO 81 William Humphrey „. . h0 82 VUllimn 8.-Minnid 00 83 Michi-cl T-.hey 00 84 .lohn Jiih'is.m 00 H5 Willi-im HurJw'clt 00 8H Jfihn Waliuce. 00 87 ,T> Rfph Nonhorer 80 88 John Russell GO M Mi.-hael Aleehan 00 i)0 Charles Thompson Of) 01 Joseph ridswetl , 00 Ul Richard Johnson (50 1)1 Juni'-s Thurstoi CO {(.') Kd>- ard linckctt CO Slfl ]?ohert Tf.y'nr ■• CO 07 Enhert Atkinson 00 UH William I?i;ssoll 80 j)!) 0. Robinson 00 100 Willi.nn Brown 60 11(1 Martin Hownrd 0 10> Francis Ma'.dft-in GO ID 1 ,) GiorgeGiix fil) 104 I?. Wo-i(l!iam fiO 105 Jol.n Lee 00 10(5 Thomas natus 00 107 Patrick Dtyle 00 10.-! S. A. Swnyslnnd SO JOS) Wiiliiun J(>hr3...n flO 110 Jnmes I'iiy'or 00 111 F.aneis licv.'ltt <;o 112 Far.'nH lii.'cy ' {)() 1 1 3 Jnmea 1< nplcy hf) 114 J.imes Atkins 8(1 1 1 5 JuiiK s Rrown'ce . .*! 00 110 Dnvid AtkiiiH'.ju 80 117 Charles Stinip 4'K) 118 Piitriek O 'l Nn 11 (!0 I 1 1!) Patrick Sweeney 80 Wil.l.lAM' HTZ!\ ton.iiiihs-iou.'i 1 Crown Lands.

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Wellington Independent, Volume XV, Issue 1443, 3 August 1860, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 Wellington Independent, Volume XV, Issue 1443, 3 August 1860, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 Wellington Independent, Volume XV, Issue 1443, 3 August 1860, Page 2