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ANNUAL SELLING OFF TW\O MEET THE TIMES, as well as to reduce the DRAPERY STOCK - 1 - previous to the ANNUAL STOCK TAKING, the undersigned trusts bis Friends and those Families requiring either . , SUMMER •OR WINTER CLOTHING^ Will make an early call, as -this SELLING OFF is only '■' FOR FOURTEEN DAYS! And at prices that cannot fail to Please the Purchaser, TIMOTHY STEPHENSON, General Store, Lmnbton Quay.

Gcnernl Post Office. Auckland, Ist December, 1859. r J*ENDERS will be received at this office, until I the' 3oth April, 1800, from persons desirous if contracting fur the performance of ihe Overland Mail Service between Wellington and N> w Plynonth, fin- the twelve months commencing the Ist July, 1800, and ending the -'JOih June, 1861, subject to the fo'lowinfj terms and conditions : — Ist.- The Contractor to tuke the .Mails from the Post office iv Wellington nt 2 p.m., every Monday, and deliver them at the Pos-t- office New Plymouth by 1 p.m., ou the following Snturdsiy. 2nd. To take the Mai's from the Post-office in Sew Plymouth, «t 2 p.m., eveiy Monday, and deliver them at the Post office, Wellington, by 11 a.m., on the following Saturday. ttrd. To tuke up and deliver Minis at the Post offices at the following intermediate places, viz. ; — Wangauui, Tumkina, Han^itiki, Manawutu, Otaki, v Vnlkanai, Pahautanui, nml Porirun. 4th. To deliver tho Wellington Mail in Wangauui every Wednesday, by 3 p.m. sth To start from Waiigauui for Wellington at 12 o'clock, noon, on every Thursdaj. 6th. The Contractor not to be bound to carry auy weight exceeding JOOlbs. HENRY JOHN TANCRED. Jnnuary 3, 1800. NOTICE. r JiO TIOLDEJKS of Crown Grants or Chief Com,---1 missioned receipts of land purchased in the New Province of Hawke's Bay. -- . ■ - Wanted to purchase the above, either of Town T.and in Napier, Suburban or Rural Land within thirty miles of Port Napier, from parties legally authorised to convey the same. Apply to Daniel Munn until the Ifith instaut,iat Messrs. Bethune & hunter's, afterwards at the Roy At Hotel, Port Napier. Wellington, December 9, 1859. TO SHIPPERS, CAPTAINS, AND OTHERS. MESSRS. W. WORTHINGTON & SONS. Export Merchant*, 5 Wiiter Lane, Lower Thames street, London, E.C., have nlways on hard in the London Docks, ready for exportation, the fi illowicg articles, both in bulk aud bottle, and which tl ey will put free ou board, on tho most reasonable terms : — ' Port and Sheny Wines, Old Tom Gin, Clipper (unsweetened) (iiu, Omuge Bitters, Scotch Whisky Cbeiry Brandy, Rum Shrub, Jamaica Rum, Raspberry Brandy, Ginger Brandy, Martell's and Hennessy's Brandies. January 20, 1860. HUTT EACES. ~ THE HUTT RACES will take place at the Hutt Race Course, on the 15th and 10th of March, 1800. Further particulars will appear shortly. ROBERT JIL'.ETT. January 16, 1859. FOR SALE. 600 MAIDEN EWES. If desired, they v^' v will be kept on the Run for three or five years ou the usual terms. Apply to JOHNSON & CO. February 2, 1800.. | FOUND. STRAYED PIO S. IBOAR, Greyish, wifh black spots 3 Harrows, one marked on ibe right ear, and 4 white feet, the other marked on the left ear. black. If not claimed in fourteen days, will be sold to defray ejepeuces. JOHN HAG IK Upper Hutt, January 30, 1800. LAND SALE. Notice to Parlies intending to Purchase Land at Messrs. Bethune $• Hunter's Sate on the 9th February, 1860. A SURVEYOR will leave the Auctioneer's Office on Monday, the 6th February, at 1 1 o'elook, and ngnin on the following day, Tuesday, the 7th Febnuvy, at the same hour, for the purpose of pointing out to intending purchasers the locality and boundaries of all the Town Land advertised foi sale on Thursday, 9th February. Exchauge Buildings, 2nd February, 1860. APARTMENTS FURNISHED. I^OUR MILES FROM WELLINGTON. For particulars enquire of ■ Mr. Mabbiott, Lambtou-qnay. February 3, 1860. FOR SALE, Ex " Wild Duck." |AA HALF-CHPSTS superior Congou Tea * V^ 3 cases new Muacatel Layers, in 12 Ib. boxes 9 cases of Jams, Soap, Perfumes, and Violet Powder W. M. BANNATY NE & Co. Feb. 3, 1800. ANY Person desirous of .realizing beady cabh by the disposal of Freehold Property, consisting of Dwelling House or Homestead, wilh from 80 to 400 Acres of L.and attached, may hear of n purchaser by addressing D.F., (at the office of this Paper,) with full particulars of situation, prioe, &c. Feb. 2, 18C0. HOTEL FOR SALE. 'I ""HE well-established Houan known as the 1 "TAUHERENIKAU HOTE L," in the Wairarapa. with twenty acres of Freehold Lnnd attached ; the house contains five rooms, a. bar, and kitchen on the ground floor, and ten bedrooms upstairs. Terms Liberal. For particulars apply to Mr. Lipman Levy, I nmbton Quay, Wellington. February 1, 1860.

THE CHIEF CABIN PASSENGERS PER SHIP "WILD DUCK," From London to New Zealand, TO CAPTAIN THOMAS BISHOP. ■ Off Wellington, New Zealand, January, JB6O. i To Thos. Bishop, T.sq , Commanding Ship " Wild Duck." Dear Sir, — On the eve of reaching New Zealand, and before separating for our several destina tious, we take the present opportunity, of conveying to you our sincere wishes for your prosperity in the profession you so ably fill, as well as eveiy pood fortune to the vessel which has brought us safely, under your command, to this part of the world. We beg also to express our thanks for the uniform ki»duess you have always shewn townrds us during tl c voyage, for your evident wish to promote good feeling among us, and so far as lay In your power, for your .endeavour to lighten the wellknown tediousness of so long a voyage. , ( It is unnecessary far ns to add that yonr careful mid untiring attention to your duties as a commander, Rave us every confidence in your skill und judgment: We do consider it out of place to mention that the good ship " Wild Duck," lirs in every way proved herself worthy of the expectations we had formed of her sailinar qualiiies before leaving _F.ngland._alihough we have not experienced weather at all favorable far making the most of her sailing powers. We have much pleasure in according our good wishes also for your first and second Officers," Mr. Babot and Mr. iUacNnuglitan, not only for their qualities as Officers and seamen, but also for their kindness and general conduct during tl.e voyage. " Again wishing you every success, We remain, denr Sir, Yuur's faithfully, (Signed) Purvis Russell Wm Bowler, jun. Mary G. Russell Wm. J. Elwin Mary Wilson W. J. Birch Samuel Begg H. O. Ledger Agnes W. Begg Joseph Butcher Jas. Bruce Wallace Henry E. C.Wallace j SHIP "WILD DUC K." Wellington, Jan. 28, 1860. We, the undersigned Second Cabin Passengers by the ship " Wild Duck." from London to Welliugton, beg to present Captain Rishop with this testimonial of our esteem for him personally, and confideuce in his skill and judgment as a commander, during a voyage remarkable for calm weather and adverse winds. We especially thank him for his kind and considerate grant of fresh meat and provisions on Christmas Day. whereby ye were enabled to enjoy ourselves somewhat in accordance with our customs at home. We wish him a long life and a prosperous one, and a rapid rise in that profession to which he is so justly a credit. We also thank the Officers and Crew of the ship for their kind and agreeable conduct, which has tended to make an otherwise monotonous voyage more pleasant, Renry S. Skeet Mrs. Phillips Mrs. Skeet A. Lowry Colvill Mary E. C. Garland C. A. Marshall Kate Gaflund William F Smith T. B. Garland William Bamptou W. Evans Ellen Jones E. S. Evans Sarah Askey Isaac Phillips SHIP "WILD DUCK," Capt. Thos. BISHOP, From London to Wellington, New Zealand. : Off Wellington, January 25tk, iB6O. ' r*HE undersigned Passengers in the above 8 vessel have great pleasure in testifying to the utility and value of GravelyV» Patent Sea Water Condensing and Cooking Apparatus, with which I the " Wild Duck" is fitted, ihe facilities offered by this invention for the custon.ary Cooking arrangements are self-evident, and are a great recommendation ; but in addition to the culinary qualifications, is the invaluable Condensing Apparatus, by which process the water distilled from sea water is excellent, and in our opinion far more agreeable to the taste than the water put on board the vessel, and | equal in purity to any water obtained by ships' in England, being perfectly free from {[the slightest particle of salt. We may add that we consider the Apparatus as deserving of every praise, and invaluahl c to any Vessel, particularly those conveying passengers. (Signed by all the Passengers.) PUBLIC NOTICE. W. BE NT HAM'S TOT TF.RY will be drawn at 8 o'clock on the j evening of ihe 22ud of this month, at Mr. Rottermand's, Victoria Hotel. The shareholders are requested to be pi'esent. at 7 o'clock, in order to select a Committee of 12 competentpersons holding shaves, to manage and see that nil is properly' done, after the following manner •>— There is to be two bags, one to contain 100 checks, numbered from 1 up to 100, and the other to contnin 100 checks, with the names of the prizes on. The Committee to see that the Cheeks are pioperly put into the bags. There will be two boys or girls, about ten years of age, one to each bag. one to draw the numbers, and the other to draw the prizes, the numbers to be drawn first, and then a prize ; then ' the person who holds the corresponding numbered ticket, claims the prize drawn to that number, and so on till all is drawn. Two or more of the Committee will have to set down the number drawn, and the name of the prize drawn to each number, till all is drawn. The Committee will have the power to decide what the winuer of the Harmonium is expected to give. P.S.— The Harmonium will be on view at the above Hotel for one week previous to the drawing. February 3,3 800. PRIVATE DANCING CLASS FOR JUVENILES. TO PARENTS AND GUAUDIANS. !' : MR. LEWIS begs respectfully to intimate that should sufficient inducement offef, he whT be happy to open a private Dancing Class for Juveniles, on the afternoon* of Tuesdays and Saturdays. For terms, and all further particulars, application to be made to ih.« Academy, Molesworth street. N.B. — The public cla«3 for Juveniles is now established, February 8, 18G0.

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Wellington Independent, Volume XV, Issue 1403, 3 February 1860, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 Wellington Independent, Volume XV, Issue 1403, 3 February 1860, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 Wellington Independent, Volume XV, Issue 1403, 3 February 1860, Page 2