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(Froa the Nsjuson Examinxr; Dec 5, 1846. ] PCHf>fi|, SnciKTY. —T!IP firgt General As.spmhlv of t!i/» children belonoing to tleNeUon School Sooipty. was held :on..Thursday le«t, at Bronk Green. A largo booth had heen erected adjoinine ' the eehool-room, oppafiife Mr. Songr/s, and the schools from Kelson, Waimea VUlaae, Spring Groye, and .Wakefinld, velked in to ll>ia ppnf. For the younyer ctiiidren, \#ho were unaMe'to walk.the di?fanco carte were furnished. The children from the Wesleyan school at •RichmonfJ were also present. Shortly «"er their arrival, the 'whole body Fat down and parlonk- of refreshments, in w 'Hcl? they>ere joined by a consiHorahle •number of , ,visitors. About threp o'clock, exarpinaiinn wa<» cotnmenond by Mr. ' A 'ox, priiicipaUy in Scripture history and the--mannor in which,the children-'acquitled thernselveg must harp been as gratifyinor to'their parents, many of whom were itresent, as it was saiisfac,o 'Tt° teachers. The children also rpfttetl snftJß pfiort poems, nnd euhp a few »y.rnni». Mr. Vmx himself ereatly delighted w.ifhlihe rceult of the "xaminatioo,and.endeavo»rpd to impress on the 'niftirl* of the children- the imponance of making most of the opporluriity now fiffyrded ihpm of. nrquirlnrr 'knowledge. r The education they'were receiving, he said, wa9 ?uch as would stand them in best need in after Hf>— a ihoroijrrh knowledge of the 'greatfundamental truths of jeligion, apart and practical instruction in reading, writ : ng, and withmetir. JTe exliorfed the pnrenlenot to neglectthe moral training which children receive mosily nt homo,'nor by examPJfl lessen on their minds the effect of the inculcated in thpir schools. The «■*.*• J. Aldred then briefly addressed the children on their relicipne dutios. After *r e examination was concluded the child fen paririoU of tea. We have witneeeed noihirie;' in Now w>alanrl which; hag afforded us co preat a ae-thie assemblage of children. 1 * he, number.from, ibe various 8(?hoolp 4 we pr Q told, amounted, to about 400. The banner in whioli they conducted tberavW!v f eß r thiouehoHt lhe,day, their, clean nnd J # PP parence » t»e progrees they have wade in kftbwlodee, tth evinced in their pty and Ihterllgent replies to the qoee^ wns,pijt,to tbeiri; showed tliegreet, ihsimi

pormnt heneSf? adecjuate^^pr^theobli,;,^ 6 ;. ,I, ' ol »«-der t<, th e ,entl,,na ( r,o wh C Z r ?" oneruy are ...ainly i,debt,d r 8 c fl l«b, g U.m eil tof>hes/ B chiH)s f fc' J certain,; Soever, Mr 'cinmii fr I bring liicn.liiß ijrcalMl ,oi,iir,l' "" w " r !« so thai in. a population under 3!000 S Zealand lay c lau n to advautaees t!'« fl'ir.js; another,, tl, e Rreat>f .. 0,,mU.0f civil carea.trifidbefore'S; preme Coun. Lot the proud W f bft that it.b«lovr* on every child a a.dbas U* least awounl

The IMart Town Ad, er ii 3 <r o f the 6tli M .' contams a v,r, rab.d article, wrhtea : bj ,o». . ,-er.son, in th*t bombastic ~.J JJ ■Atjd,.,,t AM«( wed. and which dSh UuUbeg as "'King Can)by. eß ' vHn " ; The »nbi 1 of it is the execution e f { be rebfc , ehfef ?t P "S? u.uler .entence of Court Martial. This act m which h ; i tnfl.c.ed a foul, a d lmD i ng blot upon our B «,o».lcl»™ei«r, theTu tub character, we utesume. not that of V an Die men . Land But let v. quote hi, wor.Uin i^/'d coma», lent th,y eb ..n|.l b« mUuker. f ur our. "A toul. h dnmnms blot," ea , 3 he. » ba, fallen unon our national character. A cold hloo-led lZZ T h** been perpetrated. It h*s made WO r,ebr judical mockery. A native cf .New Zealand. Uken m e ru«. h M been tri«d, couricted, and hangsdl !! A rebel! To whom ? To a countVy to a Go.erßment to which he owed n<. illegiance ? Good God ! Can tbi. be ? '" And then follows a lon?7hodomonta<;« about Poles and G/reks Caradoc and Kosciutko. H..f f r an d TAS, is&uolron. w t Lich we hare no room to extract, bat which would erniUe the reader*'of our l e «e rhetori. cal P'ges if we were tb do co.

Weii, now, sober men of common sense who may happen to reed wbat w e ire writing,' let vi put dowDon paper the real fact* of l he casew.bich has •o greatly^cned.the W rata>nd philanthropy of this organ of public opinion inVan Dumtn'i Land. Here they *re. Seren years ago the Agent of the ?»ew Zealand Company purchased from the native* of Port Nicholson, amonr other lan<li. a valley callod the Hutt; end surveyed and allotted it to purchaeeri* Subsequently to tiiii, a number of naitw partpf the countty eoaoe *nd intrude nrjijj the' sar»eyed hnts,~ end oppose the .proewi «##h*, settlers. On remomrrance by the Colonial authorities, the natives in question limit thntthey hife no business there, and enter into a written aersement to quit as soea as they have cleared c crop which they had planted in the ground ti«urped by them. Obierre that they themselves adroit that |h*7 had no right to ihst district, the Land CUims Commiiiioner ii of the same opinion, and the other b*tive>, who bad sold the district, confirm the aMertion. . Well, ine|e»d of, quitting at they had promised, they stay there for fire years, misting ailattempti oh the p*rt of the troe dvratrs to obtain possession, and, finally, they become so troubleiotpe. that troops are stationed for tbe pro. tection of, the settlers in the lower part of the valley. Then these,natives, without any provocation, ddrninenee.e series of cold blooded snd barbarous murders, tnassacrine peaceable and tint Sending settlers, and Government determines to ditlodge them (a* we think it was its duty to d:) by force of arms. Several ikirmisles ensue, and in one of tliem, or immediately afterwards, a chief who had been in is taken in arms. H« proves I on examination to be a native from a place 120 miles j dWtant from the district where the disturbances' existed, wh'Ofe r'ghts. or those of bis tribe,.had i never, been meddled with, and who had no assign* | abe reason for joining: the other nativei, except n \ dfsire to exterminate the Europeans, whohsdnever ; done or intended to do'h?'oi or his any harm.' He is tried by a Conrt Martial, sentenced u> death, admits the justness of his sentence and his folly in taking up arms; and, as a warning to others, is hanged in doe course of law. And this it is which our contemporary,"with a geat deal more Z'al than knowledge, calls a cold-blooded murder, describinjr. the Court Martial as an Msernblaije of" mercenary batchers, wpo condemned thenative for .heir d'y's pay." and wisKing for his Excellency, Capt. Grey, •'that he ortf become a spectacle and a mockery to all meni that the worm which dieih not, and the fire whleh i» »ot quenched, may batten on his conscience, and iiU pHni»n,reent only ceaie when " &c. Among, other eqmUy easacious observations, our contemporary asiures us that " the usurpation of New Zealand wsb a crime, a great crime; one equally agalnsUhe laws of nations and the immutable lawi of right." Aβ to our occupation of New Zealabd , being against the laws of nations, we think it unnic'eesary to discuss that point, since M.Gutzit, the Prime Minister of France, Sir Robert Peel, the Prime Minister of England. Lord John Russe 1, Lord Ho wick, and many other statesmen of like note, have recorded thsir opinions to the contrary. As to its b'eiW «E»Je»* the ««« ritab ! e h *" "f "f t we realjr cannot view ourselves m the light ot transgr/ssora bn.thafc score. •• God has made the world 'las Ldrd Grey eloquently said, •• to be ctUtitated andepjoyed, not abandoned as a desert for oi'nnibals and lavages to possess to the cxc us.on of cWilizeT tahn." We found in these islands, containing hn area of nearly an hundred' milium acres, about 110,000 inhabitants, occupying chiefly their northern extremity, cannibal*, rapidly esterminating themselves hf,-wars, infanticides, and Tther horrid crimes. We' proposed to occupy•lhoij desert. Mtte they bad neter «et foot,, tp■ eonjert t» > gwlei*J Mvagei the arti of clriliwtton end the ( \>l*mW of

cytmnit horrid 1,, ° h were ™* ««r country uonm, to our" r v G '^nmen' a » ; ' •«,,!„* , 0 » by death «nd foolub. V, relit/",, * nd burdened till «he day n f " , h ' ch we °%ht to go limited period. ? °. f JUdgffiettt ' « r for an, more ; If, howe?er, w e ar? »« ut ,«V.n t0 P«Wic opinion our reproof. h?, "' ?! ht to look fo ' ««* aborigin?e 8 o f •£.- W.°f the ™y nnmer-M*r,in.WL-Wttat, *£ r »!«j ? ., Mon tgomery M !on K coming betwL X^ th T y warht& " miserable temnlutT I * aad lhe s,itt, e», and ex Porte T a I Unted in,n a «»"«« to about 300' in nS r h ' m ~7 . tlle j Wefe »nd execution, but by liri' , "" V UdicUl ' entence a 'cry great crime"' o7 . - 1™ h ? e "' " a^e. first atone at „,. Nn r ! * efore caet 'oS tie thevioUntl a ngu S(; p a L? t n We Poking tbtt. our contetaporar. has ill ?°/ er P r «" rtn « which for hie ; Ct fu agaiDrt Ca P fc ' M'» been spared, w'": t"™«tion, might hap« quite « mor a l New are perfor *iihin ? ifc eaUoL k f'l 11 , 0 particuUr reason miriisceni £ ab ff!' no hostile re. garters; i≤ or -inn. the rigour* to •*»*• «h«t enable ev-ry m an , ,', Uld be so relased ai to o»n ,L We ar« T ll,ll . 8 ?"" » good in his mmmm ciimin?! ma^! rOm ~ he the gavage and £«"id Can/ 8 oecessifc y fc - control them by

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Wellington Independent, Volume II, Issue 124, 19 December 1846, Page 3

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NELSON. Wellington Independent, Volume II, Issue 124, 19 December 1846, Page 3

NELSON. Wellington Independent, Volume II, Issue 124, 19 December 1846, Page 3