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Hcr« shall tho Press the PcoyJo'p maintain. (Jnawed by intlui-iu-.o imd tmhnlu.d by c««n Here Pp! r’o* Trot i» her tßorioup j-:ut i-p’p i.*;nw, PiwlffscJ to rtHlktioii Lil-orlv ami Law

■ o Mr ii. E Williams, consulting engineer to tho Waihi G.M. Co., arrived in Weihi by yesteiday afternoon's express train from Auckland on one of his periodical visits to tho company’s property. «

At a meeting of the general committee of the W aihi Hospital Bail last evening, it was rrsoivid that avert froni the opera t:ona of the stall holde:s aim’ supper committee, it was not thought desirable to make a general canvass on this occasion, therefore tho various lady woikcrs will net be called upon to take up this branch of the work as heretofore.

That iba Commercial Travellers’ entertainment on Friday next i, attracting public attention was evidenced ibis morning when the box plan w.i.s opened at Miss Niwlh’s. Sj numerous were the applicants for reserved seats Unit a number lad to wait sme time. This in itself augurs vr.-ll f., r .a bumper bouse, and should be gratifying to the management committee.

J here was a large attendance of Foresters at the usual fortnights, meeting last night. After the routine business vt as dealt wi-h, it was decided to issue a .challenge to the Waiht Dru.cis lo meet m a friendly game of football on the first vacant Saturday, the proceeds of the game to go towards some charitable purpose. After the business concluded, the brethren wore surprised by the trooping into the hull of about a score of biriics laden with hampers. The Hour was cleared and the vi.-d-.ors took charge, appointing their own Ai (J. and aNo supplying the music. A most enjoyable time was spent until the close at about midnight.

dtic attention ul football enthusiasts is drawn to an interesting announcement in our advertising columns relative to the forJiccming test matches between the Springboks (South African footbal’irs) and ill.; New ZeMand jfughy rcprcscnUlives. In i hi- the JJrj n Km pi re 'Jradpig Com par, y ■ntimates that lo the person who sn: cecils in correctly giving the results vd ihe three list iiutefn s llicv wih give t tie sum cl Fun, ( ! )L . condition hem;: that each forecast .mu,-d be aceumpauud by tour ul the cardboard packages or of the lids of the tins which had continue I Bcgcut cigarettes (ten to the box or tin) or two lids of the tins which hud held twenty cigarettes each. There is no limit to (he number of forecasts, snbj-'ct to the conditions being complied with, and any other information intending competitors may seek can he obtained by perusal of the company’s announcement. I For Bronchial (toughs, tak» j Woods’ Octal Bcpporuiiut (,’ui*

The mails which left Auckland on the 15th June hy the B.M.S. JNingarn, via Vancouver, arrived in London July 251 h.

The Waihi mines still continue to attract university students seeking a practical working knowledge of raining. Two Otago University students, Messrs B. F, Landreih, B.cSe., and W. E, Aitehison, armed j.'with the necessary theoretical equiomnii, have spent the past six months-in underground work at the VYailu mine, for the purpose of completing their education in raining, and pur* po-o engaging in the business in Canada. Mr Landreih l aves this afternoon for South., and at the end of the year he sud his fneud will sail tor Canaria.

The entertainment to ho provided by the Commercial 'Travellers at the Academy Theatre on Friday next is of a varied order, and one lhat should appeal to all classes nf the community, Apart from the high musical status of the entertainment, the inclusion of wit and humour by such artists ns Messrs D. Weir and T. Wilkinson will lend a sparkle and brightness that cannot fail to please, and wo feel confident (hat every item, musical and otherwise, will meet with the warmest approval hy all who attend the theatre on Friday evening next,

The various groups of workers now being organised to make the I unction of tho annual Hospital Ball, to be held on September 15th, a success from every standpoint, are now commencing to take initial stops in tho matter of adopting ways and means for the raising of fluids Each section would greatly facilitate ilie smooth working of thegeneral arrangements by responding to the letters sent out by the secretary, asking for their co - operation, Tho obj et is one in which all petty differences and opinions should bo sunk. ho that our sick and ailing should not by any manner of means be retarded in their fight for health and strength. The passengers to Waihi by yesterday afternoon’s express train included Mr •I. S. Dickson, M.P, for the Parnell electorate, Auckland. Mr Dickson’s visit to the district is in connection with the Waihi Beach scheme, ho having been appointed assessor on behalf of Mrs M. Shaw, in place of the Hon. E. W, Aliscn, on the Assessment Court, which is to determine the price paid by the Waihi Borough Council for tho recreation reserve and [camping ground at the beach, comprising some seventy to eighty acres already vested in the name ot tho Council. Mr Dickson states that there is a probability that the Court, which is to be presided over by a judge of the Supreme Court, will sit within about a month from dale, but it is not clear ot present as to whether the proceedings will be in Auckland or at Waibi.

' A meeting of the general committee in ! connection with the forthcoming Hospital I Bill was held in the Borough Council Chambers last evening, the Mayor, Mr Dawson Donaldson, presiding, Reports j showed that the matter of organisation was being enthusiastically taken up, and I that the Professions had tlu-ir arrangements well in hand, and intended putting ) on their stall at an early date. luforma- ■ tim was also received that iho Business '

section intended raising funds by other means other than by stalls. The opinion ' was expressed that the Sports and 1 Friendly ,Societies would respond in co- i operating with the general committee in the raising of funis, and adopt such ! means as appealed most to them. It . was resolved to communicate with the | Supper Committee with a view to again , enlisting their valuable services.

The apparent, wanton destruction of a cat owned by a resident in Feddon Avenue is a subject that is exercising the minds of the police in an endeavour to bring the culprit to hook. The feline, which is of tho Persian breed of high caste, of largo size and a handsome specimen of its species, was valued at £5, and was a special favourite with the members of tho family. Date on Friday afternoon the attention of the owner was claimed by the re;o;t of a shot gun somewhere in the neighbourhood of the house, but no particular notice was taken

of it. Early next morning the carcase ot the Persian was found on the roadside, its appearance showing (hat it had been shot with a fowling-piece, while the subsequent discovery clo e by r.f gu empty cartridge case disclosed that a hammerb'ss breech-loading gun had been used, flic police are making an earnest effort to identify the perpetrator of what they describe as a wantonly cruel act. The film story ot “Tim Drifters ” atI traded a largo and representative audi- | to the Academy Theatre last night. The scenes ol the plot are associated with the great frozen country of Alaska, and so deftly is the story of the play woven, and so skilfully enacted, that it stirred] last night, the emotions of all present, From beginning to end the story is thrillingly (old. It opens with the winter halt : spent in the great frozen regions, when I the earlier spirit of friendliness has com- j mcnoed to bicak into little Hurries ol enmity in which are revealed the respective temperament of the throe individuals who have been banded together. There is an clement of mystery and suspense in tlie story by the advent of a girl into their midst, whoso mind has become im- ! paired by a great grief. Ihe film will bo I repeated to-night, together v ith "A I Parcel Post Husband " (comedy), To- j morrow (Wednesday) three big attractions will be screened, including the final I episode in (lie “ Mystery ot the 13,” and ! ihe first episode of the new serial, “The ! Lost City." The Waihi police became aware of the departure from Wuihi on Sunday after-I com of a half-a-dozen men bound for! Katikati. Just why the movements.of the party should have claimed so much 1 attention from the police has not been i made clear, but the facts arc that after i the vehicle conveying the visitors to \ ' Katikati had departed from Waihi, the I police communicated by ‘phciio with the j constable in charge of Katikati to keep 1 f an eye on the Waihi party, as possibly ; 1 they won Id I o found seeking (quid re- i , freehmvnt Iroin licensed premises in the i neighbourhood, it, appears that the' vigilance of the police did not t-.J Ihcie, and that a posse ol police, stationed at the Tauranga bridge, awaited the return of the party, lid ween !) and 10 p.m. u ear rapidly approaching was lirot glit to a .standstill by the guardians ol the law, j but their search revealed nothing bui an I empty ](.) gallon deim j dm. Alt h:.n ( . ; h | the Ini n lulled to idilain relredinu nl i;

is alleged that they were on licensed premises at Kalikalt fur the purpose ol trying to gel drink, and for this reason the poiico contenipliro taking action against the individual members of the party.

Don't hc.-ilnto to oso Nawul freely,, osju.’iin!!-,- !,-y 11■ ?i 1;11it inlnihiLion. |( I’f'd-'c's the mouth, nose and throat from in motion, (loud for coughs, cub!-, jure thru,r..-. <to

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Bibliographic details

Waihi Daily Telegraph, Volume XIX, Issue 6280, 26 July 1921, Page 2

Word Count

THE Daily Telegraph WITH WHICH IS INCORPORATED THE WAIHI MINER TUESDAY, JULY 26, 1921. LOCAL AND GENERAL Waihi Daily Telegraph, Volume XIX, Issue 6280, 26 July 1921, Page 2

THE Daily Telegraph WITH WHICH IS INCORPORATED THE WAIHI MINER TUESDAY, JULY 26, 1921. LOCAL AND GENERAL Waihi Daily Telegraph, Volume XIX, Issue 6280, 26 July 1921, Page 2