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Messrs. Isaac- Brown and Co.! tvt !•■- engineers, ok., are .selling litlisun phonographs, ami invite the public to call and near tho records, Mr. A. A. Stewart, ur tlie Wailii District High •School, lias tendered his resignation to the Auckland Hoard iif Education, and takes up an appointment in a similar capacity at tho llaivora High School at the end of the Juno holidays. Mr. Stewart's departure from Wailii will he regretted by a, large circle of friends. His loss will also he keenly felt by the Suburbs Cricket Club, of which he was a prniiiimeiit member, anyone, of the leading batsmen in Ihe Auckland provincial district'.

A meeting of the Wailii brunch of tho National Defence League was held last evening at the Council Chambers, when the following resolution was passed; "Notwithstanding the enthusiasm of the volunteers the voluntary system dues not provide adequate moans of defence, and we therefore ask .the Government to inirodiiec a system of universal defensive training fur Ihe young men of the Dominion." The resolution, which will bo signed by the members of the branch, will be telegraphed to the Premier to-day. In regard to the divorce proceedings instituted on behalf of Agnes Ottoway for the annulling of the marriage with Amy Dock, lawyers say that the proceedings aro not absolutely necessary; that a marriage presupposes a man mid a woman as the principals, and that as between any others no form of words or set of acts can make a marriage. Nevertheless, the authorities lay it down that in such a ease as the Nuggets farce it is advisable to have a formal annulment by tho Court whilst the evidence is easily obtainable, so as to leave no room for question in after life.

Tlii> Marlborough Express reports :i case of " backyard " justice. .Mr McNab made the unique application tlmt his Worship adjourn lu tin* bsitkyard of tho Courthouse and take a Maori's evidence, liis avoirdupois being such us disabled him from alighting from his trap. Mr. McNab, with a twinkle- in his eye, suggested as an alternative Hint the weighty witness be carried in. The opposing counsel said that would _bb rather a heavy proposition. His Worship good-naturedly consented to go outside, and the evidence was taken in open air. Another Maori »itin'ss, who was paralysed, was curried bodily into the Court.

Settlers in the k'akhia district found the telephone more than usually handy last week. A number of instruments are connected on a big circuit, and when one of the subscribers received an important communication regarding stock sales, which reunited to be promptly discussed by Hk- settlers, he rung up every house in ilie connection, and arranged a "telephonic'' meeting, At the appointed time the settlers assembled at the 'phones, and the mutter was thoroughly discu-sed, the- meeting terminating by a vote o| thanks being passed to tho enterprising originator of the "meeting" loi his thougiitfuliiess in bringing (lie telephone into requisition,

"flic opium habit is one uf tin greatest difficulties Mat; have to In faced in China," said tho ltev. T. 11 Kearney, a missionary fruin Lciiany wiiu is just now in Duuedin on leave Killing is ut town a thousand miles in '"it! in. the Yangtze \ alley, just al the limit of river steamer navigation a-iiil through it pawed on its wa\ to the eoast much of the produce u'l tho interior. "[ iliink that on tin I upunn question Ihercarea great mam inisconccptions," he added, "and then we many things about the iraflic tlu.l !«re not generally known—not known, I" lack by anyone who does nut know soiiiethiiijr ut t | lo j mi()l . ]ljston . ut) Uima. Tliogrbfiier jiurt of (.itt> opium consumed in China i 5 of Chines,. K'««tii. It is a cuiiiiuoii error to sunpose that alLor a -roat part of it, tomes Irom India. |do nut believe tin one-tenth comes from India. Kiln. «twl as we are on tho river, wc have ''"'lf opportunity of seeing soinethii,!: » the native trade in this ,„„,(,; < I'""-' is grown in Western Chim, 'j„ """""Jhiiw, and wo j M ,',,., , 1 ,,, | , " b,TS "', Pacing ?&"" * ~i' V lu olll, ' r I'aiis id

■A Ivmlnig.Mnigloii incdiroiviis giving evidence „, the Wellington SiiiireiiitU'lr in a dentistry ca„e. when be wa. «*N liv n.uin-1 whKhcr the dentist o doctor wli« acted as anaesthetist wus likely to oee most of the ease. |j,, P r «»'l»llvrej l |i H ltJ l H|,iiil,i. 01l i ll j ( , |l( j |(1 l '"-' ,l !' il1 ') winilil mw as milch as the oculist, lor be would examine I lie patients moiilb. '■ Hon- long is it MV you drew a tooth yourself!'" "Oh. many years; but in the nmrM . „| IMV ' training I had to do'to, and I bav .('- <'d us anaesthetist, hundreds of lime.," His Honor asked if at one time it was not tho ease that the surgeon and barber and the dentist, and the doctor were one not ft o very long ago. "Yes. replied Die physician'. "In the day* of blood-letting there were harbor-surgeons." UL> Honor added that his was the origin of the " barberV IKile." The surgeon-barberi! did their nhlebotomic work on the footpaths, such as they were, and the patients arm lva... attached to the'pole while the chirurgcon ''blooded'' him. After the.operation the calico strips that were used were re-wound around the pole, and as those, stained with blood sometimes alternated with those bavin" no tinge of gore, the polo with it.> white and eriniMiu strips camo to be regarded as the barber's trade mark.

Tim exceptional clearness uf fclit* atihosiilkmo (luring tlio mist low days lists enabled the residents of tlio Fitzhorbcrt district to enjoy tlic unusual sight uf ii vok'iuiu in eruption. All day on Friday (says Hie. Dominion's Pahnerstun correspondent) Ngauruhoo could be easily seen with the pall of cloud hanging over it, while, at intervals, sudden upheavals of cloud masses told that the mountain was still very active. Writing with reference to the same thing Hit' Dominion's travelling correspondent sink's:—The bright clear morning on Saturday enabled passengers by the Auckland south Main Trunk express to obtain a magnificent view of the mountains Egmont, Nuapeliii, and iNgauruhoe, from near Waiourii. lluapehu. in Ihe centre, shone in the soft light villi an almost dazzling whiteness-it whiteness which creeps farther and farther down the nmiiniiiin with tlio approach of winter. On Hip right, eastward, was iniijui'dy brown Ngaiunho?, ovary now aria tbin surmounted by ut puff of 3twm or an angry Hack to d* nolo tnat iU internal wrath m not slumbering. Away to tho ieft, ono hundred and twenty mik, stood loru-ly , Egmont, It is not often that train passengers obtain an opportunity of simultaneously viewing Egmont, liun|iehu„ and Ngiiiiri'ihoo, and the spectacle on Saturday ivas described as one if the otearsst aj*n .for mi'«- -xr 0 „ 11« rou«..i

A resolution, in favour of roligious instniotioii being given in the. local schools during school hours for a period of not less than ono-half hour ouch week to carried at the Wailii Schools Committee mooting last evening. Ihe committee wilf take steps to secure, tho consent of the Board of education to tho same,

At the. Borough Council Chambers ast oyeniiig Dr. Dock delivorod an interesting octuro to the studonis of tho St, John Ambulance Association on l>»t «td treatment in cases of droirninir poking, or strangulation, and poison! ng. Another general lecture, followed J » Kiwml one to (he ladies' and gentlemen s classes, will conclude, the

,; At lhl ' "7" «'» tt'-da.v Grand ,)„„„ »«- «w. um. al lis lid. option. 2lls, '"^•'^'^l.Hliowiuga.weakeniiigoll' ft r"Tf l ,vl, , h prim.. Lxlondods were aboul the Ka „„.. ,| ln „„. '»!! Iwihlk al Gs ft|. Consolidulcds were ;Iwii K it ill M. and Pride, „|. HJ,| ''".vers. Mnonlands, com o(|iionl u|kiii rerait development', were sold ,i| 7d «"hI 'ld. ami Beaches at id. The London market has evidently a Heeled Junctions, though the mine prospects are belter than ever.

Ihe church services for to-morrow, as advertised in our ecclesiastical column*, are as lotlows:-Sf. James' Presbyterian Church: Morining subject. "Blessed iiiV they who have not seen yet do believe;'' evening. "Come and see;" preacher. Rev. W. White, M.A. Church of Christ: Usual service-: evening. "The gospel (hat Jesus preached,'' Baptist Church: Morning, " All the Lord's people prophets.'' evening. "'Strange, vol comforting words;" preacher, Rev. Jas. Spoltiswoode. Wesley'Church; li and 7: morning, "White until harvest;" 'evening, ''The challenge to Christian missions;" preacher, Jlev. J, Wrigley.

Primitive .Methodist Church: II a.m., Communion; evening.'' Whal did .li.i-iir-do?" preacher, Ilcv. A. Armstrong.

Daisy DiSon, a young woman who was evidently looking forward to being the belle of the Taranaki Rifles Military Ball, had her dream roughly sliaitercd when the stern hand of the law gripped her. She was a hotel employee, i'l years of age. whose people live at the Day of Islands. Her preparations for the ball had gone so far as the purchase of » dress costing IM IDs, and an opera-cloak costing VI ss, from ii New Plymouth draper, lint it appeared that she had stolen ihe sum of Vi 10s, out of which she paid for these articles, from a fellow-employee named Metlo Anderson, a box belonging to whom she had broken into, abstracting the money. Before she could even don the attire she was arrested on a charge of theft. Mr. 11. S. Kitsihorbert, S.M., dealt lenientlv with her. Alter reprimanding her .severely, lie convicted and lined her VI, in default M days' imprisonment, adding that she was to remain in custody until Ihe fine 'vp paid.- The amount was paid out |ol the wages due to her.

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Waihi Daily Telegraph, Volume IX, Issue 2570, 5 June 1909, Page 2

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LOCAL AND GENERAL Waihi Daily Telegraph, Volume IX, Issue 2570, 5 June 1909, Page 2

LOCAL AND GENERAL Waihi Daily Telegraph, Volume IX, Issue 2570, 5 June 1909, Page 2