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When Shadows Die


. CHAI'TEII XXX. H'oiitieued.) , "Ah mi"! ll win. nut Simula tlmt I miis troubled about. It wna my lather. At length it occurred In mo to write tu in.v In tiler's London bunkcm tu inquire fur him. Ami I wondered Hint I bad never thought of doing so before. On (his occasion I received a prompt answer, which was at unci- encouraging nml depriving, as yoiuduill see, contradictory a,< tin- ■•tntuiiicut scouis. Messrs Rhodes told nie that tin- curl had taki'li I lie countc*,- In tin; Canaries fur her ladyship health, and that they had wintered there, hut that ii.i May tliey had sailed IV ait extensive yachting cruie, from which I hey wero exticetcd to return tu iMigland .-onm time in February,

"Ho my lather could never have received any n| .my Idlers, and war, therefore not tlie unbending, imforniviii", pitiless father 1 Imd thought him. lie liitd ni'ohiibly writ bn me many letters whoso final italimitiuii was the deadlot Icr ollico. I might (-till hope lor his ready forgiveness, So far [\ w „,'.w, wii.i encouraging. (

"But, then, tut the other hand, he would not return until February. 'Flit; wai. the deprc-eing lialiiro in dr.. Idler. \d (he encouraging circumstances outweighed Hie depressing item, mi tlmt, '"' "le wliule, 1 was more hopeful ami more cheerful.

"As October grew shorter lIM, I nmll 'r I '"'gun I" lie impatient l„ leave Hit' place, ami f„ r ( |,j s mm ''"Kit fur tin' return of Savinln. .\l length I gl'oW runllv (llvpilillleilt. || vnt about this tiinv—tin* middle „i o<-tok-r-llnit 1 .saw in the little Cfiirva paper an item (hat ritartlcd and dolijxlilvtl mi:. It was under the head ~f " Arrival!,.' ]t wn ri hut a line: '"The lion, Angus Angliwi, Kngland—Hotel des Hvr«H.'>,' Without an in.'tnnl's delay I sal down and wrote a note, asking him In rail mi meat'ilm JJtiiullivH)<i-. ''The thought nf iiiut>tiii|X line home face-ami Hint llrj fate of my brotherV dour friend, SaviolaV good Mend, my own tru« friend, who had travelled with i»> to Scotland to see thai | dliotild lip regularly married before he left me under the protection of Saviola-lilled my soul with delightful anticipations. "He came promptly in res|mn<,e ti> my summons. It was only noun when Hie waiter opened the door of (lie little drawing room where 1 sat, and announced:

'"Tim Hon. Mr, Auglcsea.' "1 bprang up and held out my both hands to welcome him. "He raii-ed'one to hits lip*, bowed over it. and said: " ' I hope* I find you wedl, madamo.' '"Oh! I am >o glad-bo glad to see you!' I exclaimed, at random. He. took a seat. " I sank into my easy-chair, my hcarl beating with excitement, with tumult, only to sec the fare of a friend. " ' 1 am very happy to cmnc to vim.' he said. '1 hope .Saviola is well.' he .added-diibibiisly, a t , I thought. "'lie is always well,' 1 replied. ' He is in Paris,' "' You hoar from him daily, of '.xiuse?' "'No. He is ii pool corrci-poMili'iil. I oliall not hear from him until I i-c" liilll, 1 four. 1 "He looked very grave, but made no (OllllllWlt, " I hastened to ask him if ho kn.'w where my hither then was. " Hit, reply conlirmeil the banker's new,v-lho truth of which, by the way. 1 had never doubled. " He said Hint my father war, wintering in the Canaries for the .akc of the C'Jiiiil'.t-.s'fi health, and that Viscount Glcnnon. my brother, was with them. "Tlii'i was the reason. Iheu. why I had never heard from my hVolhcr.

".Mr. Aii[;li'M"i iippi'iiml pmimipii.'' while lie sputa. Then. afl.<r ;i slim' iihi(T. lie mill: " ' .\h. in-hl,mil'. |ir;i.v (in mil nw rider tut- ini|iiTtiii"ii(, I'cliivc in<-.

Autlu,re,s'u(" IV Womaiu'Love/'" Flu. Discarded Drt-i^).uu,"'».'v'

"P''ak only in your own interests---" "' Ac you acted when you went li Scotland with u,s, I added. " Precisely, Madame la IVincct-se.' "Then speak iieely. Mr. Angle en I shall mil take ull'cuce.' " 'Then I wish to inc|iiirc when ym last heard from laiigi Saviola.' " I haled to answer that que lion tu confess the many days Ilia! lon elap-cd since I had seen or heard Iron my husband. Yel I answered: "' I have not heard fr him i-inci lie left here for I'nri.. six weeks ago.' " 'Ah!' he said, very gravely. " ' Hut I expect lo see hilll loon,' added. Indeed!' he exclaimed, in Mir priee. '"Yes. indeed. 01 course. Wh.> not?' I demanded, in nMnuishmcnt. " He war. fiilenl. '"Why no!?' I again demanded uneasily.' " lie looked grave. " What do you mean, Mr. Anglcscu!' I exclaimed, nnxioudy. "All, niiidnnio?" lie sighed. "Ym

know so little of the world! So little o the world !" "Mr. Anglosoa, you distress me. Ila;

anything happened to Saviola ■;" "Ah, madaine, you were hut a child when you wonl oil'to marry the Italian. l~knowing full well that I eouiii not prevent that mad act which was sure

U7DAI a oLtSSINCJ What a blessing it is. 'Sought alter by thousands.. Waihi is finding if mil. Many n miserable man is happy mu. Nights of unrest, days oi •!rouble, Any irritating skin disease means ibis. I'ilra llli'illl 11. feema, just as bad, and,just as hind •iiciirc. Hut Dunn's Ointment .J< m■:, i|. | Ifclicves at niro, and cures if mil ■ Hsn il lung cnougli. ' j Aspeeil'm for any irritjii'.iuii of the skin. ' A blessing In ihe'suhViiig p.ihlic. i Here's U'ailii'proiif in hacf, h. | Mis. V,. Mason, Devon si reel, Waihi,' says:-" I used Kuan's Ointment on i iiiv little child's scalp lor sores, with which she had been troiibcd lor some ! lime. The various remedies ulndi we I used did her no good; in fail, rather i ihe reverse, they seemed In have an : irritating ell'ecl, Dunn's Ointment, i However, moved splendid. It «•■'.< j soothing from the very first application and in a short lime the scalp complete- i ly healed. It lias kepi rigk'ovor since. I mm the hair, which had fallen oh", has! grown all over (he pans. I am very : pleased to recommend Doa'n's Oinlmen'l ■ lor skin troubles. 1 got this remedv at Dnrron's Pharniaev." | ' On filli March,' lIKI7, Mrs. Mason' says: "I mn pleased In bring the above' up to dii'le by Idling you the cure men- j iioned above Ins proved permanent. ] Donn's Ointment should be in every | boiiie." ' i It cannot be repeated too often that Ilium's Ointment will cure every irri-; lalion of Hie skin. Th Inn'l'g ' snll'ering, gel this remedy 10-dav. : Dean's Ointment is sold by' all rheiie i isls and storekeepers at lis per box. or "ill be jioslcd on receipt of price by Koster-McClellan (Ai., Tli l'ilt-slicci, Sydney. i Hut, be sure you net UOAN'H. :

to take, place—went with you, for your brother, my friend's sake, to prevent any fatal error from being committal. I thought I had prevented calamity (o you. I know better now. Ah, yes!" "Mr. Anglosoa," I said, "you frighieu me. What has happened? 1 implore you to tell me.'' "Not now! I cannot! Hut do not be alarmed! Take courage! I am your friend! I will see you through this trouble." "No! you must tell me-now! Has —has—has—-" I could scarcely hear to put the question; but I nerved myself to do it. . "Has l,uigi Icli me . deserted me'r"' And I sank hack anil covered my burning lace with my hands. "How shall I answer your qiicsiiou. madame? But put. the question rather to your own intelligence, lie left here six necks ago. lie has not returned or written to you since. Anyone less youthful, innocent ami inexperienced than yourself would draw inferences from these circumstances. Will you excuse me now? I will see vou this evening. May ];-" "Yes." 1 answered, mechanically. "He bowed and lett the room. "I was alone again. I wished to lie. alone to collect my thoughts . ll had never occurred to me that Saviola would desert 1110 —Itt'VtT ! "He had ceased to he mv king, m\ "'"I- 'l'' bad revealed himself to he' a jjamblcr, a .sharper, an adventurer. I had long ceased to love, trusi or re■Jl'wt liim. Still, I knew that he was loud ol me, in his wav. and so 1 never imagined that lie could forsake me Ami. now that the possibility was presented to me. it filhl ,„e with more wonder than sorrow or mortification. "I was not nearly so much troubled I'.v the possible desertion of Saciola as

"'"Miifii liv the long silence and fancied implacability of mv lather j was sorry for Saviola oniv l Mr anse I hough I had ceased |o love, or trust' '"' «-f.s|MM-t the man, I bail begun to ''■"'' passionate hi,,,. ||, 5 ,,, m ,„| M , much weaker than | was. "With this feeling of pitv and ie«ret was mingled one of intense relief. I lifiil so liltli. to Ins,.- iii loshis; ilh- mnii 7" w ' lile was a constant source of MiiWie ami fear lome! Hut, whatever '"' ""'J' '«'•,. ecu. hi, ~„,k was „„. MiisftionHlil... I bad |,,, n |. lH . ri| „ v ,| . " '""j. ! I was (he Princes. Kf!!i .• ,l,lm y. s, '" l Luiflo S.iivi< v |» \o mm rould deprive "" "I these old and honourable, ihoiMi ""w empty, titles. "! miiui reconciled myself to mv do ;;;:,£:, ; v,, » ?' *•■»»*> ,■„ , nv 1 "'T,, 1 " l! " 1 1' »1' mv mind I, 1 /«».lir«-i1.v... \V t .,- rt |" 11,1 '< "'. v '»vii nilieriti 1,,,,,, „ IV ;:;:;'■.;'" .here wy ,„ ,$ 7 ' tti Imiklii,,,!; Hieii confer ||,„ ~|K; ,,, s »■'•.,-"1 1""* in-0tect,,,,,: l, "i " ll ' lh,| "'i:"! I did not vim know the worst! 1 ' I'l'i'bf , „n! i mini.

.13 ITS KPFECT IN INDIGESTION. . "About ten yea re ano I ivsi« in wry IKKir health, owing to faulty dines!ion and stomach IroiilnV. I was always ,in pain after catiiiK- . I siillcrnl fearfully from licadaebe.- and hiliiuisiiess, from which I was hardly ever lice. My life beeaiiii' a misery lo me. I had lost faith in medicine.-, having tried w many ivilliotil any beneficial result, ami when Wnnm't. Sale ('nie wiw reeoiiiniciiili'd to me I lie-iteti-il about lakiiiu it. iml the i<'|' 1,! ' 1 -- ' j heard about the medicine weir mi fa- , vourable that I decided to in uh.n | it would do lor me. Hcfuic evin tie • lirfit bottle \\i\i- liui-licd I b'pn lc feel lietter, and I kept on imploring I ill health, so Hint in a few »ed.- I ivas quite well, and lice hom all d:ttuvsillg syiii|itoiiih. I can tlm- li"n cstly iTWiiiiiicnd WiirncrV Sate ( ii;i for indigestion ami liilimwirr.-. I. mnl my family, have iim'il War,no's SaP fills for many years, and luiu aluau found lliem of ijreiil bciu'lii." lioin Mrs Kluiibi'lh Aiilbuny. li, I'm'lee; .-licet, Dtillaral, Vic, Tor some yea is I wa- a niarlvi .■' nidi)!wtion and bilitm.-ni--.:. M,» ill k 'esliveoi)!an.-cotibl mil |eilinn; iluir functions, and iiflenlinie.- I umld not ictnin an\ l'<«nl in mv rlimiacli. I Ilk nhTll'll'il wild -e\err lieiulaelic.-. My khlneyr peemed lo be deiaii;'id. » 1 siilfereii ureal pain in the hack. I tried any number of medicine... bul was unable lo obtain rebel. At la.-i I COlicltlded lo «ive Warner'- Safe Cure a trial. The lin-l l.ettlehil S im. me uveal veliel, ami I wa,- emoui,c;id to eonliiiiie taking the medieim lnr jl)lU« Wtek.-. will'" all liaiir nl I lie

comidftiut lett nie, ami I na- linubleil no mote with aclie- and pi"i-."-I'iom Mr S. li. Hali-ii. 71, ' ni'in -Ireel, Amol Yale. Yic In addition I" Ihe leenhn •'.- and lis IKI hollle- of Wainci - Sale I'nrc. a Mliccnlralcd I'oini ol tin teidi'iiie h now is.-ucd at '.'<- »>■! |ci hot He. WaiiierV S-.le line n -..-■■ninii.-.l' is lint coiii|ioinidi'd «i'li alcnlnil. and foil tain,* Hie -aim iniin'.n o| dc-e- I* the os bottle "I Viaiim'.- Sale i nrc. It. 11. Wainci and '.(.. I iieilul. Mel- . Imurno, Yic |

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Bibliographic details

Waihi Daily Telegraph, Volume IX, Issue 2570, 5 June 1909, Page 4

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When Shadows Die Waihi Daily Telegraph, Volume IX, Issue 2570, 5 June 1909, Page 4

When Shadows Die Waihi Daily Telegraph, Volume IX, Issue 2570, 5 June 1909, Page 4