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A writ was served on Saturday b,v All'. M. McGregor, solicitor, on behalf ol Mr, J, 11, Bradney, of Auckland, on Mr. Peter Virtue, claiming £SOO for alleged slander in connection with Iho recent Harbour Hoard elections. "New Zealand's oiler" lias evidently touched a responsible, chord in the heart of ono practical Now Zealander, A Christchurch schoolboy has written to the Premier: " Dear Sir Joseph,— 1 am sending a shilling for the Dreadnought," Tenders for the refreshment bootli at tlio Wnilii Cycling and Touring Club's sports, to bo held next Saturday, will lio received up till 5 p.m. on Wednesday noxt. Tenders to bo addressed care- of secretary, post office box No. 36. H has been decided by the Wellington J rades Council to ask Government to introduce legislation to extend the provisions of the Workers' Compensation Act so that relatives in any other country might bo able to claim compensation for deaths happening in New Zealand..

Tlio Union Company's fino steamer Marnma (643? tons) will make hor first appoarance at Auckland to-day. The Marama which is relieving the s.s. Manuka for ono trip only in the Auck-land-Sydnoy trade, is now on route from Southern and East Coast ports, via Auckland, to Sydney. All entrance foes in connection with tlio Waihi Cycling and Touring Club'S sports must be paid before 9 p.m. on Wednesday next. The secretary will ho at Filling's Hotel on Monday,' Tuesday, and Wednesday evenings between 8 and 9 o'clock to receive same. The 120 yards handicap on the programme will bo run under the auspices of the Wailii Athletic Club, and entries for tho same will ho received by tho secretary up till 0 p.m. on Wednesday next lit Filling's Hotel.

Meisrs Robertson and Co., general storekeepers, etc., AVaikino, have an advertisement of special interest to tlio resident of Waikino and surrounding districts. They anuounco that they are prepared to call for orders and mako deliveries three times a week, and that there will not be any further charges for freight, cartage, etc. Full stocks of ironmongery, boots, glassware, etc., are kept

At a. conimittco meeting of the Minors' Union, Karangahako, it was decided, in view of the renowed activity displayed by the I'aeroa residents to have the Oliinemuri river revoked as a sludge channel, to take steps to avert such a decision of Parliament being arrived at. Tho matter will be fully dealt with at the next quarterly meeting of the union, which takes place somo time next month. It is proposed to forward a petition, with as many signatures as possible, to tho authorities, pointing out tho disastrous effects that would result to the mining industry if the companies now working were not allowed to deposit their tailings in the river.

riie Ohinemuri licensing ease will be heard by the Court of Appeal about tho 20th of April, As notified in our Saturday's issue, the Commission by Mr. Justice Sim has been iipset in Chambers by Mr. Justice Coopor, The plaintiffs iii tho application to remove tho caso to the Appeal Court wero the members of the Oliinemuri "Licensing Coniinittco (Fred. Cock, Titos. Gavin, H. W. Moore, Hugh Poland, and John Edu Taylor), and the defendants were tlio Attorney-General Dr. Fipdlay, K.C., and Mr. Justico Sim, who had been appointed to hold the inquiry. Mr. liaume, K.C., of Auckland, appeared on behalf of plaintiffs, and Mr. M. Chapman, K.C., and D. M. Findlay for tho defendants,

The launch of tlie Thames Foreshore Dredging Company's dredge- took place at tho oud of last weok. Considerable interest is being takon in this new branch of the gold mining industry 011 the Thames, and a largo number of prominent citizens were present to witness the launch, which was carried out most successfully under the supervision 0! Mr. H. H. Adams. The christening coremoiiy was performed by the Mayoress (Mrs, A, Burns), who named tho dredge Kiwi. It is expected that the dredge will be ready to commence operations in about throe munpis' time. Tlio company will then proceed with the work of treating the large deposit of failings along the ioreshoro between tlio Goods Wharf mid the Kiiranui Creek, The tailings will lie lifted b,y tlio dredge and conveyed by means ol an endless wire ropo to the Moanatajari battery for treatment by the cyanide process.

I A. meeting of the newly-formed . branch of tho Auckland Accliinatisu- ' tion Society was held in Karangahake recently, Mr, A. S. Hill presiding. It was decided to apply immediately for a consignment of trout yearlings, for distribution in tho following streams: Wfiitawheta, Maimgakara, Tararekc, Jloiimaiiga, Doherly's, Matauru, Waitete, Waitoke, The following officers have been elected: l'atron, Mr, Hugh Poland, M.P.; inesidoiit, Mr ArmStrong Turnbull; vice-presidents, Very Kev, Dean. Jfackott, and Messrs, Daw, Stanslield, Nieholl, Auld, G. N. MeGruor, T. Wells and J. Sinclair; secretary, Mr. J). Leach; treasurer, Mr. J, Hamilton; auditor, Mr, J. Hcdpath; ranger, Mr. A, S. Hill; committee, officers ex-officio, and Messrs P. HagueSmith, W, Nealie, J, Nealie, W, Page, J. liidois, T. MeColliim, H. Airey (Waikino), Has!!ard (Waibi), )V; Nicholls (Paeroa), l'orritl (Paoroa).

"Itotortia is very wonderful—wondorful Itcims of tlie very strength of Nuturo that one sees there. ■ It made a very groat impression on me," remarked J)r. (Japra, of Milan, to a Times reporter. " When a hoy I received a Look about New Zealand, and now llwit ] liave eonie to see it, it seems all like a dream to mc, and'l ask,'ls it true lam in New Zealand?" Tlion he enthusiastically commented upon AVainiangu, Lake Rotomaliana and Tarawa," tlio extraordinary steam hole's on tlii' shores of the cold water lakes, Te Wairoa, Whakarowarowa, and othor wonders of the thermal regions, The living plants in. tho hot springs, with their light green, yellow and red colourings, did not pass unobserved by him, "In its natural iwpect New Zealand is very beautiful," ho continued, " For a young country you have made very solid progress, and one of many pleasing features to 1110 is the great'interest taken in the instruction of the people, not alone in your schools, but by your newspapers, and tho facilities given everywhere throughout the country by lire rending loouia mil] libraries,"

The 'Auekland Cricket championship competitions comdedon- Saturday a& teniooh. ! The North Shore Club eleven* liavo won both:''lie onior and second' grade championships, and. lie Grafton Club tho third grade.

_ Nominations for tho position sident, vice-president, and two commit-' teemen of tho Waihi Now Co-Oporativo Society will be, received at the Society's store until Friday; 2nd 'April, Nomination papers may be had on application to the manager,

An elderly man named Wallis, who has been employed for n few days by Alex, Oit, of llorrinsvillo, was found in a wha re with a shot gun alongside, (lend, his head being nearly blown oil. The man had apparently been dead a couple ol days. The body was removed j to tlio Nottingham Castle Hotel, where lan inqucot was held. As fas as known deceased lias no relatives here.

The Kaiser takes a glass of light Moselle wine, at lunch and dinner, and occasionally a glaft of champagne, When lie is host at one of tho " men's evenings,' which ho is fond of giving for a circle of intiniato friends, or at a card party, the Emperor drinks one or two glflfNcs of boor, as has long bcou- his custom. J'lie story that tho Kaiser has pledged never to touch alcoholic liquor again as part of his policy of reform is, of course ridiculous. His Majesty has tried to popularise tea in the Army, and to induce his officers tc' drink less and cheaper wine.

One day, just beioro an ascent, Mu. Wilbur Wright, the famous aeronaut, noticed a cincmatographor hard at work taking pictures of lii's aeroplane. Mr. Wright approached liini, and politely demanded his rolls of films, The einematographer wals loud in his protests, but the other was obdurate; so, with many expressions of dismay, the operator handed over tho films and walked away. He had not gono far, however, when lie turned round and shouted to Mr. Wright, "The films I gave you are blanks! Oood-dav!" And he vanished like the wind. The same evening an enterprising place of entertainment in Paris presented it its delighted audience views of the famous Wright, aeroplane.

There was a. .singular scouo at the Young Town HalL (writes the Sydney correspondent of tho Molliourno Age.) A largo crowd had gathered to view the biograph views of tlio Burns-Johnson Tlie advertised prices of admission wore 3s and 2s. A largo section of the crowd refused to go in unless the cost of admission was reduced to Is. The liioscopo representative de-. clincd to reduco the 'price, and the crowd posted pickets at tho entrance to tho hall and at the tickot office. Thero were a few deserters who were jeered and called "scahs." The police appeared, but the crowd remained staunch, After the performance it was announced that tho prices of admission on the second night would be 2s and Is,

The steamer Paeroa, which lias temporarily taken up the running of the s.s. Taniwlia in the Olunemun-Auckland trade, rnn aground on a. sand, bank midway between Kopii and Tunia on Friday night, the mishap being attributed to the fact that, in the absence of an electric searchlight, the steel'sninn was unable to pick up the beacon. A good deal of inconvenience was exnerienced by-'several passengers, who have been prevented from connecting with other lines of communication at Auckland. Only one boat was available, and this was lent to nino passengers, who pulled to Kopu, and catching the downward train, were enabled to proceed to Auckland by the Wakatcro. A good many other passeiigeiv wore obliged to remain on board, but eventually, all got off.

Mr. C. Mills, of tho Rai Valley (Marlborough) informs tho Guardian of a remarkable contest ho witnessed last week while watching a bush fire in the Tinlino, In a deep pool in tho Tinline River ho noticed a trout that appeared to be about four pounds iu weight, and harrying tho fish were nine eels, the largest of which would go about fifteen pounds. After a lot of worrying by tho eels tho trout was driven out of the pool into shallower water, and its enemies began a vigorour attack on it. The big eel would deliver a broadside that sent tho unfortunate trout scurrying through tho shoals, but the smaller wis would head it back with viciuus snaps. It fought valiantly for somo time, but evontually becanw completely_ exhausted, and whilst in that condition tho big eel, with a wrenching snap, pulled the poor creature's head off and swallowed it,

A small party of guests were recently invited to 18, Old Broad Streot, London, the offices of tho Indo-Euro-pean Telegraph Company, and there witnessed the achievement of a world's record, when one of the operators sent a inessago to Calcutta on a direct lino from the London office to the receiving room, oyer 7000 miles away, and had an answer in seven minutes.' For experimental purposes other cities were signalled for messages. Bombay said: "It is hot here. We suppose yon are 'i I. Madras said: "It is cold, but dry.' Constantinople said: "Our Parliament is sitting." Odessa, Tabriz, Warsaw, Pera, and Teheran sent any messages which camo into tho heads of the operators. It was all dono quickly and without a hitch, The operators telegraphed to Pera us easily lis one could to Piickliiini Jiye, and 'J'eloran was no further away in point of tnuo than Tooting,

regreet to record the death of an old. and.highly-respecteii resident of tjailii, in the person of Mr. AVilliani Henry llohl Ellis, ivliifli took place at the Wnihi hospital yesterday, after a wort lllncsi.'. Deceased whs connected with the erection of the first hattery on the Wailn Company',; property, which it that time was bnilt on the site of the pwent No. 1 shaft. He has been m nnilii off and on since that period, and for the la-st ten years has been continually employed at tho Waihi ComWailii battery, Mr. Ellis, who was /3 years of age "at the time'of ln> death, saw sen ice in the Maori war. Ho leaves a widow,, five daughlem, and three soiih to mourn their loss. He Clinic to Now Zealand Iroin Prince EdWard Island. Deceased was the son of the late Mr. Robert Ellis, of Prince Edward Island, and landed in Auckland in tie early sixties. Ilis fifet visit *o Wailn was made 30 years ago. His two married daughters-Mrs Bond and Mrs. luthbertson—reside in Auckland, Deceased was a member of tho Masonic . P?* •! , ie takes place in Auckland to-morrow.

Old Andrew Carnegie, the millionaire Ijlnlunthropist, is far from being the flour bcotcliiiwn sumo would liuvu iu believe. On the contrary, Andrew 1 nther loves ut joke, and has a strong vein of humour in his lnako-'up. Ones, not so very long ago, ho was entertaining a,t Skibo Custlo, his home in the Scottish highlands, a corlain Montenegrin prince. The European notable was being taken out by his Anglo- | American hoist, for a spin in his motor car. Whizzing past a littlo group of kilted crofters, standing near a. village inn, the natives saluted the distinguished stranger and the millionaire. Tito prince was much astonished at tho attire of the Highlanders, "Why," ho asked, ."do these men go barelegged?" with groat gravity of demeanour replied: "Itis a local custom, and, in this iiiutauco, n mark of respect for you sir. In somo places people take off their hats to show honour to distinguished visitors. Hero tlie.y take off their tronsorsr ,

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Waihi Daily Telegraph, Volume IX, Issue 2513, 29 March 1909, Page 2

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LOCAL AND GENERAL Waihi Daily Telegraph, Volume IX, Issue 2513, 29 March 1909, Page 2

LOCAL AND GENERAL Waihi Daily Telegraph, Volume IX, Issue 2513, 29 March 1909, Page 2