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tfho members of tho Waihi Band else«hore return thanks to tho Waihi Dramatic €lob for their generous performance last night on their bohalf, and thank also Mr. and Mrs Meyer for tho use ot furniture for tho stage.

An interesting wrestling mutch is promised to thoso who attend tho Minora' Union Hall on Monday ovoniiig next, The contestants Harry Pearbe, of wrostling fame, and W. Rlordon, wi'l wrestle '• catch as catch can," for.» stake of 129, tho former in order to win has to throw bin opponent three times during one hour. As & preliminary to the proceeding* tuhlelio exhibitions will bo given by Hurry Sando, John Tye and othora. ' A large numbor of roproßontative citizens intended the funeral yesterday nftpruoon of tho late Mr. Lowis Raymond Munn, when the remains were intoired in the Waihi cometpty. Included in those' who followed the hearso to the gravoaido, wore Hiß Worship tho Ma/or (Mr, T. Gilmour), Rev, A, S. Buckland, Rov. J, L. Patlullo, Mr. D. W. McArthur, Borough Engineer, Mr L. Spratt, of the clorical staff ol the Waihi G.M, Go,, Mr, A. H. Benge, and othoi prominent citizens of the town. The burial service was read by t'ie Eov. A. S, Bnckland, vicar of St, John's, The talented Black Family of musicians, who met with such a favourable reception in Waihi, nearly two years ago, givo another of thoir popular musical performances 10-night. Those who word present at their last entortainmont, no doubt will not oiies the opportunity of again hearing them to-night. The press speak highly of tho company. A coutemporary says:— In vncel aud instrumental items thoy ore equally at home, whilo in the torpsiohorean art, and in character sltolchos aud comedy, they aro interesting audeutortaining. Tho musiool items oldno are woll worth the price of admission, and wo oan confidently roebmmend tho entertainmont to the cordial patronage of our renders.

Mr J. Hopkins, the Government beo oxperk, writing to Mr Wm. FitzGorald, of this town, says:—" I bavo received un extract from your letter Bent to Wellington, re ray giving iw nddress on boo oulturo at Wnibt, I shall be pleased to do bo later op, I am going to givo one at Pooroa probably in Novomber, at which timo your trains will bo runuiDg to enable me to get my heavy lecturing outfit over from Paeroa, The usual courso is for the branch of the Farmer's Union to arrange for too leoiuro, such as making it known by odvortising beforehand, providing hall, etc., and whom there is no such branch two or throo loading men interested in tho matter lake it in band. Tho Council Chambers are generally available free." This ovoning, in the Minors' Union Hall, Hiß Worship tho Mayor will opon a sale of work in connection with tlio Primitive Methodist Oburch, Thoro will bo a good display of plain and fancy goods; oompofitions of various kinds will be engitttd in, and there will be the usual sideshows bb woll, In connoeiion with tha refrf shmont stall thoro will bo a baking coropeiition, and prizes will be awarded in these clashes. All entries are to bo in at the Minors' Union Hall by 5 o'olock, and all entries to bo tho property or tho refreshment committee, A. epeoinl feature of tho sale will bo the mountod horns and woodwork at the fanoy stall. Tho Balo will opon at 1 p.ui. this ovoning and at 2 p.tu. to-morrow Tho admission is Gd, On Saturday ovoning thoro will bo an exhibition of physical drill by sotuo of the Sun-'day-school boys, trained by Mr, Blunt,

The moinbors of the ffnihi Drniaatic Olnb gave another illustration of tboir powers to ontertain a public audienco last night, whon, by special requoat, they roproducod tbo farcical and amusing comedy " Jane," Tboir Qret i-ftort in tho production of this piece a week or two ainco met widi unanimous approval, and Üblj night ill!; interpretation of tho pioco was such as to add fresh laurels to tboir namo as public entertainers. Clio comedy "June," abounding as it does in amusing nnd extraordinarily funny situations, affords ample scope for creating genuine merriment, and tho performers hist night mnde the most of them, From the commencement of tho por/crnianco to its close tho audience were kept in a simmer of laughtor, which frequently broko into heorty roars of inorrimont, Dr, Claridgo, as Oharios Shsokelion, ngain i>a«o ovidenco ot his talents as an actor. Miss Marshall, in the title role Jane, Misti S, Palmer as Mrj Ohadwick, Miss Prico as Lucy Norton, Miss V, Arm. Btrong as Mrs Piston, Mr. A. W. Lakeman (Shuckloton's trustee), Mr, G, \V. Dennis as William (Bhaokloton's volet), ami Master A, Brown as Buttons, gavo an excellent interpretation of thnir rospectivo parts, Tho performance lost night was given by the club for tho purpois of assisting tho local fund for tho band's contest. During tho evening an orohostra under the baton of Mr. O. Trussel, provided splendid music rfhioh was -greatly by the audienge,

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Waihi Daily Telegraph, Volume V, Issue 1437, 22 September 1905, Page 2

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Untitled Waihi Daily Telegraph, Volume V, Issue 1437, 22 September 1905, Page 2

Untitled Waihi Daily Telegraph, Volume V, Issue 1437, 22 September 1905, Page 2