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Union Boat Cub's Smoke Concert.

"Send off" to W. Webb.

The mo- 1 i-mo\.ilj!(> and eiiihusia^tic sinokc ( c\im held b\ the rru-inb<.is ot the I nion limn Club i<>i.k place- la-t evening *tt \>u*un\ Romv,-,, which wi'VO IiIUhI b\ tin- l.ui;(M f-atheim.q- oi wearcm ot the ' iijilit blue" which has rwr alicndrd one uf th<"-i annual uirttions. ihi^ u,h ]'n 10 bo uo:uU-H'd at though, considering i.iM m.'-mhi h.ul been the mn^t MK'^siul in the Club sj lori.' mice and it-, ic^u'-cnt. tivc-> had m> i^allantlv won the blue lihaiul of rowing in New /ral.ind, ha\inj; appropriated the Champion Four-,. This oi itselt was enough to make the Kathcrinji. whereat the winning crew were to be honoured, a memorable one; but there was the additional lact whwh lent even greater enthusiasm to the occasion in that William Webb la name writ largely on the Club's stroll ot', as the winner of several championship laces and many other events), was to be «ivc-n n ''send off" on the eve of his departure tor Sydney, whither he «<ics to endeavour to urn for Xew Zealand the highest honours fn the sculling world — the professional championship. What the boys in blue and others think of Webb was amph demonstrated last ni'jlit, b\ the bi«- attendance of \ounß members, veteians, and visitors to do honoi and wish (iod speed to oik- of the most popular athkies this coloiu his \ct pioduced. The (hair was occiiDK'd o\ the l'ie-ident (Mr V. ]\I. Spindle), amongst tho'-c piesent ben" His Woi.ship the M Mr C. V. Powell I'Pn^ident of th(> Wannanui Rc.^alt • Association). Me- si-,, !!. V. Tilley (C.'p--tain), and T. T. Hell, of the \\an.y;.nui K.C., Messi-. Iknwnod and C. P.nkes of ,\raimihn K. C . and the «vest of the evening - Mi W . Webb. The usual lo\.il toasts having been duh hoaoie-' the(om]ian\ pioieecledto do IU-.1.'- •• to the capital "-jHead jirovided !)\ .\h V. . S l)>. This nroliiviinrry -, m Kavinq juc.ved s.uisfji toiy. Captain Swan^cr then ca!K d i.n ihoso pie-m* to toast "The New Zealand Amateur Alow - inu > ssoi iation," wlv.ili lie truly said had done a k>'";>' r rowing in New Zealand. Mi C. X. Powell (President .)f the local Regatta Association) iesponded vc'iy ai>piopi lately, lie took occasion to refer to the regret he telt at \\ . Webb's deflection from the Atnateu fold but added that he felt sure Webb Was #oin" to be one of the purest proft -- sionals as he had been one of the purest imateurs. lie concluded by wishing Webb every success m his forthcoming biff race against Charlie Towns, icmarkintV that lie knew all rowintf men here would join with him in e.\])iessin^ the hope< that the Wan.c>anui sculler would have the best of luck, which he deserved.' "Kindred Clubs" was the next toast. Mr T. 11. Battle in proposing it, referred to the excellent feeling existing between the local clubs. Messrs. Mackay (Commodore of the Sailing- Club). Captain Tilley (Waiigamu K. C), and Captain Hayuood (A ram oho) responded, all three i».heaitil\ congratulating the I'nions on their well deserved win in the ChampioVi Fours. The Chairman then piesented the trophies won duriP'- the season, the recipients being as follows: — REGATTA RACES. Champion Fours (Lake Forsyth) — W. Sharpe (stiokc), C. Drew CJ), J. Green CJ), I). Coiln (bow), 11. Henley (cox). The same new Appropriated the Senior (best and best) hours at the Wanganui Regatta, .'ml rowed second* in the Clinker Fours. Junior Clinker Fours. -G. Aitken, W. Dustin, j. Cottenll, ]i. Tremewan, X Me Will "(co\). Maiden Fours. — X. Chiistiansen, C Snow, K. Kjland, 11. Couch, 11. Ik-nlc-i (cox). Maiden Pairs. — L. Ryland, C. Snow, X. McNeil! (cox). Maiden Double Sculls (2nd).-«-R. Shfield, C. Pointer, N..M<.Neill (co\). Youths' Four-. (2nd). —D. Armstrong, S. Dustin, A. Harris, W. Moore, A. M<Neill (cox). Club Fours. — \V. Davis (stroke), C Snow (3), T. Ruscoc (2), W. \'mcent (bow), N.^McNcill (cox). Dustin Fours. -*-J. Colterill, ]J. Tiemewan, S. Dustin, W. Thompson, N. McNeill (cox).

Dr. >s Do-ilve K<iiil- I RiKcnc, IT. Pi uic .ai' Maiden S<mlU - I) C<nb\. f Nr-c^clless 'o s,i\ tin c h.vmpions were each ,i(iii(!c.l <i t>ic\il ovation on iceei\m.H <hul cloiiiii: <• their red c o.'ir*-. Koli(\>i.i" the pi\e( tic <• in the Old Country fiiec'iib tiK'i M i 'scnted each member of ihcVrew \\ith tbe oai (>-uitabl\ ens^raved) '.■» it •"» Vv'nieh t lt \ \\ 1• 1 [he event The nc-\r t' ,-st >\a .. tol"W . We-Lli,'' ond w .", pii>,x'st c] by ihe Chairman. Mi, Spur fit- saicl the pnii ,'n obint of the tMtherim> v\?s to .1 ;;ou(l !>,e io Mr Webb wlti was le'\ir,<. on tiie men row to do bittle ioi ihe wOlw ol Id's professional championship. Th- « iu!>. be said, felt proud, as they h;>d lea-on to. oj" Webb, and he felt sp.ti that as a professional he would do not him; tc> bring discredit upon the club of which»he was for so Ion" sue h a pro.nmcrii idc'ilht. liis domjrs, nn the "other sice woulel be watched uith tlie keenest 'nterest by all ron 111,14 men not onh in \\<mc;aiuii, but throughout Xoii Zenland. Mi Spindle then called unon the' Mr.\or to s:>.y .1 few words. 1 Applnuse). Mr M«uka\ s.'i.l he greatly appreciated the bin.). Ooiir huii in being asked to speik on such an oc 1 ision. Ir was indeed pleasihi; to see a young \\ an.uanuite aspiring to such, honors as Mr \Vebb was «oini> forth to >-ei-k. They ail knew he v ould do honor to them, and win or lo?e would behave like a gpnth'man. Lie felt souy that Mr Webb had changed bis status, but at the same time ho would remark that any br.mch of sport was what its follow 01 s made il. If anyone could raise tlie sfitus of professional rownv Mr Webb was the man to do it. On behalf of the- citm-ns of \\ar""anui he wished Mr Webb (Jod speed on his mission. (Loud \""!au<-e). The toast was then chunk with musical honors. Mr Webb who was received with deafening; applause, feclinyh leplied. " Me said it tfas very ole^asinj; to have such kind things spoken nbou'. oneself, and he felt highly ht.noie-l. He said he- stood in rather n pr<ui\-ir pi>siii"»i — n little out of pi. 11 c. it 'fen.el :'s 0 j)i'ofession:il amongst mj< h .! < loiui ul .'iinuteins, but he knew he w,<s- tlmiwht a. Root{ clc-al of, and th it they unc all with him in his effoit, to bnnj. 1 the \\o) ld'-, c hnnj])ionshij) to Wantjanu! lie could assure them he would alwa\<-- row as straight a^ it was posible fru an\one to row — in la< t to ii> as stiai^ht as a professional a-- he ba rl been as an amateur. He con iu'V'l b\ I.e. j tin returningthanks 'or ihc honor {lone him. At the call of the President Webb-was then aci'idec* "thiee tunes three."' Othe' toast-, honoiiu-f!. but which want of Sim,' pi<>\ ■ "!• 11 iei< 1 1 inu to at any length, im hided- -'"The President." projjosed b\ All A. (iiax, and responded to l)v Mr J". \1 Spui'lle "The Champion Ciew." b\ \' ; i e-Piesidcnt Battle, resDonded ! 1 b\ c ie h or the uinnin# crew. '•The IM'.C ."' b- Air Markay, acknow- !(-;<;<■! I)\.C:mj!. S.i.-nj>er. '"'The Winmis ol i^e-'.ittp air l Troj)hy Races," by Mr C. V. J}.'''i:i. ;"id acknowledged by MesMs C r . Anken. A. Cl'iistiansen. W. Dn'.is pnd I. Kuscie. '"Donors of Troph'c>s " b\ ;\' r P. K\.ans. and responded to by Messrs \\. s. Dustin and H. Drew. '•rnsuccessti'l Coir pet itors," by Mr A. (I'M, respondi d to by "viessrs R". L. Slvfield and I). Ai-05t, ,„!(.-. ' : The Old Ale'nbers," h\ Mr Barton, responded tn b\ Mess,s f. Rinfoe, A. (xray, J. Hamilton, and T. (I. Hntife. "The Coach and Stnter," b> Mi Han ilion. acknowfedi_'(>d by Messrs (Ipv and Kvans. "The Press-.'' h\ C.'ptain <K»- ;'nqer. responded to In Messrs S, fliulnn (f.vttelton Times) pivl \v. S. Corbv Hhald); and •'The Lnr' ; es." by Mr \m"nnii;, Mr. % 'W->Ilv" Shame feelin'rlv rephinu. The proceedings which were enlivened by a number of'sonj»s. eti., concluded about ll.'M) o'dork w:th the sinpintr c>f '• \iild Lnn» Smic,'' tlie fun. 'em hav\lU\ been in e\erv \v;i\- the trost -inie-ss-fu! of its kind in the c lub's liisi..»\.

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Wanganui Herald, Volume XXXXI, Issue 12192, 13 June 1907, Page 2

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ROWING. Wanganui Herald, Volume XXXXI, Issue 12192, 13 June 1907, Page 2

ROWING. Wanganui Herald, Volume XXXXI, Issue 12192, 13 June 1907, Page 2