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A Wai| '.\.i 1-ii^'i.iiii -I. lie- ."nil m e«rtli(|ii.ikc wa-. tilt .it 7. in tlii — iii'»i,iiiil; The laic-! addition to the '1 < li )iln>ii<- IV elmni; • !■> -\.'. :, '-2, Mr G. W. Cum. - i ■- denee. 11. 11 1 i-. >n Plat < • Lion 'l Ttirv, at t •■ni|.aiiied by lour v;p dci-b. w.ts removed on Satuiday h<> .1 •>' teltou Gaol to Seaclift Mental ]):v,i,f, Hospital. The Maoris camped in Ihe bi<» tent in Campbell Street, near ihe Mor.ton uavdeiir. are having a rather nn. omlortable ♦ime m i-oii^oiiiiei'c-e ol t«.-c?ay\s i-.iin. It i.- a ]niy they don't form a shovel brigade -uitl <li£ a trench round (he marquee. A( (lie Police Court this moi-ring. bi>fnre Mr I». L. Stantord, S.M.. a man named John Wall, alia« Herom. alias Maher. alias Willis, w.t.s charged with the t licit. Irom a dwelling at Hamilton on Il>e 25th of April, ol £27 worth ol s>tufl. Ti'.e accused wns remanded to appear at Hamilton in eight days. Mr P. IJ. Lomax. local agent for ihe Dresden Piano Company, inlorms us that tlie Wellington C.iri i.-on ]J ,nd ha- purchased the beantiiul sot ol Jlawke and Son\s -diver-plated band instruments which <\ere on \ iew at the New Zealand Joxl'o(ion. and ior which (lie Dicisclcn Com pain are sole agents lor New Zealand. The Duudin Star i^ now printed )y (kctricily, -njijiliccl by the \\ aipori i<v\c. The eight linotype machine- are di iven »>y a 1 h re«» hoi«e-po\\er IJnlisli Wi~tin<j'.Mi induction motor oi 4(M volt'-.. To chive 1 lie rotary printing machine a 20 h.p. \aiia''le speed* induction motor has supplied Ihe place ol a faithtul, if overworked, g-.s mgiue. A Dunedin telegram states that the late Dr. Alexander, under his will, bequeathed £1250 to the Governor of St. Helena lor the benefit of native born poor and the necessitous inhabitants of the inland. The , legacy is given iv recognition of the fuel ] that St. Helena was his birthplace, ami lii^ family have been closely connected with it lor a lengthy period. The old building adjoining the '•Jleiald ' Ofrce, rthich has just 'been pulled down, ione ol the oldest landmarks in Wansranui It was used as a bakehouse about half a century ago, when the proprietor, the late "Charlie" Nichols, supplied the Imperial troops with bread, and has laithluliy tultilled its office up to within the la»t lewyears. It is satisfactory to observe that in spile of the heavy rain we have had lately there has been no noticeable discolouration of the Okehu water. The rainfall at the head works has been exceptionally heavy, 7.<>9 inches having bren registered for the month of May. besides which there was a heavy tall ol snow on the night ol the 27th. Some Ili.iMu^h workmen were recently cinpltvrd i" culling the lur/e bu-he- g>o\\in<4 alongside the road?, aioimd tl'i 1 Jl'ii-oii'.Hi 'grounds, and righfly .-<•_. bill .i 4tiru.-)iond.>iit inlorms us tliat in-i-onic ]>l;u ■ s they t.iilid I<> rciii-)\'> Hi--' cut Tin/' 1 , (his being i" penally the < asi> around Uehhys Hill, when- the branches aicbeiiitr carried <m to the roadway by -tmk, luive.bcct.niv ll <.'«.' ot aiuioyauie to 1 in- i many i-ydiM-. n-ing the road. ! The opening of a free Art Gallery at what has hitherto been known a« the Academy of Fine Arts. Whitmore Street, Wellington, took place yesterday. Pitttircs pnr<-h:isrd at Iho Exhibition form an iirputaut feature of Ihe di-phiy that imade. It i» pioposcd in fiitmc, by an airangement between the Academy and 1!' City Council, to keep the Gallery open in ■ ol charge on two days a week and on tl <• fir«t Sunday in each month. Forty jn< lures ate now cn*the walls, and li i- liopi '1 tiiev will I'm in the nucleus ol a hn^eiM v lei t ion. Mr March-ant, ol Ihe firm oi J)i\ ;-.nd Marc hunt, surveyors, rctunud to Wany iijui yesterday alter an absence ot nni? week.- in the Aorjn^i native- block. 'J iii. Aoiau^i 131o<-k is acljaci-nt to Olinia Uivcv (a tributary <>t the \\ ai'ganui JJi\cr and aiiout 110 iiiiics trom Wantjaiiui). and MiMaichant iuss iiecn tnitin^ out areas which have been ! tised to Mc--r-. Crai", s 'in 1 . and jinn-., and J. SJe\ ciison (Wauganini. and J. ( .iiitini (. Manga wek-i). We iiikK-i-tand that tin- p.uiicular land is mo-th-in tern oil. l thai already stock w being put on it. ilr It. L. Di-stnct Coioner, }.]•( sided at an inquest, held at the residence oi the late jli- S. Wilson, ior the jiui'lo-c of inquiring into the circumstances which Kd to (he accident 1 whit'ii Mi« \\ i'?oii"a death. fcsevti-al w it-IH--I-, ,\<-ii- c\,ni'iiucl, i lie- evidence bcin_f liiuth tlie -aiiic as detailed by v- in our ri'ioit of the attidcut. Two wilmr,-.-were m«.st em|>hatic 11 li. had Iluie been no U"iip post in the middle ol the utreet, no accident would have oicuired, at a?iyrate not where it uiu. Tiic vcidict was on" of "itccitb-iital death" with no blan.c attachable to anyone. The petition to l!-e Hon. the Mini-ie 1 ' ol l.'-nlv.av- i-e»,iii -I i'{«- that the mail trams -liouhl i> > I>ro.i<> 1-1 into \Van«;ainii is bi>Mi«; -ni ion!) 1 !, an' 1 in adtlition 1c t'ii.- l-ini t>r -i"ii it iiic miy b> l«-ui>d :n t l>c l-'illo'.s ing ])!.K. «- ■ — I', i;. Jackson anl Co."-, the 1!.. i1k <>l New Zealand. Uati i< k and Co."-. Mr W. s. Du^tin's. Young and ( olliu-.", Williams and Harper"-. 11. I. Jones and Son-. A. D. \Yillis"v. A. ('. Lennard'-, ;uk' ilcic-auti'c Cc».'« otito, T'.l'.C.\., J. Paul and Co. *. .1. L. Ste\en-t-'in'-. Soul hcin C'-oss lii-cuit Co.'s ollic \ the <'hronie!i- .mcl "Herald" oHiccs. and with Mr C. H. 11. l-'ordell. In -oi|,(» n-)-ccn -)-cc t t !i t r<> i- r.-allv a -bi'ii|i in Chii-lehuii h. \l iH ev',l-, ii"Lvttelti v 'Mill'- IV-polt II 11I 1 1..' -. <li-( ')'. eie'l I!,'' jouri'.-i:-). th" jx-'i' I'liian. 11>c liolelkccp.-,- , 1 hi> r.nlwav vu.ird. and the mn lixtor ar<- ie«.]in^ a slai kcniiig in Hie ru-h ol evei.i-. Oiv. 1 reporter who was interviewed said -"'lhe hard woik ol living to (i-siii a (oliunn ol topy into a -luklul <•! mailer has «j;i\i>n ])lace to the harder work <»l U\inij to make a -tick ol (opv fill a coliin n. \\> to-! aM day sind take nothing as a ii'l" un'. il I'ridav, wl-icli i- p'v-day. A mci - b.-i <>! "the iori-i I.'1 .' who v\.l- !!• xt ilitei\i.. cd. wa- -Have and anil.ibl". as jmliiciiit i sihv.n'. aic. On bciii'j ginily t ru-i-cxa I'iii"d.*1 ' - iii"d.* he admitted that the liri s ol <Xlon-' 1 had tall, v ii]>oii much pleas, nit i r blaic-, than they h'ul diiipu; the l*\h,biicii. The initiation ol evil-docis was no.\ comjjletc. and there was no longer any '.c-cc.-sity !<-i mciiibcr- oi ti.e police to sp i,.l ;ii>\ioii- hoin- ktcj)in>_f out ol ihe road, . I'd s' cki.^jj < oi<rn- ci vauie^e wheic t hcv tom-l be di-(o\eud !>y the -.jiieling fiat j; h:t v. 'I'iicii op. a:>\ietv now wui-j to .sec that t'-c ti r< * and t lovn-advc cabman "v il'-s ( \cr l hi 1 ci >ssiu«. ' The hotclkocper is abject. His boa l del- have no longer tt) .-lee]i mi baulk on'i'ie billiaui table, or l isk U^ui'j awakei'f d in their bathroom cot by salt 1 untimely delude. Ihe boaidimHioii.-e-keepei is ;'!-.) a dejee*. Having pulled down hi- barns to build bioreci, he hu-> b"i oii.c imbued with tlic fixed notion that no "■ilt'i'ir-riMim i- habitaldc mil' — > it containat 1 ,\~i loin -tn It-lit I-.. Tiiero!(-"e he Lfi'dat the slum]). 'Ihe i.rlway <_ m aid and the tram condii'tor 'eioici- c\ci idin«-iy. I'li'-v arc pci-oii- ol fi\cd \ a«f<'-., and ior tiicii 11. c- ii'iptv i.iie d<ic-- not cairy the a--o iilinn-- "1 Ilic eiiij)ly i iv.lle. A- .me i.l" them lciiKirki'd to .» icpmtcr. j-p"akiii<r ot 11k 1 p.issMijjcrs. ""'rije n.ojc Ihcrc is of them. tlie 1.-- tll.-le J. ..I „!.' '

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Wanganui Herald, Volume XXXXI, Issue 12192, 13 June 1907, Page 5

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Untitled Wanganui Herald, Volume XXXXI, Issue 12192, 13 June 1907, Page 5

Untitled Wanganui Herald, Volume XXXXI, Issue 12192, 13 June 1907, Page 5