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i il* intiriA ■% nnn&ini HTlO OIIDC The FamoUll Remeds COUGHS, BBOSTCHITIS. ASTHMA, AND CONSUMPTION. - 0 IJlSifeife^ra-e of Coughs! lS(UkWlsStfatai* ShMUtWiitowble, uft efeott . complete cure. " " ™°»* °°? "o^Mampfi to ™ "d°p. Consumption ha. begin) ting, » Sose is generally «uffioient 4 and a Complete Cure ia certain. ._.;... PREPARED AND BOLD WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BY THE PROPRIETOR, W. O. HE ARHE, Ohemtol, Geelong, Victoria. BmaU Eiaa, 2b 6d 5 large, 4b 6d Sold by Chemists and Medicine Vendor N.Z. DEPOi:-OEEICES 9 AND 11 HUME'S BUILDINGS, WILLIS STREET, WELLINGTON. . 1,, Sold Wholesale and Retail by. G. D. HAZELWpOD, Wanganui.

A Hack is a horse which has not at time of nomination won a race of the value of .£BO, or races of the collective value of £200. - ;■ .. j The winner of any race after declaration of weights to carry a penalty of 71bs, of two or more races lOlbs. SELBY MORTON, Secretary, Box 152, Wanganui. Approved in accordance with Rules of Rating, October sth, 1904.— F. MOFFATT, Secretary, Wanganui Jockey Club. IyTANAWATU TJACING pLUB. PALMERSTON NORTH. CHAMPION HACK PLATE, of 200 soys ; second horse to receive 30 soys and the third horse 20 soys out of the stakes, fjeven furlongs. To be run at the Autumn Meeting, 1905. For three year olds and upwards. Weight for age, with penalties and- allowances.' Winners after August 'lst,-. 1904, of. any race or races collectively of the value of 50 soys to carry 51b; of 100 soys, 101 b; of 150 soys. 141 b extra. • . Maiden three year olds at time of- starting allowed ■ 71b ; four year olds and upwards, lOlbs. Entrance lsov; final payment, 2 soys. NOMINATIONS close with the Secretary, at his Office. Palmerston North, on TUJ^riDAY, February 14th, 1905. .FINAL PAYMENT on General Acceptance Night. • J. M. JOHNSTON, Secretary. Special notice is directed to the alteration of date of closing nominations from! SATURDAY, February 1 25 th, to ' TUESDay, February 14th. GO TO BIGHING-S FOB HEAD GEAR of the Newest UNDERWEAR. . . of the Coolisfc. FOOTWEAR , • of the Best. In fact all a Man or Boy wantß to Wear 86, BIDGWAY ST., WANGANUI. i j HOW, WHEN, or WHERE To Buy, are the Most Vital Points of Business. Tkerfc is a science in buying as well as selliag. Long ;e xp e it i ence has taugEVjis to correctly a^.r ticipate the public taste in boots and shoes of all' classes. Quality in footweat is a tangible fact to those who know, and those who really compare. The greatest encouragement we have in our methods, is, that Wanganui buyers seek quality, and rather than attempt to carry compari- . son in the eye, place goods side by. side. It is the only safe way, for wherever unreasonably low prices are given out by skimping quality the users of the merchandise must certainly" beat a loss in the end. The quality of our stock enjoys such a v well-known high standard of genuihess, that emphasising the fact is linnecessary. We liave made the broadest preparation in our. history to supply all demands. . Do not wait until to-morrow, call today. ..^..^i. CRICHTON ; AND NEWMAN, 92, RIDGWAY-ST.

TTCTANGANUI JOCKEY CLUB. AUTUMN MEETING. THURSDAY and FRIDAY, MARCH 2 and 3, 1905. OFFICERS; . . ..,'."" President : Dr. EarieT -H:., N. Harrison. * •TiAefcfeeper: A/E. T. lSixon;. Judge: W. H. Hartgill. Starter: Q,. .H^. Chavannes. Handicapper, George Morse. Clerk of the Scales:, E. A. Campbell. Clerk of the Coiirse : Donald. Macdonaia. Hon. Surgeon': Dr. Tripe. H^on. Veterinary Surgeon: Maxwell Edgar. Stewards: President, Vice-presi-dent, and Treasurer (ez officio), and Messrs Allan Cameron, D. Campion, R. Grace, A. Higgie, James Higgie,- G. j Marshall, and Jas. Watt. Hon. Treasurer: J. H. Nixon. . FIRST DAY. THURSDAY, MARCH 2, 1905. 1. 22^toori:— STEWARDS* HANDICAP, of 150 spvs; second horse to receive 20 j so^tS» ana "IHird'horse" 10" soys from the Bt'axe. Nomination, 1 soy; acceptance, 2/govs. One mile. . 2. 12.45 p.m.-s&LUVENILE HANDICAP, -0f,' 150 soys ; Sewnd horse to receive 20 sots,. and. thti^norse 10 soys from the st_ak«s. '«Sor?-?fwo and "three-year-olds. NitounatioSiS?! sov^;,a'cceptance, 2 soys. Siat 'fnrlongg.s&t^^\f.g&k „ 3. ..1.30— W^STMER^ HANDICAP HURDLE RAC^, fijf^lSfciso vsi second to recei^,. 2€teadflC .andr third liofse 10 soys from tM st«^,'KNomina-, turn,! I soy;, accepta t nce£^ I ££y. ij^out two miles and a distance, ..over ,v eight fliihts of hurdles, 3ft 6in iii JieigHt. 4. 1315,. p.m. — TAYFORTH^ feURDLE RACE HANDICAPS of .85 sbv'p; second horse to receive 15 soys front' the, 'stake. (Vide definition of. Hafcks, Rule 44.) domination, 1 soy; acoes«andei'itsiotis i^bStffc .mile and thrW-qua^MA'ibtveCi^se^ei -flights ofhmfdleV, 3ft^Sih'heigTit. - 6. ' 3,15; pan.— WANGANUIXiUP. HANDICAP, of -750 soys; "second horse to- receive -100 soys, and the third horse 50 ■ovfe. from the slake*,, N^pmin^tion, 1 boy; aw^ptance, 2 fifovs, dpi^fi»,js! -February 24/ 1905, at 9 p^m; ; and &'soVs on Monda^ J February" I^os-, at 9 + p.m- One CAJ?, oi^Qß^-sovs/, -'second hoapee^dj ia-? oeife 10 soys from the stake. Minimum weight, Bst. Nomination, 1 soy; acceptance,""!" "soy. "One mile and" a dis" tance. 7. 4.30 p.m.— WIRITOA HACK RACE HANDICAP, of 70 sow-; • second horse to' receive 10 soys from the stake. (Vide defini<aoj»>of Hacks? RuJe 44.)* Minimum weight, 'Tst.;' Nomination, -l'sor; acceptance, 1 soy. One mile. . . . 8. 5.15 p!m.— Fl/YING HANDICAP, of 250 soys; second horse to receive 35 soys, and third'- fiofse 15 soys rfrom the stake, domination, 1 soy; acceptance, 2 boys. Six furlongs. - SECOND DAY— PRIDAY,- MARCH 3, --V-. ' --. .'1903. ,- ' . 1. 12 noon.— AUTUMN HANDICAP; of 150 'soys; •second" 'horse to- receive 20 sbvs," and "third horse 10 soy^ v 'fr,om] the stake. Noininaiion" t' sov. Acceptance 2 eoitfi One' mile- - ' ".' . 2. 1245 'p.m.-— FORDELL - HANDICAP. HURDLE RACE, of 120 sovs£ second Iforse to receive 15 soys and third- fidrse 5 jsovs 'itom, the -stake: -i Nomination' l fiov. Acceptance II 11I 1 soy. About 'one mile and three-quarters, over seven flights of hurdles, 3ft 6in. in height. 3. 1.30 p.m.— JACKSON STAKES, of 500 • SOYS; second lioMe to -receive* 7£x~ sovs, and thit'd h''orße"2S' eovs from stake. For tw^-year7otds and ujjwards> , Weigh t-for-age,", with penalties and allowances. Closed with 134 nominations. ,< Six fur4. 2^ ; p:ni:^-6KbIA : HACK jtuiDLE RACE .HANDICAP, rof 80 second horse to receive 10 soys from the stake. QTidev definition t>f -Hacks^ ;Rule . 44-) Nomination 1 soy. Acoepiance 1 soy. About-one mile- and five furlongs, over DICAP, 'of 100 soys; second .horse to receiv«mo s6vs frbm/ ithe/st^ke 5 . ''-Minimum .weight , Bst. •' Nomination 1 soy. Acceptance ,1 boy. .One mije. 6.- 4'^^i i .^WAN64NUI"«TAKES > .HANDlCiaPf ''of- BSO "soys'; -Seepn'a- id rse to ' receive 40 sqvs, and. third. {; fiprs> N 10 ; soys's ' fr^irf-'the'^stake.' : 'Nfemiia|ition' 1- soy. Ac-ceptande-S^sovfi^Orie mlle'£nd' a'^quarterf't ■■<■- «' *"•' i""*- 11 '- "'">'* *'"■'■ '' 7. 4£*£ p.«J-*MA!MffIE&WA HACK RACE H^NDICAPls'of^O soys,- second htttse to; teceiVe 10 sbvs "from*- the stake. (Vide definition of hacks, Rule 44).- 'Minimum \y<£gkb*%tAi' JTbmtin'atlon' 5 ! s6v.' • Acceptawn&>l 4»v4';'.Sht'tfurlongEt. ■• v - ■- - - 8. S:W.;ip#TO^mREWBLL HANDICAP, of,i»lQO : «8ys;-"8<aj'ond horse -td 'receive 20 boys! fcom- . the'"- stake.- • "-Nominatioii Isbr. Acceptance 1 soy. r Six '^furlongs. > DATE&OF JNOMINATJO^vWEIGHTS, EJf54laBS, < '-&n*d 'ACCESPTANCES. (And Amounts to be forwarded to Secretary Wanganui; Jtbckey^Qlub.) AUTUMN MEETING. - , - Match .2nd »and 3rd, , 1905. .» •' FKJ^i-'S-; T4im£B.Y* e7iK--1905^ at O p.m. „ IJCiMINATrONS/ .' ■vyanganui-Cup, Wanganui Stakes Handicap,, Flying .Handicap",' Stewafds' Handicap', Juvenile Handicap, , Westmere Hurdle . Race; Foretell Hftr^le 'Race, Tayf orth Handicap 'Haljk"Mttfdle^, Okoia Handicap Hack Hurdtetf; Wiritoa' -Hack Flat Handicap,. Matarawa Hack Flat Handicap, Petre Wftlter- Handicap; Autumn HandKuip, Harmon Welter Handicap, Farewell, Handicaps 1' soy each". "» • 4> '- • ''-■--■ SATURDAY, FEBRUAT?,^ 18th, 1905 (on" or about)'/ WEIGHTS Cup, Stewards!,, Juvenile. Wesftmer© Hurdle Race, Tayforth Haclf Hurdles, Petrc . Wielter, -Wiritoa Hack Flat, and Flyfrg .Sauji'cap'. FRID.AT? P^KRUARY 24th, 1905, at 9 .' T».m. •. - '•".;'• ■ ACCEPTANCES. Wanganui Cup, Stewards' Handicap, JuVexiile Handicap 2 soys each, Westmere

'.Hurdle Race, Tayforth Hack Hurdles, P.etre Welter Handicap,. Wiritoa Hack Flat 1 boy each, Flying Handicap 2 soys. SUBSCRIPTION. Jackson Stakes 5 soys. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 25th, 1905 (bn or about). , REVISED WEIGHTS (if necessary) Wanganui Cup. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 27th, 1905, at ; _, • 9-p.m'. 1 " FINAL PAYMENT. Wanganui Cup, 5 soys. THUKSDAY,- MARCH 2nd, 1905, (at or about) 8 p.m. WEIGHTS for Second Day's Handicaps. . THURSDAY, MARCH 2nd, 1905, at 10 p.m. ACCEPTANCES. Autumn Handicap 2 soys, Fordell Hurdle Race, Okoia Hack Hurdles, Harrison Welter Handicap 1 soy each, Wanganui Stakes 3 soys, Matarawa • Hack Flat, Farewell Handicap 1 soy each. KULES AND REGULATIONS. (To which the attention of Persons entering Horses is particularly directed.) All Entries, Nominations, etc, will close at the Secretary's Office, Wanganui, at 9 p.m., except when otherwise specified. •''All Eaitries to be addressed to the Secretary, Wanganui Jockey Club,' Wanganui, entrance money enclosed, with the name, awe at time of entry, name of owner, pedigree, colours of the rider, and in case of Handicaps where horses have not previously started on the Wanganui Course, performances of the. horse. Entrance moneys to go to the funds of the Club. Entries by telegram must give full particulars of the horse, and must be confirmed in writing at the earliest possible opportunity, otherwise a fine of 1 soy. may be imposed!,* ... . Owners, trainers, and others entering ajjri accepting horses for I;he W.J.C. meetingH^aie notified that no entries or acceptances will be received unless accompanied by the necessary amount in Cash. •'* This -notification does not apply to Owners? and"*- Trainers who have standing arrangements .'with, the Executive. Owners^are responsible for all Penalties and Allowances. All person's intending tp withdraw horses are required to give notice to that effect to the Secretary one .half hour before the official time for starting "the race. Any person neglecting dr refusing to comply with th is rule shall pay a. fine;- to be imposed by the Stewards, not 20 lavs, to the Race Fund. Any person running a horse in colours other than those named at time of entry -will be fined 1 soy. Stakes are paid in full. All races to run under the N.Z. Rules of Racing. Prior to any race, the Stewards may order a parade in -front of, the Stand. Any horse .absent from? such parade, the permission vof^the\ Stewards, will be fined 2 isovs,' J, ."~ \ f' r - v No entry will, -fee "received -»undeir a£y pretence watever after the hour named. F. MOFFATT, ■-„ {\ I*- /. . -f. Secretary. > TTTARRENGATE'. Tt.OCKEY . /^LUB, ANNUAL MEEITING, • For Hacks only. FRIDAY, 17th MARCH, 1905. OFFICERS : President, A. Corrie;. Vice-President, JBaldwin; Judge— R. Cameron; Clerk of Course — F. H. Jones; Starter— A. Scott; Timekeeper — W. R. Tuck; Handicapper — J. E. Henrys ; Clerk of Scales— D. McGregor ; Hoh. , Mcclical Officer — Dr Anderson ; Hon". Veterinary Surgeon — Maxwell Edgar, M.R.C.V.5..; Treasurer— W-. Bath"; Sccertary — Selby Morton; Committee — R. Cameron, J. Morgan, A. Flyger, S. Murphy, A. Scott, W. Chapman, E. Green, F. H. Jones, R. Johnston, H. Wilson, A. C. Mannington, R, Robinson. E. Whiteman, G. Campbell;" G. Harper, O. Lewis, C. Lee, and A. Williams; Stewards — R. Cameron, A- Scott, J. Mpr- i gan, J. Murphy, W. Chapman, A. Robinson, E. Whiteman, J. N. Jones, S. ' ' Woodill and W. Tucker. • ' The President, Vice-president, Treasurer, an Secretary are ex-officio Stewards and members of the cominittee'. . - 1. MAIDEN HURDLES, of 10 soys, sechorEo 2 .soya. from the stakes. One, mile . and a half,- over., six flights of "hurdles 3ft 6in high. .Nomination 3s, acceptance ss. To start at 1.15 p.m. 2. FLYING' HANDICAP, of 15 soys, seci ond ho.rse 3 soys. from the stakes. Three- •. quarters of a mil§. v Nomination ss, - acceptance 10s. To start at 2 p.m. 3. LADIES' BRACELET, value 10 soys, second horse value 2 soys. One mile. ' Welter weight for age. For horses that have never won an advertised race (hurdles or flat). G,en.tlemen. riders only. " -Entrance 7s 6d." To' start ' at' 2.3Cf p.m. 4. WARRENGATE CUP HANDICAP, of 25 soys, second hoise .5 sovs^ from .the stakes. One mile and a quarter. Winner of Flying Handicap to carry 71bs penalty. Nomination ss, acceptance lUs. To start -at* 3.0 p.m. '■ * •' ■ >; - • ' 5. HANDICAP HURDLES, of 20 soys, sechqrse 5 soys from the stakes. Qne mile and a half, over six flights of hurdles, 3ft 6in high. Nomination ss, acceptance - lOs. '~T& eitart &•£ a=4s -p'ia ""' *'"" 6. MAIDEN FLAT, of 10 boys, second horse^,2 sqvs from, the stakes. Seven f,urlongs. / J Weight.' for age. . Entrance 7s 1 6d. To start, at 4.15 >.m. 7. ST. PATRICK'S DAY" HANDICAP, of 10 soys, second horse 2 soys from the stakes. Distance, . 4 -f urlougs. Nomination 3s, acceptance ss. To start at 4.45 ' P-m. x NOMINATIONS, ETC. All . , N OMINATIONS . , and ENTRIES close at.. 9 p.m.. at Waniranui, on WEDNESDAY." Ist- March, 1905. " ' WEIGHTS declared on Wednesday, Bth March, -2905. i •*. >.„•. ». • •'- ■ • ACCEPTANCES. eIose -at Wanganui; on TUESDAY, 14th March, at 9 p.m." RULES. All races run under N.Z. Rules for Racing.

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Wanganui Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 11476, 6 February 1905, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Wanganui Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 11476, 6 February 1905, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Wanganui Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 11476, 6 February 1905, Page 3