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-^ INa EDWARD VII. has crowned the MmDLEMBN , s rRO piTS. , — MaSSey-HamS NO MIDDLEMEN'S PROFITS. T ADIES,— At th/s happy Hensou of Ihc t» -i.-'! i -14. J-* year, when evpiyono is either wwhuiff » l wS«mjT) or ])ein^ wished the Coinplimonts of the REAPER AND Season, we beg to wish our many customers with his unqualified approval by selecting XTKT AXT J& r*d i° this district it before all others for his Royal Farm at JR. XIxLXMIM 2LH OC VWn A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS Oflborne. You will make no mistake if you , NEW YEAR, acoept his recommendation, and select one LIMITED, W ith the decline of the old year we have for your farm. It m the only Jteaper _ana teen making good tcsoluiion wnich we hopo ' Binder that, nCVCr'VIs m any kind of "I* /TAKE THE BOOTS at their large Fae- to p O ift during the year 1904. crop. -', '* '* nt,n t,- n ' ■***- tor y and liand them to yoU C " We have resolved to add more customers For illustrated catalogue of rl.e Big Crop tory prices. , T «««i,rmT» to our already long list, and to increase Binder, apply to «£ one ot the 900 We hold enormous stocks of IMPORTED H nura bcr of letters which reach us daily MASSEY.HAIUfT;-, BOOTS AND >SHOES, which we import trom country clients expr,cg B ing their satisagcnlain.Austra^iaand Few /calami. d i rect from th6, manufacturers, but we sire faction with the maulier iv wllich iheir Local Agent — J. YOUJSU, Jxison street. now desirous of emphasising: the fact that on iors have been attended to. To do this — * tW*I Araou^™, ~ ora OWR MANUFACIUEED « *J £%£?& St^ AW A a *~ j^i-ir* one shall receive prompt, courteous and rote his , J^&mL Lord BOOTS aild SJtIOBS 6t)cctful treatment at our hands. o # l Mistakes, however, will happen in the Excellency J£2?5VK^ B "* lrt ' CAN BF ABSOLUTELY HEhIET> UPON best reflated families, or businesses, and «*.«#*•*»-' o w {m Comfort, and «ro do not : consider ourselves^ immune ; bul ART WAlilf PAPERS. Solid Satisfaction. what we do promise is that should mistakes **V* VVXXJJTJjr *. A^ *rf*vi««fi occur occaß i OTia iiy through any fault of •• . JUSTUS: no ™^™j°Sgg TT ™ Ha ta^Se'Siei %£& 3 m BUM. m* «UUte 350 Ftag. buC a soiid a^d «rm tr»d. been OU which equal 28,000. We. mvlt. In- . ™|- in this opaeo of tbi B paper, and sperfion, ajd challenge companson, both |icllm4i cllm4 to be ab l<. to Bay with «*■ ?SF& fSS\S\3^nujwta nno»n To» T o» wn nl to bo &». *«„ a^mf.rt, wacto f g-it^o- *£«3rtß^ t, do ft. work. petpze ™it, .1 one, co ntain absolutely truthful and correct A ■asaS&ißatSSiSSf* Hannah's Cash Boot Market, -ivLr^XJl^ w-u^u- ' < a *A fnr Samnlfiß » • w . now for fo*rty years, and iour business record aeiitt lor aampifls. » Tictoria Ave&ue. AVanganui. during that time has been clean aud imE'; AND. T7 miKOIT, , "^HONESTY IS OUR POLICY, •• ■ \ J - l# . -■• , _ —ma — - and we .try to live up to it. What you see '' . " „ ;WAKQANOI. - . j n our advertisements "is so, or we'll make — r ~~ ~' — ' '' ' ' ■ « n■• t.A# i ' rt BO ' If we mieq'uote a price we will oxeSMM MmMMMBMMM'MKM'Mm . Simpty DellghtfUl cute any orders at that, price ouoted if it {.•>"'■ j ' • 4 Bhould be less than the actual price, and I "fifl llNnftttMfifi"' I Thow Hnf I))iV« if more, then you will be charged the actual j W ywljWWWW*^ S llieSe 110 l Hays. price of atticle or dered, and not the niis■'i . ■ > quoted price. 9 presoai offering. We Buy goods I cooling arid refreshing these inp : —"Kingly mention this paper when \ that are entirely novel in shape I sultry days as a cap of steam- ordering," and the reason we ask you to do B ■ ana design. The result is that b -tf w this is that the same advertisement that our stocks are always a source xn S nm i B appearing in this paper is also appearing of interest and pleasure to the " , simultaneously in five other journals in artistically inclined, tf~fDTPOr^lT'KrrP different parts of New Zealand, and we like TRTNKPT KffTS We sold bur re- CKJCIOV/JCIJN X to know which papers arc bringing us in TgßfSSa BRAND «S-S*S~iE ! Sl-S 1 -, 63 * «2? M ?ngß«? ngB «J r »^ B tion which is most exhilarating. your obedient Servants, V^?s**tuZr«3i\l It g ive S pleasure to tee palate. _„.-„- . «m ATM « ! not be imagined. ) lor it is delicious and fragrant. KIRKvALDIE & STAINS, ! SWEET-DISHES. Delicate, pretty j ,„._,.„ designs, lovely shades.. We have c - LIMITED, . ! never seen anything to approach j SOIQ Sit Sill btOrCS j them. Three and four in a set. WELLINGTON AND NAPIEE. A set would be a handsome tni nA|t tv Xmas present. ' ' ] BIZ/ per W. _ __ :i^^\flK2*Wr»if I '" The New Zealand Clothing . bib ■$/., 3/-, B/-. SUver - , " mounted from 2/3.t0 2/O. ' Factory Thezw *ro many ' otter beantif ol articlM we should be pleased to r»TT < RTft r riVr A 9? show you. WrXXXVXO.X JU.A.K9 ABE NQW gHOWIN (j I DEXTER'S I SPECIALITIES. A LARGE AND UP-TO-DATE STOCK j Furnishing Warehouse, jo» — o» YiotoriaATenue/Waßiairal. § SPANISH AND7CALIFOBNIAN MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING. jjg^gyyjyippyyyreEgregfl MUSCATELS. MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING. ! ' JOEDAN, VALENCIA AND SICILY ,f. , -"■! „.''' " = ALMONDS. . ■ ■ + - ! : , • MEN'S SAC SUITS : SSS'SffSS •SSf omwft' BARCELONA, BRAZIL, SOPT-SHELL . Prom 21/- . HIGH.CLASS_TAILORI^G. ALMQNDS ANJ) WALNUT . TROT j SEBS J. 'i^^^SuSeiS^i NEW FIGS, DATES. PRUNES, *o. _ From 6/9 no wise diminished by the test of time — *■ . fclie truest oi all tesis.. Business in this Splendid Line of department is now brisker than ever, and „ , ... A BnM .t m «™Y ! an. exceptionally busy CHRISTMAS SEA- bpien ffowrßS CHOCOLATES 10/6, SADDLE TWEED TROUSERS, 10/6 SON is assured. in Plain and Fancy Boxes, THE NEW SEASON'S IMPORTATIONS . From d eacll - FScKvVEE^f i 8 UtMt Slid Beßt ** PEAK-FREAN'S BISCUITS EVERY DEPARTMENT . WORSTEDS, ' in great variety from Is per lb. THOROUGHLY ASSORTED. VTPTIWAS v SERGES MOREPORK AND CANTERBURY ' BANNOCKBURNS, &c. . HAMS PRICES for an Up^to-Date Spit range , HailenSteSll BrOS. " "" M" to ' . „ „ Grove's Cash Store, "• <^™mo factoby. Numerous unsolicited Testimonials as to ftt and style. VICTORIA AVENUE. \ Victoria Avenne. LITTI.EJOHN, T. BtEMiSSETT^ , TAILOR AND MERCER, C Omelet 8 . Victoria Avenue. *^ ■ ' "^zzi^lllllizzlizzizzzr" House Futnishing : [ THE ACKNOWLEDGED M The Seamy Side SPECIALISTS D.LC. of Christmas Cheer. ; High-Class Tailoring. i-RooMED cottages INDIGESTION FURNISHED COMPLETE WITH Dll iniIGUCCG EVERY REQUIREMENT DILIUUoKtOO, WE Cut, Make and Trim every imMHTimTmu description of garment in the ■ For . 10s. CONSTIPATION, istent and beet styles. Our Bummer Pattern Book, oon- , R-ROOMED COTTAGES SICK HEADACHES taining a splendid selection of Suitings 0 and Trouserings, ai reasonable prioea, FURNISHED < COMPLETE WITH . Pf ATIII PNP.F forwarded to a»y address on applioa-, EVERY RP^UIREMENT OF , TLH I ULCHUC, tion. ■'* GOOD QUALITY lAQCITIinC ; — i-:- For .£59 10s. LRoMIUUt, A. Trial Order will ensure Batißfaotion. n.HOOMED COTTAGK&, LOW SPIRITS, SUITS TROUSERS. FURNISHIED COMPLETE! WITH qpHE inevitable resulte i of ex*a 18. 17,8 d EVERY REQUIREMENT OF * cess. You cannot play £3 los iTB oa SUPERIOR QUALTTY pranks with the stomach, without to ' to ' F or i5 B . paying the penalty. £5 15a. 32b 6d. . *— Special estimates for the complete furniwhine of Clubs, Hotels, and Institutions ---l, «-,» -*~ JOSEPH PAUL & CO.'S, **«• supplied onjppUcation. % BLUB FLAG ; Victoria Avenue, Wanfiatmi. Wellington. D.1.C." WeUington. LIVER . CUBE. . Telephone 224. ' -Q t HALLENSTEIN, It banifhes biliousness, conquers < • ' Chairman of Directors. chronic oonstipation, cleanses tbe ■ • ; bowels, oorreots all irregularities THE ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE a. A. CORRIGAN, of the digestive organs and stionu- ; /■ OF LONDON. ' Manager. latee tbe liver. (Incorporated 1720 a.».) „ - , r~7 jiirnnnm TP fl °M A B Tl lX> Sold by all Ohcmista and Store - Invested Ennds exceed J| JiJ keepers, Claims Paid exceed .£38,000,000 AUTHORISED BURVEYOR, l CLASSES oT^IEEEISK TAKJEJN d *™ At g/6 and f /S. - Losses promptly *m£ Überally adinrted. Lioensad ond^r the Land Transfer Act. -^ A. HATRICK & CO.. = T*np O Quay, NOTICE. # J[ f g A T T L B. District Manager.. • • AECHITECT> ■ JX Mr R, M. Gatenby, Chemist, Avenne, EUTLAND CHAMBERS, --'■ . ,-««., and any Accounts due me may be paid to VT mwiv flTßm< WAVaAWfTT LANEfS EMULSION (Retail and Whole- nimj n iS receipt being a sufficient discharge. BIDGWAY STREET. WAJfGAJirm. •ale> ft Heart* ,PWn>»™ M. EDGAR, M.R.CV.S., _.___ ___„ f t= t

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Wanganui Herald, Volume XXXVII, Issue 11142, 31 December 1903, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Wanganui Herald, Volume XXXVII, Issue 11142, 31 December 1903, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Wanganui Herald, Volume XXXVII, Issue 11142, 31 December 1903, Page 4