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COUGHS, BBONCHXTIS. ASTHMA, AND CONSUMPTION. HAS THE LARGEST SALE OF ANY CHEST MEDICO E IN AUSTRALIA. Those who bave taken this medicine are amazed at its wonderful influence. Bufferers from any. form of Bronohitis, Congb Difficulty of Breathing, Hoarseness, Pain or Sorenfess in the Chesb, experience delightful and immediate relief ; and to those who are subject to Colds o the Chest it is invaluable, as it effects a complete cure. It is most comforting. in allaying irrttut on in. the thro*^ and giving Btreng'th t the voice, and it neither ailowd a CougL or Asthma to become chrome uor consumption to develop. CunsrrrdjptK>6 n|^ never been known to exiat where "Coughs" Have been properly treated with this medicine. No, house should be withont it, aa faK&i'/itttha beginning, a dohe is generally sufficient, and a Complete Cure is certain. . Beware of Cogighs! PitEPARED AND SOLD WHOLESALE AND BETAIL BY THE PROPRIETOR, W. G. HE ABNE, Chemist, Geelong, Viotoria. Small Eizo, 2a 6d ; large, 4s 6a. Sold by Chemists and Medicine VentWs. New Zealand Branch Office : 217, Morary Place/ Duuedin. Forwarded by IJOBtl J oBt to any address when not obtainable locally. Wholesale Agents for New Zealand — Kemptliorne, Frosser and Co., and Sharland and Co.

Business Advertisements. v r New Books. New Goods. Just Received by • „»,',. A. D. WILMB, BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER. Tictoria Avenue, Wanfffttiui. Conan Doyle's "Adventures of Gerard," paper 2s 6d, cloth 3s 6& . ' _ ... Bootnby's "Twofold Inheritance,2 /6 aßfl 3/6 Rosa N. Carey's "A Passage 'Perilous," 2/6 jf and 3/6 . iy r Sila&K. Hocking's 'Bonnie Saxon, cloth, 4/Nat Gould's 'Bred in the Bush, 3 p ajJer, '5/6 LHyn's 'Reflections of Ambrostne',' 2}S & 3/6 Merriman's 'Barlasch. of the "Guatd',' fyd and 3/6 . * ' L - Joseph Hocking's 'Flame of Fire,". 3/B 'TRtwl 3s 6d Ethel Turner's 'Betty and Co.' and sill rdtb" ers, cloth, 3s. Also, fresh supplies of. Lorimer'a "•Merchant's Letters to his Son.' 1 Fosfer Fraser's "America at Work." Foster Fraser's "Real Siberia." "Wee Macgregor," and "Ethfel." - ANNUALS, for 1903.' Boy§' and Girls' Annuals, . . - Chums, Chatterbox, Children's Friend, Child's Companion, Young England, and all others. SPECIAL GOODS., SLAZENGER'S LAWN TENNIS, CROQUET, 3c CRICKET GOODS. FANCY Q.QODS of 'the "finest quality. Special Importations. c LEATHEit GOODS, including b'eat^iful goods in Pursea, Pocket Books, Lt&ttter Cases, Travelling Bags, Ladies', Bagfl, Tourist Cises, Music Cases ; 6tc., etc. WEDDING. & BIRTHDAY PfeESEKTS in great variety ; a fine lot of New. Goods. PRESENTATION VOLUMES, all selected, and by the best authors, including Ptfefa (beautifully bound), etc., etc. A Splendid Range of the hipne&t^olaglS {& these goods make valuable arid appieciate'd Presents. _ ' . c ;. Inspection jnvftedr .. w ... ... J ' moire* •&OQXS AMJI COLD MEDAL a a exbi.S ■■ • HIGHEST AWijr* TTT TU-ETTLESHIF, ;...,. . MANUFigTTTBING ... JEWELLEB^. : Has opened his New Shop Xoppoafo-, t^» Catholic Church) with a compjetis NEW AND UP-TO-DATE STOCIt IDS' JEWELLERY, *»., ; ' A. large stock of GreemstJbiie; in "Hi «*5» and shapes. ALL KINDS OF W0B& maimfaefcuxed on the Premises. Old Gold and Silver bought^ ... W. NetttesMp, Ogpoaite Catholio Church* Victoria Avenua .. Wangaaot. i : A: : pictiii% Especial attention is «iVen W Wp« T ture-Framing at my prenrtscit, Mth in the range & Refection M Iti*StSi& * i ngs and the execution ofihe fcirfc. * .• , J. . «' •;-,'•; ' " v. Pictures mounted in inySft^udrtd' * shade. Rimu, honeysudtte, iMMf * Walnut frames made to orflo*. .., * 1 have on hand» and to '«X^|yei,.ii ! large selection of the untist . Itt Mpuldings, chaste, in de^nJi jitt& colouring, and the latest wibtlOtt. Consult your own interest, an^ raalctii choice from my stock. J. TRUSSELL, Ridgway-street, opposite flfcgs'rs P. "R. Jackson & Cb;'s, MONEY TO BBlfS ! £100 TO £10,000 ON COUNTRY, CITY, AND SUBURBAN FREEHOLDS AT EXCEPTIONALLY LOW ' RfcfcE?B OP INTESEBT. Repayments of not lets than £95 em %% made at any time on three tfloathi' adtiee APPLY TO ANY AGJ.NCY OP THB Government insurance Department. J. H. RICHARDSON, Government Insurance CQmmiatdowfts

Business Advertisements. MRS ROBEETS HAVING made a very Special purchase of Ladies' Black Silk Mantles and Jackets, at job prices, will be offered at exceptionally low prices, such as the following: — A 65s BLACK SILK MANTLE for 555. A 55s JACKET for 455. A 45s MANTLE for 355. A 35s MANTLE for 255: Also, in CREAM SILK BLOUSES, beautifully tucked > aud trimmed with Lace Insertion, 16s Gd, for 10s 6d. Also in BLACK SILK BLOUSES, Tucked and Trimmed, at 14s 6d, 16s 6d, 18s 6d. MUSHROOM HATS, white and coloured, at Is lid Ladies' White SAILOE HATS from Is lid. A splendid selection of GIRLS' FLOP HATS from 3s lid.Ladies', BLACK VOILE SKIRTS, Frilled and Trimmed with Ribbon, at 18s 6d; also in. BLACK CLOTH SKIRTS, with Silk Strapping, at 18s' 6d, . AT MRS ROBERTS, . LADIES' EMPORIUM, Telephone 336 1 I R. Hannah & Co., Ltd., TTAVINGr so much that is new of the • LATEST AND BEST UP-TO-DATE BOOTS AND SHOES BOOTS AND SHOES FOR THE CHRISTMAS TRADE, will, during November, distribute BARGAINS BARGAINS UNOBTAINABLE ELSEWHERE. If you want THE BEST, AT LOWEST PRICES, it will pay yoxx to visit R. HANNAH. & CO.'S CASH BOOT MARKET, Avenue, Wanganui. GtiIMNEY SWEEPING Tmm 1s pcraiußMMf. We«sacM*s» to bar* font mmnvrimmu***,* •**+*•+* SpwUl 2a 80. CARPET BEATING. Onsets take* op, beaten, itoMvttod m* nlaU, tnm OS. Otsus frta suburbs or taws, paalet4»P.Ol Box S< jr left tritk Mr R. Yarrow, Fishmonger, NMfcinqr Street trill Wye omr immediate attention. C MACALISTER, Wanfamik TO MEN. Writ* for free copy of valuable book abont your lelvei, your health, your happiness, your future. It contains a full exposition of the human system and the remedies adopted. No need to consult dtctort. Posted free in sealed envelope. Every mini should read it. Address— Mons. Gouraud, 8* flinders-street, Melbourne. TO LADIES. No need to consult doctors or chemisti. Th« remedies you require in your own hands. Writ* for free copy of valuable book about yourselves, your health, your welfare. Every woman should runt it. Posted free in sealed envelope. Address ULuum. Gourtuid. 82 Flinders, itreet, Melbourne TyAilßLElf HUBS "arelurned from solid JLt bar steel. — Percy C. Price, Agent, Aven*>t,

Business Advertisement A FRIEND IN NEED. DR. ELMSIjIE, QUALIFIED MEDICAL SPECIALIST. Registered by the Governments of Great Britain, New Zealand, and New South Wales. No. 13, WELLINGTON TERRACE, WELLINGTON. rnHIS Highly-Qualified Physician and JL Surgeon from the Hospitals of London and Paris has Jby 25 years of study and research become an expert and Specialist in CHRONIC, NERVOUS, BLOOD, SKIN, imd SPECIAL DISEASES of Men and Women. In his very successful treatment of the above class of difficult cases there is "No Experimenting and No Failures." Consultations are free to all, so that a friendly chat, either personally or by letter, costs nothing, and may save you years of misery, so none need despair. New Scientific Treatment and New Unfailing Remedies of the very best and purest are Honestly and Faithfully used. Moderate charges. Consultation Hours:— lo to 12, 2t04, 7 to 8. YOUNG MEN ! If you are suffering or weak, or Sad, call or write to Dr EJmslie, No. ]3, Wellington Terrace, Wellington, as he thoroughly understands your trouhles and their causes. His Skilful Treatment and Scientific Remedies Enable hiir. to GUARANTEE a Complete Cure in every case undertaken, or he will make no charge. Strictly confidential. Moderate charge. Consulting hours : 10 to 12, 2to 4, 7 to 8. LADIES! May consult Dr Elmslie at his residence, No: 13, Wellington Terrace, Wellington, from 10 to 12, 2 to 4, 7 to 8, daily, who is a legally qualified Physician and Specialist, and whose up-to-date Treatment, )?ives the greatest satisfaction. Strictly confidential. Call or write. Sole agent for Famous Ladies' Corrective Tablets (10s 6d extra), 21s post free. Guaranteed safe and reliable. Moderate charges. N.B. — Patients at a distance may ENCLOSE A FEE OF £1 in their first letter to ensure immediate atti ntion and prompt despatch (when possible) of remedies necessary for their case WJBJECTS OP HOST DBEADFUL EXHA.US. * T^ION CUBED AND MADE HAPPY. MY DEAB DQCTOB,— I hara no hesitation whatever in saying "Yes" in reply to your letter received to-day, in which you ask me whether I am willing: to let the public know the benefit I received at your hands. When I saw you upon the recommendation of Mr. Griffith (whom you had previously completely cured of a similar complaint), I think I was in about as bad a state of misery and depression in both mind and body aa any human being could be ; in fact, I thought life was not worth living, aud my future was a blank. I nas an object of misery and despair. Well, I called upon you, and you spoke some kind cheering words to me and pointed out the cause of all these troubles and grare character of the tollie* of my youth. You told me plainly aud honestly that you could and would cure me, so that I should no longer be bashful and stupid in society, and could take my part and interest in the amusements and sports of others and have an ambition in my business. At first I thought your promis* was too good to be true. lam thankful to say I tried your treatment. I swear solemnly I feel a different man to-day. I hare put on flesh and muscle and have any amount of confidence in myself. lam perfectly healthy and quite happy, and capable of enjoying myself as others do, and I don't mope about by myself and shun society. I earnestly recommend all my fellow-sufferers to put their confidence in you, as your treatment is perfect and your charges are small.— l am. youra truly, J LACHLAN CAHBBON.

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Wanganui Herald, Volume XXXVII, Issue 11106, 17 November 1903, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Wanganui Herald, Volume XXXVII, Issue 11106, 17 November 1903, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Wanganui Herald, Volume XXXVII, Issue 11106, 17 November 1903, Page 3