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( (Abridged). Mr. Speaker, — It is with pleasure that I place before honourable" members my ♦yghth consecutive Public Works Staceift^t., SFR&' 1 intimation of the Right "Ofiott;. the Gdlonial Treasurer in the Budget that the expenditure upon pubi:c works must be curtaiued wnil have led hon. members to "anticipate the necessary reduction in 'the amounts to be $$§ed for works carried on out of the Public Works Fund. At the same time, however, the construction. of the, North Island Main Trunk and other important railway lines must proceed exped^tiously, and the urgemt necessity of provid- - ing settlers in the" Jjack Blocks with Toad'.communicaition must be met. In .fchis igspect' gfdod work has ■been done during recent years. and 4 the sum proposed to be -voted For the currcint year will enable a reasonable rate of progrfiss i^>';be" maintained.- At tlie time the hjppropriajM^i^ passed by Parliament lasV yeSf the Public Works expenditure was upon a very moderate .*cf4«^ '; AdvA&tng^e -was taken of the larger amounts ..^hen > provided to increase the number or" men employed upon the various works, and although the \vKol«v amdntit available was not expended' -Jby the 31st of March, the expenditure during ,the latter part and since the dose of the year.h^s prpcee-ded at a fa'iriy hfgh rate. The Expenditure upon tlie road v6te was belo-w the esthnate. ThW. w<ta ovriti^ to the local bodies not undertaking, tho \s;ork, entrusted to them in time, to allaw expenditure to come ' &> cnarire within the financial, year.. - TOTiL f EXPENDITURE.

VTBe- Expenditure duririg the last financial year was less than during the prevjftus year, / A table, is ,given showing as regards, each several classes of work (A) fhe 'totarexpe'n'drhire from the inauguration of the "public works policy fo .the* 31*fc Pecember. 1900 (B), the similar expenditure between the Ist of Jah>#tv. 1891. "arid the 31st March, 1903 JCJ)," tn^ sfross fexßeWditure to the 31st Jlßw»J'"'fflO3, M (D) the expenditui^ for the late -financial year. , - WAYS AND MEANS. Ap the 31st March 1902, the available balance of ways and means for public woffe T>uinpo%es - was £454,059. and' farther funds were received as un-dorj-^B.alsHSce of £1,000.000 loan raised jßJcU&tije Act of 1901', £187,253; amount raised :ih,tfte, colons under the Act of t9&2i £750.000 fn instalments in rrppect of- '£1.000,000 raked in London under

'th«f act of 19ft4. £260,000 transfer from reveniie^. ii 200,000; miscellaneous reioeipfe £1,617 « making a gross total of • - **;<ffis,*J99. ' Xfe© expenditure for the yea* amonnted to £1,514,444, so that onviiha 31st March last there was a credrt, balance of £336,565 in the Public ■'"> ] Work*' For the current year it fs proposed to provide additional funds a6'-nhder:— Balance* of 1902 loan (less cost of raising), say £657,000. This will give a total available ways and means m 2e2;345,5b5,\ The estimates of exyeii"'3fMr€f on ptrblic works for the current year- (exclusive of £39.353 for works under the Government loan to local bodies and land for settlement accounts) amount to £1.729,063 this leaving a balance of £616,503 to be carried for-

ward to next year. It will be noticed

jth^t the amount proposed to be transj^^^yed,, irom the consolidated, fund i^ tßlvO.wO ihofe than stated by my colleague the Colonial ■ Treasurer. The inprease in the revenue during the first ' six^mon.ths of present financial year J^jp £he promising o'utlobK for th'e*'batter sir months 'icfermits of this proposition being made. By thusi increasing thSe to be transferred from the Co^solidartied TTund, a further provision — 38-TOa<|e.ter tJie repairing arid reriovatf i#K. tit buildings and for the j'-iiautte^nahcejof -lftain arterial roads. ' RAILWAYS TJ?TOER CONSTRUC- ,* , .T10X... ''' The only new ra'ilwaw work started \ait yeiir w?b ths Reefton-Inan^'ahua section of the Midland Railway, blit (tliose |ireviouslv in A hand hay© been steadily proceeded with, and the f»l"Idymg t«!^iibhs hjive been opened, for tra'ftc :— J Gfeb t 6'rne-X)rm'dhd (2"6>th June,

1902), 1(> miles 25 chains t Stratford- I .Toko /9rh Atfgust, 1902). 6 miles- 26 cba£fts» .Bkmhe-.mrAwatere ClOth fOcto-.-ti!r;;'l9G2).f Octo-.-ti!r;;'l9G2). 15 miles 3 chains; Mansjao- - ■^J&-Ma#gata*ka (3rd November, 1902). ' ■ &.'*iflte£.U/chains; Orntond-rKaiteratahi : ,4i<)tMsrai»mb<J'r. 1902),-2-mites 5 chains ; :TOjfrrra-Sc*rscil!l (lat Itaniber. 1&)2). <~il£%wies 5& chains; Taihokoroa-AhuroS $L& Sentembev". 190- . 4 mile's 51 chains ; forep'oki-Wiuhoaka (Let October, 1902), ,4 jpites, 4<>, chains • total. 64 miles 60 "chlirns/ At the present rate of prothe following sections will proSably be reiiidy tt>r opening before another Public, WqrJoj Statement can be presented :— rKa.wak.awa , southward*. 70 njifes '57 chainsj , P. aeroa-Karangahake " -iSfles "%>' chains -, PoVootaroa-Tauniar-linui 27 miles 06 chains; TauraunuiPiriaka., 6idiles.4B chains; MangawekaTaihape. 1? . miles 18 ■ chains i Toko\yntrn, 4rmi}fes^o"4 r mi}fes^o" chains ; . MotupikotPifiriiore; t&iitii^s 1 chain- G'reymouth.Cßtif Creet, '§" miles 1 chain ; Otaram^.'Stmircase. £ miles 7> chains; Ida Valleyfhir lvknutes 25 chains; Owaka-Cat-s Jsrid|fe..3,:miles ,38 chains; Heriqt-. &l 6* : in7le3>ib chains; total, 107 miles fcTiains. ' " vC'-Th<&i follows a brief detailed account idf what has been dbne~ on each of the .r'-iiiiigs-e^oe. the last Statement. K*wS(kawa-Grahamstown.— The sec- ; , tfofn At. WK^.Taorthern end of this line ', Js /approaching fcompletkrii ; somo timw£~ h% beeij carried over a paarL s ifc" r 4nd the whole section up to< tIieTLS-miile peg fin'shed and reftdy" "for 'traffic shortly. At the southern eildi the; jponstMction "of the Whahgarai bridge 1$ in ,hand, also the formation^ between the bridge and the proposed ;nftiarf at 'Grahamstown, and preliminary work, in the way of surveys "and barings- >is , in band at the wharf site, v Bcfensville Northwards.— The expen-•'ditftre,-on the line last year amounted fb; £9,3155 and for the current year a v<tte> 5$ £15,000 is proposed. , PaeiJßa-Waihi,— The expenditure on this line last year amounted to £13 688., and a. vote <ft £10.u00 is proposed for s^Jbe 'current year. If. however, the prop'fi^^rjWye Teferred to are nuwroved, th> f *■s!£?' amount requft-ed will be projvided in- 'acrn'Miinoe therewith. '. tr/'iborne-Karnba. — Last , year's expenditure on this railway amounted to £i&f££. For tnoMCnrrent year we ask for a vote of £15 000: ."^tratfo^d-Kawaknwa. —^In my last < S^w^jJ|te*!£Sßi<? n fr J was pible to report Hifo cam*p l et''oin and opening of the first 'Itei&to:fir"df tVs lte to Toko, 6 miles ■'.26 di&uw^n length. The formation of

— namely, to Orurn. "fre&rlv 5 miles lonp-. has been in band ' 'duMnsE rhe year, and is now approaching ; cdtupietjori . 'dikl rail-laymsr will &>on be • The construction of a 1 branch -line to a gravel deposit on the batikis of -the Pal-en River from which * itPa ftuiterin] for the haJlasiinq; of the

' "JSftWhv' will.'be obtained, has ?l«o lately '. Wn "started beyond Orou. , Consuler- ,. afSta^WWe* wrtrk hr.s been undertaken • to' definitely determine- ,the best route

1 - « for the further extension of the line and Vhe work* is still in progress. I hope after the session to hnve an oportunity of visiting the district, and so be in a better position to deal with the matter when the question of route is ripe for decision. Last year's expenditure on this railway amounted to £11,819. and for the current year a vote of £10.000 is proposed. Mount Egmont Branch. — The need of a short branch railway to tap the vast stone deposits on the slopes of Mount Egmont becomes more and more urgent every year. It is therefore proposed to provide for the construction of a branch, railway from Waipuku .station en the main line to the gorge of the Mansanui River, on the slopes of the Mountain. The section of the line proposed to be constructed at present will be about 5 miles long,' and. exclusive of terminal conveniettccc • and the stone crushing plant. wiT-l probably not cost more than £10,000.' A vota of £5,000 on account is proposed- on the current year's '

- North Island Main Trunk. — Considerable progress was made on ttbis railway last year. At the northern end of, the line regular passenger traffic is now carried on between Auckland and Angaure. a distance of 160 "miles, and the! line is al™ in complete working order a.s far as Tauimaxunui, 14 miles fui"th€u\ and it is proposed to' open the railway to this point shortly, and the rails are laid and the lime ballasted' as far as the Wanganui River, a further distance of rather more than.,2 mile's. At this point further progress with rail-laying is and lias for some time past been checked by the backward state of the works on the large bridge, over the Wanganui Riv^r. The contract for the^ erection of this bridge has been let to Messrs. Scott Bros., Liriiitedvof Christchurch. on fhe Bth May 1901 J , and the date fixed for the completion of the work expired in February last, but the bridge; is not | likely to be available for the passage of locomotives for at least three mont'is. Beyond the bridge the formation of ' he lino is in hand for several an'ikis. aaid is making good progress. .Directly the bridge is available the ratis can be la!d into Piriaka. '.arid from this point and onwards the valuable timber asset in the Waimnrino forast is engaging the consideration of the Government. By the time the line is opened to Taumiv.unui it is hoped that arrangements \\ ill have been made for taking the tosu-'.s: traffic down tha Wanganui River fr.>-. this .point, so that- there" may ' bo -i | through tourist route without .interruption from Auckland to Wan'grtnui through ; the interior and thence to Wellington, with a road the construction of which s now being considered, leaving Tokaanu at the south end of Lake Taupo, a-n-d joining, .the railway line at" 1 a place called Kakahi a short distance south of Taumaruhui. Travellers could make a very pleasant trip from Auckland, passing through Rotorua, Watotapu, and Wairakei to Taupo township, crossing the Lake to Tckaauu, the contemplated road to the railway, on to Taumarunui, ' and down the Wangamui River to the town of Wanganui ; or the tyip could be varied by leavnrig the Wanganui River and going up the Tangarakau River to Kouratahi, 1 and thence through Whangamomona to Stratford. By this Variation the traveller could see one of the ' best examples in New Zealand of the development of bush settlement. The load above deferred to would bring Tokaanu within abont 28 miles of the railway, and save the inhabitants of that district some 30 milos of road transport and 25 miles of steamboat freight. At the southern end of the line the section bfel&v<penr v Ma£gaonoh!> and, % Mai^gaweka has been opened for regular traffic. The . erection of the steep superstructure of the larger viaduct over the Mangateweka Creak was started in November ' la&t. Beyond the viaduct the formation ' is ready for rail-laying for several miles. ■The rails and sleepers are all provided, and the /work of rail-laying has now been taken in liand. It is expected that the line will be available for goods if not passenger traffic to Taihape by about May, 1904.. Beyond Tgihape formation is in- hand for a, considerable distance, and is proceeding satisfactorily. During the ensuing summer materials and stores required for the construction works in the following winter will be cai-ried on to the ground, so that progress may not be delayed b ( y the condition of the road during the winter season. In view of the large appropriation for this line last year the relative' expenditure thereon at the first glance appears small. The- nature of the work and the late period of Jthe api^ropria,tio'ns rendered it impossible to spend more during the financial year. Since the 21st March, however, a much larw£tt % number of men has been employed than during the early part of 1902-3. and . greater headway will oonseqTientlv be I made, and a vote of £20(T,000 has thta-e^ i fore been provided on the estimates. j Blenheim-Waipara. -7- The expenditure on this railway fast yea'r'j amounted to £31,651. and for the cur- j rent year a vote of/£35,000 is proposed. Midland. — The total expenditure on ' the Midland Railway last year amounted < to £39,253. For the current year a vote of £70.000 is proposed.

Ngahere-Bfackball.— Very little expenditure came to charge last year (£973 only) as it took the contractor several months to arrange for the supply of the necessary timber and materials. For the current year a vote of £lo,uoo is -proposed. Coal Creek.— The work of finishing this,raihvay. 'which was begun by the Greymouth-Port Elizabeth Coal Company, has proceeded throughout the' year, and its now approaching comple-' tion. The "expenditure during last year amounted to £#775. Greymouth-Hokitika, extension to Ross. — The expenditure last year amounted to £7245, and for the current year a vote of £10,000 is provided. Otago Central. — The exceptionally severe weather during last winter interfered with progress of works on this line. The expenditure on the railway last year amounted to £4p,«585, but for the current year a vote of £70,000 is asked for.

Heriot Extension. — Last year's expenditure amounted to £3018, and for the current year a vote of £6000 to complete the section is proposed.

Cat Hns-Se award Bush. — The expenditure on this line last year amounted to £5798, and for the current year a vote of £10,000 is proposed. Riversdale-Switzprs. — The expenditure last year, amounted to £1251 only. For the current year a vote of £4000 is provided.

Orepuki-Waiau. — The expenditure last year amounted to £6368 and the vote proposed for the current yenr. to provide for the cost of completing the line to Waihoka, is £8000.

To ail appropriations for railways, in addition to the sums mentioned, anproportfons of £1000 each are proposed for old land claims and for surveys of hew lines l'espectivel" : also £60,000 .for -permanent way materials. This brings the total proposed appropriations for rnilwa." construction purposes up to £555,000. CO-OPERATIVE SYSTEM.

The co-operative system has worked satisfactorily. The improved construc-

tion and the lessened cost (of railway work) prove Conclusively that -tile" 'colony is obtaining satisfactory results from the co-operative system, and on the other hand there are many men who, after working as co-operative labourers for a time, hnve taken up holdings -under our excellent land laws and are now numbered among our prosperous settlers. ROADS AND BRIDGES.

The expenditure by the Roads Department on roads and bridges since March 31. 1891, totalled £2,705,855. For the year 1891-2 it was £99,920. while' for 1902-3 it amounted to £227,184. The net expenditure last year, exclusive of roads on goldfields and Government ' loans to local bodies, amounted to £208,605 • with aviiiuh sum 275 miles of engineering survey Avas made, 310 miles of dray roads. 157 miles of bridle track,, and 9.9 bridges over 30ft. span, of a total length of 7344 feet, were constructed • 750 miles of dray road and 197 miles of bridle road were improved ; and 2471 jn'ilgs of dray road and 926 miles' of bridle road were maintained. The total amount authorised Under the Government. Loan to Local Bodies Act

wai £49,000 and the sum votsd for expenditure was £45,000. The net expenditure amounted to £18,579, for which 166 miles of engineering survey was made and 22 miles of dray road. 42 miles of bridle road, and three bridges over 30ft. spfi'n, of a total length of 100 f-eet. were constructed. There were also 76 miles of dray road and 136 miles of bridle road improved or maintained. The expenditure has mostly been upon a very large number of small scattered j\vorks\ the items on appropriations representing 2408 different work's. For the current year the proposed votes for the same classes of works are as .follows— Roads departmental £18,120, roads generally £300,000, maintenance of main roads £30,209, tourist roads £19,748. Government loans to local bodies account £30,000 Lands for Settlement Act £9353, total £407,430.

Roads on Goldfietds (Mines Department). — The vote last year under this, head amounted to £84,460. expenditure being £51,690, with contingent lia'I bilities at the end of the year amounting to £49,575. The hum proposed to. be authorised for the current year is £78.425, on account of which a vote of £30,0C0 is asked for. Development of Goldfields and Mining. — The goldmining industry continues to steadily advance. The amount expended last financial year on works for the development of galdfields was £24,213, while the liabilities at the close of the year amounted to £5002. It is proposed to take a vote of £21,000 for, the current year. Telegraphs Extension. — The expenditure under the head of telegraph extension during the past financial year totalled £68,578. The greater proportion of this was' expended on telephone exchanges, an item governed by the requirements of the public and the ranid expansion of this branch of the service. The vote this year is limited to £50.000. which includes lipbilities on March 1 last arrmtmtirig to £27,409,, leaving £22,591 for works put in hand since the commencement of the financial year and further extensions authorised. PUBLIC BUILDINGS. The total expenditure on public build-/ ings last year amounted to £249.303 — namely, £51,848 under the Consolidated Fund and £197.455 under the Public Works Fund. For the current year ■ a total appropriation of £282,995 is proposed—namely. £47,0bd under the Consolidated Fund and £235,940 under the Public Works Fund. General. — For the current year a vote of £15,670 is proposed. The principal works provided for in the vote for the year are new courthouses at Hamilton. Tauranga, Levin, and Campbelltown, the completion of the new building at Wellington, and additions ' at Hastings, Manaia, and Westport. r , GAOLS. The expenditure under this head last year amounted to £4964. In the current year's vote provision is made for continuing work at Auckland and Wellington and for goin^ on with the proposed building at Invercargill, as well as for a gaoler's residence at Auckland and warders' cottages at Dunedin ; also for some miscellaneous works at Napier. Wellington, and Dunedin. Police Stations. — The works carried out under this head were numerous, the expenditure - having amounted to £11,633. None of them, however, were on a large scale. 1 ' POST AND TELEGRAPH. Under this head expenditure amounted to £74,686. The principal item was in connection with the acquisition of additional land for enlargement of the General Post Office, in connection with which £34.060 was spent. CUSTOMHOUSES. The only expenditure last year under the head of Customhouses was in connec- • tion with the new building now in- : coilr.«e of erection in Wellington, and for the completion of a new building at, Timaru. ' .

Timaru. For the current year provision is made for carrying on work at the Wellington Customhouse and for some small additions at Wanganui. HOSPITALS FOR MENTAL DISEASES. The expenditure on Mental Diseases Hospital buildings totalled £10,167, being principally in connection with the institutions. a,t Wellington, Porirv^a, arid Seacliff. During the current year a larger expenditure is anticipated, artd provision is made on the Estimates for new auxiliary buildings at Porirua and Sunnyside, and for alterations or additional accommodation at Auckland and Seacliff. Provision is also tnade for new ■ buildings and sites for the accommodation pf a class of patients who will be better provided for in separate buildings. SCHOOLS. The amount voted for school buildings last year totalled £100.750—namely, £27,750 under the Consolidated .Fund and £73.000 under the Public Works Fund. ■■ The expenditure amounted to £85;644— namely, £27,854 under the former and £57,790 under the latter fund. ' The bulk of this money - was granted to Education Boards for expenditure. Practically the only school building works controlled by the Government were buildings for native and indiistrial schools. For the current year a total appropriation of £110,950 is asked for — namely, £24.950 under the Consolidated Fund and £86.000 under the Public Works" Fund. In addition to ordinary grants to Education Bonrds, provision is made for a grunt of £5756 to Victoria College and £2124 (balance of grant for £30P(» to Wnitiki Hh?h School. Substantial provision is also made for neAv industrial school buil dines at Levin and for the Deaf Mur<* Institute at Sumner. Votos are also provided for additions to tho Mount Alhert (Auckland) Industrial School, additions toj similar schools at Bumham nnd Te Pranea (Christchurch) nnd for the of a builidjif 1o be u^d as a rpc?iving home at Chris+chitvch : aho for a home for weak-minded and epileptic children. OTHER P-UTT.DING WORKS. In addition to the classes of buildings already mentioned, a sum of £3540 was

expended last year in grants tor hospitals and other charitable institutions. For the current year provision is made as under — Agricultural bone sterilising Imildings stud plaut at Auckland and Bluff, purchase ot land at Te Mata, now offices and laboratory at Wallaceville, new offices at Carterton and Balclutha, dairy produce grading store at Dunedin, poultry depot at Christchurch, and for alterations and additions k> existing accommodation at Hawera and Rotherham Hospitals and charitable institutions ; tor grants for new liospitals at Northern Wairpa. Waihi, Wairoa (Hawke's Bay), and Reef ton ; for nurses' home -at Wanganui ; for additions at Greymouth, and for one or two smaller items. LIGHTHOUSES, HARBOTTJ, WORKS,


Under the head of harbour defences fast year's expenditure amounted to £6126, and for the current year a vole of £10.000 is provided. . . - TOtJRIST AND HEALTH RESORTS.

The amount expended under this heading was £10,949. Provision is made this year for some important works. -The gross authorisation asked for is £26.530. on 'account of which a vote of £20,000 is proposed. UTILISATION OF WATJOR POWER FOR GENERATING ELECTRICITY.

New Zealand, being • favoured with a good rainfall distributed fairly evenly throughout the year, possesses numerous rivers and streams having as a rule a steady and abundant flow of water. When in addition to this we consider thali many of our rivers and streams have their sources in high altitudes, their beds having a good and in many cases a rapid fall: conditions appear generally favourable for obtaining in a number of places a large and con.sta.nt supply of water fo' - motive power. The Government, having been asked to provide expert advics as to the best means of utilising water power in certain rivers, has determined to ascertain the sources from which such power can most readily be obtained at reasonable cost. After inquiry respecting a suitable exnert. the Government determined to invite Mr L. M. Hancock, of San Francisco, to visit the colony and, after inspecting the more likely sources of power, to advise generally upon the matter. Mr Hancock hns recently arrived in the colony, and is now ensap;ed in examining tVu* sources from which it is thought considerable power can be obtainad at reasonable* cost.

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Wanganui Herald, Volume XXXVII, Issue 11106, 17 November 1903, Page 3

Word Count

PUBLIC WORKS STATEMENT. Wanganui Herald, Volume XXXVII, Issue 11106, 17 November 1903, Page 3

PUBLIC WORKS STATEMENT. Wanganui Herald, Volume XXXVII, Issue 11106, 17 November 1903, Page 3