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The oldest document on linen' pids§r"|ife--longs to the yea* 1308.. ,Tfhe first^uio- ' pean paper mills were v at the 'CSstre-'pf Fabriano," near ' Ancona, in 1340.- n . , '- v Iv theory ail ? power in Buesiativ./ioi. . course, Vested in thesCzar; he .baa, lull r c6n.« , trot of, e.ven'thing ; it is he who every pbitit of importance, and np onje .has feK,e,. light even to qye^tion his; will^.v^i ptackfce, ' however, it is ; quite 'ot^efwuK; one of. the mpst stariline f ea^Vre^; ; indettjL of; latter-day Russian politics is jt^te irftefc ' of the I . Czar. ,.''.,>, ''.* %' L 'v '"""'' The , misunderstandings between -■ tfyigr ' lajid and France, are lorgoitea ;'V^nd" $o conclude fronj the veiled, (it^©)- b^t," v ixnisfcakable allusions- fa Germany, -^.ji coniinsr t° M' mutually underatopd-.^^* bf>th Powers are "menaced not so'inttph* By their rivalries, as Jiy^oth'er nAtiJDJjj}, tfhjj have colonial aspiration's put' '3b' not pew-,] sessanyicQlonies.-^— Die Zeit^ .Vierifaa". .., v * " pertain Indian, princes, ' nbtaol^' '^itt NYdm of Hyderabad, preserve .tigeri.jjUt as an . 3?nglish nobleman preperVe* j>)ie£p ant8 k Axict there is an outcry agaijistsfer'' Pebple want timers • ii> •'be treate^Sl! ground gamet •• It is. not their old iaen aatt their wives, wlienanoc^irinal'.ManTeftfei^. is on thepjowl, that the vill.agera tdliujjfr much as- thfeir. cattle on .which the'clcwST! preserved tigersfeed every -dajr^p^'^. -week. -* ' ' ■ • . ; ..'. il.i 1 . :.;„%•■

The famous fortress of Gibialter^-Wu • seen its best days as the.'" key 'to £H£ : Juj& b terraneaii 1 . ' French -nay*!' expert? tWvslfji£ -- the paßsage 6i a war fleet can nbjQttger-ftjjß ' prevented. In the "days,'onty.fifteOTTye«i» ago, when the highest speed o£, a neet did not exceed ten knots an homr/vt^ *s*?'*s•• straits would have , Been a dafigi!rou%'hj|^. zird; but a squadron steaming- et£ht*6il k'lota, is exposed to much lesajrlkk.— NfeW York Sun. ( /r " " • ••--'' -/:":{•, One would infer' from the uproar which ' has been made about Presicient.Eoaafevelt's 'conduct (says-, an , American -pfijsejt) . Oiat he had appointed more coloar«d,jli6iL,. tp office than any of hzs p«publican /|^- jle.cesso'rs. As* a matter of- fact; he 'I^- a'pV , 'pointed' fewer than any ,one'of thehi'sitice tjincjjln; and the character of tlie^ie <f&\tf£ ■tions.has -been imraeasurablyj hi^Kl^- rilj*|* . the average of tlieirs." He.has-^ppQiutpa seven. in all — -ihree in the Norln. andlC 0 *? 1^ tn 'ther. South. -.President McKinJey^ tfpf tjointed:nearlv' seventy. ■ ." • • -v, :•_.<.■«

- -Bts*narck was alarmed in, 1^75 "by tj*e amazing niahner in which France- had^6^' ' covered in the ■shor.fc .space of lour jteajs from the, results of the war, and ho. Was " planning .an aggressive atiaci; upon liei'in ' order to strikp her once more to the -duet '< before -she could regain strength r e'nougli •', to" be really dangerous to Genriany". Q^egn -"' a Victoria, who knew, what was goine p '"oli, * . wrote a- strong remonstrance , to «the -E^j uei,or William which led'-'to.Bii'smaiclb, %^ ; '? , ins» 'vMigerf. to- repudiate' having 5 - ei?ter- - Hiried any hostile intent.' He never-; "foil* - gave the Queen. ' There is' no .doubt; ihij£~ France owes an unpayable debt \o TBiiiffg Edward's mother- for her timely i Jßtejjfer^ eijce, on tUat O9casion. — St. Janjes' Gjgr •' zctte. , % . . \ ■/:•*, -- fi ,- ■ ' V'", The;V '",The; fact that - the> weathe*- ]is-Ico^ > windy, and wet, says- the Paris oorjrogpgjii • f^ent of .the Sketch, seems to have, induced Parisians to^speculrtte, cheerfnllt to the' best Tf ay to fajjr .the. duilt -in the days- «fCanicule. - Modt • are-,. in; ilavonrj oj'th'e - Monte. Carlo" system, whfch has long. been 'in . yovuq , in niany parts pf Fran_ce,v ponsista of tarring a macadam: roa^' >ffid ♦•lien throwjin,? on sand. The snowes naa . • oeen noticeable, nlthpnghit i»-Jl3aA^9t. • horses, in wet weather, .This for'tlje^ttjf-- • try. The Municipal Council of Ppna iwVitemplates a revolution in dust-}aying~irith- * out creating mud.' Djotf-Boutoii-liftye -suV mitte'd a^ mo^r-water-tanki fo* which tliV ' firin.^laim much, an'd''with m.y'-'ow^i eves"^ have seen that- they' haW**nta'de %* !hug9 stride in advance.- The inbtor is sfuarant«e4 for a rp«jular speed^ofc four 'kilonletres fh'6' . hour. Two tons pi water/ ar« stored "itt the ' tiaTik, and the water, in the form^-of, -j» ' thick mist, moistens seven BqWfe' metres. The exports Hdmit that one of these tnotoir ~ 'water-mi^hines can;, do the woyk op thi?-» teen (of -the carts. > T^ipt' wiH < . probably "be experimented: with in'Jtlie" ISjss,, • • congesttfef fhoroiighfaresr' this kuinmer;;;' \ . The, B^p)in eorr-e^pondentiof thej-Londort' 1 •" Standard",, , .teleqrraphs i^Kow- 'ttittf <•*'-• jmf --' anf^tles at c a reform in feminine' costfttoe/^ a.fl;er mairy, years, of. ..earnest;'' agiUftimj^^ hay% at Jlsist- succeeded' 'Xr\. , „ called ''reform dr^ss" adopted jijj lnc^re^fc'.-t" ijie. ,tiu'mbsr,f of G^ifrhHn larfiesrfift^ .ve.ls9' be?inTiiiisf to ( ojotlwratUlate iheniseiyfeß' Bri... '. f\?v; n"■ f^dered a conspf cuo'u>s . terrjk^ «£ % , ■ Vjip hea^h of.e^erfttioJia'tinbqrn^aii o,iti«?ft ' ~ pVit medictxl authority, 'in the perso^t of tjr Moljer. Head| of' the! Coisumbhon Ho«t»it*l . •\t Bolsi?, .Tiear 1 Berlin, has '^tddenljr started up to declare' that the reform threes* is a' moat rfeleteridns g*r\j. The'dre?.^ itt' ' oiiPßtion, I must 'be allowed to 'expia^ii',, . di'=iif > ns"9 with |he corspt, a"hd consists/ta "iitwT.T<l apwaratice, >» )no?e warfflpnt Uffwiwy dawn in a •"'ne'le MR f^oju'-ttft ■n'oolz to the IWfc; like a df eealtigigoW^,* " This dr»si, the doctor ' S^rsf, w^i^h eft^irifrC ' lv on the Ijwcs, Jiamp^rinp' their- ©jfj^ijT Kion. He exhorts ladies to leave if off '$rfr rtti»p. and to re*nrn to the,' ua© of star's;' ' w-hifTi, if properly \"qrn,- he ,te;lls • tfyemV i tero^ to five tl»p body its nece,"fiary sup- v , nort, nnd extend a specially .SttPnVt^ ll^ »<< ' w«- inflTTPf(Wr» .>»! the, 'muacles' of. tiie, v weeV y * ' O" I'"'1 '"' c*x fV>c<o Jv<? t*'»^ > r lnrt«nr fio a c- sn T^ <i^ |i o ladies, will be in jut ion's _ to their' health* •> » /

The cost of the struggle in South Africa to the Empire was, .in. J-ives, 1072 offi,cers and 20,87Q rt men ; , and in money .£222,978,000. ,''"*'', Home mails despatched from Melbourne via Brindisi on 'the 6th' May arrived in London on the morning of the 6th inst, two days in advance of- time-table > date. , Barges are towed xra the Elbe by means of v chain 290 miles long, - yrltick lies at »the pottom of the river, and, is. grappled and raised by steam machinery. Mr G. H. Marshall' °f Moaw.hanga, has been selected Cor the position of third assistant at the Wanganui (District nigh School, vice Mr N>. G. Armstrong; resigned. Owing to the country: returns not' being in, we are instru£ted«.by,.the secretary (Mr Lundon) to state Chat.,,, the., l}r Connolly _ Memorial Fund will .be. ! kept' open one' week longer. '«"•<»••-- «_ -. f -' ' - Obliging tramp : 'Save s yoii 'anylhing^'to do in my line Wday^ ;: m l adam i ? ' Lady: What is your btosiness^z I'm, a dentißt, madam. mil'U jput; a. gQ,%d-.set.,ftf t«eth in a minee j .,pie v .fQr f) ypu^free^ ,of charge. . '. "" ", '- >At Aylesbury a.jnaij na^jea Faulkner,' of / Ludgershall, while carrying a gun in two \ pieces in his coat' pocket, has beeri fatally shot in the thigh:: by the barrel falling | upon the ground' and :the concussion, cx r , ploding th« charge. t , Professor Councilman, pf Harvard, i he has found the sm?ill-pox germ. It is a protoza, or the lowest form of animal life, 1 which is responsible for the highly con-* tagious character of the disease. The protbta differs from the bacillus, which -is a vegetable organism; consequently the investigation of small-pox, belongs* to path- 1 oldgy rather than to bacteriology, v A correspondent who"has just visited the tomb, of the famous ,Li Blung Chang says that the great Mandarin's, coffin is in a mausoieum-fthaped like temple, over, the door pf which is the inscription, 'He moved Heaven and overturned the Earth. '" The coffin itself is'covered with a magnific£nt piece of tapeßtry ,- on which thesewords are embroidered:- "All, ,cquu tries of the earth weep for him ' „,., . ,',„»..,„

' A»very unfortunate occurrence took place some days ago on Mr Waller's 't\i% at the. head of Lake Wakatipu A While- bringing m the sheep after the final .muster, the men behind the sheep noticed & bloelc of Boxd^ ' sort' on ahead, and on.' .going forward to see what was wrong they^found a, narrow little hollow ha* been, filled with the foremost ♦sheep, all smothered; and the others were walking over the tbp of- them. Report says there were nearly S^OJirilled; * . ", *Sdine few' ! day^ ago a-.iiaijive picked up a bottle on, the Oteki beach, and on uncocking it found the> ; following written on i-piece of cardboard: I—'"S.S.1 — '"S.S. TTeko'a, London to Auckland, • somewhere neaV Tasipiinia, 25th December, 190i.— F- Cltenks, tHttimer." The Bottle 'and its mefesage must haVe travelled a tremendous distance" during the many; monthß that it had been buffeted about oh the wave's.^ ' iiccording to tli^Tßrisbane cprrespondent",. , of a Melbourne n^per, n Sir- Arthur,,Rutledge . (the, f Acting-Premier) is : trying to arrange, for a conference of chief, stack inspectors and V«terinary experts wf the States a,nd oi New. Zealand, tojale held -in Sydney early j in June', with the yievr tp.the introduction oT a." uniform 'systenx by wh^iph jeach. State' will notify the other,.- of; the -existence, of contagious (disease amono- stock, and also of " uniform system , of ,the' inspection of meat intended for export., .„ ; . • Triini are run' in-Newi Zealand for the cttftVehience of the public.',' Someone always ■ grumbles, .however. A man who recently travelled in a train says the, sole occupants, jifewe'two stock inspectors, one jnember of. Pajhament, one Ipoitd^ovexsear, tw,p,- /State . school teachers, a railway official, and' a reporter. The whole lot were! practically ''dead-heads" with the exception, of himself. . And. he is merely annoyed because, he hadn't the privilege- of b«ing a "deadhead" too. — Thames Star. ... ; , . '' .Lieutenant, Wallace Duftleld 'Wright, the hero of the exploit in West Africa in* which a British force of forty-sis, all told held off and defeated- the -temir of Kano's arniy bf nearly 30d8i'has notcfaite leaohed hisl 28th iirthdayv He belongs to the Royal' j ■vVest Surrey Regiment, and went out to j I^e West 'African. Frbbtier Force' in Octo- ♦ ber, 1901. This' is not his^ first campaign, for-lie fought with the M&lakand/the'Moh-' ' mand, and the Tirah Forces, being severely wounded oil 'q'ne 'occasion., It must be a surprise , tp anyone gqing the founds of "the State' mine works at Seddonville for the first -time (says the Westport News) to see. the magnitude of titie. works and so much completed. In a very Jew months it is expected the opening up stage will be accomplished; , an 4 auring * th« last fortnight, f ron>' o^e. end of the main drive alone J67ft._were driven. ' At the bottom of the shaft.djping/.is.b'eing carried ottin two headings-r-pne towards, and to^ fprni part of the inain.drivei and ; the other diametrically-, opposite..,'. The latter will strike coal at an early, da te t .so that by .the tune the. main tunnel; is. completed, there will be no delay ,44 ' getting out .coal.-- ' There is at ths present 1 time an unusually large Bupt>ly of butter" lying in ► the coor Btotes in th« colony".- L&ift^ye*^** * n ' a I^^ butter was selling at lid per lb. Now- it is not saleable atlmore 'than 9d. .-Tjievreai Bonfis that the dem^ndi from. 1 -Australia iB now almost nil.. The extraordinary, demand j that arose in connection' with the Australian drought induced' -the accumulation of ! stocks here in preference to selling at English, prices. . AH -tikis' butter* if a demand does not develop^ from Australia or South Africa, will be shipped to the British market during ttoe toexfr "few - months. • 'The quantitvi though' iarge,' ; is "not sufficient, to affect the price; oflfhe English market? ' Ou» rowing rio^es contribiitgr, "S^ide,'J writes as follows :^Th'e many friends of Mr r T. O'Shahnessey, .of ,the Aramoho. Boating 'club, will regretj-tot leatn that whilst engaged shuntingt-atuthe Ajramohp freezing works this morning? he, had the misfortune to meet with an extremely, painful. accident> breaking his collarbone and having one ear badly torn. Dr .Christae, who was telephoned for, wks pj?6jnt»lsJyjon:the spot, and did all lie could to.i»elieve the.sufferer, who was.removed to.hiß<<home. «nd I am glad to pay is progressing '.'satisfactorily.. "Toxa"' ■was always recopfniaed as one- of' tbes-Swi'riebt of the old "Pju-nellifc^'^ttafr, as. they sweifc familiarly termed.^y, the.] di^etent, crew? competing at the^ainpionshi^. ; regatta^ of. past years. I wish^m,, speedy, «*ecove.?y. A bottle picked^ W^ridaif';i^he; estf ary of the A vou *at>igh^4 te r>S% k a^ft the Lyttelton. TiiftM (jpntai^dfa ineß^age tJurportinP to comfe tt frpK"th£ s^a, J(^t .reads as follows:— "W*ifer,-I < rea',S>nith, I, was, wrecked at Queeii ;'C,liarJ.otte. .Sound- ojn 128 th.l 2Bth. March. There af.e-tyb'feUQVs, named Jo? Brown and Jack Re^de; on this raft with me. O, God. if : hejn dpe« nfit come- soon we shall perish, of J;nis note please ■communicate witji Fa'rquhar, of Auckland, and Captain . Jamiespn* of Syd : ney, without delay." dfhe qptV does rqt give the name of°any ,yejßsel. The writing. does not seem tbf naVe" been, done, under frreat diflficulties. ;it» jp. very P le » r and legible, thons'lj in,, pencil, pv a BpTap oJ paner. It is thought fhafc, the message is a hoax. J' ■

Mepurs Newham- arid j Brady' have inst la^fled a shipment" of beaiitifril inoT^ts— ' a»l sizes, shapes,- aaifceVifoUrsv— pud 1 those ' desirous of having tiTii^fyiffiiJsfl^d pVotW- . srraph on- r eood^rfflnt at' a fo^^^^ble price, should give ttießTa call'.^idvt.) 5 . 1 ' '

Feilding Star to-day Completes its twenty-first year ,of publication, and the proprietors the same term of partnership. Although boiling water is fatal to most microbes, some ot them endure extreme cold with indifference. M. Pictet has frozen some of them in solidified air at a temperature of about 323 degrees below i'ahienheit zero, and found them as lively as ever when he thawed them out. One great superiority the American workman enjoys, tie has good patent laws. In England tne Patent Oiuce is a meaußval mockery of efficiency. In fact, if our patent laws had been designed and draited ■ by our trade rivals with the object of throttling the spirit of invention in our working men,"t hey could not b'e'more'ef1 fecttial agents in • that noble work. , As -thiiffM stan.d> no.', f workman is likely to .benefit; by ,a.u invention. .On the contrary, he is likely to. lose. ■)Newßpaperdom:* says 'that the Monday morning' daily <ott<*hf to be abolished by law. It h«s' to tie 1 written^ and set up nearly entirely oil Sunday, a: day on which very little happens. Monday morning's issue is therefore the hardest .of "the week to get out,, and is always the poorest. ' Preachers l and -pious people Who 1 inveigh against-Sun-day papers aTe making a mistake — it is Monday's they ought to attack, 'Hie editor and printers ought 1 to have their Sunday's rest, as they have' in Richmond, Virginia, -where there is no Monday morning paper. In the' \yhite Ant month on tlie Congo the natives have a very, busy time. The river is deserted, and men and women, boys and girls, go out to gather the white ant for fcod, The, white ant is not bad ad food — merely very rich. In this month he is about an inch long; the natives gather him in his hundreds, pull off the wings, and roast him. The native boys have a shorter way with him. Sometimes at mess white ants flop on to the table, attracted by the light. The boys who wait at the table pounce on them,, and without further ceremony pop them' into their mouths. , The secretary of the Eastown Amataur Variety Company has received the following from the Castlecliff School Committee:—"Dear sir,— l am instructed ' by my Committee to inform *you that at our 'meeting held last evening that a hearty vote of thanks was unanimously accorded to the Eastown Variety Company for the successful manner' in which the programme was carried out at our entertainment held on the 2nd June, and that we wiph the Company every success for the future.— Yours, etc., E. H. Petterd, Secretary. *Pot and Kettle.— lt has been said that mistakes will happen in even the best regulated printing offices. • The Daily Expiess waxed merry in page 4 over the following jumble of a Swansea paper:— 'Lady Chesterfield is Lady Hartopp's sister, , and Mies Muriel Wilsoh, who haß resigned as a leading beauty for several years, is her cousin, too strong when a half-quantity only is used in comparison with other cocoas, 1 a' further reduction in the quantity used is advisable." Bu,t in. the same issue of ' the Daily Express; on page 1, .appeared the.follow-in'g,;-ll"Ai 'g,;-ll"A n riotous .scene occurred in the French frost clouds to great heat, ended in the wreck of the balloon on touching earth near Maflborough. ■ A darinsr jewel robbery has been perpetrated in St. Petersburg. A carriage bearing -the arms of a member of the Imperial Family drew up before the shoo of a lead{ngjeweller, and a footman wearing a Court livery- entered the shop and said that the Grand Duchess Xenia desired to see a collection, of, jewels from which she could | choosewhfct pleased her best. The jeweller packed up jewels to the value of about and handed them over to the domestic to be taken to the Grand Duthess. Hours parsed without an.y reply coming" J fiom' the. palace- and iwhe^ the anxious ieweller ventured to send to ask what had become of his -jewels he learnt that the Grand Duchess knew nothing of the 'whole 'transaction. No traces of the clever thieves

have been found

At an inquest at Rams'gate, England, on ! the body of a man who Had shot himself , in a train, a letter from the deceased to hta brother was read. It ran : — "I feel mad. The spirit of death has taken me for the last r ew days, and points' to Ram'sga^e. Break the news to my poor, poor, dear wife and son George. Will you let hint follow .-his poor father to his last rest-ing-place ? Nell (deceased's wife) has been •so very good and true. Ido feel for her. When you see them I know vou~wiil speak kindly ,to them, and break the / sad news. If- 1 do not do this the awful spirit would make me do worse, so it is best.' My last thoughts on earth. God bless my good, "dear wife. I. love her more than ever." The jury returned a verdict of suicide while temporarily insane. ; ■" One of the funny things in congressional •oratory is the unfinished story (writes Mr Francis Leupp in the 'Century.' in his article 'on- ihe 'Huinors of Congress*). Mr Pickler,'of South' Dakota, was trying to illustrate a point by the tale of an Irishman to whom a dying friend had entrusted five thousand dollars to be put into the coffin With him.' The' dead man was buried, and the' • trustee bought a house with money 'which no one - supposed he' possessed. A priest, who' 'knew of the provision of the «4H", called Pat ro account, asking him if Vie had really put the five thousand dollars into the coffin as agreed. "I did, your reverence." answered Pat. "Then where did voii get nil that money?" persisted the oriest. . "Begorra ! your riverance," said Pat, with a chuckle, "you didn't' suppose I'd ba such a fool as to — ~" . "The gentleman's time has expiredj" interrupted the 'Speaker^ and Mr Pickler sat down. No coaxing- could induce him to finish the story. , , An incident, showing the feeling against the recent strikers, is recorded by the As'e. Two HorcnleaTi men, * who had not had s much experience in driving . locomotives, ran a train on the Essendon line on the Monday after the strike began. An Incident that attracted considerable attention occurred just as the trai^ they were .driving ran into the platform at Flinders Street. The passengers were streaming up the pathway towards the exit as a particularly well-dreFsed young lady made. ' her way .townHs tlie engine. She was at.tired.tired in a.neathlv-fitting coat and skirt, and it was noticeable that she wore a pair o p white kid cloves. Advancing to the side of the engine ,she lookerl into the ,cab, and catckin- tlie eye of the driver, remarked "Win -you shake' hands" with me, Mr 'Driyer?"'^ie driver slrn't off the" steam that washiteine out of the cylinder, and •with'a-res!'re.tful. I J^ok at -his black hand? replied, "I don't think I'd; better. I'd .spoil your* gloves, miss."' "Neve,r '.mmd the ?16ves," '<Hnt£ the 'answer. "I want td shake -hands 'with .ypu men." The driver rubbed his hands, with a piece ( pf cotton 'waste, arid taking the 'white gloved lian^ in his grimy' pnw thanked the vouhty la«1y for her svuma'thv. "And your friend?" shr queried. The firpman mmc forward, and raising h«* hflt also to-k in his black ham? «the nently gloved finger of his lady interrogator. 1 ,

We love the dear old Union Jack, „ We love the Motherland ; , Our he)r> she \ri\\ not ever lack, . But by her 'side we'll stand. In peace or war, what it may be, •« ' No love could e'er be truer, ' "V^e^ build our health' from' colds so free On— < -•' ' f ' «'*'* - ■' • Wood's Gbeat Peitbkmint Cue*.

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Wanganui Herald, Volume XXXVII, Issue 10973, 12 June 1903, Page 4

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LOCAL AND GENERAL. Wanganui Herald, Volume XXXVII, Issue 10973, 12 June 1903, Page 4

LOCAL AND GENERAL. Wanganui Herald, Volume XXXVII, Issue 10973, 12 June 1903, Page 4