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| Bnsincei Advertisement! Business Advertisements.. * " ; Busineis Advertisements. Racing. . | Sports. Business Advertisements. . - . _. BHURST-POHANGINA RAO- "ITIEILDING ATHLETIC SPORTS. --^ J - The Sick are Cured and Sceptics Left to Wonder. IMPERIAL CALF FOOD A ann^a£¥eeting, victoria park, feilding. JBfe_ I , • • /^AN be used with either Skim, Separated Milk, or Whey. Made from malt. Tr\V»r» TVr^TPeivlo-no To te held on tho BOXING DAY, 26th DECEMBER, %^>hl^^^\•^\'''"V!\^^^^m\\AnS.. ' mi-Tr.-i Tn>^* r . a rp<O-F_~i Tt/r^-rkT.^ AT V . f°? k f a an 2 ?nCO9? nCO 9S ea c A e 5 e t l8 ' scientifically blendea, so as to be the best OOim UlCranane, ASHHURST RACECOURSE, MM. ■ Kl|feM»H^») - 'I'M I Pfl I I , w I-* A I H Bl j Wi Wj W9 W \^j J\. KJ substitute for whole milk. At the same timo will sot cause " scours," as is the ojmrronjv ooti, -nwnnwTn?!? iom WBsS&s&BMW&MBB&iS&st&S&I I£l^ JTXJAU i J. .^ * AJIJ.V> WlUl/LVZIU case with Unseed alone. If mixed and fed according to instructions, it is the SHIP CHANDLER _ SAILMAKER, SATURDAY, 28thjDECEMBER, 1901 Omcui, Pmomkjk. '^^^^^^^^^^^H "I " INSTITUTE.' ' ™**- • P. Hanlon;. ™»*»ff * ]^2ioSd&. 16 LS_& *f ** ~ r Corner of LMIHER SQUATIE and GLOUCESTER STREET, CHRISICH 3RCH. A WiLL B4G (231 b.) will tot one Calf five we 6 k3, and long« if milk 1, AVenU6 ' Wan6anQi ' ' ™T- ' ■_fi^^B^^^3 .plentiful. MANUFACTURER, Timekeeper, D. H. Roberts; Clerk 3 Ba^ipe I .' F«t prk aL* aad trophy, 5_S 1 ' Packed in 251 b Bags, or 2001 b Sacks. °* Scales, D. J. Conchie ; Clerk of nd L 2 v% thfrd iOs . E nt ,anc-. St. ;|M f H OOLYPATHY, the New Method of Healing, is the surest and most rapid system . - -or - " C °» r8e -' 3 L_5£ 5 Kut I H * »S? Sm-&% l M P fo ' .IIS I r .I* asitcures with absolute certainty such diseases as Cancer EpUepsv and AWARDEI) GO LD MEDAL, FIRST AWARD AND SPECIAL __Lf' Stewa^T. Xnlon, D. 6 B L J&!^ a^^STtaS^ Hf ifiH^^^_M ' Asthma, mcurable.under tho old system, as well as al Chrome and Nervous Cam DUNEDIN EXHIBITION, - MENTION AUCKdATSD EXHI- TENTS, TARPAULINS, OILSKINS, Orr, J. Piercy, J. H. Paton, F. G. KratprizeLl.sscondlOs. Eatr»ncel» iSff 1 !^ H SSa^Ba^^a^-pvi^a - Pl**"**^P I **"**^ Women and Men. - ",..., , „, v „„=„- „„_ 1898. - ' BITION, 1899. HORSE COVERS, &a. H. Phillpotts, W. Cornford, J. 6 Highland yiing. Fnst r ,riza L 2 mnd Jpgg^gr^^^^saagßßgß^aß The wisest, best educated, and most enlightened people are daily becoming con- , Craven ,si_ Gardiner, W. Dellow, trophy, seend 30», third -10s. Eu- ' ~ ; verts ti those .new prinoipies and roothods which are supported by such overwhelmn- -j O - m ,nwriTo ' ' •»• Symonda, J. Wilson, and W. J* 1111 ; o !''' , . T.TllrA fr Cln J <S T^fm^P^ - ing evidence, sustained by the public who have an opportunity of testing the remark- TESTIMONIALS. Ai_o— Siaaells • 7-Bioyole Rice. 2 miies handicap. First JJUKe OG 00. fa XltdillgeS. .able success of the Polynathy System. Their wonderfulsttccess has spread like wild- Midhurst, Paranaki. - n 0 _. a6 e Less than 60 Soys.. o J* 4 ' ", econ o^5 > t?"^ 108 - 08 .*' a,™ ™ tou fire through an enlightened community, and amongst those who had given up all Dear Sir, December '.'2nd, 1 891. TM p nn t-t>t -t> AND r ET A ILER Tntnl Amount of Stakes 700 Soys 8 Bracelet, 220yd_i handicap. pme THE HEAVIEST ON THE hopes of ever beiogwe'.l again, and tne'y are by hundreds availing themselves of the . I have lauch pleasure : in rocommending to my farmer friends in Tira- IMPORTER AND RETAIIiEK Total Amount of Stakes, 700 Soys. trophyvmlue L 5, »«cond tropiy value MABKET. ~ PoJvnatbio Sva'emoT Tr^tincChronio Diseases which has proved to be the surest, naki the use of the "Imperial" Calf Meal is a valuable help in the successful Second and Third Money m Every lA .Entrance 6s ■ - offfistaufmorreH^^^^^^ When sick rearing ... their calves , V my opinion, that used in moderate quantities, 'of the foUo W ing Goods, Event. 9 H,gh Ja^p Hand^p Fi«t prize L 2 This means Dua.Brx.iT,. ;„ !!,„ *;™ „ .i«, o u.u,i,^« nn ,iim.(m«,,i Thorftfnrn mesiv inform your- cooked, and mixed with skim milk, it answers all the purposes of ihe lm- ,„ ,i vs >?c0?"? c 0?" ii- f"^ 1101 !" 15 * ' !_» v^rho^icWrul^^w^At^St^&^l^^ot ported meal at about half tho cost. I have tried them botlifand in each W , , PROGRAMME. 10 itonAwte Hwdi«n, 1 «U* Rxst np HE only Range with detachable t £^X^ Xl^ CTAc^ff mriiSi h p-«ii V«» Lvc been satisfied the results, but I give the preference to the "Im- From the most popular manufacturers . HACKS ONLY. g«Ll£ le*-.!*, third U. Eu- J[ Oven and Boiler. This meansWjZ Pe[i»l.; on account of its being the much cheaper feeder of the two, a vcrv in the Old Country :- 12 noon-Trial Hurdles, of 75 soys: 11 Sword" IWa. <&* prize L 2 nud economy of repairs. ro jpn s. valuable consideration m a place where the values of cattle are only nominal. - second _ orse to receive 15 soya an d trophy, aecjnd 30i, thrd 10s. EaMora nws msdA hv PnlvnathV than anY Other System -> . Y^M^ltM""?. the third horse 5 soys from the tranceSs . HUNDREDS IN USB IN W4NGANOI. more UreS maaa Dy rOlypainy ina.ll auy vuuai »J«™ J. BURTVEALE. PRINTS stakes. Over six flights of hurdles, 12 Novelty Kicp, 200yd-. First prize 30s, -' • zu Tnr^nl<4 • • • SERGES 3ft 6in hich Weight lOst ('winner second 12a 6d, third 7« 6d. Entrance 2s. > , 111 thß World. [Extract from the Wyndnam Herald, June, 14th, 1901.] LUSTRES of an? flat race-to carry 108^1010) 13 220,ds Hard es Uaufiiratp. tirrt prize A g en * = 1 „ mn ™r« n »iuc io inanpi! Mr John Mcßean, of Seaward Downs, yesterday of a satisfactory GALATEAS Open to horses that have never „ J^tf 60 ?^ 8O8 Os ,' tU S l . 1 2 8 --J !x - tr £ lloe vS. 8 W. G. BaSSett, L v H lo^^ lsßo^-^ B " llo^ l^ s^ Bll .^ l^^:,^^!!^ experience he has had in rearing calves with'artificial food. He raised twenty . .HOSIERY won a hurdle race or steeplechase U *f£_fLS£^-ps? ! *_Psf B *7'7 ' mx*, J . -» V, Z ~l ■[ « m Herye Prostration aid Loss of Vitality. co f vea 0 _ « Inl p er i al .. Calf Food> __ d &b the same tinie _ ad oocrst _ ers whic _ _ c fe _ BHIRTINGS at time of starting, and have never , fi 4£°sa tgSf'i K™t TIMBER MERCHANT, , _5,4 Gentlemen,— l feel that I-ana cured, and be- with new milk. The former did quite as .well as the latter, and (when sold -CALICOES ' ' started in other than hack races. nnzVL3 lOj «acond tl t?_d 10s Wilson Street, Wanganui. J J* •dZrHy I'eve it to be due to vonr remedies and excellent five months old), realised top market values. , SHEETINGS Entrance, 30s. 1} miles. ' Eatra-'ce'ts ' ' treatment. A lew months ago 1 was a total wreck :—: — DAMASKS • 12.45 p.m.— Flying Handicap, of 100 15 s.itori' Hornp'ps. First prize L 2 n_a . > J@3]_ggfi^3]?~j|_yJ_gga , mind and body, and often wwhed myself dead, Mataura Island, January 24th. 1901. FLANNELETTES soys; second horse to receive 15 trophy, secojid JOs, third 10a. Eui^^^^^^^^ bat now 1 urn a strong and healthy man, arid feel Messrs Langdown and Son, Christchurch. QUILTS soys and the third horse 10 soys t*ane«3i ' ' ' JKBJlSpSsSgsßwfccsgp^gg t^ a{ . _ ]j aTe gomelhiug to live for. Bo snre I will Dear Sirs, ' TOWELS from the stakes. Nomination, 1 17 Ra'f-mile Handicap. First prize L 7 agpSjggfrFtyPiaSCfi ,, CT . cf r«.ii t,n rppnmmf.nH your^lnstitate to fellow- Ro Calf Food purchased from you, I may" say that I was well pleased soy; acceptance, 1 soy. Six fur- 10a, seo.nd L 3, t: ird 30s. E -truce 3s - ' a «.4^_^S^^^^^H^»3^ -j en f or i thi ,_jf j ijad not undergooe your fteat- with it, as my calves did very well while fed with it, and I consider it very . .longs.' - " 18 Eack Kace, 100 ,ds. -First prza 3Us, / J ■_JSK9a^3B9fc3 ment I wou d now be in my grave. To bay that I satisfactory as an economical Calf Food. " -,-r/i--», -r/i -- » i» t * io -u 1.30 p.m.— Ashhurst Guineas, of 100 » e c ndlOs. Eatrance2s 1 ' JM$Mj3% l si£3££&'g2 Sneratefur to you is toDUt it Timidly; if I can help Yours faithfully, "T OH N TVTO V? ARL AN E, guineas; second horse to receive 20 19 Bicycle Race, 3 mdes handicap. Fir.t ' **} imSSSSSS t° do so P T. W. FOSTER. O JM. Jb | vu i neas ; and the third horse 5 -o -nd 30s, third 10,. Ea- . j^ Faipburns YOnrßl WUh eratitnde> -- G> P< WAXSON - At Christchurch A. and P. Show, November 1896, the First Prize- Ex- „___; ww _ na __ ni ' fSSEt B^L-ldS" that a^e nol 20 M 2£ ta __JS' t£iL*tl£& HOUSE ' l^JS™ ESTATE WflMvß&&- f& * Epilentio Fits " hibit for Veal Calf, not exceeding eight weeks old, and for butcher's purposes Avenue, Wanganui. nominated for other than hack E_*r_«£!s • 7'7 ' AGENT. HidHil 'AsbburtonJ^uary Uth, 1901. enly, was reared upon ■Imperial" Calf Food. « T^d^S^- fflSft HOUSE PROPER^ES FOR SALE. . ToPo TSSS±r: fflts • LANGDOWN AND SON : ' J^Si^'^a "WSWJ^S,^ "_fe M eelf cured of epilepsy by your new method of cure Jjn^ Ul/U TT J.l A_-*.Lr OVllj , 101 b, Fillies and deldings, Bst 51b. second trsphy. Compttitori mustre- acres; healthy building sites* aM^i^-f^ S. tP Polypatby. Xba first month I only had two nts CHRISTCHURCH -.j. . „ The winner of any Hack Guineas siie witbin 6 rai'es of Feading. P.rt with splendid view; low price. iKiMfc^^P^P^* a°aiaßtthreemonthßnotllla ° aiaBtthreemonthBnotlll ? g . nppr^ CC u 11 T gOne 'f onxiißxoiiuj»o«. BOOtS and Shoes or Hack Sires Produce Stakes to fentrance Is . Apply sharp. ■^iai^^llwS^O-i^l ievelam perfectly cured, for which lam prate- -,-,-- M - M - M -»-- Mt carry a penalty of 71b. Acceptance 23 Irish J«. Firjt pnzo L_ and trophy, wickstfed Street— 7 rooms, all mod- ' ll^iHSß^ bIMMONS. - | . TosuitallclassesandconditionsofmeD, 31s 6d Sn night of general Wry. «c:nd 30, and trcphy, th.rd 10s. £_- .crn conveniences, i-acre; BHfflSHfc • J______!__>S_ NEW BOOKS can be obtained at reasonable prices at CUosed witk 20 nominations. One „ 4^|^ -^ 616 . ,_„_ rooms, 5 acres, y^ &li^ mma - /S^_i|i\ -«- C Ar,MAN'S gHOE . gTORE, «y«^i»«n,t. **^ ,****> rooms, 3i acre. '. ' ~^~ - g a_6ufc-lne£l \ pninvin TTDDiTiTVq receive 30 soys, and the third horse 26 Consolation Handicap, loOvds. First St. John's Hill— B rooms, 5 acres; They lilso desire to -mpres upon all men vho' are suffering that they have the -J-^^, "_!_||f£_y2_£! \ COLOMIAL LlllltAHltS, ' Victoru. Avende. 15 soys from the stakes. Nomina- prize L 3, seco,.d LI. .Entruxce 3s. _?1? 15 °°- n „ -'„„„'• k sne &n«.-A 3 ne-nai ja..noa. ■ SSS^^^BlrtM^^T 1 * SINGLE PAIRS- RETAIL AT 3.15^ p.m.— Stewards' Stakes, of 60 Best Dressed Highlander. Trophy. En- Bell Street— 7 rooms, J^acre; £550. If yoc fa otV t Write for Question lust to CHRISTCHURCH. with stamped 1/^/ ma^HßTt^— • I WHOLESALE PRICES. soys; second horse to receive 10 tranwls. . Russellvale— 6 rooms, i-acre; j£2so; ' saaa;/ .':■ jAsssa-JSC^'"- %sSX§r ns_s»«rt?iSEa __»*us;— *_. _r££_?2?2«S _s__S^S3-J «--5-^L V7^2__^i^Mpfir_C „_ *_«**«» . „_ - Walking Boots and Shoes, Canvas Boots race of the value of 40 soys at the 5 1^^^°^ 8^S tt f f * c , 1 2AT^TimAV 9 roomsi" - ' • "' JLL ,J?2^l!gk J_X The Master Sinner, by * well-known and Shoos, Running, Cycling, Football, time of starting, and have never at o^. m ' Harrison Striet-5 roonra, l-Bth acre; COMPARE _/flST^<__a , .author. "The most remarkable CrioUet, and Irnnn Shoes, in great .started in other than hack races. 7t A j m f:™^^to GrouwF-Aau- Is children -.6500; or, with full J-acre, .£625. tUmrMRt - /<v^# ,\k Bud powerful religious rornanw yet variety. Three-year-olds Bst Blb, 4-year-olds ■ ' cmlaren Glasgow Street>-5 rooms, fr-acre; ..•^W _-_a««r- __9B^^ _. J v_-^«i>. m.l, i?v«_^ a « B »- \™ tt«*»> We stock Boots an 3 Bhoes mndo fr. m 9st, 5-ycnr-old and upwards 9sV 31b. Pi fS t Keca sUtts at 1 1 am. £520. _i_ft 1H __3_gflH lM /Bk^^*W _H^_>. . Penolopes Irish iixpenences, by Kate -, „ Ei ohrome Box Calf Glaco Entrance, 30s. Ono mile. - - „ pt^ h -,> «„„».♦.._ Wilson Street-r9 rooms, i-acre. ■lill^-1 OLw^ S^m . !>-„ •*•«««, -„ WB™^W B ™^- Oo™toUK?n££!it*V a t™h£thcl: 4 p.m.-Komako Welter Handicap, of E. H. FISHER, Secretary. T flfst^luoss Business for sale,- with Jmf! Ib( B m|llk PMSOPiptIOnS The^lystery^r Bernard Brown, by 70 soys ; horse to recejve 10 freehold premises. ■W^m^b^^Ui Bl ■ ■ £2__S OUr^S ° h " lataP> GeOrS ° "«-■ Bo.ts n! ,d |~_£ «szJ^£?£. For Sa.e or To Let. , , to^Zt c^wfrkshops • -|l«" : l'rfrc7rr«^' EM y b s c 'R y c G r^ iffit^ .' g^%J^°- o t CURRIB, LEWIS & CO., S^ifi^Sfe ■|- W* Mfl.AXt G_VjspT|^ ' A Millionaire's Love Story, by Gny kinds of wear. 110 soys; second horse to receive LAND, ESTATE, AND GENERAL a „*£_£_"^ro^ 685 Poetry farm ■I- JTI" WBbA *< Pure D ' a ff 8 ' 'Caraful on! Accurate The Helmed of Navarre, by Bertha REPAIRING~IN ALL ITS fovs 8 fTom- "the stakes. l Nom^tion° COMMISSION AGENTS. £8 5 - Splendid Seotion, S minutesf rom - ' R& ___S^ - wmß _P • _ Ji\ DUpjusing. ReawnaVle Changes. Bunkle • BRANCHES. 1 soy; acceptance, 2 soys. One FARMS FOR*SALE. „,*",.'?% -v- -i c j ~'-u -.1, ■ r JgmmS^ Wr«\s\*£tL^r ] ' Srt h V by^! d - er » Hog S ar m • n „• • Good' Material and Woriunonßhip. . "jfle. . 245 -res, 16 miles from Waitotara; S^ & io l^A.'^JS^&. ■ J&W&f*y&®s& EB'nil *^fef* _^^^ The Master Christian, by Marie CoreUi . ... r 5.30 p.m.— Farewell Scurry, of 60 20c acres in grass. w » rSSiihmn 2rS .\ ®l M?* y 1 _#^UUI% - ' **■ Baa Company, by Rolf Boldrewcod • Neatness a Speciality. soys; second horse to receive 10 350^aores, Wanlanui River; good Street, Catapbclltown, and CastleWiflniW El *HY* Mni* " Hean's Lemon SauaSil Eleanor, by Mrs Humphrey Ward __ ..„, lnn .i» o 80VS ' and' the third horse 5 soys sheep country. \Q\Vjdm? J r__llß^_^ClO «^ ' \V i'TT » Menofthe y Merchanfcfeervfoe,byFr«k WesWIhavewmeGREATBARGAJNS from the stakes For 3-y.ear-olds goHcfes, ; first-lass land; T n T.ET on Bui 11^ Lease at a low '"* - Mr!_B^y -J I fll " _^^ Rl y reaches the thirsty spot. Amost T. Bullen in Men's. Women's, and Children'a and upwards that have never won a carrieß '2* sheep to the acre; well IO S? ri f O ?Lmf n fiT Hill Street iXsl»mEs&?^ Af V _^^^ *' ""^ refreshing,, invigorating, satisfy- ihb Cruise of the Cachalot, by Frank G°° ao -" race at time of starting-, and have .improved! S^ « V Hsi;.««(r^ . AT ing beverage. Is a table bever- T.Buller. '* never started in other than hack 12 acres near town, suitable for pol- „,„ H^t S N»w t" §&®P <$®M f _T **'* ' * age l \l ! 8 d , c ° mpare " MadC The Ta P° ot Banderah, by Louis Beoke ' n an vtta r»olT«OYl races. Weight, 9st. Entrance, 30s. try farm; cheap. • " * TO ( S_S_? Ttrelt- Troomfed S '' l [WMtey^P^k f<o* ■ • 'Tar^oA^S-lsed. %£%££ <&§ VMsf** . Caiman, .Five furlongs _. . . .7^cres lease Si perpetuity; good «l» S S^urn£ ■ W&miFSZ^ T-Jli m -. i_ n s _ Hosts of tbe-Lord. by Flora Annie .1 BOOT AND SHOE IMPORTER. PENALTIES. ' 1500 fcres'near Mangaweka; lease in ' or unfurnish^ [_^£'^^rf^ ' M&%s3^^ I dSkWSSr TOOth Brush Buying In the Name of a Woman, by Arthur W - __ , The winner of any flat race arter perpetuity. ttot tw vattwr vrm" KAT.T3 ON WrSr Wllr I iWTs here is made easy with a Yenr ' Marohmont Avenue, Wanganui. . declaration of weights to carry a 60 acres, Taihape; all cleared and LIBT OF appIkJATION €&^ WLiam-d/ Wkl&d We an? well a^ort^d stock £ Voysey. by B. O. Prouse penaltry of lOlbs, and of every addi- ploughable; rent, per annum; ' APPLICATION. __^*^ WPFS^I' MaSßf ch oose froJ It navl to do your Th « Secoiid Dandy Charter, by Tom Sitional race a further penalty of 61bs lease in perpetuity. • „., . .----.-TZt D t OT onerties ••^WITH ANY TEA< ' tooT brush buyFuTwhe're^u p G»«?« w p . f — - i , *ft «_**«*•• Horses handicapped 838 acres, Taihapei contains good |J .- . WTH 7^V^ DD.rC Iea B r?l\t^a| Bfi tht-S &^^%£Sft%, ' •™I YKE! THIW 8 £3K p^L^wn^s^e """^ D^RY FARMS, Mo^v^leSTrrZ^et ; . ... ii AT ANY PRICE ' b rush cleanse* ' jSS teeth,^ tho The Sin of Jaspw Standish. by Rita fob . responsible for penalties. ' 60 acres for lease, close to Wanganui. Money to lendjrtcurrent rates. A*, &* «•_£« <f^t*^ way the tooth brush wears. At High Stakes, by Laorence Lynch THE SUMMER SE-SON - . DEFINITION OF A HACK. ISn'^f,™- , n', ™! • "^^l INSURANCES EFFECTED under OTHER B /_S I/O 3/_i tPfM ■ • Hean's Pharmacy you may be. THB MVINO RACE OF MANKIND v . Q m. NrQ Mftn pp, Q Hack means a horse that has not, near creamery, gooa pro- the WO RKMEN'S COMPENSAnON ■ pricm l/b. -.yo e/4- e/e jS°««SS ssa? ' jgaaa-a p a, S^^HSSXH a-'Suwsift^-.--g *!_%__;. -* - . —■ a^— ™-* lOWEST — ; ■ :—: — ft___teaTa^ crsra^Jt-s-stt ssiasr-asaarss iiusrta -? "™- "jr^rrvFvast «„.„,«»,«.,». . ' ' are now on view. The above work 4£d per yard NOMINATIONS, WEIGHTS, AC- property. „ : ', . CT^---^. ~~-. . T0^.-v— o.--^-^--. — r-^-—^.-^-.-^^ ,^._^-. ;r »-r-. Pr , W_sn' T/inin has been such a great success that • CORSETS - CEPTANCES, Etc. 216 acrts, Raetihi; lease in per- ' _.-sj#-(^^^^^^SsMg--Sgg^^^^_^^^^py_m_^tf^^^il} , nean s ■ nalr xoul ° ■ . the publishers have decided to issue -m, ' BM ™«rf iiutTno n nr^ Nominations for all races, entries' petuity. " . ' '. m ~" !^a»s=ga===«^=ar ' Stops itching .of the scalp. THE _, 1V _ NG animus OF THE ixqS Shale for the Trial Hurdles, Stewards' TOWN AND SUBURBAN. . \ M^MMM Mt, -O - . ' j strengthens the roots of the hair, WORLD JMainraiJßU ting unape, stakes, and , Farewell , Scurry, also i.acre Harrison Street eood house W SsO - lii THE PERFECTION OF NATURE AND ART. 11 ! ' promotes growth, prevents bald- _. „."?.„,, , . ,„, - I) rom 0/6 per pair. Guineas payments close with the Sec- etc •• -1' -a cttrcvilV " N vtr *"«*»W^O *UW rtl^i. A ne S8 because it removes the cause To be puohshed m 24 parts at lOd, The "New Robin" Corset, Belt At- retary, Ashhurst, on Wednefday, De- xj_£ ft VWH- beautiful situa- ' " II A - I! of baldness- dandruff, and acts as or bound in 2 vols at 12/G per vol tachmsnt. cember 4th, at 7 p.m. J i-acre, uuiie Jlill, beautiful situa- . '■*3g§&z^*^ H Manufactured by a special process, 1 ' a tonio. Nothing will prevent P" B W1 " °° » Popular Natnral • From 4/6 per pair. - Handicaps will be declared on or i- aC re* Wilson Shwt- 11 rnnmoil " • - - ■" .Securing high concentration O» 1; rour becoming bald ii ! yoo .allow S^'^m^nWmttof "The Worker" Corset about December 12th. . a boauttfulhome PEEIJaONARY NOTICE. " I .the nutHtlve. stimulating .nd I . £_*£__ STS^-Stt! ||tH ffi^tt m^^?£?S*Wß>6 W Tefe^ 1 • refKSbins properties Of the finest I • druff. Price, 2/6 per bottle. Edited b>^C I ,M 4, INSPECT OUR NEW bEASOt, 6 O ffi co c l oS es,at 5 p.m. ■■■ OU a 6 . °' new 7 roomea fc tfie Wanganui District 1 " . COCO. Bens. 1 !a Z _ous M Kerf F R°-l?deuK eac^U^nl t -mes^fT^s •«"«>*»"■' , '^ Champion Draught StalUon I _?_P_A * O I iHean's LUt,e Liver PHls. 3 /6. LEN . R °V " l|| , JmW MM "■_, • ™_ 111! Blaud's Iron Pills for palo people, ' Men's, Youths', and Boys' Tennis ASHHURST. GUINEAS, 1902. - conveniences. ' '• For further particulars apply to M __«»_-.__.__ 1 -Ir -1- -."••-i -!*->. -w-- _L Hi ?/ 6 ]?, er , b ? l ,? c'e '»» BB t ccc ?*J I ??'ii / f" " Shirts — Silk. Casljmere, Matt Clo-b: The second navment 10s 6d due i^acre,. Bell Street; 9-roomed house; AT DONALD, > I vtm/naiiXMiA 1 s^b «■ -• «»» * «». j__=^ssls^l ssa_.*r&* ***■ .ssfi&» - o -^^^ I .Mj -,_#%. - ' , ■ V 2V 2 - ■■ .=? 0d ; s ' 1 V 6 - nWr I' 1 '! !; BOOKSELLERS akd STATIONERS . criptions. , ' . ASHHURST HACK GUINEAS, 1903. the Avenue _ i- thg Wanganui District, the |1 WM -r- M HjDJtl i Bonnington's, 1/-. Dr .Williams , - Nominations will be received on or i-acre; best situation in "town; new Carriage Stallion, " W . ' "_F W ' " " W& Pink Pills, 8/-. Wbelpton's, 1/6. PRINTERS >£ BOOKBINDERS XT A S T I N G S \M OX> BE, before Saturday, January 25th, 1902, 8-roomed house, washhouse, scul- m? twf tttt at. it IS biidb '■> ' M — — ■ BRR9 Dr Morse's Indian Root Pills, 1/3. .™UHJ.iUIS.i BUUJtUUNiJ_ito, |__ _ iSJL - for the Ashhurst Hack. Guineas, 1903! lery, bathroom, hot and cold water, rj OCX OF THE \M ***■ HI PURE ■ - ■ _/9_^__fß_^f 1| — _. . Victoria Avenue Waneanui DRAPER A«D CLOTHIER, of 100 guineas; second horso'to re- flower and fruit garden, and lawn. COCK OF THE WALK is an 8-vear-1 • -T^srafisr-' 1 0-7 f^z COY - _-.?^^ > --- _^__s__&_s£__ -.-,»». -^. sm> . »^^|S3» |B '. HI n A'J.ft*'' Streets, ' *-• - hurst Racecourse in December iQf« BrnwtiA 'Renrl nni? Roar] Show, 1896 3 also Second to his sire, with. 1 THE MOST ECONOMICAL IN USE. | au ™ s V?nKy N s m - TA , W^? AN Y t - **-.^ — «- ■ *— - FI 8 "" dd ' \f TST S ™^ ■L £_ _J1 THE^PLEN^Lt^N SISTER W\&St « S3S^^ . >- «-^ with Me MiUward. %£,%£ STOCK^RE^AND^Sd^F pK^fi^ 'Z ' ' I . ! j=?t.«jff_a, esaffiVTAßa a»T_a_w jji^a^^s gg*fi*&3 ' wiU leave Auckland as under: Ladies' Underwear x ============================== W. HOUSE PROPFRTTT"? VMt «s at v Th^R?mi ; -, Hoisery, including Socks ond EGMONT For full particulars see Weekly ttUUbK PROPERTIES FOR SALE. Oldenburgh, Germany. This Stud was .i"\-\l — Tir-iir-i i ii !■ »-m--»--»---m--m--p-m--m-iM| , Leave Leave Arrive Stockings, and re-footine ArilirnTTnß4L A»D PASTORAr, Press and Referee. ■ Aramoho— }-acre and S^oonied house'; . suooessfully represeEted od the trotting i EASILY PIBSV I s^p,™ _-_.«-__ «- 8^» m fe SßMttn l iOEIOm Ss B^?, DD o KpiSTOEiLK piSTOEiL . ; *•*««»___ a_--^^.,^^ssvttB i ai3spasf_>^_ ,- - - __-_ V_L. * __ 4 , SONOMA Sept 28 Oct. B Oct. 14 / v "" lur " 1 *_2Z** ■ a -" Mrc » ere - . 0 , oi racing, scptemDer dotn, is«l. - copper set in: a"comfoi4abje home, with the South . Canterbury Hounds, 1 kVit^Qk. ■ ' /*W ifid IflUw VENTURA Oct 19 Oct. 29 Nov. 4 INSPECTION INVITED OHfiEP.Cattlo. Hovaos.Piga, Poultry, "_ . _. F. MOFFATT, Harrison Street—^-acre and 6-roomed carrying 14st over big conn Sry. - _ rail £9 ' " jVr*m^. »■ O«*i«Ww T^ , ,. — r~ ; - O Dogs. Implements. Dairy Produce, Secretary >\ ang.inui Jockey Club. house; all conveniences; withinten TERMSr-^3; hair guarantee, £4; •■> Tftfi -ij_, M^m_^S-t^9-' Extremes of Heat and Cold avoided. A varie ty of Scotcll Worsteds al- etc., oto . • minutes' Valk of Post Office; a rare payable Ist January, 1902,, and JB^Wwm^^.- »3U TTKHaJDro^* s it J - lliv s daT ? lon SPSt time at sen. , _ •__ _.. _ cotcu w oo i a aro Will bo hold on the Show Ground. bargain. >■ • > balance when mare proves in -foal. _raffiß^^Hh^ '"fl^SV^^TaH* ' Four D^ s . from Pacific to Atlantic, "rom Home Hwe» oil r|^AUANAKI JOCKEY CLUB. Campbelltown— J-acre and 6-roomed " Groomage fee, 2s 6d, payaUe at first ' ' fil^ffvi- '^/CSC^ i Nia^S^'^carriage p j£ JTS^L 'UZE CHRI^MaT MEETING. SAltSfttS Tf, particulars apply to . -^MmgmSL]} r|sllr*S^' - B °^ A»"^ in Canada ' PJ-fH-WsXEnglish) Machines, Bl L_.tUl to -I O_-i - , FOrlslc_ S . • CaSfl gk Q- ' BPTLAN ? i* Vbl\B— _ iL * r United States, and Europe. J * Lpaping Competitions (both days.) • roomed house; splendid view 1 high /" ifiiraEfiiStS-JT «ft_T W " lh »^. "^£j?^ C A 5S E H WITH • Driving, Shopping. Sawing, Guessing THURSDAY & FRIDAY, 26th & 27ih position; a rare chance. TO STAWT> TTTTS-qPASOlvrni WATT / iWm IHI "TrTT-N in i 'T\ • ' SPEED. COMFORT, VARIETY." . , Competitions, eto. • • DECEMBER, 1901. Mathieson Street-^i-acre and "6- TO STANI> //L ' • lUta > > . Farps: : ENTRIES dose on MONDAY, 18ih roomed house, bathroom, wash- , . - , „ 7 nlJ± - - _ f//5r 1 J s*^5 *^ ' |_|trß> _^"B i San Francisco and Vancouver, JEI6 to . November, 1901. Nominations for" the following house, etc. To be sold a bargain. And Travel Morton and Surrounding Lwf >s_ \_sfc_ ■■■•• I ■ I -*40. Liverpool &Xondon, £62 7s -i.CJ-jS' >» /» _ 9 J» Programmes md Entry Forms from events (1 soy each), close on WED- Durietown — 1-8 acre and 10-roomed " " Districts, Wf S^V \£nS^ %fi I 1lC« I li' 1 ,*." <£69 8s 4d< E< »M n '' the* .d? *& *i&^ & S&& jffl jr, numeroupAgenls, and from NESDAY, 6th November, 1901, lit house* bath-room, -concrete paths. THE THOROUGHBRED HORSE, _. -f /*r fe/ 3 " _^^Vlll Df I J ' World; .£49 15s to *V *VJW J&rO' OF^XX ' O A BUDGE "9 p.m.:— - " Cash or terms. -- t W q ■ T n r ir _^^^ V-^A=fe-_^lr^f I "yjll _X|^J C. F. MILLIARD. . <R?BKg.yay. (fc* Wg_.PT .- , .to^w^^. ir.-^. r g f.'.^.. roomed house, bathroom, copper, n *__ H^ - • ? h . ' H _ tf VvM^2g¥mor^X I i^lll_IV»" Agent. Wanganm. BALSAM OF HOREHOUND ; „ _ _»^"B« /> . home ""* COnVeMence s a ™» Ker to sL Sst Clements^: ft ill I U"* >^1 j ■ Cured my ciildofaCouga of twelve X«*««« TVyT«Tl«v,«l^ Second Welter Handicap, of 50 6 ovs; Liv ol Stree^__. 6 aore and _. LINSTOCK (10 years old) only '^^^PC\l J |_ /I I ,*__-* _% F_*-l ' - m o nt hf sending.. One bottle did it. J ameS JYlCUOliaiCl, ' First Handfeao Httrdlas oil 50 aovs- roomed house, corner section, and started once as a 2-year-old. As a. 3VZZ&Z%gO%2> Ul W»^!^_*_J 1%1 V^ ♦ • -C. D. Gear Cargill Road, Dunedin. v ' F.p TAT p rtopk am ' atatH £ room for another building. y<or-old he earned a winning bracket • -^P^WHH v^?O £ /'\\S. ' TnEWESTP ?L^iSf company «fflii__sasss?ass ""^iSSSSiAgaS'. AND a^g^p-Xata. 50 s_u - ' ''' n I P / O \ V\ ■ ' ** Zany's C °" and a " MMollantß - Bank oTAustralasia, Wan- Christmas Jana^c^of 100 soys; 1* aJTSSS^^Sd iroomed S?* 110^ II Lsl™*!^! nOALBBOOKDALEn OALBBOOKDALE POALP OAL I : ' --' - Ladies' Purso Handicap, of 60 soys; house; & ood ******: wdl sheltered BB v ro^_ r , M _" tl _ 1 _ n 4 d _^«_r__iS! U ' pjn^LJ V« «* i. * X ■ ■ FOR SALE. ',_,,. 1 mile P • BUILDING SECTIONS. J^ tho AucSand Sumt^^^ Meeting^! [ y l-l-rt-i^, is^e finest J^-a-^JP- I , .. 102 K We^^^ f Z ""' ' T - -S« At"!_J_9efe J^r^rir""~ • --— ' 00A^ < g^°^A-a • Sale Time ■ son&i^ce:?^^^^ 'Hill I n W-l-w'm^wSftfflffLsSvfasr — • "askjasaaassiss sa^fe^^^^ »«Lf^^ HUL l_ 9J5 W B.■« ' DA^not W«taorf Y« • S-SioS^good Tfenoes ; wVwafeed" . ' fUrl ° ngS curely fenced; nice action ;. cheap taliation. The Lieuten ; and The ■BW HHB Iff ffß i W ; o^W H nitKVxd22!«.ta;2 „ Eearl y aUploughable ii > new6'oo« I.d.1 .d. ON SATURDAY, 14th DECEMBER- B 'ficed -"p to&with'toS' tree! • fie^At the TucSanTß "c^S m« !r _>, niIITUPIIV ■ same price as others of an inferior g. „ . . fenr Entrance-Maiden Plate, 50 soys; L^T.litle^ 11 * 03 *"'. **"' io'o^^^SSS.^'nSihfaS VJ niNTMCNT 9ll> ' Oiraß ™ MkrX^SSaoaioM ■«_«*» l£l 1Os: 1 mile - Scurr 3 r Stakes ' of 60 Campbelltown-}-acre section, mag- to Doris and Reaper in the Railway WM. Fop Old Wounds, "' -• «"-_«__ ° B s IsiHS ST^a^i M'^ - S^™ ! l||i|_ - Sores, Piles, . !tB ""»*'-"" L ™«ta»,i»,w_«_«. • ok -thbmi^wi. in^ g., ,„*„ M .„, , uU dff ■ Jjj| Fistulas, Bad I-e_s, — —. — . .. / . •' •- .^^ Si^ j 'S£^r^!: «^!=^B . Wg| . Bad Breasts, pa . kSM , dßra , B s..d, — . ,^HSS^' SggS^S , AND , i-wre, new S-rooned house, with all OT 4,i* re^!" aica V. 1 «>▼• . s _v 80rte o « breeders; who should look - MK^m&P CIfCDXI mnil nrOI/11l nIOrAOP THE . ' I conveniences, Lowther Street. , .ON THE COUaSE FRIDAY, 27th — through his pedigree. iWWf tVhKYFORM OF SKIN DISEASE. N . Z . Loan & Mercantile ~ Entranc^u™^; of 35 LAND! 1 "» to S^S M_.f : ' ' AgellCy COY, Ltd., . ' " «^tX, Oa m pbeUP ]a ce. g ,oa, raoV^Zrl^s 9 S ° ld f ° r 2 ° 80VS - TOWN SE CIgON| ON EASY ■^H_F 'M.,ut_,t_ e do ri yat • H*J_t!_Ma-*ta.«iW, . « ■ Ball Sfteet, ™ » m «" OFA ff X " mHe _ ndersisne 7 _, offerin _ the ffit_^«VtaSS^ rflW11 " , 78, HBW OXFORD BTBEET (late 533, Ox™> 6 T *«r). -LONDON. .-„ „_, _- d 80 lno h Pack, ot THE- CARBINE- ' ohe. P . and e^tcrms if n eces S ary. J_^_ 1^? T fineTtt^oi town^Sg*^ J^^^ MK__SM r_tJ_ue« should bok to the l.boU OT boxes -nd pots. If the itddret. on them U Ml. 5> Fu " Beit Oualitv ■ ' ' " " TO LEASE. nominated at .the time of start for lotments at present on the mark St. vt 3_j payable3lst |_ihMTOyo_ ; ia ¥ H F^" ' as-ssnaar ssjx s ™ »?««»- "S^ 1 - Jltl_ h soo MM .bs,o» M^ J%te "' c. ttfegfflspsuar UCH -^nJI II a a rL__ tV_J Mammoth. Champion Swede^lmperiaL 30 Comfortable Stalls 30 NO SALE, NO COMMISSION. , . -jnuREWOOD 1 TMREWOOdT . IK \JJL^I2JL&L JH . 'orcen Globe, etc. STANDS, 6d. Note this. FEEDS, Is , £_IR rjIHOMAB X IPTON'S Jb " VJ!IVVUUi " J^ uu.wuw. - M^lHPl__fMfM i CHINESE LAUNDRY GLAZE ' Also Broadleaf Essex Raps Ladies' Waiting Room, with Every Properties Advertised Free of Charge. © M. JU * DIPIBIKI TTOUSE, '111 lOlSmnlSfM lIJRI O^sUrohetiiu^^rrnfwiUi^ Full stocks' of Hawke's Boy, Perennial Accommodation. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED. "^amOUS Tea "S^ S^ 6100 ' 3 WANGANUI ffvER. TA_U_i_M_U_dLy4_aJ a pleasure. Sold by all storekeeper Ryegros. Seed. Crested Dogstail, Mea- VEHICLES OF ALL CLASSES ON TAxra-ai^nnwATn B obtainable at - ' tawa wftwii.'""'' mb " (New Zealand's Rhine.) > Wholesale Kempthorne, Prosser A Co. dow Foxtail (the earliest and best per- . HIRE. JA.MES MoCONALp, . - WTTJMWTr'ia TAWA, In 4ft lengths .... 22/6 „ ■ ?. T/gl »1 f_T«S I! «n. po ,*ros « on nialgrasßthatgrowß),MeaaowFceoue, „ q „ , TTor Beß Ladv'sHacka In Thain and Co.'s BuUdings, RUSSELL B, - Do per trnok 22/- „ The above is now ander the Prolu f mirni m !__ ■ . Bh "*' Bee^^s£ Bcue '* ni ™? ££»«« No ticir c : Tftnpo QMay ' _ Kid « way Btreet - -««wi*-* ss?aiiSLS i s»_s^ VICTOEIA AVENUE, WANGANUI. j - ' , Direot Importws of Coylon -Teas, Wire A NEW LANDAU, Price 8/6 per 61k Box. Gravel, Sand, and Loam always on wd Co.'s River Steamew. PP M«£I_?No m "UTAH-TED Known-That £20 OMh Staples, and General Stores. Specially Built to Order for Weddings NOTICE TO FARMERS. > hand. Tourists and other will find every W AKXEB Known^am ,ars in ! Sein i^T" V^bTe^Sl - * MERCANTILE ,^l. 'Ta* I AGENCY,' ™«: ___§T CASH." Ml£S%i 1"- Ot SS!SS:-T. A «| I rWt I lAOTC_foS?r2JmH1 AOTC_ f oS?r2J mH kSSP^ JSSft S4 te JAMES MCDONALD, •; S drop: Have^u heardVX ilnnHiaK. . JOHN HOWARD, 2aS_ito S^ Imm6Woni - StaS?' Agsn*. Biflgway Taupo Qu _ y> Wol)gan _,. S p agl of ' ' Taupo Quay. big dron in P pri C es at Wcod Merchant, Aramoho. Proprietor.

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Wanganui Herald, Volume XXXV, Issue 10502, 25 November 1901, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Wanganui Herald, Volume XXXV, Issue 10502, 25 November 1901, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Wanganui Herald, Volume XXXV, Issue 10502, 25 November 1901, Page 4