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Buiinen Advertisement!. Builneu Advertiiementi. Bailnem Advertisements. | Auction Sales. Auction Sales. , • Bhippiu£. . Business Advertisement*. " " '. ~T '„„„ , m^+, « m „„„„,„„ J. H. KEESING. F - R - JACK SON &C - UNDER CONTRACT WITH THE W. M. LUXFORD & CO. ™«™™™db . Saturday, aoth novemblr" F Reemanr Jackson .co. 3 /^.government CUMMINS & CO.. THE POST Of** STORE. j At lf^ mm SALES FOR N ,s . Tnos . COOK TOUaiSX | A(JBNTS p(?B „. m sedgebrook Red Bird fi le ExWbit< J. *&»**«? -- «- S?KiTO»^\-:::: I? I™«M^™ Alph,-Laval S paralor Co. ■ REG to remind thepubli o tt""** - Furnitute ana Merchandise of ' :; ~ HATEI £F JT^lf^ o^15 "" L g fst PrfcXcash be *""* — c™*e ™* taai^H-a, gale Yards at TH^ONEER STEAMERS. H«r Zealand Agents, SS^«S°a^^« LATEST MODELS. " J. H. KEESINU, Auctioneer. W-g.n.l.^.^lg^Joluu-nTille. *^ MASON, STRUTHERB * CO. menta suitable for Xmas Presents. LADIES' AND GENTS', fiRRfIT &AT,F. ™„^' tvo^o a * m ." «• , .. *"' ' " Woirere ' Call and inspect for yourselves before KXD.MUU.I. QtlLtEi READ BROS. Agents for Owen's New Zealand sT?!*s|ES3lSgs!? «w B :-iti," "Ohura." "" — buying elsewhare. AU sizeß and fitted witu Latcat _ T __ vf _ lc , T^ >^,, — — „„—..,.;.,„ Patent Sheep Dip. WANGANUI RIVER. ' IW RTnn v w^a at-*™ Va«». LUXFORD & CO. are getting aitera- Improved Bcarines „„ WEDNESDAY, 27th NOVEMBER. TANGAEAKAU RIVER. IN BTOOK— Hand and Steam Poww tions maae to their Aramoho Establish Improved Hearings, -or- At 1 o'clock. RAYNEY JAOKSON, Auctioneer. GRAND TWO DAY'S TRIP, I and Steam Turbine SeparatoM. ment, whioh will enable there -to ccpn Morrow Coaster Hubs, ___ ' TJOTTPT , WANCMNUI TO PARANUI. more auccessfully with their growing COTTON GrOODS T? EA - D BROS, have roceivea inatruo- jx^xioii. g0 MIIIES 80 , Oak. per <& trfta<3 - . " , Dunlop Tyres, etc. w**v«- vtw^m jr^ tione from Mr A. Summers, to -r, ni7I!MAN nTinKc-nTi * m Every TUESDAY and FRIDAY, re- „ hour. CROCKEISI CROCKERY 1' r _J_ sell at hia resiaenoe. Bates Street (op- §f ¥™? '• /f^f SS * ,?£• turning follo» ing aays. POWER )AH Bkims 440 „ ""—^'tess'T.'r »««»»"« /„„ • -"■ Esai'KssMrasyut 2Si ™)* I: :s: LUXFOBD & CO.'B Flag Brana Tea Representative C.C. and M.C. -n-rw -r-v * ttt aisting of - well-knowr. property of about 570 acres, Return Fares 15s mI '^^oUe^^Cvalui 273 '- W.E.VOYCE. JOSEPH PAtTL Cou| in Tagestry Easy Chairs, De,- )g? -"| I! JFZ^V^&ttZ District Agent. / ANDCO.'S. |^Ta«^^^^ Tares to P& only. sa . SSoffiSllß f'", SZ, ' LTS-!?a i tarffSS"o! B S nH3 ™^^^ - — L^oUumfSretH^CuS TANGARAKA? SERVICE. ' f- " ffget their gooda from the Pose Office DE poT, RIDGWAY STREET, ~ PIANO by Nicolai, magnificent Side- !£§ if^BiurVi? Sm 10 minutes 1 From Pipiriki Satarfays. -. )% " 10 » » rrnrp-nun *ro «i' so h«ve on hahd EVERY EVENING. piUROHASED by Private Tender board, Eittan ani Adrian CITaH- Mveoi'CoL v From Tangarakau Tuesdays. " HAND g H ' % " S" (^p wwtZta W X.V.uni«w. I from one of the oldest wbolesik Dining Table, Jbinoleum, Curtains! dnve of .he property , , Cook's Conroria ore only avaUablo by our POWER l^- " « " Oats, Chaff, Brwi, wneotjaaze, firms in New Zealand now retiring from Mats, Duchess Pair, Carpet, Chest of r~ steamers. MACHINES" £, " S •• lard,Po^tato( 9 .Kapoc,Turp^tine,Ra.v business. Drawers, D.I. Bedsteads, Chamber ST. HILL STREET SALE YARDS. SUNDAY AFTERNOON EXCUR- • CS » « » B na Boiled Oi», Methylated SpmtF. D Sets, Kapok and D.S. Mattresses. WANGANUI. • SIONS, ' L » . 9 » LUXFORD 4 CO. buy in the very best _-»«.»•, rx^v&-n " '— *". Duchess Pair (No. 2), Wire Shake- _• . At 2.30 o'clock. Fares, 6d. ' Separator Lubricating Oil. markets for Cash, and select nothing W^XINE SOAP. downs, Single Bedsteads, Wash WEDNESDAY. 27th NOVEMBER, . Alpha-Laval Milk Pumps but the very best stock. J. PAUL A CO. have prrohased the Stand, Dress Table, Tables, Crockery. At lpm For all particulars apply to • • Alpha-Laval Milk Warmers ; top nttRT nw ¥AHTH whole stock of- Dresser, and usual Kitchen Sundries, __ _1 ' A . HATRICK & CO., Agents. Alpha-Laval Turbine Scaldew THE BEST ON EARTH. - c t 0 . Also, Gent's Secondhand Bicycle. TfJ^RBEMAN R. JACKSON & CO. : — s - t ~ Alpha-laval Coolers THE , MUSDINS ' All these thin 282 8 are P erfec % n ° w - Jt? will sell by auction, as above,— TOURIST SEASON. 1901-2. "" 17 CLIPSE CODLIN MOTH AND PRINTS No Reserve. * ■ , 5 5 forward bullocks WANGANUt TO PIPIBIKI AND Babcook » Facile "Milk Testera „ . x ■ ,- \r j l ' PIQUES SATURDAY, 30th NOVEMBER. ?£0 4-tooth forward wethers S . S . COMI'ANY, Ltd. ' - __ Pnce ' 2/ -' T °" I 0" X>EAD BROS, will sell by auction at |? Bh ° m eW6S 'v:^^^^- S S. AORANGI (now Steam Boilers ana. Engines for email ' ■RPTTQWWA'R'F 1 . .n, t,>t^^,, ,, t-^ t -^ "» their Mart, Riagway Street,* bs "oesesß • lO *®' s * s^- buUding). - - Dairy Planta. Prepared omy by BRUSHWARE AT ENORMOUB DISCOUNTS, abow ._ __ * , RAYNEY JAcJibN. Auctioneer. T^VVn^^^llS 1 ' . r^^Ti^^ HABBOWBY AND TT7"N£GHT yy O v buy bears the STAG BRAND. Rarg : ng from W. A. READ. \ UNRESERVED CIiEARING SALE n: or"mg, at 7 o'clook. Returning Wed •'^ XV " 6 AT ST MARTINS nesdays ana Saturaays. . - EASY TERMS -or- LIBERAL DIS- „_„.„.,„ . . " irrireTRTRT T llß "Aotea" connects with the COUNT for CASH. SEEDSMEN, * 43 t>7s D 6 C6llt DiSCOUIIt. WILLIAMS AND HARPER. MAKIRIKIRI. Company-B "Aorere" at Pipiriki for""* ™ ""* Bidgway Street, Wanganni. _J # JJ # Q.IDBEBD * gONS, ,- iiiLIMINARY NOTICE. TUESDAY, 3ed DECEMBER, 1901. '^neTa^ere will make a trip to . *"^ - s > At 12 noon. Manganui-o-te-ao every Wednesday and v rnmmina and C*n TT «»« mTTT ,™»o q*rp rn mmmN « FRIDAY, 29th NOVEMBEB, faturday mornings, embrasing -the l/UmnUnS 9110. V/ 0., MANUFACTURERS, SALE Commences, ± Q . olock piREEMAN R. 3 ACKEON & CO. are rcenery at the Ca?es ana the beautiful J instructed by Bey. George Wilks drop scene, connecting with the Aotea at Bidgway Street, _ Wvigaaui. Wanganui. THDRBDAY, thk 7th NOVEMBER, "«7[ TIIiLIAMS * HARPER, inßtruo- {who has disposea of his Farm) to sell Pipiriki the Bamo rrorning -for WangaTWEW GOODS TWEW GOODS . ■ TT ted by the Executors of the late by publio auction his Stock, Furniture, nci. Fares to Pipiriki Ss rettirn. _. j_; J3IEW GOODS J3IEW GOODh : At 9 A.M. D. D. McKei.zie. will sell by auction at etc., consistmg of— COOK'S COUPONS ACCEPTED. - - •' - - P M «R AS oinn*.» OPENING ANNOUNCEMENT. the Farm, Putiki as above - 350 young breeaing ewes (good line). SUNDAY AFTERNOON' - •C-/VO DttMwpß wi? i a -"^^ < Dairy Plant. Separator, Horses, with about 95% Border-Leices- EXCURSIONS. FOR BUMMER WEAK. • ■ '» Harneas. Furniture and Effects. ter lamSs EVERY SUNDAY, 2.30 to 5 p.m. A * TTHXTXT AX> Tfc InuoteafewleiaingLinesin ' J. PAUL & CO. - „ „ , TT a - • 150 fat and forward ewes - Fare, 6d Return. * A. C. LENNARD, 1 quote a lew ueaaing umes in ABWAM *a»-vju w '»-/v» Full particulars Thursday morning. JSO hogget 3 . Further narlienlars annlv to sarasßrarsJh**®^ o ,^™"'' 11 ™-^ «">«-» H.^«.^g n .^-,. "Jftasssssa.— nMm . n tmsg^... , .— JlL*^**.* rSS'WiKif avenub. wiHainm. ~Ji£ .J isGANDI - A nonoN » .SSHio'SLSTj' to „.„„ . "* hA ” _ . »-»>- to2S/6 trict that having taken a partner, the- . MART. - steers 8.30 to 9.30 every Monday and Thursday Ladies' Evening Shoes at 3/6, 4/6, 5/6 to business wiU in future be known as , Victoria Avenue. 10 yearling stesrs ■ evening for the purpose of booking pas- . STTLTON CHEESE. 12 /6 ' Clapham and Co., Ladies and Gents. , f, f at bnliocks ' sengara, etc. • Ladies' Canvas Shoea at '3/11,4/G. " ' v % OTa : .. „ m .. c , ,^ nairn " SATURDAY, 30th NOVEMBER. 4 good mUch cows, very 4aiet C3UMMER TnXOURSION - ENGLISH BISCUITS. Eaaiea' Tan Shoes, strap and lace, at Wo have 3 uat completed extensivo At 12 noon. 1 well-bred Jersey heifer S j.i-uu«Bxun . 6/6,7/6, to 20/- alterationa of the premises, which 1 trap horse (driven by lady) 1 hack TO T±- , EVAPORATED FRUITS. Gent's Canvas Shoes, 4/6. 5/6 'T1"T 1 " f^'LTj^t^S. 011 * S TTfTtLLIAMS & HABPEB wiU sell Dogcart and H-mess. Side Saddle. V7KST COASTSOUNDS Gents' Tennis and Cricket Shoea, all our first shin- " by pubUc auction, as above,- Gent's Saddle - - WKbL «ttbi wua« PURI B I ta-J-^Sj^r.G^; »j£.»»r&"i,«, ««i i«e. ■H.s. O. =aS£b, A..U...., £2XSKS»S£ ■ t- »»™«. »» . OAHnHB^T BACON * Run. and Children's Boots and Shoes, to suit f u u y c hosen, and we confidently Fay : form Tools, eto., etc . Patereon'a Inlet, Halfmoonßav (Stewart CEYTOW TT?A«J the wish of everybody, young and old. that no better value can be obtaincl THE BELMONT ESTATE. - Island), thence via Preservation Inlet, .CEYLON TEAS, . m „ tt.^t,^ anywhere. Luncheon provided. Dusky Sound, Wet Jacket Arm, Break- , , pih FRUITS • COME AND SFE THE VALUE. -This splendid assortment of TwcPd \X7ILLIAMS * HARPER stiUhave „._.__. Tkr .^^^ »,- ~ sea and Doubtful Sounds. Crookfd Arm, i *±H *-ttUJ.I».. Suitings. Serges, Sergerettes, Vicu- - ▼» some Sections in this Estate for BAYNEY JACKSON. Auctioneer. - Hall's Arm, Smith, Brodahaw, Tnomp- " TABLE DELICACIES Terms Strictly Moderate. nM) Worsteds, Trouserings, Ladies' Bale, and intending pnrohasers should son, ana-George Sorihas to Repairs a Speciality. Costume and Habit Cloths, etc., are " call eatly to secure a good seleotion. - MILFORD SOUND, " all of the latest designs aad ehadfs, • ■ V.' , _ Returning to Dunedin on 27th January. " Wright S and no invite the ladies nna gentle- The terms are exceptionally easy. . WOOI, ButtOF, and Other FARE : £15 and upwards. "VICTORIA AVENB men to inspect our Stock. , ■ •"»»■«• For full particulars apply to offices of CHI B 38? THIBS; A i £SS3 II S*SL^&« «._ Produce. " unions.^ company of new wanganui.. OmwMite Co«vent Avenue * ham, whose past experience and ark- ' WILLIAMS & HARPER, ZEALAND (Limited). PP ' ' ' nowledgod ability as a Cutter requires Auctioneers. \JfTE shall, as usual, be pleased to NORTHERN BTEAM SHIP COY. ' ' * . ~ ~ no comment, and is a guarauioe that . \\ make ADVANCES on WOOL, aKjaj - ac ' aa b^ stur wi. ■ S-33H?:H>£ vkhtoks toe ™i, j? m tkeat, g^BKUMKK MR oraHDM -^ ° OPDHAKE - ~^ every detail, which has gained for TO THE , IJINGLTSH LEICESTER border ' • Ax A HPHE .Northern -•_ PIGS. PIGS. PIGS. PIGB. him Ws reputattou for rtjlo. lit Mfl . '___ , Jbi Leuestw. and Shropshire Bams, Our London House, who have had iOfe^fe iwSXm TJAITZ? °°£%±>^klLZ,. s^fjaai^ssrtsst -t.™™^.™.^ —^^.^^, TZTTJZ—* ssss-jkss-i^,- - --~™- .»- Highest price given for good quality. contmuance c£ the^favour.. , _ VISHING , which trTnrfeHs to be made Z Messrs For further partfautar. » VP ly to PRACTICA^ WATCHMAKER AND S^blff l^^ 8^^ 3 ' Clapham & Co., THE s&LB . ™*™_™™«^. ' JA^^SS^J^St JOHNSTON * co ' Ld " Ageats - Corresponalncemvitea ' LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S " ! ference in onr arrangementa for the WELLINGTON STEAM PACKET •" — - Correspondence mwwd. TAILOKS, AT ■ " , ensuing season. C O. - . JUST arrived, per 'Frisco port— Jokoiß, ft TOO ,-Jf #*7™Vr»K •» rpTXIP T?r*r\"KFrkJHrm NeiH Good 3 NeW GoodS I . SCIiANDERS A CO., ' mHE following Steamers will be dis- Broa&ea 1 ( a t^ndon < S£e),OhaiM.liink^ Proprietor.- Opposite Bank of Australasia, TS£l JIIUONOMIU ' Wacganui, -1 patched at under feather and Charms, Ourb BangUa md Bracelet*. : ." „ , ■ Nelson, and London. circumstances -permitting):— ' PURBES -Moal thinga for GUts, in AT • ... FOR WELLINGTON.' -. -Lizara.Morocco Crooodile.monnted ~ THE LEADING FIRE OFFIOE IN ' Alao STORMBIBD— Monaay, 6 p.m. - ' with real silver, from 10s. THE WORLD. - - -\T IOTO R£ A TT OUS E. , N z Lo AN & MEPaANTItE MATCH BOXES-Strong Solid Silver — - " " • O«rni!iT> T-KTCST-nin i wiu « 1. xr n • V ICTORIA J3. OUS E. roYAe^a • Match Boxes fila'n, or engravea)« ROYAL TNSURANOE 'rf~IOY. BTJBF UNbIDEJ --. - Walk through our New. Premiaes, - C L DUIGAN -• ttt-^ w*? „ g • also Sovereign vPaises, Cigarette" •OVAL XNSnEAHCE V^OY : ' now almost finished. They are • " **• **• MUIUHJ »i HUIA- Wednosaav,-7 pm. --. ci«eH in urtaMions 5~«>"«> ' AND TAKE ADVANTAGE of the THREE TIMES their original size, -, HOUSE AND LAND AGENT,. &C, WANGANUI SUPPLY COY.r STERLING SILVER^ E.P. WARE Capital and Accumulated Funds excesd splendid opportunity wo offer during and the Stock displayed throughout. . A SPLENDID RANGE " Bidgway Street. Agenta.v . — If --you are "thinking of buying , £12,000,000.-^ • the next three months of securing .- . . . , yonr beat friend a present, there is ■ J^-kt.c „„„„-„„, ,«^ „„„, m»»^, n T>Tnno Of Mercerised Lawns, Sateens, A; FEW SELECTED PROPERTIES. FOR WEST COAST PORTS. , a Bplerdid seleotjon of hnndredaof EstabUshed Fifty Years in Australasia. "" S> „ I° F^n 1 , i1?i 1 ? ■ B0Y!> THIS FRIGES and Muslins in the latest French Castlecliff— Mr R. M. Gatenby's well- ORETI, Greymouth, early. ' ' ' ■ pretty artioles whioh will oement ; CIiOIHING. . stjrles. known residential property, about " '- : yonr friendship for life. A. E. T. NIXON. iTwnTPivvniTTnP»TT « o th™ x * actea > freehold, L.T. title; " JOHNSTON & CO., Li.. WATCHES— The. TJiira Consigmnent Chief Agent, Wanganni.. IT WILL PAY YOU TO CALL. DRESS LINENS corner section, road on two sides * • . Agents. ' " of those famous " Greenwich Time-on-vnTAT ttwi?<3 • «. t j-j TWfS RfiT.F*. Direct from Belfast, in all shades and beach in front; new and "well- - - keepers" at 30/- to han-i. DnderbI^CIAIi lilKtb, just landed: lnl ° ot%ua and splendid «iuality, ls 6Jdspcr built six-roomed house, match-lined For freight or passages apply to 1 stand, we guarantee them for two THW HFARTm? TW RHMMPR TTMF- £ f ' »*"*• " throughout, two chimneys, range, above Agents, or to years, a=a are made specially for the THK SEASIDE IN SUMMER xIME 35/- .-. , „ 7/11 o . r . . . .... „ . , - ana tnree tanka; nice verandah, - C. F. MILLWARD, 7 -' working man..rrnn- rpar^Ttr w»w ny " in/R wr 17R ' '' ' ar ° We were for- piques shed, etc.; new metalled road wifn- Waneanui.:- Manafaotnring DepSrtment.-To your THE SEASON IS NOW ON. 10/ 6, 12/6, _ 176. tunate enough to secure the whole of rrom 10Jd to ls 9a ; Theso d in f ollr chains. A choice seaside ' > 'own design ana instructions we wiU VISIT MARCNETLLattheOASTLE- f g^Vl^ |^ SffA« JS^—^ aSSSST seotior, .4011 frontage;' Fo, Sale o, To" Lt.- '" . &£* Se^i CLIFF HOTiiL, wii ' the Lowest Prices to clear. „ c good four-rooraed bouse, shea, = = \ Jewellery. Wedding Bingo a speciITfTHO will undertake to make b™!' rt«. mml .»t r. m \,rAH<, n Strtned Galateas from 6Jd Bid etc. Section well fenced and water HPO LET— House,.7 rooms, Gnyton \ a -u y . Watrhaa" aaa Clooks Re W -visitors heartily welcome and Bv P.. three-garment Cambndffa btriped Uatateas irom 6icl, 9W -laiaon. Let for 83 a week. Splen X Street, good position, large section. ' • pabred. - • Jeanately supply a^UreSments ?^ 9',,9 '„^ th 00/i tr * P Bnd budde> S« ?; tM^jST^ q ™ aid chance for a workidg man. ■ Apply Mrs Knight;^*. Hill Street. - ' ' _+ A__ Adequately snppiy_au requirements. i 6^, 8/6 22/6 , FOR VARIETY AND GOOD VALUE new for thia season. - " Hinemoa," choice 7 roomel residence, sB _ A Bai = aia _. ~ ■ K. EtAY, Fttst-clasa Bed-rpom Accommodation B^ Me 7^ 6 %7/6. W /6 P ? VISIT US. „- W E ARE OFFERING r^.^r^'f^T * Chainlesa Bicycle. Apply WU- , THE « RINGLEADER." and an except Table kept at moderate Bo^ c Serge " Sailor Suits. _. tt SftSSt^JSETSf !£Z'^<£2 JSTfil-.'Si ■■—harper.- , - Patrona.UinndirTerymuohto.eir DR.^OM^S ' '" GEO RGE ' &%&*££:%£*& A GRAND . Our stock of Tennis Shirts you will _ KEBSTiEY, 60 dozen Honeycomb Quilts. Single t^tto^ ARAMOHO TXOTEL, fiuda lalg ° ™?± wM AVFNDE WANGANUI Bed ' * 8 * mM * ***' * 1M ' »»Sq »^ Mb 42ft by 132 ft, *° j. H . KEESING. " = "^ ' A XX MEN'S HATS AVENUE, WANGANUI. • L.T. Title, with two Rhopa thereon ; . Land Agent. Wanted* ARAMOHO ' • - YOUTHS' HATS ' rents, 20a a week ; price low; good . ___„___ — r— — — — rr — r^ O.o B e to Railway Station, and overlook. BOYS' HATS. NOT B TUE ADDRESS:- jfcSSS.^^^ Lo 3 t and Found '' " - W « t> ~. D o2?nm ■ « ' -SOFT HATS ' . tUe Store a£d near Railway Station, fcoat and gonnd.- drainage, water, and" gas. J, H. Cook D.P. BARRETT Pbopbikob. STRAW HATS. ' " ~ fuU |-acre, 66ft by 165 ft. small eot- sum of Money. Apply ¥^2: Late of the Manohss ter Hotel, , , . _ _ _ . .. tags thereon ; splendid eito ; will be f} Hannah's Cash Boot Mart. V|/ ANTED — A B.»y for. farm work. FeUding. < Telephone 224. d. tl. OUOKreil, Bold cheap. ' =. h , fo ,^ tn O ir«,-» r.A sih w ao *' Apply to SfForeman.Wioksteed Best of Wines ana Spirits obtainable. . " i * ' area nearly 3-acre; terms. Grand TT OBT, between the Post Office and m * Ker > Avenue. . Cleanliness, Comfort, and Civility ' — — ~ ■ = chance for a railway employee.^, JH ihe Racecourse, or on the Show m»7'ANTED Knowp-^-Freah Frait Guarauteed. ' -6200— Corner section, Glasgow Ground, yesterday — A Gold Chain <* " «nd Vegetablei', and New TO PR niT GROWERS Street, 66ft; L.T. Title; . suitable Bangle, with Padlock. Finder will bo Potatoes on aaleatJ.J. Smith's, Gnyton . T»TTnTWr«n - KT BESXjIIi ESATI ACO r«uii^rxiu»>j!.iw>. for small store, etc. Terms. rewarded on leaving the same at this Street. - . | T™ A MION H OTEL : wi,si-^SSw i,si-^SS" f " M ora ' S" 1 * * LEEOHL EEOH *EJffIKs!HS *" W*ss?Mfei^3«s: Close to the Courthouse end Public • Wanoahw. Are holding a Are just oommencinß the'r aestruotive Mrs-Baflance's property; 6-room° - " n'eUatlTpßiaßwav'streA*" **&? v - Library, - - ___ " - work. oa cottage, stable, etc., ; a d^ ( wunvj, "'"^'"'J °" w " - . wanganui.. W " M T P/sires to Ten Days' Discount Sale, IFvouwlßhfarS -, a fc . a^SS^t a SSi wanted k^-ws are seinng W J^KSS3tafSS t» n, T.ii.ww^.^T 7 " « -. TT •ITX«X« thank his numer - J[ the lime to gasrd against al) these this. TT All-wool Djub'e WidtiuDro*. Rooms, tnitablo lor offices (part of the B T BLNSETa Proprietor, one customers for the snpport shown COMMENCING 'TO-DAY. evils. Direotlv the moth tjrab getß il6O— FuU }-acre Building Section, Matariala at SJ I. vvoith in ih^ i-e^ii'.u whole). Apply Mra W. H. Watt. Batid- ,.-—- ofWi » onn h ' m ™**? Paßt.?iVd^P aBt .?iV d^5 heß to JSi?IS under the skin of ll»a Fruit you cannot Harrison Street; L.T. Tille. way 1/6 10 3/- par yari. 0.-c o^.r flour, ridge Ha 1 L BBBtofAooommoaationoninoatßOTaon- them that fie. BtiUholdsa first-class get at him; only by spraying at the Wilson- Street (corner of Ingestre and winfew*. K. if. Wiute a.d C,. fffA^f ED - A 'amart intelligent ableTerme. selection of etc. Fight time ana with Wngnt thing can. Street), section nearly J-acre; WangariDi. W Lad for offiw wort Appry ' Al TABLT-KEPT Al "SS^^SSVSg'^^Si ° UB EN?IRE BTO ° K I 8 you aeoureyo^r object. St^L^SL^VS. W^S^S^g 8 So^hem Cross B.aomt Co.. WicKs?^ Tele _T o T- 2M from 15/- to NE W. FBEBH, ana Use ECLIPSE now ami it will lighten room, gas, water and drain, con- tremply lolprico of ad per jaid. 2/U ctt'antfh Wn^» T n .1) » Telephone 20*. Rings, in Diamonds, Sapphires, Opals CLEAN. . for you one of the burdens of a tfruit- yenienf cupboards and i btan>. per dozen . iß*i thesoat our door- and W^nS mt~i^L^ P «" • andVther prec^us from Ir/6 ' " . grower', life. |- *• «' WhJte «* C » ' £L&W** & SfSrTK TendeM. • ~ tJ . ff 6.'6 .' , c . ,o . " Price -2/- t,,^. staMe and bug gy Wanganni. Botanio Remedies, I ahall be pleased to . Gold Broochoa in 18ct, 15ct, and 9ct, OUR DISCOUNT IS — - good fences; largo and sunny fXTANTJSU K. o -Vaoautits for oxpose free of charge the Physiograph TO BUILDERS. • Greenstone)- Brooches, m Gold and Prepared only by verandah ; garden and fruit trees, •T T, si.glo or married, at of the Human Hand and the fallaoiea of . Silver/ and a large stock of Silver |q oen^ . irTARROWBY AND I7"NIGHT etc. A delightful home. Beach Houac, Cadclecliff. Torres (he so-called prognosis of disease mdi TENDERS are invited until noon op* uroocnes. -. r j^ JLV ■ TO LET moderate. cated thereby. X.Bae, Medical Botanist, - FRIDAY, 29th November, for the" In Greenstone Pendants and Lucky SEED MERCHANTS, Shop, Dwelling and now Bake house. TTfTANTED known— That- Noswor- River Bank. ereotion of a house near Wanganni. " Chains, his stock is unequalled on • Wanganui. » Taupo Quay. Cheap. , VV thy's Kidney Cv« cures TO-ANTED — Experiencea Boaice Plans, etc., at my office. ' " ._ . . x f!n ,U t . in Sleri OUB PRIOBB ABB * Bell Btreot, 4 rooms. 12ft Bright's JJise ,88, 88 and all other kidney. VV Hand. Apply at once to George _ , „V , ' ; l t - ' Dublyv Street, 6 rooms, 16a 6a. Oloso Yf Rowing, or Bailing Boals for TT ing to aispose of their properties TENDERS. g° *} B 0 h ? 1 d f. 1 a i^l^or^lu GOLD MEDAL ALES & STOUT. to Avenue hire by the day or homy Also, the fast ahouW plaSe samein our hani at onct — . , ' ■ " Also several others. and dmforkble Oil Lav.-cl. • atay," No charge for,a4verti 6 ing. TENDERS are hmtsa for the Leiso J^^JaMl^Coses mm B nd "J ? largo s^ck DiflCOUnt 292 9 in the £ t AnrT=- TTc?T oFFarms & TOWN ?"* S^ tabl ° , for Picn , itfs , 01 -- Alo0 ',' 1 ht commkrion. " Bead Bros., Ridgway St. 1 "" 10 ofKs^Re^eatingAfarms DißC ° Unt 28 to thG * MAN NING AND pO., X TD, 'WSS? WS7^ "ST or any tenderno, neoes- , so well^now^ to need few N0 OIID BTOOKI " — ' J gSSSS Jgg^ A *" to try bBr ' Iyao ° epte ERNEST BARNS. m L d de^own^£^rtle t le O a r ain^ g - ' Bottled AleS & StOUt R. fiaddeley and CO. - -W^sS^rL^^rof^ £qJ££* kM *"» L Agent^fJheJPublio Trustee^ Watchmaker_and Jeweller gELL JgSAU AND QO.. _ AT _ . O HEAP AND g6~Od" PROPERTIES aS"^ off^M W^ff "T* TO LET BY TENDER. ■ W . M. .Thomson, . NEARLY HALF ENGLISH COST, "«» BALE^ND LEASE. ' The Leading Watchmaker and Jeweller, . Avjcnub Wajioasoj. —^j «*„„*-<,, ferawarl - from malt 95 Acres for Jeane, 3 miles from town; brated Leather Beli ing. E. Andrew, TT all the necessary ingredient* for . IN THE ESTATE OF THOMAS Avenue, Wanganni, . srecially imported from the malsters jn rent, 17/6 per aore; good property, Taupo Qnay. _j<_. ._ 1 __ » perfect food. • - - ROWE, DECEASED,- • Opposite Chavanne. Hotel. ; wholly Messrs Guinness and Co., « Ac^f ors^. W^ST^ SS'S W^SrSRSiiSSUS RENDERS are invited for the Leise r—^ . ~ Sa^K S^iSjSrS^ l^g^ ttS^?? r =T~ JL of the foUowing Properties, situ- TIIANOB OIANOS A. C. LENNARD, * *1200. £750 can remain at £45 per Thomas Dickson. Mercer. Avenue. Known-Lost, bet^fcen atedatUpokongaro, on the Wangauui * __„ ,„ wlvrlY , w " JTiInOS XIANO6 *.. y,. ±,*nn n , aa^m. A bargain and good spec TTTANTED Known— That Noswor- Borough CounoaOhamtor. and River:- • PUBLIC NOTICE. A lUUB Ageut . 50 acres for lease, 4 mi'es from town j VV thy's Braia and Norve Tonic Aiamoho-Three £1 Notes. .10g re. 1. The Hotel, known as Kennedy's . ' From £5 to *7 Bayed by aea'ing aireol 1.3.5. - gooa house, orchard, etc Rent,£l i 8i 8 the best tonic procurubla. 2b M wari. Apply Hei:au> Office. Hotel, with the premises appnrtenant PnaoAll a.nil RirfnAll wito the Proprietor, ' psracre. per buttle. . "Wm7 ANTED Known — Lost — Gold thereto, comprising about 17 acres, upon JtUSBOII ana DlgUOll, . . mANT SD X i^n The brst house TJ • Heart^sliapea I>e P.n. set with whioh are ereotea, in addition to the rtv , mml ™i«^ o ,™ T, mrl ,p no P TPT.T.TP.PV ftTT.BF.PT ' 5-roomed House (new), with J acre of in i i on» n for Huh class. TaUorine Pearla. Finder rewarded on returning notel four Cottages, commodious CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. &. £iljLlJ!lttX iTI JjJ3£iK. 1 , . land, near town, on very easy terms ,g, g H Kevorfflfl( . s ; A larce etoik bf same to office of this paper. ThS ard^m^usnMout! tSbSIRE to notify their numerous RmowAV Str-kt, W«a««. ... .• _„_-' X "™ZL*Z*™™P.*X?'J£ ■Ey!?^^^^--^^S^ ? TTtTANTEQ^m.tvn-That N<^o7 Thf*tre), BiUiard-room, ana nsnal out- JJ ientß thro ,,| houfc town and • Al THE Al 4 aoreß an d 8-roomed honee, £385. \AT X^ISO Kno«u -Pi rs ■ °\*»\ JtSj . tfegffiiVer Tomo m the very buildings. , district that, to better facilitate their 4m rnvwmnVFßT Board ond.i odpii.g to be b^ Aeafofi^ne pnrpose— ls 6d and 2s 6d 2 All that piece of land, containing l arg ely-increasing business, they «re The Latest Mnsio always in Btook, or BAKEK \, o VvS T tcwmwm't Not dabbling in properties oureelvcp, at Mrs Watt's, -ISsu hiti," Ingestre St., ho.ttleg. about 3 roods, adjoining the above Hotel nO w prepared to execute all manner ordered at the shortest notice. 9i!i&iiUJiJianm£,JNi, . we can offer the publio of Wanganui opposite Dr Connolty. -All the comforts OfTfTANXED Known— Mew American premiEes, and upon whioh there is o f ' Victoria Avenue, Wanganui. good bargains. . of a home." Hot and cold bajtbs, pianp. „ Jfjf Novelties" inst opesed rip at erected a General Store, with outbuild- fl .___ fl WONDERFUL VALUE IN VIOLINS FOUR DOORS ABOVE GUYTON ST. . . B. BADDELEY & CO., . TXTAimsCEn^S^Cwmert- New Oremar's. Also, fresh importation of ' n « 8 - . PLUMBING AND GASFITTING """^""TJi.' M. ANSIEY Proprietor. The' Wanganui Land, W Art Needlework and Material* Pretty Dolls. See onr la table. The Le*ses will each be for a term of WORK, Also Strings ana swings. BREAD-BAKING a Speciality. , De- Ridgway Street. ex 5.8. WestraUa. Also, Toysan. %T|7ANTEI/ Known -My Vol.tUe iTSJS^S^iSSS^Si. and towards end jj CM Md Z^* Btock . ' We fiu " * ""' '„, ", Xt %?!2^£&*g&. §1 must be reeved by him ot, or before « J^g^VaWe aealinnothingbntM O sioallnatrnment 8 . SMALLGOODS^A first-lass supnly To Farmer— •- . Inspection invitea. .Boitl^B^f Me^cS B^a^'Biver the 13th aay of December, 1901. . , fatr^ne 6ut of all orders in - these - always, on hand, the Proprietor „„,„„ „„ - ■ - L Bank, dose to Maeonio Hotel, or may Particulars ana conditions of Leases, departments. PIANOS TUNED AND REPAIRED. having engaged the services of PBIME PICKED . be obtained from J. Bates, agent, next can be seen at the offioe of Mr James * „. = , ir»^..i.»^- ok a Specialist is this Department. _.-,,_,. , Newmarket Hotel. Watt. Solicitor, WanganuJ, or at my Office: Ridgway Street, Wanganui. 25 Years Experience 26 REFREStaIENT ROOMS upstairs DerWßllt Seed PotatO6S pHILBLAINS.-Loasby's KooUbah .^y Klflp Known- Just Jmenedoffioe.' , — ■■■ ■ ' " ■ ■ - " :' dnd downstairs. Prompt attend- • \j relieves the irritation, reduces VV ai ;" 11 ' T^ltur -tlSTßiStrw- - «**>» r »■»■>-» BsarsAsffAsit mgl^H^F lT" ' "- Qmm ' aafS!ar-*' fca * ~«S • •DWSEO* P— «» O»-*. A^SS"Ar^TLJLZ frS'arSrt,"S£ BOKOITCMn-tt.AM^. M ATTHEW RDS BELL K°S^S.S" iStST & '

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Wanganui Herald, Volume XXXV, Issue 10502, 25 November 1901, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Wanganui Herald, Volume XXXV, Issue 10502, 25 November 1901, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Wanganui Herald, Volume XXXV, Issue 10502, 25 November 1901, Page 3