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\ Basiness Advertliementß. Busineas Advertisements. - Baaiaess Advc-rtieem^nn ( ''JJHSEED COMPOUND, , : Trade Mark of -X vjt*" KAY'S COMPOUND ESSENCE OF IcrtSSßW^^SS'i LINSEED, J w^^O <=3 " r^ .\ rVSSihS MONK* I niseed, Senega, Squill, &o." \&lr-—SSS3JsSMm*' -■ xNnno ht^ktpv Tbe fineßti remedy known for Coughs, JfaF z£@2FW3t MONE-K Coldgi anfl ches(j Complaints, Uronohitis. (HT r^W "^ Asthma, Influenza. Consumption, &6 *KJ , AniW, ** sums or 1 The old English Bemedy. /B£b99s _.^^ , 85 Yeabb' Pboven Epficact 1 WV)QI"WHI*t £100 to £10,000 i Equally Serviceable for Ho«es and Cattle. \ on F INOM CSTHAHTICOM Pll»Lß, purely yN^^y COUNTRY, " AJ vegetable, for Indigestion, Bilious- X\Vvi^B^i>. CITY AND ness, Constipation, Headache. Agreeably f \%^SStWbK\ SUBURBAN aperient. y • A »B "\f fi/\ FREEHOIiLS /-«OAQULINB — Transparent Cement, fW ■ J W^ AT \J mends Glass, China, Earthenware, xf£"fßffl 9 ' I WtJ StX. npi< nanf & • Br^ ell Bictcn Articles. Manufac- 'w*'^".^ 'I JV • pei^ CBIU. tory-Stooltport, England. ' \C»L-'vJk^ Terror of Repayment of the mostlibera 2. 6 BefuSe al! Babstitnt « a - character, which con be ascertained on _±1± ' WMW For forms of application and full Infer- j il?{;wi l?{; w ¥7"%!^/ T'tF^C - ■"■ 1(11/ Wl mation apply to tho Postmasters Hawera. jWSI I f^U I 51,V9V113 ' W fflffl ' Palea, Waveri6y, Tui-aUina, Marton, or to ' " »»r»,t^ |y >«!»= the Residon.- Acent, Wapganni. ] VfHfN /\ SIXPENNY Tin J. H. RIOHABDSON, f»r r»?r»jr>r V'O'S — ' Go\ eminent Insurance Commissioner. j \jf £,["£ fetC \* • j ■ IsPT^fW^TS SUITS To measure • I ■ hi3IJO 'A €\h 1 1^ §jq Ym new tv»'eeds • WILLGQ'AS'fAft A 5 20 EGGS^ nkws^ngs KEEP YOUR . . 9 " — : — : : NEW "^cunAs FEET DRY *^€ TBE W ™SS L CO2rpANT 'K-SSr^g^sJg^ -icr vnn «... ji Thib GomW-w'h IF YOU CAN . ? fiOAUBKOOKDA.LE i"iOAL QPRING & CUJMMEB TTrEAB' If th«v o.t wet.nd you catch colo V : \J KJ PRING & JOUMMER YV EAR, ""■«""" ™* T Is tho finest houso, steam antl gas Cou - , . fSATCMDVC in ihe Southern Henii^phero. (sAitiNßYb — l * . £3 10s to £5 sg. /y y x\m • . Coat.bhook»alb Coai is alisolotely on- "** LjOUSlll i^lXtlll*fi rivalled or domestic purposes ' ' ' ' - wilJoure you. When yon want thlTcelebrated Westport FIT> STTLE * Tinffl 1^ GFAfiAN - c,a«, .ii n.. n i.«« . n^ c^... Coal, ask for C'oALmteoirnAi.c, not merely From all and s.ora* Westport Yon can obtain It from your • ' . ; ' _ . - — ■ '•~~ dealer at tie Sfimo price as otliers of an • ' MTEHBY'B Pharmacies fcfli- J^l^- DICKSON visrosw av£.:l-e ik glasgoh ST. SJLSSSTaSL XSSTJSm High=.Class Tailor, Pi'iCO 1/3 & 2/6 R.^ATHISGN, • ' Agent, St. Hill Street, üm Wanganm. LIVERFOOCi AND LONDON AND nvtwi -\t^T>n^n GLOBE INSURANCE CO. . QElrrS MERCEB. : N°eu it^me :;::::i:::::;: £ i».^ Vi^ ria yenue • WangaMi - READ THIS ! •/ 01aim8Paid £37,328,639 — s. / / The above Company ta prepared to : . A MAGNIFICENT ' AS-/ / wcept risks at the lowest current ratea. . _^ ■ SOIITMENT OF A^/ A . D WILLIS'S SPRING and SUMMER/^/ Prompt aettlsajent in the event of lobb. -*. *^. »i*iiiixM M 'continental /// QHAs.v.PowEiL, fc N ft w Books &New Editions justarAvedKVv Aramoho Laundry T™ ,r EW ° HU^ H 2F^ ABT Cominfi soaßon. . //Zj>/ ilTamOllO liaUliary. R. (to be used in Presbyterian B BUUBIiu - /jSV/ Chnrohes), aU mzea ana prioes. Rita's /VW/TITIS LEADING SPRING CLEANING . Hin of Jasper .Btandisb, 2/6 and 8/6; /(%y i'AßUlt)^Ablll3 SPRING CLEANING Captain Cairne's The Coming Waterloo, >7V"V Ladies' and Gents' , 2/0 and 3/6;, Royalties of the World, X^V TAILORING "ICTOW iathoTimuto send yonr Carpets beautifully illustrated, cloth gilt, 13/6; /A^/ ESTABLISHMENT 131 Blankets, Counterpanes, Curtains, Living Raoea of Mankind, 2 vols, caoh /"&/ in town. etc, etc 10/6 ; Bertram Mitford's War and AjSy/ • * , Arcadia, 2/6 and 3/6 ; Smhle's Mayor of //&/ ONr,Y,Ffßsr-Ci.ASH Goons GENT'S SUITS Cleaned ana Renovated Littlejoy, 2/6 and 3/6; Marriott's The / */ KFPr in Stock. almost equal to new. ■ Column, 2/0 and 3/8 Kate, Donglas S*S*/ ' Wiggins' Penelope's Iri'h Experiences. x*/ Fit and Style Uueq-sallf-a. The Cart will ca'l for Orders on receipt of 2/6 and 3/0 ;• Fitchett's Wellington's • ' Post Card or Telephone message. Men, How England Saved Enrope, Deeds that Won the Empire, etc, eich Telephone No 50 vol 2/6 and 3/6 ; Pita's Ii iace Charming. — — ' 3/6; T-artrin's Origin of Species, 3/6; (|ai j& i £ nia| /^Kv Town Acent, M Siorr.K Gwrc a Moore's Kilter Teresa, 2/6 ana FIBB SI H Cft'&r&H K| HP — 3/6 ; Mark Twain's Birthday Book. 1/3 ; BBS 9 2 i:s#4£jt.H J?P C-nvn-»w n -nA C™ w>' &^ Bacbe!ar'a,EßEN HOLDEN, 2/6 and laßfe* Opnng ««lICI OUnHQer 3/0 ; sj rg Boeton's Cookery Boob, special i w «L Ji d-rtnrlo eduion, tho largest and most complete w! ' VTUUUS3 cookery book publishea, 1/3; lan Maol/> .-^^aSe^^^^Si^pß^ . . . • iaren's Chnrch Folks, 4/-; _Lynoh's High ' -^S^^^^'i^^^y^v « ' "~ AT ~ " Stakes, 2/6 ana 3/6; Crookett's Cinae'/fi^Vf/x P^lVfSi. V^^^iSv • rella, 2/6 ana 3/6 ; Neil Mnnro'a Doom /icSBSw Ji I^P2®v ' \s^^il "IVTt>GI TJn'RTr'TJnnCi' fastle ,2/0 ana 3/6; GEORGE tcFSiff. WIM^WfT wSZSh IW-XiO MXXJJOJOJ JX ±O • ELLIOTT'S WORKS, full supplies. Ir toSU owlt^^^^Wvv illhs! : in B P ei " B ' taitwnis, either in sets or Ils^u M$- v ' sinßly, cloth or leather. Borchgrevink' >w^£?\\ I^/ rnTTnKT inn WAfiniHn PATiRTPR First in the Antarctic Continent, illus-\V"-if^\\yJg^r-^<a^^yy^- : -^//^^j// , trated, J2/u; tanuows Strength, ana vl^^^-^^^jCi&Jfes^^SHy Mercerized SateeDß, in great variety, at how to obtain it, 3/6 ; Wright's Praotical 9 1 < ?' 1 /-> l / 3 s° ra ' Poultry-keeper, 4/- ; Elizabeth nndfaer ». . \»ffPy 'j£^?n^\p&*z&is)&y , Mercerized Lawns for Sprinfi Costumet. Gorman Garden, 7/-; The Solitary yS^^fjffMVfA [Wimm&r V and Blonsos in Sky, Pink, Eau ac Snmmer 7/- ; and an excellent stook of U f>hu^^»*»l|!l!^ / - Nil, Ileliotropo, etc., at 1/3 yard ' the very best reading published. " BrtMiHß s & !:: ~^' *a£M4%i Mercerized Brocaded Satoens, in dark ' .' ilßiß I ADS°I H 8 1 1 colours, at 9Jd and 1/- • A FEW OF THE NEW SIXPENNY I B§afe7 EssfilßEai J& MAM Fl< ; ral Muslins, beautifnl colorings and -EDITIONS. EACH Bd. WE STANDARD OF w K «3(H:Wt., SSBHKSftSSSSt P»R,r yg EX CE LLENCE W^^^, mHftt iSG 1 M. farSi Jollities, Bradaon'a Doctors Wife. |">OEAN -AC IDENT COMPANY w JJo^ o %%?&£. *£'£ ft q ,' ?i J< - berton»s Christine of the Hills, and o™Aca«c«P« i-gs^sat— m J--J--S BEBi The -Strotgest Accident Company jn the ouif.uuh.^^ '."' v , RF.ADING. 1 Woria. BLACK DRESS GOODS. i " Over One Million Invested Btack Grenaa ; neß> in Btripa ond fiKarea . Cricket and TeniliS GOOdS — saga?™- £asgisas rpnifi COMPANY msnres Employers Blaok Stripo nna Figured Mohair3, l/11, v " ■ ' ' J. A againut all risks under Employer's 2 / fi > 2/9, 3/6, 4/6 > , _ , . ■ - LiabUity. Common Law, ana Workmen's BSack Coa£ing Sergqs, 1/11,, 2/6, 2/9, 3/9 - Compensation Act, at loweat rates. Black Wiogonnl Serges, at 2/9,3/9 n*.Jti^Mt ««isS^* BSSSaffilfSa Prompt SetUements. No Rod Tape. Back Abacas, only one dresa of eaoh JB[^^nsm^M^^^^i. The Company's Aavancea Personal design, 3/9 , _3rag!^^^i^^^^^ 3©!^^^" Policy ia one of tho most liberal in ex- / rn-a-an „„„„„ ■ r^r- vcjqS SE-T*<;'~&- aria ar-gr istence, insuring against nil kinds of ao- COLORED DRESS GOODS. : /CASTLECLIFF RAILWAY .COMcidtnt, and also against diseaEe. Com- pjain VoUea, in Brown, Fawn, Greyana \J PANY, Liuiibd. ponfation while incapacitated, £6 to £12 Bine ' - . '' {.or week. Poplinß, in 20 different shades, at 16/6 TIME-TABLE, Employers of labour are invited to and 21/- the areas • nonneotinc with tha •• Rid Floe » 'Rna ascertain our rates before insnring else Crcme Serges, at 1/il, 2/9, and 8/6 Connecting with the Ktd Flag Una where. Terms on application. - Creme Fancy Stripe, at 1/11, 2/8, 2/9 ' - • . ED.' N. LIFMTON. Creme CyoleUa at 1/11 yard '? , , bkoinntno on . . District Acent r«noy Dress Tweecta, a -good range of MONDAY, 21st OCTOBER, 1901. . Distnot Agent. 6/U) w 9/6 the . WEEIjC-DAYS. • " ■ • areas length- , * •—**~r . t. ■ Leave Town. 4 -Leave Caatleoliff. Mrs' Roberts' - ' ..•WOam ..- , *6.30 am DRAPERY 'jimZZi ' JoioaS . ' Avenue, Wanganui. - 2.80 pm 1.30 pm c" a «»vo cc t 1 : A 'd 1 S, c i ) i; r r e f 1 1 S > ,'i Sena fOT PftttMßS - :*Theao are the only traiua which do UflBBSI) •? lha «" ot 'catiiei "~~~ , , , not connect witb 'Bus. nnStJtZ^ P^«M$T Country orders prompUy attended to. SATURDAY NIGHTS ONLY. ' O6OLO MEDAL £«|k««S« , Leave Town. . Leave Castleoliff. ilhhiw sys^ass safe ' . " "10.0 pm 7.opm. BWin BBH h Boot storc»,Saadl<ut«. lron - STTNTnAVS <YNT.Y BwU9l^9BS H mongcr«,Ac. Mcnuraclorjr . OUflUilD \J±-\UL. ; . Dui^ich.i.ondon.Ejig. • . "djujk -- Leave Town. Leave Castleoliff. — — ; ■ "—""" — "" - „' v 10.30 am XO.IO am mk^^^^^m^ Ward's Champagne Ale. ■ _ Kg* 1 1»J 1 'A' I J^I ti.. xi v \-, ' • .UE-'BnSOONNECTiON." V 1 itthA I ] - Itlstllob l eßtw ', . .-. 'BnsßMXvillleaye tho' Fowtain, Vio'-' m ZtM oH_**B^^'^A«TSf-^ 11m in»riAf V>« ", .toria Avenue;- 10 'minutes before the de1 ■■- Barture of e»pli train for-Castleoliff, ana jffi ,iriflffi«effߣfiilßßJrfg>|iv, /I Skm^bs far -* wilt be at the^Company's town station on gr _y m^^^J*^a»! oS&tiSi ' ' ''-~s -tho arrival of trains- fropa Castlooliff, to I B 1 I@Wi B I^^ I WANGANUI SUPPLY 1 & AGENCY formerly, X 04 V B fBS B ffiSrS J COY Ltd Passengers will bo conveyed to and MiiTlMira * ' ' from-tho. Fountain FItEE OF EXTRA I [plryfy^{|[j/Jl|ftßfeJ^^^a ' "° g6n 3*3 * Tickets .for Castleoliff are to be bonght ■I IB T_^JmSM*JßH*VllllkLfß ' Tha 'Bus will leave, the Fountain for •■••■■•■■■■■■■■■laSißHiamw the Railway Station via Viotoria Avenue ■ \ ' - ,' ' : and Tanpo Qnay, and vice versa. RAMAMni? wn'RD'unnwT* ■ • To anil Ihe" convenience of, tha-reai- 1 BAI(SAM OF HOREHODND „ . , (Jg-i. jjg • {JayWrle dents of the upper part of th& town and Cared my chiia of a Cough of twelve VttlUiUe. . OUJTUIUC. Aramoho tha^ Ke f jj-jag . Bn3 Se.vice months standing. One bottle did it.-O. - -^ . willoonneot at the- 1 Fountain, with the BMk C^" Il f llDM^ mi 3 o M ■ " '- .... 'Busses- going, ana returning to the , . and all Merchants. +-•»• ; '^^xL to L and at week > !» b 3ect to Company's conditions 1 ' Family Season Tickets can b» obHERR RASSMUSSEN F, "' EOWEST " PEICES centia m J!f S"H ÜbbtMj? WHOLESALE ,AND; RETAIL , - n, J^S^Onyp-fexita.ton. * -**~ ' ditto^adultsßecond class return), 9a ' CfaSwC^es ' WANGANUI SUPPLY & AGENCY Passengers' Fares to' Castleoliff ana i i*uSSZS^&Z£&SL COMPANY, Ltd., vice verso-Firat- Class (return) Is UTALnrs BIBBAL BGMEDIEB. - - • . . 6d ;. second class (return). Is. Single. Thonaands of Testimonials ' ; ■ Tauno Ouav ' -'- '"• " &*& class, lOd : single, aficond class, - Prow the Wonderful CureßEffedtea. . ' .*« r ■« j- , . - g^ Children,- half -prjee^' ,' JLUe-JUbXSB 3f EBVB P11.1,a ' L'L n *a ' » , Fares to Hospital Pla*7orin— Adults Mort EfjKrtire Eerneoj- of tha Century, a Agents „ . -*■ - , 3n fl chiMren (roturn) 6d Gonvilto— • Sf^^SfofftesKai^iSak^i: ACETYtENE' GAS' COMPANY. " ' Axiulfe (return), BJL; single; 6d; Ch*. , Boxis,6/-i Coußsiß, 23/6. , dren (return and single), 6d. Bal- _ iUFAIJira BLOOD Fn£B — , » -Ecnnie — Adults, first 'class, single .'at Unequalled as a Blood Buriflar and Tonio. - ' Vafiirn -la- nn^-iTiH rlajii -rln Un HAto Farm^^ ■ -/: -"■ B£ZggS?&» &0 \ a ": *-'. Alfallne Vnirenu Pilli, Bhoumatio pilli ' ' \ ■ , Special rcvduoed rates foi" sohoolg. . / lo^i.^'^Ad^elowd'e^ ' ■' -PRIME PICKED V Trainman be baa on apulil LlV »JLWii J^¥o*Jt t .V«.c£!iV.'-- Derwent , Seed- Potatoes m*^ B » te 5I5 I1 CBa J e °r A B«parat« X*medy'for each CompUint. *"»«»*.. bwu application at • the office Wictotceil Sana for Ui ZTea Book, oont&ining- For Sale in any Quantity. Place, or from the Guard. Valuable Information and Teatimoniala, '■',-■ '- -.. -.■ . AH goods mu^t b» loaded and unoo^«>«^ v toi3s;'co*ii D « ira u l . • • — —• - • 'rtiV'rir'? 1 r atcel! *° -n _ __ __ <■■ immnDin -■-» naavr.r. handed to the Guard. Company will • Herr Bassmuspen, <r. -]i| atthbw tjubbbll not be rea iblo for on 81, lambton ttnay. Wellington, N.Z. XIM - ...*■*> , tho platiocm. \ iii i i . h-»m3 riagway Btreat, Wanganni. ] BY ORDER.

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Wanganui Herald, Volume XXXV, Issue 10502, 25 November 1901, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 Wanganui Herald, Volume XXXV, Issue 10502, 25 November 1901, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 Wanganui Herald, Volume XXXV, Issue 10502, 25 November 1901, Page 1