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Amn.en,«,» Auction Sales. Anetlon.Balei. , ~^^T~_ Business Ad^ertUemen^^ GRAND ANNUAL "FAIR, JH KEESING F. R. JACKSON 4 CO. UNDER HJILII ». Z. ' CUMMINS & CO., rand -Annual X air, — ™j, AY „_., -rrrrv ■ f ' • contract govf-rn-MUBEUMHALL SATURDAY. 27th JULI. JjiRUEMAN R. JACKSON 4 CO.'B '^'TO JO%SBb» MENT.- GBOC3RS AND THURSDAY TND FRIDAY At _i!; m - \ AUCTION SALES FOR JCLY, W^ Ta 4^S^ ' PROVISION MEBCHAHTg. Mthand««h.Ju.». ' J n.Kr.KSlNGwiUseUathi.M.-t. Street, Wednesday 'g ' * Rpow.VS^. —^^pens 6B^ - «53£—.- «* sfSJS-;;;;:;;;;;;-! -^x,=-sr BS/ <n£^£?*Z LADIES'. WORK STALL, uuder direc- • m .irPMisfl a^homm oa.o Yarda at THE PlONJ&fail STEAMERS. Produce v tion of Mrs Haines -All kinde of J. H. K*J.BXJI«. Auctioneer. WaDg(wni WBVarleyY Johnaonville, and „— r .. Mnnu SILVERuEY S Cheeso. "first and special Serviceable Articles of Wear for Men, T & E ES PLANTS SBttttJßS. WaitOtarou -dfc<^fe^A' Steamers:— jnanu- Pai me mton and Waugacui Shows, Women, and Children. / - i«,m, tlmos, »iuui«). •"*'•'* ■'•»»'»»•" ripe ai>d -well matured PRODnCE.STALt,. under direction of WEDNESDAY, JULY 24th. Agents for Owen's New 2™!a.-=d intent *fgg!MM&m... w>;.>.; .'» •• Ohnrfl," AEWAXiA brand Hama and Bacon, mfld Mrs Hepe Gibbons- Food of all oorh; At 145 Sheep Dip. ," - . ,^SmmFH " owed to oar own b Uw. Tbiaista Game, Poultry, 'Meat. Froit, Batter, At I '* i > < . WANGANUI BIVJiil« ,_,._._ rfrß , n *»™iirfnt linn ZUirv fpd And itraln J. H^KEESI^ will sell . his BAYKEY JACKSON. Anctioneer. *^^S£ JS^^J^ ' ce CryC r'y^ h erc OUtO C ° n£e ° tl ° n - I LJS^ of healthy' Fruit and " *™™ OF_G ON VrLL £ . ' J^^^f^^y. REFRESHMENT 1100 MS, under the Forest Trees Flowering and Orna- Abont Ten Mjnut6B . {rom , Poat offico . " Ta^lSrnf^Cargo. 10s a Ton. *J«d. ot Aary butwr al*a.y. on . • direotion of Mesdames J. V. Greig mental Shrubs. n n , fl . Mm ™ „„.„ -m, an mile 3 beyond uana * and Saynor Griffiths. FRUITS-Apples Peaces Jap. Plums, « B(n? oHB. coasting of any area re ggffi'Sa Scf^m^ W«- 0 Weßsl^ J•- rR*MEN. TBeMuseumisusrfultobothtownand HEDGE E^ag- 2jr%Z&gisS l £'£&. ,£S££* ' Agent, for De Lava, -re^ sep^tor^ country, and is therefore deserving .of sup- nes, Oleana, Englißh Laurel, Eng- A Castleclifi railway platform adjoins the ooaone. Kerala f riyeiJi , Pam rolno „4 port. Everyone is asked to help, and lish Holly. ' T ,'._,, qmall property. Access "to river granted for For all particulars apply to bafld machine-, tp 'Uqw^bmite SS^SS^X OIS^J^SSy^S: ■ ZhATRIcIYcO.. Agents. SKSt*"' 110 "- OartttOr ' ° r ° Dy ° f %fi&f&£3%£3%Z; W^-^iS™? 7 " WANG.NUIS^TLEBS RIVE « S.S. J. ,« £ "- ,—njgj me xrußtees. , -Rptinnßtiora Tjnwßoninnn Pnrtii<w.l Gonvillb Avenue- is now being clayed COMPANY. Ltd. , cleanest bitimn.ei a * me uguien OPERA HOUSE. 2aSCT^ftSES£Sa E-S S -anieta.led. and will shortly be open for -. „ AQTEA I^T?££& S£ BUT Pinus Maritime, Pinus Muricata, tra ®°- „„ .;, " . • „• J WSWW 5 WT IHB „V B< ,£•• Patentee* of tho '• EXCELS. 1R BUTSUHDAY AND MONDAY, JULY Cupresßus Majeßtiea, Cryptemeria, About 20 acres will be cut up into half • A wiU TEB WOIiXEK. . 28th and 29th. Pohutukawa, etc., etc. acre sections, giving a road frontage to the i|*&_jKJjL/i riki every TUESDAY „ • ' A lot of Raspberry Canes and choice as- Avenue, and sold at an early date.* This SsggSS^slßfeaana i FßlDAY morning, at Dairymen and others interested in mOk THE FAMODS ' sortment of Roses has been done by the owner to meet aeon- 7o'olook. Returning Wednesdays and production would do well to « nil on us and MAOHI SONGSTERS A fine, well-grown selection. siderabls demand for. suoh an area. Tiole Saturdays. - inspect the •• DCPLFX. LANCSX IOR I SONGSTERS. No Reserve. I " ma Trarßfer A 0t ' > A ™ 1 * Special Canoa Service above Pipiriki. PROBE," the greatect oo.r.furtamltima - , REEMANR. .JACKSON & CO. - Further particulars apply to saver to all engaged an ...he Dauryuig In. A Unique Combination of Nativa Talent. J. H. KEESgTG. Auctioneer. gj. HILL STREET 3ALE~ YARDS _^ C.' F. MILLWARD, Agent. <* natr y- V OHARMING~PBOGRAMME. PBELIMINABY NOTICE. WANGANUI. ' A NCHOE f LINE PACKETS. CunUDinS and CO., LATEBT-AucklanTchoral Hall packed FIRST-CLAsFfURNITURE. • WEDNESDAY, ijaw JULY, VOR -WELLINGTON. NELSON, AND BMgway HI.T , Wanganui. out. ' At Ip.m. .WEST COAST POETS. * *- * , FRIDAY, 1 o'olock. " — r • * " 1 Be sure and arrange to hear them. , TmREEMAN R. JACKsJON & CO. will -^ npHS ss KEN- ' T H. KEESING will sail on acoonnt *„ sell by pubUc auction, as above,— JL fv#m A .NEDY, Captain G. W. LAW. tf #- of Mr Webster, who is leaving the / 15 hand-fed heifers v-^iav*^ Graham, will saU. for OPERA HOUSE. district, his complete first-claes household 2 milch cows, with calves at foot in tho above port (weather _ _,___-. . -n -i-v furniture. full profit ", *~JssiZ&£&B^ and circumstances per- Jg Urn Q t Jj 2l i<J ivX* LI . WEDNESDAY, 21bt AUGUST, 1901. No Reserve. ' s 6 heifers, to calveshortly " mitting) on s ' . - . 6 yearling steers < THURSDAY, 25th 3 ULY, at 2 p.m. GRAND FANCY DRESS .AND J. H. KEESING. Auctioneer. 14 mixed cattle - , For further particulars apply to Telephone 70. Vox 113. MASQUERADE BALL. * — ' } *»><* «> w /'' SCLANDERS & CO., —— J 4 milch, cows at oalvinff mv*- » * * * —— In Aia of the Victoria Ward for Women WILLIAMS dt HABfER. 180 good lamte , :.• • = : : , •- A 8 antg -- - __ r i, nlvr „__„„_. THE WANGANUI AUCTION MART. *» Oners' • '*- " WELLINGTON STEAM FACSET CO. STILTON- CHEESE. Donble Ticket. 15/- ' Victoria Avenue. 150 ewes, iv lamb (good line) " ' EXGLISH BISCUITS. Single Gent. 10/6 ~ — 20 good porkers , . rpHE foUowiog Steamers will be dis- > T . T4Pm >.mp n vnTTrrq Single Lady, 7/6. -. SATURDAY, 27th JULY. 15 prime baconers - 1 patched «v under (weather and oir- EVAPORATED FRUITS. Admission to Opera House to look on. At 12 noon. TtATNEY JACESdN 'Ann««n«,» ' oomstaDcfiß .P ermitWD ß> : ~ . ' AUSTRALIAN WINES. 2/- to all parts of the house. Reserved -^. TTrTTAMa AMn „.«««»„,„„„ BAYNEY JACKSON. Auctioneer. FOR WELLINGTON. Seatt 6d extia at H.-l. Jones and Bons. \3|7ILLIAMS AND HARPER will sell : ; " ■ — PURIRI — Tickets foVßMlmay be Vecured at h! ~ V by public auction, at above,- . ST. HXLL STREET; '-SALE BTORMBIRD^THURSDAY,3p.m. PUBIBI - . I. Jones and Son's, members of Cem- Farm Prodn'oo of all description, Poultry, ' .—~ . ', N.Z. LOAN & MERCANTILE ' NATURAL 'MINERAL WATEE. mittee, and from the Secretary. 4c, 4c. Wanganui Horse Fair. ': COY., Agents. w n KVMTNfITnNT .-._-.,. CANTERBURY BACON AND HAMS. W ' X *Ssgg3B!^ H. S. «. HARPER. Auctioneer. , FRIDAY ; »« JULY, COY ' CEYLON TEAS.' 1 OPERAjaOUSE PRELfMINAEY NOTICE. * Sato «_IM» fc «. » WANGANUI SUPPLY CO^ pie fbUITS So^Lkss™ _Ro^B loseI osco PB Co. Amgn^>^AgUAßE(> 100 |°S' fflf&t FOR WEST CO~AST PORTH. ' COMiNG. ' COMING. a^mTbrotoiS MOA and ORETI. Early. THURSDAY AHD X FRIDAY NEXT, (TI7ILLIAMS( TI7ILLIAMS ANE .HARPER have ' w Cob miaranteed JOHNSTON 4 CO.. Ld.. ■ July 25 £W 26th. Wto SSTCSK S 5 JfeSft ' J^SST* ; ._ ' *^^ ' VICTORIA XV^UE. '- Rgiii; TBS Bffigfi: Sg^gWffSSia o.^-— *.-.»-»^ JSsfjs -'•-*- •*r» ita -' wanganui. im../ < .i.....i. a«.»_i...:. < olacKs ol from lour to eicnt acres. 1 rsayxiuy , " .»»»»»^.^»»» (The only one m Australa**;) , , The Property is tituated within three 1 black Geiaing.'4-years, suitable for C. F. MILLWARD, Depleting the reoent.N.Z. Tour of T.R.H. milee oI tho tost Office, is clo«a to a tradesman's cart - • .Wanganni., the Duke and Daohess of Cornwall and BO hool and is approached by a level road. —— ■ ■ ; : NoTK.-The DirSoPtheßoyalßios- Pnrchaßer> °» eMy termrf ' DrMghta " al J?J s ?™* •* "0 p.m. ro, «v, 0, To l^t. LO W PRICES A HIG3 QUAMTIBS cope Company hod no less than Four 'H.S. G. HARPER, Entries now being received. _, „ T ™ ,Mt Tn . t „„* „,„,.„,, , t . i alwass aotnw at Operators at work taking pictures of the Auctioneer. ' ' * For Sale, To, Lost and Found, etc., , tourofT.R.H. the Duke aod Dochess of — RAYNEY. JAQKSON. Auctioneer. ito« ; ™t«««0^.»* R. HAY S, „ ._ Cornwall and York in New Zealand. - be inserted tn thu column for 2/6. Three 1 _ fa HhkOK't), Every facility was afforded tLe Royal VICKERB 4 STEVENS. — , == faction*. 5/- Xymiio w i BB g BBIIL • iy^fff{& IMPORTANT n8 ALE OF DAIBY ' For U* .^'U*. T° D Zi^r.K ™ E , welccme at Rotorua, and the final de- TUESDAY, 30th JULY. , auiiWfc S O r to L t^oYZLT^i^i T ' parture. are now being exhibited by the t -*jrr c offer for sale Mr J. Brennan's street ly, rainbow-taited stone, mountefl arRoyal Bioscope, also the receptions in tho • Yf valuable Form oitnated at Max- ! tisticaUy as Brooches, Rings, • Links, K^rss^aL^ v ic aK Bat8 at^ v JL N ,! n r^^ Uo / L eU^r^°r n Sa ue29sa t ros - Pnoe£2s forsalr ■ I %sSft£k&gtrjSßm ANIMATED PICTURES 00 «^)^-W--.T«*: Jgm be»gao weU known J^SSSSS^SSS^T^' ff^SpS^TSSS^k A Of the Royal Tonr. 100 Holstein and Jersey Cows » „ „ patt AnHAN a f' n For full particulars, apply to "iSfffrWL™-." t^h™ FiS&CoS^\nr° rtodl>7lfc 50 Springing Holstein ank Jersey CALL A GHAN *£-. - ** . j£Si^%S^%& P™o M -"s.asandls 00 Sr^Ie3-tGo.B' 8> . Heifors. > . ; New Plymouth. - - " Aramoho - *V™Mj «•* *°* "*■ Hay, WangaAvenue. Kan^rones's _ — ' • ; 7— |f OR SAI^-Tl^ awt ittaeho™- a^^SITOB^S-fl«iia^M ' BIBMAKCK, SHANNON. 'an the above are oarefuUy. selected, and , 1? j. aO re and well- built 4-roomed .House in , Half-hoop Kings, Diamond and . bole manager. afford a good opportunity for dairymen. BargaULS at Wanganui outhouses, eto. Tflis property is situated gapphireg; Rubies, Opals, TurqnolHe, _ **«■*&"""«■» »*u ww «wxj. & «sui***x ln one O f tne bast streets in Wanganui, e tc e tc Heotin». _ , _. • •' t > Land A^eELCV. \ * and tha PrioßP rioB ls onl y £34 ?* •Aa " mna ' WEDDING KINGS and KEEPERS, . Business Adrertiiementi. *"* uv * ** s , v » ' ■ be sold at once early application is neoes- My weight si*e, or fashion, made from WANGANUI ORPHANAGE AND ! . , 1 " sary. Apply Read Bros., Central Land p^ go fd. OHILDBENfS HOME. WHAT IS IT? HfiOUre Your Birthright Agency, Taupo (juay. GOLD CHAlNS.— Splendid selection, ' ' ■•.-•" ' w " " j.«tuiwuiuuigu». , , or wm mnke you one to gjjy pattern rj"*HE Annual Meeting of Subscribers W'RTfr'HT'R- Notififi to the -> 550 ACRES FOR ,£75. you like. " ■ .J - X wiU bo held in'St Paul'n HaU, on. ™-K-»wIXA O WOUOB lO me qpnE following are only a few Bargairs Mua^r^*". J CLOCKS "of all kinds, /mutable tor WEDNESDAY, 24th af»3 p.m. • } ' Public. "■■- pi° k a* *«>m our Extensive List ot fT|rE bave bdea instructed to dispose tho kitchen or drawingroom. ' " Properties:- yy ot the Lease of 550 aores of bush '" — „'■ -rr-* WANGANOI JOCKEY CLUB. „ , , . HOUSES. " land, which is only 20 miles from Wan- - ■ DON'T BUY BOOTS BEFORE SEE- l-acro and good 9-roomcd house, with ganui by good road. There are 80 acres .-idiwtewßnit* not exceeding 16 word* THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEET- - - ING MINE. > - all conveniences, . 5 minutes' walk felled and in grass, with a good whare will be inserted t» thu column for If- I. for ING of ACTIVE Members of the from town; good orchard, in full thereon. Lease is for 21 years, at a everijaddiiionn.ll2wordi,orfrMttonViertot l Wanganui Jockey Club will beheld at „ " bearing; drainage, etc. Price, rental of JEl2. lOs for first sovon years, 6d. Three imertion*, 35: Meeting; TenChavannes' Hotel. Watiganul. on WED- Just Landed, per Star of Englaud— .£650. Terms, ..£loo 'down, .650 in .£22 10s for seend sey,en years, and der. etc.. exeepted. NEBDAY, 24th July^Ol, v 8 ,m. FOOTWEAR . « -nths. , y-^alance te^tart with^a purch^ y»^ ?OB^an;;?hee^tt»Hon^ • NO RUBBISH TO TH BOW OUT. x Ac^^o^-Spmef house; ten f SA^&E&& *X-* W^cSi *%£PS&± S " ga*— A - te - ALL NEW AND UP-TO-DATE. B^,^ BADDELEY AND CO., '" M &£*'£'&'££%£*' • p. MOFFATT. —^ frontage to main, street; also 100 ft LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS, W/ANTEJJ — Good „Uirl, Uirl for housa . Secretary.' to another street; good 5-roomcd RIDGWAY STREET. >V work . Sleep at home. Apply Don't forget the address- house. Price, .£330; ridiculously ' ■ — - Hi:iu^.d Offlct.. Pnhi.o «,«„,, * -w^tt wr« v -»-*7- n1 « w t»r , * low^ „,„., '... ' . . - ' C*. L. DUIGAN, v \^7ANl'i:D to Rent— An Brroomefl PnDMo P°.° nel '- T>ER.<3Y W RIGHT S j-Acre St John's Hfll, with good up-to- „ AOFNT * c *^ • ttowo »» ow. Apply J. Fair- • . . ,XT TT dato 7-roomed house (j«st buUt), HOUSE ( AND LAND AGENT, 4c, bnn f. o , nrnißsion Agent . * v * . \ ' . fiAlt ' CASH BOOK DBTOT - • tubstuifw^g^andw^rlaid . , K^wa^ ' %»7aNTEI> to Sell-160 bags of flr.^ ' 29VHPSS • . • . -i il „ l ob, Shaddock' rajigoi etc., 'etc' shmrOß for- B«le^— - - *' class OftrrOtS, cheap. Apply P.O. ■*■ jO££&L*EL ' Victoria Avenue, oppoaite the Convent. Beautiful positioning locality. To f KWaWuui Freezing Company. ' X 801 lg ' ff^"°' J ' '.' » n «r '• "^~ bo 80 , ld^ Coa . fc Price, tho owner ' 50 Wanganui Loan and Finanoe Co. m*7-A.NTBD to Let -New 6-roomed! " NEW ZEALAND RAILWAYS. V UfiglNG TT OM E, having entered into business, which Money to Lend- TT House on Biver Bank. Possession , < i^l XJ. interferes with f his living on the . ±'2400 in one or more sums, on good on Augmst Ist. Apply Mrs R.S.Dow, ALTERATION IN NAME OF "CAR- MRS and MISS EDMONSTONE. oi.^ aad '• anarlir 1 - wltt 9 roomed' -d Reourity. Interest s%. . Aramond. - -- • KIETO ™, M . Bi^ -g-gag^g -^-aaaa^^. w SE g^a ; oNWoVttr0 N WoVtt r^ oKTthe^aUo0 K Tthe^aUon n at Telephone 262. 6 Ac G res ° d PX-^od^romed hou S ei J-W^-t^l-t..- TTTANTBD Known-That the OddVf 1901, the name o^f. the station at , Luko range,- 3 miles: from town; £700-Ch 9 ico residential property; full \\ fellows' Social and Danos is to be «««f?. g Mfisagean'd Hygienic Treatment. . near schofl. Price; J5395. . J-aore town section;, good Street; new hela in , heFire Brigßde Hall not y,, tK| B 1 ' ' . SECTIONS in Liverpool, Bell, Keith, , an d weli-boilt 6 roomed house, bath- od(Ke uows' Hall asjbefore notified. '. . BY ORDER. - Alexander, Ballh Wickstcrd, St. l room, etc.; rauge, drain, water, and yttantbd _a Good Man' Cook j. tad and 00., 2L?S«JiJaA ■ eSB*S"?&SS W^jg* A^Softitt *>«n"n^ T.niTvsmitli' (eatrr terras'* room, pantry, eto. £250 caah, balance. i*iagway atreat. F^ljSlg^cSSSS GENERAL HOUSE. FURNISHERS ' m-* oO acre. W^SSI^SSSStt Hotel either stolen or taken by mistake from AND UNDERTAKERS, 50 * Acres, 2* miles Urom town level; nice duelling of 6 rooms, bcul- in the Assembly "Rooms every Wednesday - the hall of Chavannes' Hotel, on or abont > (Lease), 6-roomed * houso thereon ; Jery, etc ; large stable, garden, plan- fortnight, oommenoine 34th instant. July 18th-20th inst. The above sum and -„.=». tha pr^w-rUn Churob- lease -for U years. Hent, X 45 per tation.andorohard; 4 padflocks ; • ex- „'.,„„., A General Servant no qnestions asked will be paid for Opposite the Presbyterian Onuron, annum; near -school. . tensive road frontage. Pnoaverylbw. \\T A™i7MV«Dn a «n^wLJiaS2! • the immediate return of same. Kull par- • 60 Acres (lease), mile from town; good Principals only. > T T Apply Mrs Pnstin, Wilson Btr— t. ticulars and details of all contents of the VICTORIA AVENUE. ' house, cow bails and shed thereon; £250— 4 aores aud 4-roomod dwelling, 3 J \\T ANTED- Smart Boy aa Buttons. - bag have been communicated to tho police - 3 paddocks; carry U0 to 40 cows. miles fiom town; suitable for poultry; T T Apply Chavannea' Hotel. • and anybody, after this notice, retaining Rent, JE6O; lewo, 5 years. 3 paddookß, orchard, garden, shed, eto. v^t-aNTED Known- SalterTypewriter or attempting to dispose of same will be • . 475 Acres (For Sale),; 150 a.res level, £ 6 70-Beotion 90ft frontage ; L.T. title ; W for sale in pwfeosordar, would • - rigorously prosecuted. "A LL ORDERS wiU bo eieouted under balance -undulating; "os° to twbgoo3 new dwellings; onehouss soidon terms. Excellent opportunity or L !^vrT/ip nn<~vfn-HrnxrkT -«■ the personal supervision of Mr J. school; all wire fencing; Qivioed of 5 rooms, gas etove, trap shed, eto. ; myone wißhintf to learn prioa NOTICE OF REMOVAL. "TRUBSELL. into several paddocks; well water- other 5 rooms, bath-room, etc. gas, S IOX H CotSr* Co! • ' ■ - — . ed ; • 4-roomed (new) house, cow »ater drain. Safe and desirable in- _V~" ■ — " - WDAGG notiaes that he J has re- ' • • B h e d, stock yards, sheep yards, olc., vestment. Good looality. \MT ANTED Known — Johnnies from - • moved his Bootmaking and Be- . two and a-half cheep.besides cattle. £ 2 50 Full J-aore ; really ohoioe section ; TT £& at " The Hub." ■ pairing Business to more commodious "WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED. JPrice, .66 10s per acre; JJ2OOO can ne |i i eu oe"d; water laid' on \ large «TJANTED Known — We are nowpremises in Ridgway Street, next Odd- . , remain on mortgage. stable with 5 looso boxts ; easy terms ; TT showing- the new Art Needlework fellows' Hall. 1400 Aores (For Sale), 3 miles flora a bargain. : and Materials just arrived. Also. Fanoy -j mTTn 1 school, P.O. and dary factciy; jgiaO-Theoheavest bnilding allotment in Goods and Toys. Mrs Dunn, Victoria THE BOOK OF THE YEAR., Plotnre Framing a Speciality. post and wire fencing; divided the marKet; 42ft frontage ; L.T.- title; Avenue. • ... THE DUKE'S Vlili TO SOUTHER* " T^^^Z'^f^ « JJ-^«»-» «*-» -^^ W ANTED- Buyer, for our ta« ISLES. etc; about 600 acres level. 6NLY £350 _6orL.e7seoti 9 n, 66 x 90ft; dwelling ■*▼ • io *} k . »» "•*."* S22iKf A i^mn.™ »--, s- m- LEONiBDL EONiBD J oaES ' -ar.-y— -- r* iL—"±tsi.r»|i^S A. venir os tho Memorable and His- x a ,, TnnT n nnvrnv fiI'KEET 200 Acres (For Sale), two miles" from waten> oto . '. terma. - "Leo" CVole Works. torioaliVisit. - Biljuiu. wuiiua nmonx. town; nice farm, per acre. £130-De«rable building allotment, 50ft «T ANTED Known — Cremer'a Sew BYMALOOLSiRosa. ■ «.„.„ ove -v day for Paintinc'and 80 ° Acres ( For Sale),, nice farm, wiOi f lO ntage; L.T. title; well fenoed; TT Art Needlework and Materials, Price .. .. .. OneSbiiling. T) " I *f° e3e 3 every aßy lor *■»««»»*.•"« n u accessary eonveniencosi* a few sma u d«posit. and very easy terms. ex s fi. Wei-.ralia. Also, Toys and Fanoy Publianoa 'by McKoe A Co, Wellington. w?!l'"8'w ?!l'"8' riven m ro v er Work Ma- milos from Wangnnuij M 10s per Full i-acrc; L.T. Act; " well Goods. F.rat direct importation ot the 'To be had of all Booksellers. nM «f«rU PiSnMno Wood filaininC and aOla ol0 ' <■ ' * fenced; new 7-roomed dwelling; season. Very choice Goods. Inßttectioa queterie, .Paintinfi, Wood Staining, and IQQ AorM gal . n(jor towrx; concrete foundations, bathroom and invited. - ' DANCING ASSEMBLY ROOMS. Ca S beginß witU nte i lesson. nice form, gooi house, ct..; Xj^ scullery ; drain water, - and gas ; AN T „ KnoWQ ._ wu^^ , c ■ per acre.^ , wash houso with, copper and tuba; yw fi,.«nßiiionn»nn i« thnVilat h« MISS GURR w prepared to receive " — 520 Acres (For Sale), 7 miles from the coal house, etc. Good locality. A.* v ., KedWon^ev^where PlsasS Pupils for the 2nd quarter, com- station; 500 acres in grass, balance comfortable .and cheap home. li «\if ?uSIWT'n»nJ!S menoing SATURDAY, 27th July. Mimmnnnr bnoourf in light bush; 4 paddocks, fencing £ iOO-Nice building allctment 44ft front- SSLSim Llt " e J obn 8 Cash ""^^ Houri, 11 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. MATTHEW RUSSELL, goodi well waU-red; large 7-room- B go; L.I 1 . Title { well fenced; a bar Emporium. ; Address c/o Mrs D.odgshun, ' Wioksteed • ed houße with every convenience, . gain. , . . \\T ANTED Known —Remnants of Street. _" GROCER & PROVISION MERCHANT woolßhed, «yard^, etc. (all new) ; the , ,, v< TO LET. .TT Dress Fabrioa, Printn, Shirtings. gj land is undulating aud firsr-class Large Store, Tnupo Qujy, next Sclanders Flanuelottos, Sheetirgs, eto. All marked Ridgway Street, Wangunui. grazing country. 'Rent, 6s per acre, and Co." Low rent. ' - at Clearing Ptioes tor Caah only B. H. ' Tender*. . with purchasing clau3o of A72s 6d 7 rooms, Glasgow Street, 18s. White and Co., Drapeis. Clotbiferg, Out- : .Sells for CASH — per acre. , 7 rooms, Cnmpbelltown, 15s. fitters, etc., W'acganni ' TO CONTRACTORS. . ' 500 Acres (For Sale), 3 miles from the Also, 2 superior Ke-ideuces. li"«TANTfc:D Known—That the New T_„..„„,.T _„..„„,. T .. , • KEROSENE, 8/9 per case , station, noar'y ail nlougrbaMo: di — • yy ZeuUnd Times Company Lta ". ENDERS are invited until noon on ' * v ided into 12 paddocks; 1- iwrned . See .my Property List on the fourth have" made -ueoial arranaements for tha SATURDAY, 27th instant, for v » 4/6 per tm 1 - taM •b^ Bhe avin,' slit da [.page of this issue* J ' ™K ?rf £St pSK Far tar' levelling sand near the Powder Magazine. SUGAR, No. 1, 8/3 per 401 b bag dip, etc. Price, ,£9 per ncic. J:2100 C . L. DUIOAN. • r part°oalLs ap P pT&R^ C)ffiS. Heads Koad. ' N 2 8/ _ 40 i b Da _ • can romaiu at 4J per ceiit. House and Land Agent, '- _ w^" „„„_.— r zr: — Plans, etc., at my offices. ' Mo. j, 8/por «ib nag , (F or ' Sale), Benu^iful farm, Ridgivay Street.' ' Known- We have waiting A ATKINfi FRIBA FLOUR, 7/9 per 1001 b bag best in Wanganui; scii, .lark loam: ' .■ ' . TT<- engagement Family of six, wantA. ATKINS, F.RJ^A ,Srs 450 slioeo,- besides cattle ; -" rnßtandFonnd 'y" pg to n,uk on shares, thoroughly axperftlomM> • " _ ' * „. .. , hPiintifillv watered ; »very Rood Lost and Found. j> ienced, excellent references. Pmohesanol . I . TOBACCO, Juno. 9d per stick 1, 0 ," 0 ircuaid. tt-... ~ 77^— Co.. Waoganni Labor Exchange. LAI? .For High-class Goods „ . Derby, lOd per stick o tc; 'can be divided iuto-lwo'. I^T,** twee « Ka na n|aro a and Wan- K nbwn - Vaoaneies for .IMJ!- -and Novelties. , - W() havo Fatms o{ „„ ai ., ea ; o ,,, ppri es,. s , of Cbde Sy^a S W boarders at " KingaUnd Vilto.SEE apeoimens df Platino Portraits at -. ' • at Mutton, Palmerston, vLo.iUhii';, Hun- tainingsimowiUbaproseooted. Address Guyton Street, comfortable home, piano, Brogan's Btudio, Ridg way Street. vvp WVTTrrTlirf , .„ T O WEST PRTOEs' torville. Pdl-a. Tarunnki/ilawera; lima p. 13. iJuokrß'.l, Kauangaroa, Fordrll. baths, washing., 18/-, also apartments. ¥ S baby oioss and fretful ? Then give *' V *' KYliJil ' l(T AT UWJ » A . mua - nian> . oll.c^ m niid.. uear „Woiigainii. . «TANXI2D Known- A Ladies' Perfeo* V^^^^lJ^%l T H,tbi Ugß you eat arenot the thin, 8 P ao ' tet - __1 fTfTANTED Known- -ThatNosworthy'a and Sections nearly in every street. A to take ohances with. Only tne TX7^ANTI!.p Known — A Bed. BM Lg~\ Jj\ For Baby Linen, Jand TT Kidney Cure oureßßright'sdisea eomo with your cash and' w« will enii- best class of Groceries Qoroa in or go Qqt TT (Gent's) nearly new, Sip.afupie; •V/«}Jll« Undorolothing. and all pfher kidney troubles. 2/6bottlo ply the Land. of Rußsell'e Stere, Hub."

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Wanganui Herald, Volume XXXV, Issue 10398, 23 July 1901, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Wanganui Herald, Volume XXXV, Issue 10398, 23 July 1901, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Wanganui Herald, Volume XXXV, Issue 10398, 23 July 1901, Page 3