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On our fouith page will be found Volunteer Sen ice Notes (by "Seigeant Know all'), also spotting. Messrs Baddeley ,md Tyeiman have a u'ry important advi>itis«ment m tniß lsuo lc pioducc and coals to arnve. Owing to the apathy of the settlers, it is reported the Calif ornian thistle is ipieadmg m the Forty-mile Bush. The Salvation Army intend holding an rp-nver picnic by tho Wnnere on Monil.iv, the steamer leaving at 8 o'clock. Captain Edmm \wied at 12.27 to-day — Noith-oast to noith and west gale, glass fall, sea heavy, tides high, indications ol rain. Tho talk of tho town is the wondeiful baigains m men's and boys' clothing at the Now Zealand Clothing Factory's gteat s,ale. Tho Premier lv» decided to lotam the I'oi'tioho of Deience The lcmaming -acamy m the Cabinet will ue dehnitely tilled up by Tuesday. Nomination 1 : tor the Hgmtml Baring Uubs Sinnmor Jlcolms;, to bo hold on th<> lltli ami 15th Febmaiy, close on Monday nevt. Newfouudlftiid, for patriotic leaeoua, is willing to rouow the modus Mvendi lnUißirto ousting with Fiance in connet*tum with tho nshanea. Mr Hull, Stock Inspector, has just mado a tour of the Bangitikei distncl, wheie ho has seen some excellent ciops ot wheat. lie estimates that the yield will bo close upon 40 bushes to tho acre. Wo would specially diaw the attention of lariiici-ti and otheis to Mesiis liaddeley and Tyerman's pneo list ol properticb in tint,, out ol which there seem to bo some leally first-clabs inve&tments. Hcmbois of the Wansjanui Economic Uuildniff Society will note that in t'Hisoqnence of ilonday beinij a public holiday tho Society s pay night will be held on Tucfcday, tho 23rd instant, at the usual hour. We aie requested by Mesbis George md Keisley to announce that they ate not only lcdiicing tho prices in household di.vpciy and ladies' goods during their sale, but also on men's mercery, tailoring, and ready-made clothing. Tho annual picnics m connection with tho Presbytenan and Baptiut bunday Schools will be held on Monday next (Anniversary Day). The former will -.pend tho day up-river and the Uvttoi go to tho Recreation Ground, adjoining the Bacccoureo. On Monday tiainfi lea\o town for Castlecliff at 9.30, 10.30, and 11.30 a.m. md in the afternoon at 12.30, 1.30, 2.30, t.30, and 5.10. A lato train will also U\no for the Heads at 10. Should tho weather bo (me, the trams will no doubt bo \cry largely patronised. A ■plivibing ceremony took place at Auckland on Januaiy 11th, when Mr C. A. Jackson, ol Ponsonby, Auckland, was united to Jlisa Hdith Maude Barnott, eldest daughter ot tho lato Mr Thomas Bainotl, of this town. Mr Jackson is a .veil-known and prominent athlete. A water famine ib beginning to make itself felt at Tauranga (says the Bay of Plonty Times), and people aro once more lipeumiug the necessity of some sort of public supply, ideas langing from the lull .£12,000 scheme, fiom Oiopi, down to a eouplo of windmill pumps and storage tanks. Tho tender of Mr A. Shaw, of DuuI'din, has been accepted for the erection of the new Dmiedin Law Couits. Tlio for tho woiko is understood to luivc been and Mr Shaw's price a f-hghtly under that figure, being about £19,300. A Clnistchincli contiactor wa, ho nc\t lowest tenderer. An unexpected tup to Wellington, on << i .ul the 'Io Auau, »as taken by the iiev. C. Coates, of Lyttelton. That ■ ktlemau had gone on board on Saluri! 7 night to bid taicncll to Lieutenant Hume, and while ho was below the steomi'i left tho whaif without his liaving noticed the usual signal for visitors to go <hoie. Veto" writes us to the effect that he n<reied light work to the old man Hopluiibon, whim wo vcstciday referred to vi having lult the Old Men's Home. Oui (unes-pondent slates that during Ins uinwMaalion with Hopkwson the latter made no complaints against the Homo, and ho doubts if he is as old as we slated. It has been suggested uy a coiresponiknt, says a contemporaiy, that, m view ol tho piesent high prices of wool and slu-cn, n tax ot one penny per head on tho latter would hardly be felt. The w respondent states that this tax, il levied, on the 20,000,000 sheep at present in the country, would produce something hko £80,000, which might bo applied in aid ot the Patriotic Fund. As usual the public are well catored for on holidays by tho up-nvcr steamers. Should sufficient inducement offer theru will bo a special excursion to llio caves beyond Pipiriki to-morrow, the Ohura leaving the wharf at 7 a.m. and returning on Monday. There will also be the nstial afternoon excursion to-morrow, the proceeds of which go to the Wangamu Special Contingent fund. On Monday there will be an excursion at 10 a.m. and another at 2.30 p.m. Saturday's Otago Daily Times hays; — "If the prices realised at yesterday 'b sale keep up we shall probably hear once more of ' wool kings.' La3t evening ]6d per lb was paid for greasy wool, This is the highest price paid m the colony for 30 years, and was obtained for five bales combing merino wether grown by Messrs G. and J. S. Nichol, Abbotßford station, and sold by Messrs Wright, Stephenson and Co." Bainbridge is m a precarious condition at tho Auckland Hospital. It appears he visited the farm of Mr Nichols, near Taniaki river on Monday. Mrs Nichols, m conversation, complained of the havoc weasels made of her poultry. He said he would &hoot them with his revolver. He shot one, and, in clambering up the river bank, slipped, and fell, the levoh er going aS. The bullet came out at the back. It is doubtful whether he will survive. He made a statement at the hospital that tho affair was purely accidental. The Education Department has for sonio timo been in communication with tho Mataura Falls Paper Mill Company with reference to art paper for use in the. 1 schools ol tho colony. At the last meeting of the Education Board (says the Southland Times) a sample was submitted that was in every way creditable to tho manufacturers. The verdict of tho experts to whom it had been submitted was one of thorough approval. Some slight chaugos w ill be made in the weight and hue of paper, and it will be supplied to those schools that wibh it for art purposes. Tho young couple, who eloped irom their homes in Taranaki and were stopped at Wellington while en route for Sydney by a warrant, losued at the instaucG of tho young woman's lather, have como happily thiough their initial troubles. The relenting father's lougwithLeld consent came to hand yesteiday, and the young couple lost no time m seeking out tho Registrar, before whom they were mado cne. The police proceedings will, it is understood, now be stayed, but, in any case it was considered that the information could not havo been sustained, as the girl was not carried off against her mil.— -Post.

The pubho aro taking full advantage of the great sale now being held at the New Zealand Clothing Factory. The shop is crowded with eager buyers every day. In tho window at Goldsmith's Hall is displayed to-day by Messrs Nettleship ond Thomson, some beautiful specimens of workmanship, in the form of medals specially manufactured by the firm to the order of the Wanganui Caledonian Society. Three of these are for the dux in the different schools, two are for the piping competitions, and one is presented by the firm. The trophies will be ou view this evening. Iho locomotive engine Moaua, lately purchased by the Castlecliff Railway Company, arrived in sections by tho Glenelg yesterday and was sent up to the railway workshops at Eaßtown to be put togethor. It is expected that this latest valuable addition to the C.R.C.'S rolling stock will be running in about a fortnight's time. The Company has also bought two waggons, which will be sent from Auckland on the next trip of the Gluielg. A conceit in aid of the Transvaal War funds (widows and orphan section} will bo held m tho Public Hall, Waitotara, on Tlnusday evening, 25th instant, under tho able management of Madame ((oliLe, assisted by Mesdaiues Ramsay, Moisjan, Malpas, the Misses. Day and ■\lcCaithy. Se\eral new items will be introduced, including a lecitation by Mrs Ramsay, also a song "The Absent■\lindcd Beggar" by Mis Malpas. Messrs Morgan (comic), and McCarthy (violin) and other gentlemen will assist, thus making tho concert ono ot the most enloyable ever held here. On Monday iCaledoi'ian Night! Naylor's Novel iy Company will appear at the Oddfellows' Hall 111 their high-class and refined enteitainment, when new patriotic songs, new dances, burlesques, Scottish items, etc., will bo contributed. Amongst tho performers who will take part 111 the piogramme lie Madame Nnyloi (contralto and solo pianist), Miss Nellie Warner (the child wonder), Charles L. Naylor (silver tenor), W. H. Bartlett (baritone), Wagneriski duggler) mid W. Leagian (comedian). Popular prices are to be charged, and there should bo an oxcellent holiday house.

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Wanganui Herald, Volume XXXIV, Issue 9944, 20 January 1900, Page 2

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Untitled Wanganui Herald, Volume XXXIV, Issue 9944, 20 January 1900, Page 2

Untitled Wanganui Herald, Volume XXXIV, Issue 9944, 20 January 1900, Page 2