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Complaints have reached us that the police yesterday were anything but energetic in their attempts to recover the body of the unfortunate lad Evans, who met his death by drowning just below the cattle wharf. We are informod that two members of the force tardily appeared on the scene after the accident and very leisurely proceeded to drag for the body with gear brought from tho wharf, whore it it is kept by the Harbour Board. As it was a very hot day and a strong ebb tide running, the police soon tired of their exertions and informed the onlookers that it was no use trying to reaover the body with tho appliances they possessed, and that they would try again in the morning These easy going members of the force,we are told, 'then wont away and took with them the appliance?, whioh others were willing to go on dragging for the body with, if they were allowed ' to. Several persons with primitive extemporised drags took up the work of trying to recover the poor lad's body whon the police had gone away and taken with them tho Harbour Board's gear. Persevorenco was lator crowned wHh "• success as the body was recovered by the aid ot a fishing net, not far from where the lad was last teen in the water, which was very deep and Bwift at that point. If our information aiient tho inaotion of the two members of the polico force referred to is correct, there should be an enquiry made by the Inspector into the matter, as also as to tho appliances at the Police Station for tho recovery of bodies of drowned persons, which wo hear are conspicuous by their abscucc, having been lost in former efforts to recover bodies from the river and not replaced by new ones. These are matters that want looking into without delay. Top much praise cannot bo given to those who so assiduously dragged for tho body of young Evans till thoy recovered it. Their tireless energy was in r/iarked contrast to "that tired" feeling .which, it 13 said, bo quickly made itself manifest in the paid guardians of tho public safety, who wore so soon content to put off their efforts to recover the body until noxt morning, when the weather would be cooler and the ourront weaker.

An endeavour is being mnde (says the Paltnerston Times) to arrange for a bowling tournament, to be held at Easter at Palmei'ston North, at which Wellington, Feilding, Danevirke andFaltnorstonfllubs will compete. Captain Jackson Barry, who is now living in Auckland, attained his 80th year a few days ago, and was publioly entertftincd on the occasion. The Auckland Star reports the gathering to have been a great success, '4'hg Goyerpment has been rpquested to have an analysis mado of goal whioh been found at Tungarakau, about 60 miles from Stratford, and a thorough examination of the deposits. A Wellington telegram states that the rainfall last night was 122 inches, the maximum for too month. Tho total for January was 4*83 inohes, as against 0-95 for last January. The average for the monfji was 3/p. Three houses were destroyed yesterday afternoon" by fire in Liverpool Street, Auckland. The honaes wpro' occupied by Mrs Stubbs, Miss Tye. and T^fr Taylor. The fire then extended to Karangaiiape Road and destroyed the residences of Mrs Catoheon and Mr Hamloy. Messrs R. H. White and Co. are drawing attention to a speoial remnant sale jjqvy pn a{ fheir well-jjijown cagh drapery warehouse, pbrjipr'of Ayenue and Ridgwf).y §treec. Messrs White and Go. ljaye largp }ieap3of usjefulrein,rifl,ntsqn their rejijnant counters, and. those wh,o } a bargain jn this, v/ay should, no fiifle jn paying Messrs White a,ijd fio. a yisit. A singular fatality ogcurredafc Dunpdin }aqt wee]iT Miss EJlen Qoyfe swajlowec} a niese of s>egl fl,bqut 12 Jong, belongnig to her oorsst, whfph was' b§nt dfiHWp before it was pushed down her throat. The hospital doctors performed an operation to remove it, but peritonitis developed four days afterwards and she died. Mr Pascoo, of Wellington, who has been engaged as diver in connection with tho salvage operations at the wreck of the TaWania, reports that at high water the vessel's'itnairi deck is <)3 'feet below tfle surface. (jChe 'steamer has a slight lfs't, imjl is 2f feet out gi the sijnd. It is supposed thaf'ljjp acf i'pn gf tbe'saa 1} as formed a goiter round her." At a meeting qf the committee of tho Wanganui Horticulturaf $gciety lapji evfcufn'g in Mr C, Wriiyte ogee, raij.tfce.rß in connection wflsh %' au fnpn show wen discussed. -The ctjajrman ttlr A. D. Willis)' signified p}s lnkntjon pf ag&in otferiifg eight prizes, and if was announced that mojifthe W9C^ $ys *wn& o? lQsana'&rsKieijione 0/ #» for C\)p best pWqfobbjldls cojttagq gardpn d,rawn to bale, t{)P "competition, tq b,e lfmited, to ohildren.unoei- rji or |§ ve.ara of age, as the Sooiety may decide. $ess,i:s Qptjefield, Willis, A. Laird and Babbage were apnointsd a cqmmittee to report fe replenishing and i-Bpalrfng'tho gggiety's plant. The Rev.'A. O: Wijliams' name' was ajjdgd, fa the committee. The secretary was jnstrugted {9 wrjte to the Gqvernmpnji with a ? j§w ttf sficurfng ft snepia] prise fqr apples suitable fop gxpprt. Thg sfafefnenfe of accounts In oonneotion with the regent show gave the receipts as £88 lls Dd; expenditure £52 5s 6d, leaving a credit baIaTMW of 68 3d, which will be swelled by eubsoripttonq &i) 4 donations- still to come [a. It was decided to oall ft egm.> mittee meeting lot February 10th, to go into'the matter of preparing a catalogue, and that members be asked to come prepared with suggestions for additions to the catalogue, g • j : .j: h

Tlie ljbdy' found north of Mokaahas been identified as that of John Crozier. Messrs Williams and Havper will sell at their mart to-night at 10 o'clock, 50 bundles of fish. The barometer at 2 p.m. to-day registered 30. The thermometer inside was 75*. '' Mr Thomson, Dublin Btreet.will resume his aZterncon cla3se3 on Monday, 6th Febrnary. $ The first term of 1899 of the Wanganui Collegiate School will begin on Thursday next. \» The new. offices for the Marton Advocate are to be constructed of brick. Mr J. Jones, of Wanganui, is the contractor. The latest addition to the Telephone Exchange is No. 197, Herman's Sample Booms, Kidgway Street. The Corporation's new Bteam road roller has beon put together by Mr D. Murray ,'and will bo on view under steam at the Coundil yard this evening at 7.15 o'clocki Messrs Williams and Harper will sell by public auction, in the Oddfellows' Hall to-morrow at 2 p.m., a specially selected lot of Rattan ware and Japanese>g6odß. For the .convenience of purchasers they will be on view this afternoon and ingAs will be seen by advertisement elsewhere the progressive candidates for seats on the Harbour Board — Messrs A. D. Willis, J. Thain, A. J. Parsons, and B. M Gatenby— intend placing iheir views before the ratepayers at a meeting to be held iv' the Borough Council Chambers on Friday evening next. In all the branches of a high-class tailoring and outfitting establishment, Mr H. Neverman, of the Avenue, guarantees everything -.up-to-date and particularly cheap in all lines. Attention is directed to the new importations in tweeds, serges, etc., - the guarantee being that every garment will be thoroughly shrunk, well out, and well finished, with satisfaction iv every instance. The secretary of the Hospital Board desires to acknowledge with thanks the receipt of six cases of fruit from Mr John Duncan, a, number of magazines from Mrs Newman (Turakina), and a parcel of illustrated papers from Mrs Stevenson for the benefit of patients at the Hospital. Mr A. 0. Ritchie also wishes to acknowledge 'with thanks a parcel of clothing for the inmates of the Old Men's Home from a friend. i Major Sommerville has now definitely arranged that the Champion Meeting will be held at Putiki. Hois much indebted to Walter Wiremu Hipango and Mr Davis for the assistance they havo given him in obtaining the range from the natives, while "the lessees (Messrs Downer, Cholmoiey.Bromer, and Mrß Kay) have given their consent most willingly. The trench will be on Mr MoKenzie's land, and he'has done everything in his power to assist Major.SomnierVille in having the range at Putiki. The Building Committee of the Education Board .yesterday resolved that the Education Department be written to respecting" the subsidy on lettering classes, pointing -out that this was really signwriting, and that the Board considers they are entitled to the subsidy under the Act. It was also decided to npply to the Department fQr a subsidy of pound for pound on the transfer from the Bees bequest and aIBO for £400 for ths Palmerston North Technical School. It was resolved to procurs a cyclostyle for the use of the science master at the Technical School, and the secretary was instructed to communioatewith.Mr Bobbins respecting an art master for the Hawora Technical School. Wo regret to have to record the death of Mrs Elizabeth Lovo, who passed away this morning after a long and painful illness, contracted chiefly by tho 'bus accidont some few years ago, since which time sho has been a continual sufferer. Tho deceased, who was the daughter of tho late John Stewart of tho Royal Artillery, was a native of Wanganui, and 38 years of ago. She leaves sevon children with her' husband (Mr John Love, of Aramoho) and a very large oirclo of friends to mourn their loss. The funeral takes place to morrow, and it will be noticed by advertisement that the mem hers of Court Roderick Dhu, A.0.F., are invited to .meet at the residence of the deceased at 4 p.m. to attend the last sad rites. A sad fatal accident ooourred yestorday afternoon in the river, near the gas werks, a lnd named Fred. Evans being drowned. The unfortunate lad was b&thing in company with several other boys about his own age, and it is supposed ho struck his head while diving oft' a canoe. He rose to tho suvfaco after diving, but sank immediately. The'acoident ocourred about 2 o'olocit, and jt was not till an hour and a half afterwards- that tho police were informed 'of itHo occurrence. Sergeant Dwyer and Constables Duddy and Ward eearched for the Lody till 5 o'clock with grappling irons. At 5.30 Constable Young went down to assist in the search and the body waß shortly afterwards recovered in a fisherman's net. An inquest will be held at 3.30 this afternoon before Mr E. N, Lifli ton, Acting-Coroner. The Manawatu Standard thns speaks of tho opening performance of Harmston's Circus at Palmerflton on Saturday evening;—Onoß inside tho commodious tent the performance commenoes with a swing (Vlld a dash that is highly creditable to the manngemept, and is worthy of the highest praise. There is not a dull moment, Tho horses are nicely conditioned, carefully trained, and bear the stamp of good breeding. Surprising feats of skill and daring, drawing forth immense applause, quioldy Buperssdo one another without nny of those long, tiresome waits which one haa become acoustomed to experience ftt th» ordinary run of oirpuses, The management evidently havo the whole of the pprforuiers otid staff under pqmpjete control, and all the acts, arp pprfgrmed in the very best of styles. The clowns are not the dull fellows of old with the same stereotyped sayings, but something fresh, vigorous and with plenty of " go," with new jokes, told in a humorous vein, the tolling points of whioh did not fail to create roars of laughter. Besides they ppyed' themselves to be clever acrobats and' their bye-play with each other was 1 $aGlydone. / . When any remedial agent has stood the test' of tinioVm'ay'be fairly '^rantod T tha| ltd efficacy is fully proved affd' itsf popularity with 1 the public thoroughly assured. Elevon years', for instauco, is a somewhat I lengthy period, more especially wh.en it is tiikon intp pQijsjderatipri fb,af ' there are so many manufactures planning tq be pljen.qra^ual ifl tl|e pure qf many of those ills wljich flesh iq {is'jr tq Thetf again, the s^eadfljr inpreiisi'ng dpnjajjd iftuSjt b,, e taken ijito consideration', for tins is, |£ anything, to be bracjjetffed 'w}th-the'tirae test. It ,'is '"therefore, with pardonable nricfe tijat the p,rqnr(etor of tlifit first-class fiouseftol'd c "jem^y— JJ afantiy's fj ough M&tuje- PDifits fq th.p extraordinary sup: pcs's acjifeyeq fR placfpg it p_n fjie piarlcet, as also to unsolicited tes6hr)opials daily received from those who have used it with stibli gratifying e£feet,and with such undoubted results. Foi/ young and old of both Bexes, for those troubled with coughs, colds, inlluenza, bronchitis, whooping cough, and indeed all cheat, complaints its genuineness is undoubted, and tho cure effected hi an oxfraorcjinarjly short space, qf \m\e. Hitherto, the Cough Mixture"has'he.ej} pat up in large bottles, but' Mr Gate'nb'y, 'vMi' oha.rac.teristjo business energy, now offers tq the public a "smalfe'r .si|ed battle, for' whjcfj the enuatty smalf BJjm" of \b 'm is charged. This fiff of 3s gyery hqiisehplder the ogport'uriity of cotysfaptry beeping tlje remedy jn else 6f emergbnoy, ana jt }s'wp;}y of nqfce'tbai the general pubhp fully rqcog : mse wjfat };as b>en, fione \q suit their cqnv,e,njenge by purchasing }n large puapjiitjps for fut uro use. !J. I niß 'tyay be absolutely st^pd that 'nfi* sn}y js. oatenb,y's Cough Mixture most pleasant tq the taste, heing readily* taken 'by children, but }n the majority qf 'instances qnly a few dqaos are required tp alleviate th,os.e distressing 'pc-ai plain fcg tf) which reforenoo has peeti^mada aboye. '4?h.e A|ixtqre is fop sale wholesale and vetail at Mv Gatenby's sh,op jn the Avenue, and may be f rqm (ill storekeepers in town oiid ooqntry,

The sitting of the Old A«e Pensions Court was jes'.erday adjourned till the 10th February. Mr James Croker has resigned his position as manager of the Blenheim branch of the Loan and Mercantile Co. The proprietor of the Bell-street orchard notifies oheap fruit in our wanted known column. Matthew Miller, second engineer of the steamer Gertie, was found dead in his berth at Westport yesterday. It iB supposed the cause of death is heart disease. A man perfectly nude was found wandering about the suburbs of Ashburton on Saturday morning. He was proved to be insane, and was taken to Sunnyside in tho evening. - Chess players are reminded that entries for the Chess Championship in connection with the Wanganui Chess and Draughts Club, also for tho table presented by Mr Armstrong dose to-night at the Club room, St Hill Street. A large number of crack swimmers of St George's Swimming Club are going to Patea to, compete ai the Water Carnival to be held on 18th February. All those intending to go are requested to be at the town station not later than 7.45 a.m. Our readers will bear in mind the clearing sale of dairy stock and appliances at Mr Autridge's farm on Thursday next. The excellent quality of his milch cows is certain to induce competition. For the convenience of buyers the time of sale has been fixed at I.3o'o'clock. The successful tenderers for making the target frames for the N.Z R.A. Meeting are the Wangauui Sash and Door Factory the price being 6s for large and 4s for small.- The other tenderers were— H. J. Johns, 7s Gd and Gs 6d ; W. H. Taylor, 7s and Gs ; N. Meuli, 7s 9d and Gs 6d ; W. G. Bassett, Gs 3d and 5s 3d. The man who was yesterday charged with drunkenness and remanded till today for curative treatment, was brought before Mr C. C. Kettle, S.M., this morning. He was still suffering from the effects of his drinking bout, and was unfit to be discharged, consequently he was further remanded till Saturday next. In reference to the Wanganui District Match at the forthcoming N.Z.R.A. championship meeting to bo held here, the Mayor desires us to say that he will be pleased to receive and acknowledge .subscriptions. The amount required is £150. Messre Thain and Co., in addition to presenting a Mauser rifle valued at £25, have intimated to the Mayor that they will also donate £5 to the District Matoh fund. The following gentlemen have also each contributed £s:— Messrs W. H. G. Foster, D. McFarlane, J. Paul, P. Herman, R. Hughes for Wanganui Rifles, and the Mayor. We have no doubt the good example of public spiritedness set by these gentlemen will be followed by others. It is particularly requested that donations should be handed in at once, as it is desired to notify intending competitors in other parts of the colony of the amount of prize money to be given away.

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Wanganui Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 9656, 31 January 1899, Page 2

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THE DROWNING ACCIDENT. Wanganui Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 9656, 31 January 1899, Page 2

THE DROWNING ACCIDENT. Wanganui Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 9656, 31 January 1899, Page 2