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Racing. TXTANGANUI JOOKEJf CLUB. AUTUMN JUBILEE MEETING. THURSDAY & FRIDAY, MARCH Situ and 4th, 1898. President, Dr Earle ; Vice -President, H N Hauuon; Judge. Dr Bsilo ; Starter, CH Chavauues; Handicapper, ,T 0 Evott; Cleik of the Scdes, B A Ciunpbell ; Cleik of the Oouko. Donald Macdouald ; Timekeenci, It Higgie ; Hon. Suigeon, Di Tripe , Hon. Veterinary Surgeon, J A H.uvko. M R.C.V.S. ; Stow.uili, Dr Coujin'ly, E E Fletcher, Alex. Higgle, Citmeiou, A .7 r.usons, J H Nixon, and 14 Anilfiitim Secretaiy and Ticiisurei, Ficeimin B. Jaikson. The Kneed .it this Meeting aio numed after Bomo ut the lioises, Owuerb, Itideis, and Rtowaidg who took pmt in the First Meeting held on the Wauganui fiacocomse in IMS ; and also of some of tho Eaily Srttleis who encouraged the breeding of thoroughbied hoises. Fiiouiujrjn;, MUST DAY— THURSDAY, 3ed MARCH 1898. 1 The "McGiegor" Stakes Handicap, of 150 soys; second hoiso to lecoive 25 soys from tho stakes ; distance, 1 mile ; nomination 1 Boy, acceptance 4 sove ; to start at 12 noon 2 'I he " Slippei " Handicap Hurdle Race, of 150 soys ; second horse to receive 25 toys from the stake* ; about 2 miles aud a distance ; ovei eight nights of hurdles, Sft Gin in height : nomination 1 soy, acceptance 4 so ps ; to start at 12 45 pm 3 The "Lett " Handicap Hack Hurdle Race, ot 100 soys; second hone to receive 20 soys fi urn the stakes ; about H miles; over six flights of huvdloo, 3ft (Sin "in height; nomination 1 soy, acceptance 3 soys. (Vide definition of Hachs.l . To "tart at 1 . 30 pm 4 Wangaum Jubilee Cup Handicap, of 800 soys ; tho fiist horse to leceive 550 fiovs and .i Silver Jubileo Cup of tho value of 100 foys ; second hoise to receive 100 soys ; and tliiid horse 50 soys ; distance, 1!| milrs, In the event of any eutiant winning a haudienp of the \alue of 100 soys after tho decollation of weights, tho haudicapper will leview that h^rte's weight, and will laisa it Of allow it to stand as he thinks fit. It is only winners that will be re-handi-capped. If the weight of any hoise in alteied tho revised handicap will bo publi'lied on or about Satin day, Fobiuary 26th, 1808. Nomination 2 boys, acceptance 5 soys, on Tuesday, February 23rd, 1898, ut 9pm.; and 8 soys on Monday, 28th February, 189S, at 9 p.m. ; to start at 2.45 pm 5 The Wauganui 2-Yeai -Old .Stakes, of 150 eovs; added to a iiweepstake of 10 soys each for starteis ; second horso to receive 30 soys from the sink oa* distance, fa furlough ; colts. Sal 71b ; fillies and geldings, Sst 31b; tho winner of any lace of the valuo of 200 soys to cairy 51b e.\(ia, of 300 soys 71b o>.tia (penalties uotnccumul.itive) ; closed with 31 nominations , acciiutaiic's 4 soy-, and .') boys at the post; to stait at 3 io]mi G 'Hie " Imla\ " Hack Ruce Handicap, of 100 coys , bocoud hni=c to rocuivo 20 soys fiom tho btakes; dutance, I nulo and a diftiiuu, minimum « tight, 7sl 71b ; (Vido definition of jl Hack) , nomination I soy, nnuptaiicu 3 soys; to stiut at 4 15 pm 7 The " Cameron " Handicap, of 160 eovs; second hoise to lccrive 2.) iovs fiom the btakes ; distance, six f r.rljngs ; for 2-yoar-olds andnpmuls; winner of Cup to cany a penalty of 71b, and dinner of AloGiegor Slakes to cany a penalty of 51b (not uocnmulativo) ; uonuuutiou 1 soy ; acceptance 4 soys ; to stait at 6pm SECOND DAY— FRIDAY, Ira MARCH, 1898. 1 Tho "Harrison" Memorial Stakes Handicap, of 120 soya ; socond horse to ieceivo 20 fovs from tho stakes ; distance, (i furlongs ; for 2-yeai.olds andupwaids ; nomination 1 soy ; acceptance 3 soys ; to start at 12 noon 2 Tho " Kawhia" Handicap Hurdlo ßaco, of ISO soys.; second horto to rocoivo 25 sovs from the stakes ; distance, about 2 miles; ovei 7 flights of huidles 3it Gin in height ; nom.uxtiou 1 6ov, acceptance 1 soys ; to stait at I' 2 45 pm 3 The '• Higgin " Handicap Hack Hurdle Pace, of 100 sovi ; second horso to rsccivo 20 aovs f rotn the stakes; about If milos ; ovei fi flightu of hurdles Ait Gin m height , (Vido di'hmtiim of hacks) ; nomination 1 «ov, acctptamo 3 soys , to start at I !'O pin. 4 Waiipnuui Stakes Handicap, of 300 soys ; second horse to lecoive 10 soys, aud tbo thud horse 10 soys from the stakes; distnnco 1^ miles ; tho winner of tho Harrison Memorial Stakes to carry a penalty of 61b , nomination 2 soys, acceptance 6 soys ; to start at 2 30 pm 5 Tho "Watt" Handicap, of 100 eovs ; socoud horso to receive 20 boys from the stakos; for 2-year-ohls, four fuilongs; nomination I soy, acceptance 3 sovh , to shirt at 3 lopm 6 Tho " Campbell " Handicap, of 150 boys ; second horse to roceivo 25 so.vs from the stakes ; distance, 1 milo aud a distance ; winiifr of any handicap this day to carry a penalty of 61b (not accumulative) ; nomination 1 aov, acooplance 4 soys ; to stait at 4 pm 1 The "Turner" Handicap Hack Raco, of 100 soys; secoud hoise to lecoivo 20 sovo from the stakes; distance, 6 furlongs; minimum weight, 7st 71b ; (Vide definition of Hacks) ; nomination 1 soy, acceptauco 3 soys ; to start at 445 Bin 6 The " Smith " Faicwell Handicap, of 100 aovs, second horse to receivo 20 aovs fiom the slakos ; diotauco, 1 mile ; winner of any handicap this day to carry a penalty of 61bs (not accumulative) ; nomination I soy, acceptanco 3 soys , to start at 5.15 pm Definition of a Hack — A hack is a hor^e that has never wou an adverfcinod lace (hack OJid hunter mces executed), and that is not, a t the tiino of start, aud has uot heen, during the three calendar months pievious to the time of start, nominated for any raco — hack a ud hunter lacos oxcepted,. DATES OF NOMINATIONS, WEIGHTS, ENTRIES, & ACCEPTANCES, Aud Amounts to bo iorwaided toSecrotary, Wauganui Jockey Club. AUTUMN JUBILEE MEETING, 3rd and 4th Maroh, 18<J8. TUESDAY, 11th January, 1898, ut 9 p.m. --•Nominations • Wanganui Jubilee Cup and Wanganui Stakes Handicap, 2 sovj each ; Cameron Handicap, 1. soy. MONDAY, 31st January, 1898, at 8 p in. --Nominations: McGiegor Stakes, blipper Hurdle Baco, Kawhia Hurdle Knee, Lett Handicap Hack Hurdles, HigKie Handicap Hack Hurdles, Imlay Haok Flat Handicap, Turner Hack Flat Handicap, Harvisou Momoiial Stakes, Watt Handicap, Campboll Haudicap, and Smith Farewell Handicap, 1 soy each TUESDAY, loth Fnbniaiy, ISOS (on or about) : Weights foi Cap, McGregor Stakes, Clipper Huidlo Rate, Lett Hack Hurdles, Imlay Haok Plat, and Cameron Handicaps. TUESDAY, 22nd Fobniaiy. 189S, at 9 p.m. Accentancea : Wungnnui Jubilee Cup, fi soys ; McGiegor S*akes and Slipper Hurdla Baco, 4 Eavs each , Lett Hack Huidles, 3 soys; Waneanui Two-i ear-old Stakes, 4 sovo, Imluy Hack, 3 soys ; Cameron Handicap, 4 soya ISAIUBDAY, 2btl< Febmary, IS9B (on or about) : ltuvisrd Weights (if uocessary) Wauganui Jubilee Cup MONDAY, i&ih Februmy, Ib9B, at!) p.m. Final Payment : Wauganui Jubileo Cup, 8 BOYS. THURSDAY, 3id March, 1898 (at the post). Final P.iymaut : Two - yoar » old Stakes, 5 soys. THURSDAY, Sid Jlaich, IS9B (at or ahout) 8 pm. : Weights for Second Day's Handicaps. THURSDAY, 3rd March, 18')S, at 10 p m Acceptances : Hoirisou Memorial Stakes, 3 aovs; Kawhia Huiilo Raco, tsovs; Higgio Hack Huidles, 3 hoys; Wanganui Stakes, 6 soya ; Watt Handicap 3 so"vs; Campbell Handicap, I boys ; Turner Hack Flat and Smith Faiowell Handicap, 3 aovs. RULES AND REGULATION'S. To which tho attention of persons entoriug horses is particulaily directed. All entries, nominations, otc , will closo at the Secietary's oflico,Wangauui, at 9p.m., e.iccpt when otherwise specinsd. — All entries to bo scaled and addiesscd to the Socrotary, Wangauui Jockey Club, Wanganui, enhance money enclosed, with the namo, age at time of entiy, name of ownci, jiodigiee, colouis of tho udei, and iv tho case of handicaps wheie horses hayo not previously started on tho Wanganui touise, porfoimancosof the horso. Enhance moneys to go to the funds of the Club.— Entries by tolegiam must be confirmed in writing at tho oailiest possible opportunity. —Stakes are paid iv full.— All laces to be run under the NZ. Buleb of Racing. Prior to any race, the Stewards may order ft parade in front of the stand. Any horse nbspnt ft om auch parade, without the penmjsiou of the Stewards, will bo lined 2 soys.— No entry will borecoived under any pretence whatever after the hour named, N.B. — The stakes in the subjoined piogramme are subject to revision by the Committee piior to closing, as to the dates of entry, acceptance, etc., amount of added money, and conditions. The Committee blbo reserve to themselves the right of altering the dates on whioh the handicaps appear should they deem fit to do so. FREEMAN B. JACKSON, Secretary and Tteasuier. [a card.] S. Q rr ~ R NE *■ UPHOLSTERER & UNDERTAKER VICTOIIU A\LNIU3, Wangaum, AS I reside on the Piemibeb orclei s may be left any hour of the day or night.

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Wanganui Herald, Volume XXXII, Issue 9367, 18 February 1898, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Wanganui Herald, Volume XXXII, Issue 9367, 18 February 1898, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Wanganui Herald, Volume XXXII, Issue 9367, 18 February 1898, Page 4