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First (Derby) Day.


President : DrEaila. Vice-President: H N Harrison. Judge: DrEarle. Handicapper: 3 0 Evett. Oleri of the Scales : E A Campbell. Clerk of Course: D McDonald. Hon Surgeon; Dr Tripe. Timekeeper: R Higgie. Hon Veterinary Surgeon: J A Hawke, M.8.0.V.5. Hon Starter: OHOhavannes. Stewards: Dr Connolly, B B Fletcher, Alex. Higgie, Dc Saunderg, A J Parsons, 3 H Nixon, and B,Anderson. Committee: Dr Earle, chairman; Messrs A J Parsons, A Higgie, E E Fletcher, Dr Connolly, 0 H Chavannes, J H Nixon, D Hogg, B Anderson, A Hafrick, W. H. G Poster, E A Campbell, J C Paterson, and R Jackson. Secretary 'and Treasurer : JF B Jackson.

The annual spring tryst of the Wangtnni Jookey Club h»s once more come round. The event it looked forward to by sporting enthusiasts in sll parts of the colony, and, it is safe to say there is no more popular gathering in the Island, if attendance goes for anything. The fates seemed to be against tho looal Club in the matter of weather. Previous to the start of tho first woe a few drops of rain fell, and sittr the Derby a drizzling rain get in. Neverthe« less the attendance was luge. Although a little disiatisfaotion was at first expressed with regard to Mr J O Brett's adjustments, the faot of there being good fields left in avsry, with the solitary exoeption of the Derby, shows that owners on the whole regarded the handicaps with favour. For the Spring Handicap nine accepted, 18 for the Trial Haolr, three for the Derby, 10 for Firs'; Handicap Hurdle Bace, nine for First Hack Hardies, 11 for tbo Handioap Hack, and eight for the Flyine. Included in the list of horses an some of the best performers on the New Zealand turf. Considerable additional iaUreifc was lent to tba obief event on the oard whioh was tbe Spring Handioap, the open* - ing item, by reason of the contestants including several likely candidates for New Zealand Cap honours. Naturally enough, after his reoent sterling performances at Hawke,'* Bay, the sturdy son of Sou 'wester and Linament, Lotion, who oooapied prido 0! place with the steadying weight of 9it 31b, came in for a great deal of attention. Man-o'-war appeared to have undergone • very sound preparation, and was qnioklr installed first favourite. , Ngataers lookfd in grett heart, and the easy fashion in whioh he won shows what a really good oolt the son of Natator— Speculation is. Crimson Streak never looked better, but »fter appearing prominent in the early part of ths race, died away, Hotspnr was very muoh on tbe big side.

The coarse was in excellent oondition, and the lawn and saddling paddook wera quits v pioture, Caretaker O'Leary having been moat energetics and painstaking in looking after the whole of the gronndf. ' (The various surroundings— Jh>i lake, lawn fountain, and summ«r homo— were molt attractive, aod the decorations, with the flowering shrubs and evergreens, added materially to the general appearance. Visitors expressed themselves delighted therewith! and there oan be do gainsaying the fact that the gronndi of the Wangauni ' JooVey Club, thanks to the very great interest taken and time bestowed in tho anperintendeno:) of the improvements by. the energetio and popular «soretary (Mr F B Jaokson), stand second to none in Hew Mialand. Xhe attendance wai large, and , the lawn and granditands were well p«tro> nised. The saddling paddook, too, attrtcfctd large crowds before the several raoei, the sporti eagerly ncanniag th« candidates and ptoking their fanoies. ' The proceedings were .considerably 'en- ' livened by the fine mnaie of the Garrison Band, under the leadership of Bandmaster Bichardaon, who gave the following varied programme in their beat known style:— Quick march, 'Bclipie'j quadrille, 'Aurora'; grand maroh, 'Ceptenial'; polka, 'EntreNoui'; grand ultotion, 'Hsltvy'f waltz, 'Love iv a Miit'; aohottiiohe, ' Farblna ' ; selection, ' Gsmi of Columbia' ; ' lanoera, 'The Good Old Iteys'j maroh, 'Imperial' | waltz,' RnttsroupaandDaiiiei't galop, ' Whip' and Spur.'

To Mr W S Dustin wsi again entrusted • the important oharge of amending 'to the internal want* of those present, , and as usual his spread was really excellent, one and all speaking in flattering terms of the "- manner in whioh hnohon had been laid oat, ' Our old friend MrD Barrett had charge of the thtfie liqnor booths, and he and his assistants were 'most abk'gtog in supplying their many customers. The totahsator dm well patronised, and Messrs Frank. Notion ' sad Georgo Spriggens, the popular proprietors, ably managed the maohinos. The Ambulance Corpi, under Dr Tripe, were in attendance, bat luckily their services \rere not repaired. 'The Tirfous ofEoials wen kept busy daring the day, tfr F » Jaekton and bis two able assistant!— Messrs S Moffatt and Cr Wuroh — being untiring in their efforts. They performed their duties , with promptitude and reliability and kept things well in hand. Wa must not omit to thank them for their oourtesy in assisting the Press.

Among the visitors present were Colonel Fraser (Sergeunt at Arms), Messrs , G Hutohison and Hone Heke, M.'sH.B., Dr Skerman and Mr A Simpson (Morton), Mr J Maginnitv (Treasurer of the Wellington Eaoing Club), Mr Lnkin (editor of the Post), Messrs J. A. Wilkinson (of the Press gallery, Wellington), B. W. Oomyns (of the Mercury), W. Wickhsm (A Tramp, Eiq , of the Auckland Herald), and our old friend Mr D, Wilkie, who bis just retained from Ooolgardie.

Thanks to the exemplary sentences parsed by Mr 0 O Kettle, 8.M., and tbe watohful •ye of Sergeant Cullen and a posste of polios, very few of tbe undesirable, known as spielen, were aeen on, the coarse, and those that were there were very quiet. Mr 0 Chavannes made a most efficient starter, Crawford'a machine being used in most of the events.

Following are the results up to the hauc of going to press :— ■ Spring Handicap, of 60 soys; second horse to receive 10 soys from the stakes ; 1 mile and a distance. 126— Mr W Holmes' be h Ngatnora, by ' ' Natator— Speculation, 478, Bft 71b , (McOormioi) i 191-Mr G WilliaiM 1 b « Msn-o'-War, by Nelson— Muskarina, Bye, 7st 121 b, (JHEffhen). ... 2 55 -Mr J H Prosser's o g The Miser, by Puriri— Germain, 6y«, 7it (G Beid) 3 Also started— 67— Lotion, Ost 31b, Con* nop;107 — Lorelei, Bso 6!b, Jenkins; BB— Qrimson Break, 7st 51b, MoOleir; 84— Slaiden, 7st 41b ; 39— Hotspur, Tst, G Prioe 5 44— Bloomsbury, 7«t, F Eingan.

from a beautiful start Ugatuere led past the post with MoCormiok banging on to him, Man-o'War lying second, with Crimson Streak just on his quarters. ' Going down tho back stretch The Miser went np and displaced Crimson Streak, the rest of the field being btmohed together with the exception of Slaiden, who was several lengths away last. Bounding the bend foa home all tbe whips were out except on Hgatuere, on whom McCormiok never moved, winning comfortably by a length. Mfra-o'-war jußfc squeezing into second place by a n«ok. Total on machine, £731. Dividend, £5 3s. Trial Hack Handicap, of 35 soys; second horse to receive 6 soys from the stakes; distance, 1 mile ; weights cot less than 7st 71b 88— Mr 0 M Lepper's o g St. Vincent,' by Nelson— Florence, syrs t Bjt 21b (fiusiell) I 66— Mr E 0 Boddy'i br g Splinter, by

Natator — Don Juan Mare, 4yrs, Bst

(Lett) , 2 42— Mr R W Smith's b m Marina, by

Sou-'we»ter-Barbell, sys, 7it?lb (D Watt) 3

Also started— 6s Light, Bst 121 b, Me Cormick ; 50 The Goth, Sst 91b, G Lting j 40 Disraeli, Bit 71b, FarreH ; 9 Sweet Sleep, Bat 31b, Chaafe ; 19 Silveriea, Bifc, Gillies j 3G Worry, 7efc 121 b, W Soott ; 107 Mutual, fctSib, Williams ; 4 Sa;saby,7at 71b, Price ; 73 Corsican, 7it 71b, J Watson ; and 3 Bosewatsr, 7st 71b, BB 11B 1 Wataon. Norelty, First Rosult, lolunthe. Off Chance, and Lightning wore scratched.

Saisaby and Boiewater got away badly when the tapes went up, and St Vincent and Sprinter rushed away, and soon had s clear lead of several lengths from the rest of the field, racing together in a similar poiitioa until half way up the straight, when Marina came up with » great run. A desperate finish saw tho judge's verdict given to St Tincent by a bars nose, Marina being a bare half length away third. Time, lmin 48 8-Bth sec. Number on machine, 591. Dividend, £6.

Dr Jamieson's trial is rapidly approaching. As to whether his action was a wiso one or not is a grave question. The trial of Woods' Great Peppermint cure for Coughs and Oolds hns been a decided suocess — it is allowed by ull to be unequalled —from all Grocers and Ohemiats, Is 6d and 2s 6d. Wholesale Agents, N.Z. Drag Coy People ore getting more enlightened | every day. Tbe old-fashioned style of physicirg one's self up with Salts, Nauseous j 1 Pills, Cu-tor Oil, &c., is a thing of the past. Vp to date foil's Uk« up to data preparations such as Woods' Fig Laxative, the Fruit Aperient It cleames the system of all impurities and renews tbe vitality of tbe constitution, Sold everywhere for Is 6d and 2s 6d.

Waflganni Derby, of 200 soys, added to a sweepstake of 10 bovb each for starters ; second horss to receive 50 soys from the stakes; distance, 1J miles; colts, 8stlOlb: fillies and geldings, Sat 61b (dosed with 44 nominations). 266— Mr J OJaiafe'o b o St. Paul, by St. ' Leger— Bsntanella, 3ti, Bst 101 b (Ohiafe) ... „. ... v.. 1 146— Hon. J D Ormond's o o Defiance, by Dreadnought— Legaoy, 3ys, Bsfc 101 b (P White) 2 149— Oapt. W R Bussell's o o Occur de Lion, by Dresdnonght— Leonora, 3ys, Bst 101 b (Wbittake) ... ... 3 • Prior to going out th» three contestants wern psraded m frout c{ the grandstand. It Puul wss th-> firat to move when tho starter (IropDfri the flsg, but rounding the bend into tho straight Defiance went to the front and pn f scd the judge's box » length in front of hio two opponent*. Leading into the baok itretoh, Cceur de Lion lad fot a short diatanor, but at the half mile post Bt. Paul shot up and put two or three lengths between him and Defiance, Cceur de Lion, tailing off some distance away. At the home turn the whins were out on both St. Paul andDefianoe, but St. Paul folly maintained the advantage he had gained and won easily, pulling up, by a clear three lengths. ToUl on machine, 661. Dividend, £1 18s, Time, 2min 41 3-Bth seo.

As will be seen above, two Derbies were nuyn 1891 First Handicap Hurdle Race, of IOOgovs; second horse to receive IS sovsfroru tho stakes ; about two miles and a distance ; over eight flights of hardies 3ft Gin in height. 125-Mr J. B. McDonald's Kapua, by The Mute-Uira, aged, list 61b (A. Hall) 1 57— Mr B. Connop's b m Tally-ho, by 'Forerunner, 6 years' lOit 81b (0. / Mitcher) 2 41 -Mr F Boberts 1 b g Glenelg, by Bomnns—Southern Chief mart, aged, 9stßlb (Walls) 3 Also started— 88 Rangipai, Better, lOit 91b; 91 Frank, Davidson, 10s; 66 Tuhiwiti, G. Johnston, lOifc s 81 St. Simon, Fergus, git 71b; 109 Swift, 3. H. Laing, 9st 51b ; «56 Docility, P White, 9it 31b; 32 Con. •piracy, G. Laing, 9it, Mr Chavannes sent the field away to a beautiful start with the flag, and Rangipai was rushed right away to the front, his nearest attendant being Frank, who joined Bangipai at the half-mile post, whore they were a dear four lengths in front of the rest of the field. Passing the stand second time Tahiwai wm still at the head of affairs Glenolg lying next, then oame Eapua and Tally-ho, Frank dropping baok. Going down the baok straight Hall ■hook the top weight up, and he established a strong lead rounding the bend for home, eventually winning hard held by a length from Tallyho. Glenelg finished third, several lengths away. All the horses , negotiated the ohstaoles safely. Totalisator 1-816. Dividend, £5 17*. Time, 4min 9iec Erst Handicap Hack Hurdle Race, of 40 soys Becondhorse to receive 10 soys from tha stakes ; about 1{ miles ; over six flights of hurdles 3ft 6in in height. 258— M* J Green'i blk g Gipsy Prinoe, ' by Gipsy King— Gipsyi svrs, lOjt 71b (Morris) ... ' 1 41— Mr J Mayo's br m Haloione, by Torpedo— Creeping Jane, 6yrs, 10»t (T Ooleman) , 2 57— Mr Louis Proctor's b g Venture, by Voltigeur— Traduoar mare, 6ys, 9st 71b (Proctor) ... 8 Also started— Olavton lOat 101 b, T Johnston j EgmontlOit 81b, W Hig^ins; and Htloyon 9st Sib, A Cox. Satellite, Claymore, and Cairo were scratched. Haloione went off to the front, Clayton 'being hU nearest attendant, Giosy Prinoe laying next to list. Passing the stand flalcione still led, Venture, Clayton, and Gipsy Prince being noifc in order. At the bottom of the baok straight Gipsy Prince shot to the frout, and the result from. ton ont was sever in doubt, Gipsy Prince- winning oomfortobly. Time, 2min i 56 l-6th sec Total on machine, .£541, Dilidod, £1 18s.

Yr. I Owner. Winner. Sir, I j Time. '879 1880 [BSI 1882 1883 1884 [885 J.Powdull W.T. Owen J»s.Day rQmniivaa Thos. Rowc M'j'orltforse W.T. Owen P.Tancted P. Unt'er P.Tancred GNewsham G. Clifford P. Batler S.H.GoMau J. OrtnoiS W. Wilson CpLßussell CptKnssell W.Rathbon W. Holmes J.Chaafe's Q'n off Vale Foim ForcitQnoen Rocket Bluegown Odd Trick Fame Consul Fusilier Rctoke i Tongariro Crutchfield llanton Tirrailleor Q'n of Traps Fraternite St. Katherine Noyadc Blarney Ngatuero St. Paul Paofiii ' Ravensv/orth Gladiator Gladiatot Opawa Gladiator Painter The Premier Musket The Premier Castoff Codogan • Mn^ket Muskcl LeoVnus Dauphin Stoneyliurst L'd of the Isles Apremont Nitator St. Leger rfi* [887 1888 2 s°l 2 49 3-5 a 51 1-5 2 47 4-5 2 44 *-5 8 5^ 2 48, 2 45^ 2 44J 3 8| 2 471 3 49 2 46 8-5 2 52 3-5 J 43 3-5 2 53 4 413-5 1891 1891 1892 ■893 1894 .895

tftw Moon ... Pint Quarter ... Foil Moon ... L*ifc Quarter „. v. *. h. •< „, 7 955 IB »jn. 14 2 24 16 ■.n. „, 22 3 54 16 »jn. ... 80 267 19 a,m.

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Bibliographic details

Wanganui Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 8989, 22 October 1896, Page 2

Word Count

THE SPRING MEETING. Wanganui Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 8989, 22 October 1896, Page 2

THE SPRING MEETING. Wanganui Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 8989, 22 October 1896, Page 2