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All M. Lecoq's anticipations were realised . Laurence was no t dead , and her letter to her parents was an odious trick. It was really she who lived in the house as Madame Wilson. How had the lovely young girl, so much beloved by the old justice, come to such a dreadfjl extremity ? The logic of life, alas, lotally enchains all our determinations to each other. Often an indifferent action, little wrongful in itself, is the beginning of an'atrociouscrime. Eachof our new resolutions depends upon those which have preceded it, and is their logical sequence just as the sum total of the added figures. Woe to him, who, being seized with a dizziness a-t the brink of the abyss, does not fly as fast as possible, without turning his head, for soon, yielding loan irresistible impulse, he approaches, braves the danger, slips, and is lost. Whatever thereafter he does or attempts ho will i oil down the faster, until he leaclies the vtiy bottom of the gulf. Tremorel had by no means the implacable character o r an assassin, he was only feeble and cowardly, yet he had committed abominable crimes. All his guilt came from the first feeling of envy with which he regaided Sauvresy.and which hehad not taken the pains tosubdue. Laurence, w hen on the day she became enamored of Tremorel, shepermitted him to press her hand, and kept it from her mother was lost. The hand pressure led to ths pretence of suicide in order to Jly with her lover, it might also lead to infanticide. Poor Laurence, when she was left alone by Hector's depaUure to the Fauburg St. Germain en receiving M, Lecoq'a letter began to reflect upon the events of the past year. How unlooked-for and rapidly succeeding they had been ! It seemed to her that she had been whirled along in a temptest, without a second to think or act freely. She asked herself if she were not a prey to some hideous nightmare, and if she should not awake in her pretty maidenly chamber at Orcival. Was it really she who was there in a strange house; dead to everyone, leaving behind a withered memory, leduced to live under a false name, without family or friends henceforth, or any one in

the world to holp her fecbloncs;,, at the mercy of a fugitive like herself, who was free to break to-morrow the bonds of caprice which to-day bound him to her ? Was it she, too, who was about to beeoinr a mother, .md found herself suffering from the excessive misety of blushing for tliat maternity which ia the pi ide of pure young wives? A thousand memories of her past life flocked through her brain and ciuclly levivod her despair. Her heart sank as she thought of her old friendships, of her mother, her sister, the pride of her innocence, and the pure joys of home fireside.

As she half inclined on a divan in Hector's library, sheweptfreelv. She bewailed her life, broken at twenty, her lost youth, her vanished, once radiant hopes, the world'sesteem and her own self-respect, which she should never recover.

Of a sudden the door was abruptly opened. Laurence thought it was Hector returned, and she hastily rose, pasing her handkerchief across her face to try to conceal her tens. A man whom she did not know, stood upon the threshold, respectfully bowing. She was afraid, for Tremorel had said to her many times within the past few days, ' we are pursued, let us hide well,' and though it seemed to her that she had nothing to fear, she trembled without knowing why. 1 Who are you ?' she asked haughtily 'and who admitted you here ? What do you want ?'

M. Lecoq left nothing to chance or inspiration ; he foresaw everything, and regulated affairs in real life, as

he would the scenes in a theatre. He expected this very natural indignation and these questions, and was prepared for them. The only reply he made was to step one side thusroveahng M. Plant behind him. Laurence was so much overcome on lecognizmg her old friend, that in spite ot her resolution, she came near falling. ' You 1' she stammered, " You !'

The old justicewas,ifpossiblemore agitated than Laurence. Was that really his Laurence therebeforc him ? Grief had done it"b work so well that she seemed old. ' Why do you seek foi me ?' she resumed. ' Why add another grief to my life ? Ah, I told Hector the letter he dictated to me would not be believed. There ai c misfortunes foi which death is the only refuge.' M, Plantat was about to reply, but Lecooj determined to lake the load in the interview. 'It is not you, Madame, that we seek,' said he, ' but M. dcTiemotel.' ' Hector ! And why if you please ? Is he not free ?' 11, Lecoq hesitated before shocking the poor gir), who had been but too credulous in tiusting to a scoundrel's oaths of fidelity. But he thought that the cruel tiulh is less harrowing than the suspense of intimations. I M. deTremorel,' heanswei cd ' has committed a great ciime.' 'lie! You lie, Mr.' The detective sorrowfully shook his head. ' Unhappily, I have told you the truth. M. de Tremorel murdered his wife on Wednesday night. I am a detective, and I have a warrant to arrest him.' He thought this terrible charge would overwhelm Laurence ; he was mistaken. She was thunderstruck, butshestood firm. The crime horrified her, but it did not seem to her entirely impiobable, knowing as she did the hatred with which Hector was inspired by Bertna. 1 Well, perhaps he did,' cried she, sublime in her energy and despair, 1 1 am his accomplice, then — arrest me.' This cry, which seemed to proceed from the most senseless passion amazed the old justice, but did not surprise M. Lecoq. ' No, Madame,' he resumed ' you are not this man's accomplice. Besides, the murder of his wife, is the least of his crimes. Do you know why he did not marry you ? Because in concert with Bertha, he poisoned M. Sauvresy, who saved his life and was his best friend. We have the proof of it.' This was more than poor Laurence could bear, she staggered and fell upon a sofa. But she did not doubt the truth of what M. Lecoq said. This terrible revelation lore away the veil which, till then, had hidden the past from her. The poisoning of Sauvresy explained all Hector's conduct, his position, his fears, his promises, his lies, his hate, his recklessness his marriage, hisflighl. Still she tried not to defend him, but to share the odium of his crimes. 'I knew it,' she stammered, in a voice broken by sobs, ' I knew it all.' The old justice was in despair. 1 How you love him, poor child !' murmured he, This mournful exclamation lesloi - ed to Laurence all her energy; she made an effort and rose, her eyes glittered with indignation, 'Ilovdiiir, ''cried she. 'I j Ah I canevplam my conduct to you, my only friend, for you are worthy of hearing it. Yes, J rf'/n'lovc him, it is true— loved him tc the forgettulness of duty, to self abandonment. But one day he showed himself to me as he was, my lovedid not survive my contempt. I wa-> ignorant of Sauvresy 's hornb! r dtat b . Hector confessed to me tlmf his lite and honor were in'Beithr. .-, hands— and that she loved him. 1 Lit him free to abandon me, to many, thtu sacrificing more than inylifc to what I thought was his happiness, jet 1 was not deceived. "When I fled with him, I once more sacrificed myself, when I saw that it was impossible to conceal my shame. I wanted to die. I lived, ami wrote an infamous letter to my mother, andyielded to Hector's prayers, because he plead with me in the name of my— of our child.' M. Lecoq, impatient at the loss of time, tried to say somethingbnt Laulence would not listen to him. ' But what matter ?' she continued. ' I loved him, followed him, and am

lua. Constancy at all hazards is the only excuse for a fault like mine. I will do my duty. I cannot be innocent when Hector has committed a crime, I desire to suffet half tho punishment.' She spoke with such remarkable animation that thedetective despaired ofcalming her, when two whistles in the street struckhis ear, Tremorel was returning and there was not a moment to be lost. He suddenly seized Laurence by the arm. ' You will tell all this to thejudges, Madame/hesaidsternly. 'Myorders arc only for M. de TremoreL Here ib the warrant to arrest him.' He took out the wai rant and laid it on the table. Laurence, by the force of In " " "1. li.. 1 become almost calm. 1 You will let inespeakfive minutes with the Count de Tremorel. will you not ?' she asked. M. Lecoq was delighted ; he had looked foi this request, and ejected 1 Five minutes ? Yes,' he replied. 1 But abandon all hope, Madame; of saving the prisoner, the house is watched ; if you look in the court -\ndinthostitet you will see my men in ambuscade. Besides, lam gcung to stay heie in the next loom.' The count was heard ascending tue stairs.

' There's Hector !' cried Laurence ' quick, quick ! conceal yout selves !' She added, as they were retiring,™ a low tone, but not so low as to prevent the detective from hearing her. 1 Besure, we will nottiy ro escapes She let the door cuilain drop ; it was lime. Hector entered. He was paler than death, and his eyes h \d a fearful, wandering expression.

IWe aie lost !' said he, ' they are pursuing us. fee this letter which 1 received just now is not from the man whost signature it professes to bear, he told me so himself. Come, let us go. and leave this house—' Laurence oveiwhelmedhim with a look full of hate and contempt, and said,

' It is too late.'

Her countenanceand voice were so strange th atTrcmorel, dispite his dis tress, was struck by it, and asked, ' What is the matter.' ' Everything is known, it isknown that you tilled your wife.' ' It's false.' She shrugged her shoulders. ' Well, then, it is true,' he added, •for I loved you ro ! — ' 1 Really ! And it was for love ot me that you poisoned Sauvresy ?' He saw that hewasdbcovered, that he had been caught in a trap, that they had come, in his absence, and toidLaurcnceall. lie did not attempt to deny anything.' I What shall Ido ?' cried he, ' what shall 1 do ?' Laurence drew himtohei, and multeied in a shuddeing voice, ' Save the name of Tremorel, there are pistols here.' He i ceoilcd, as if he had secu death itself. ' No,' said he ' I can yet ily and conceal myself, I will go alone and you can rejoin me afiei wards.' I 1 have aheady told you that it is too late. The police have surrounded the house. And— you know— it is the galleys, or— the scaffold !' ' I can get away by the coui tyaid.' ' It is guarded, look.' lie ran to tlic window, saw M. Lecoq's men, and returned half mad, and hideous with tenoi. ■ I can at least try,' said he, 'by disguising myself — ' Fool ! A detective is in there and it was he who lett that warrant toanestyou, on the table.' He baw thai he was lost beyond hope. ' Must I die, then ?' he muttered. 1 Yes, you must, but before you die wi ite a confession of your crimes, foi the innocent may be suspected — ' He sat down mechanically, took the pen which Laurence held out to him, and wrote: 1 Being about to appear before God I declare that I alone, and without accomplice, poisoned Sauvresy and murdered the countess de Tiemarel my wife. 1 Whenhehad signedand dated this Laurence opened a bureau diawer ; Hector seized one of the brace of pistols which were lyingin Hand she took the other. "But Tremorel as before at the hotel and then in the dying Sauvresy's chamber, felt his heart fail as he placed the pistol against his forehead. He was livid, his teeth chattered andhe trembled so violently that he let the pistol drop, ' Laurence, my love,' he stammered, ' what will — become of you ?' ' Me ! I have sworn that I will follow you always and everywhere. Do you understand ?' ' Ah, 'tis horrible !' said he. 'It was not I who poisoned Sauvresy — it was she,— there aie proofs of it ; perhaps, with a good advocate — ' M. Lecoq did not lose a word or a gesture of this tragical scene. Either purposely or by accident, he pushed the door curtain, which made a slight noice. Laurence thought the door was being opened, that the detective was returning, and that Hector would fall alive into their hands. " Miserable coward !" cried she, pointing her stick at him, "shoot, or else — " He hesitated ; there was another rustle at the door ; she fired. Tremorel fell dead. Laurence, with a rapid movement, took up the other pistol, and was turning it against hcrtolf, when M, Lucoq sprung forward upon her and tore the weapou from her grasp. ' Unhappy gill !' cried he, ' what would you do 'r' ' Die. Cau I live now ?' 'Yes, you can live,' lebpondcu JVI. Lecoq. ' And more, you ought to live' 1 I am a lost woman — ' 1 Noyou are a poor cliiicl lured away by a wretch. You say you are very guilty, perhaps so, live co repent ofu. Great soirows like yours have their mission in this, world, one of devotion •\nd chanty. Live, and the good you do will attach you once more to hfe. You have yielded to the deceitful piornises ot a villain, remember, when you aie lich, that there aic poi'i innocent git Is loiccd to lead a uusciable life ofmiserablo shame for j mortel of bread. Go to these unhappy creatures, rescue tnem from debauchery, and their honour will be youru.l Is Lecoj narrowly watched Laurence as he spoke, and perceived that he had tuuehed her. Still, her eyes were dry, and were lit up with a strange h^hl. 1 tfeside., youi life is not your own — -jou know.' 'Ah,' ?lil letur'itfd, ' I must die now, even for ray child, if I would not die ut slums when he abks foi

his father — ' 'You will reply Madame, by showing him an honest man and an old friend, who is ready to give him his name— Monsieur Plantat.' The old justice was broken with grief, yet he had the strength tosay, 1 Laurence, my beloved child, I beg you accept me — ' These simple words, pronounced with infinite gentleness and sweetness, at last melted the unhappy young girl and determined her. She "burst into tears. She waj saved. M. Lecoq hastened to throw a shawl which he saw on a chair about her shoulders, and passed her arm throngh M. Plantat's saying to the LiUer, ' Go, lead her away, my men have orders to let you pass, and Palot will lend you his carriage.' ' But wheie shall we gi ?' 'To Orcival, M.Couitois has been informed by a letter from me that his daughter is still living, and he is expecting hei ' Come, lose no time.' M. Lecoq, when he wos left alone listened to the depenure of the carriage which took M. Plantat and Lauience away, then he returned to Tremorel's body. The re,' said he to himself, ' lies a wretch whom I have lulled instead of an esting and delivei ing him up to justice. Havcldonemyduty? No but my conscience will not reproach me, because I have acted lightly. 1 And i mining to the staircase, he called his men.

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Bibliographic details

Wanganui Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 8794, 7 March 1896, Page 4

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CHAPTER XXVII. Wanganui Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 8794, 7 March 1896, Page 4

CHAPTER XXVII. Wanganui Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 8794, 7 March 1896, Page 4