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once round the courso — nearly a milo. To Btart ■vt 2.15 p.m. 5. President's Handicap, of 100 soys ; second horse to receive 10 soys from tho stakes ; nomination, 1 aov; acceptance, 2 boys; lj miles. To Btart at 3.15 p.m. 6. Christmas Hack Handicap, of 25 soys; second horso to recoive 5 soys from the Btakes ; nomination, 10s ; acceptance, 10s ; 1} miles ; minimum weight Bst. Tho winnor of the Grand Stand Hack Handicap to carry a penalty of olbs. To stait at-'4 p.m. Farewell Hanpicap, of 30 soys ; nomination, 10s; acceptance, 10s; one mile; weights for this race will be declared after tho President's Handicap is ruu, acceptances five minutes after weights appear. To start at 4.45 p.m. Nominations for all races close with tho Secretary, at Palmerstou North, on TUESDAY, November 22ud, 1892, at 10 p.m. Weights for first d.iy's l.ices will be declared on or about December 6th. Acceptances for first day's races close on TUESDAY, December 13th, at 10 p.m. Weights for second day's races, with exception of Farewell Handicap, will bo posted up at tho Commercial Hotel, Palmerston North.about 9 p.m. on December 26th. Acceptances for second day's races close with the Secretary at 10 p.m. on December 26th, at the Commercial Hotel, Palmerston North. A hack is a horso that has never won public money (Hack and Hunter Races excepted). C. C. MILES, Secretary. Submitted aud approved this sth d,iy of August, 1892.— Fnp.E5£AN R. Jackson, Seciotary Jockey Club. PROGRAMME YTTABRENGATE JOCKEY OLUB, Vw To be held on THURSDAY, 12in JANUARY, 1893. (Hacks only.) President: Mr A. Higgie. Vico-Piesidpnt: Mr W. Dumber. Judgo : Mr A. J. Parsons. Clerk of Scales: Mr James McGregor. Clerk of Course : Mr M. Higgio. Starter : Mr E. J. Chapman. Timekeeper : Mr R. Higgie. Handicapper: Mr J. E. Homy. Hon. Secretary nnd Treasurer : Mr George Morse. Stewards : Messrs R. Higgie, W. Chapman, W. Bamher, J. N. Jones, James McGiegor, B.Bench, C.H. Chavanne, E. J. Chapman, T. Stewart, R. Cimoion, D. Cameron, C. Southcombo.

Ist Race, 11.30 a.m.— Handicap Huidle Raco, of 30 soys ; second horso 5 soys. out of tho stakes. Nomination 10s, acccptanco 15s. Over six flights of hurdles 3ft 6iu high. Ono mile and five furlougs. 2nd Race, 12.15 p.m. — Flying Handicap, of 40 soys; second horao 6 soys out of tho stakes. Nomination 20s, acceptauco 20s. Six furlongs. 3rd Race, 12,15 p.m.— Pprowhita Stakes, of 20 soys ; open to horses that havo never won a race of 20 soys. Eutiauco 20s. Weights Bst; horses that have won an advertised raco of any description up to 20 soys, Oat. Horses to bo owned and ridden by Maoris— no half-castes allowed. One mile. 4th Race, 1.45 p.m. — Worrengato Cup (Handicap), of 70 soys ; second horse 10 soys out of the stakes. Nomination 20s, acceptauco 40s. Ono mile aud a-half. sth Race, 2.30 p m —Trial Hurdle Race, of 20 boys; second horse 5 soys out of tho stakes. Nomination 10a. Open to hoises that havo never won a race exceeding the advortisod value of 10 boys at dato of entry ; weights declared after Flying. Acceptance 10s after Porowhita Stakes. Ovor four nights of hurdles, 3ft 6in high. Ono milo and distune. 6th Raco, 3.15 p.m. — Electric Handicap, of 25 soys; second horso 5 soys out of stakes. Nomination 10s, aecoptauco los. Winnor of Flying 71b exb a. Four furlougs. 7th Race, 4 p.m.— Ladies' Bracelet Handicap. Minimum weight lOst. A Brncelot 20 soys value for first horso, and Biacolot valuo 5 soys for second horse. A whip will ho presented to ridor of winner. Horses to ho nominated by ladios. Nomination 10s, acceptanco los. Gentlemen riders. Ono mile aud a distance. Sth Eace, 4.30 p.m.— Final Handicap, of 25 soys ; second hoiso 5 soys out of the stakes , nomination 10s. Woights declared after Electric Handicap is iuu. Accoptiinco 15s fifteen minutes after weights docltucd. Ouo milo.

RULES & REGULATIONS. All races to bo run under Metropolitan Rules of Raciug.— A Hack is a hoit>o that has never won an advertised raco (hack or hunters niccs excoptcd), and that is not at tuno of staitj aud has not been during six mouths previous to time of stait, nominated for auy race (Hack obHunteb Races Excepted).— All entries to bo sealed and addiossed to Socletmy, Fordcll, with age at timoof entiy.iind where horses havo not pievioubly staitod m Wnnganui Mctiopolitnu District, porfoimauces of horso.— Acceptances and colors to bo in hands of Secretary by 9 p.m. on dato of closing. DATES OF WEIGHTS, &c. Nominations close on THURSDAY, 2Mb December, 1802. Weights decUicd TUESDAY, 3id Junuaiy, 1893. Acceptances on SATURDAY, 7th January, 1893. GEO. MORSE, Hou. Sec , Warrcngato J.C. Approved iv accordance with the Rules of Raciug, this 14th day of September. 189.2.— Feeeman R. Jackson, Sccietary Wanganui Metropolitan Club. TT7-ANG-ANUI JOCKEY CLUB. AUTUMN MEEHNGr. To be held on the Wanganui Racecourso on THURSDAY AND FRIDAY 9rn and 10th MAROH, 1893. President: Vico-Picsi-dent: DrEinlo. Judgo: DrEnrlo. St.irter: Sam Powell. Handicapper: J. O. Evitt. Clerk of Scales : E. A. Campbell. Clerk of Course : C. H. Chavaunos. Timekeeper: W. Wilson. Hou Surgeon: Dr Tripe. Stewards: Dr Connolly, A. J. Paisons, Alexander Hi«gie, W. Wilson, H. N. Harrison, Dr Saundois, aud H. B. Williamson. Committoo: Dr Earle, A. J. Parstms, A. Higgio, H. N. Harrison, H. B. Williamson, Dr Connolly, C. H. Chavauues, K. Higgio, W. Wilsou, J. H. Nixon, P. D. Hogg, and A. Hatiick. Secretary and Treasurer: Freeman R.Jackson.

BIRSTDAY— THURSDAY.Oth MAECH, 1893. 1. First Handicap Hurdlo Baco, of 100 sots; second horse to receive 10 toys • from the stakes ; about two miles and a distance; over seven jumps, 3ft 6in in height. Nomination, 1 soy ; acceptance, 2 boys. To start at 12 noon. 2. Handicap Hack Hurdle Race, of 30 soys ; second horse to receive 5 soys from the stakes ; about ono mile and a distance ; over four flights of hurdles 3ft 6'in in height Nomination, 10i; acceptance, 10s (V%de definition of a Hack.) To start at 12.45 p.m. 3. Wanganui Oup Handicap, of 600 soys ; second boree to receive 50 cots, and third horse 20 Boys from the stakes; distance, l'f miles ; winner of any handicap of the value of 300 soys or moro after declaration of weights to carry Tibs extra, of two or moro such racos lOlbs extra; or nny handicap rnce of 200 boys, to carry 611 a extra; of two or more such races, 81b extra, of one or moro such racos, of tho vnluo of 200 Bova, together with one of the value of ■ 800 soys, 91ba extra. Nomiuation, 2 aovs ; acceptance, 8 soys, and 6 soys on Tuesday,* February 28th, at 9p m. To start at 2 p4». 4. Wanganui Two-yeur-old Stakea, of 150 boys, added to a sweepstako of 10 aovs each for starters; second horßO to receive 30 eovs from the stakes ; distance, G furlongs; colts, BBt 7)b; fillies and geldings, Bst 31b ; the winner of aDy race of the valuo of 200 soya to carry Clbs extra, of 300 sovb 71bs extra (penalties not accumulative; ; closed with 40 nominations ; acceptance, 4 soys and 5 soys at the post. To start at 245 p.m. 5. Welter Handicap, of 60 aovs; second horse to receive 10 aovs from tho (takes j distance, 1 mile. Nomination, 1 soy; acceptance, 1 soy. To start at 330 p.m. 6. First Fuck Kace Handicap, of 40 boys ; second horse to reoeivo 10 soys from the shakes ; 1 milo and a distance ; minimum woight, 7st7lb. Nomination, lsov; acceptance, 103. (Vide definition of a Hack). To start at 4.15 p.m. 7. Flying Handicap, of 100 boys ; second horse lo receive 10 soys from the stakes ; distance, vmilo ; nomination, 1 soy; acceptance, 'i eovs; for 2-year-olds and upwards; winner of Cup to carry a penalty of 71bs. To etart at 5 p.m. j

SECOND DAY— FKIDAY, 10ih MAROH, 1893. 1. Harrison Memorial Stakes Handicap, of 100 boys; second horse to recoive 10 boys from the stakes ; distance, J-milo ; for 2-year-olds and upwarda. Nomination, 1 boy; acceptance, 2 soys. To start at 12 noon. 2. Second Handicap Hurdle Race, of 100 soys; second horse to receive 10 boys from the stakes ; distance, about 2 miles ; over 7 jumps, 3ft 6in in height. Nomini tion, 1 soy; acceptance, 2 boys. To start at 12.45 p.m. 3. Wanganui Stakes Handicap, of 200 boys ; second horsa to receive 20 soys, and third horso 10 boys from tho stakes j for 3-year-olds and upwards; distance, Ii miles. Nomination, 1 soy; acceptauco, 6 eors. To start at 1.45 p.m.

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Wanganui Herald, Volume XXVI, Issue 8065, 14 December 1892, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Wanganui Herald, Volume XXVI, Issue 8065, 14 December 1892, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Wanganui Herald, Volume XXVI, Issue 8065, 14 December 1892, Page 4