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As will bo teen by our report of yesterday's pioeccdings, theic is a question which is still iiibjiuh'ce, and thorofuro our rummks must bo confined to gcneialities for the pie-enl. One thing appent to vi to be verj clear, and that is thai there lias been a dead 10->s evidently tluough gio^s innmanagement. It is not for us to say at prosent whom wo think to blamo. What v,o wish now to direct attention to is (his, it would bo as well if the nnetfgatois appointed would, in their report, bosklcs apportioning the blame between tho in mag' r and past and present diioctors, look into tho question of rents and suoli like c\ponsoa. as to which thoroare rumours abroad whiih are not altogether satisfactory, and that they will have compiled v list allowing the persona from whom meal has been pui chased since the Company started, and tho amounts paid each seller, for on this seoro there is also dissatisfaction, whether merited or nol. Wo confess that, whichever pnity has to bear th^bnmfc of tho burden, theio is cuiso enougli for con. plaint at tho notion of the present directors, who, confessedly, ha^e been carrying on since February with a knowledge that things were not i's they oiighfc to have Icon, 'lhe bouk-kreping aspect of the Mattel »o aic content to leave to Mcrsrn Lid'itun sii'il iloiie^, us wo know they will cho tho tli.ivoholilcis ,i tiuo and account of tho wholo business from tlio beginning, .Hid tiaco to its source the i»al cause of tho present dilUcuHy.

Tho Hebai/D ivill he published on Saturday, but not on Monday, the Government haung recognised the latter as tho Queen's Bivthday. Frinns Willnm Haek^tt, haiso t amer, filed his petition in bankruptcy to day, and T. Woolley, luni 1 ., butcher, yosteiday. A nnn namtd Freeman was admitted into the Hospital on Tuesday night last with a broken leg. Tho Castlecliff Eailway Company have arranged for running excursion trains on Monday. Tho time-tablo for that day will appear in to-morrow's issue. Our par.ipiaph last night as (0 (ho .settlement of Mi HahicVs iiisuiauces w mcoriect, 111 so luras it was not oflicinl. sho negotiations arc still pending, and no doubt a final settlement will be armed at to day. At tho Vivians' peifjimancethis evening Mr 3. Sparks will have control of the oiohestra, which in itself is sufficient to piovo that the imiMC will bo up to tho 11 aik. We diicct attention to 11 notification bj the ' ommissioncr of Ciown Lands icfcrung to h;id3 ojien for apjilication on DlO 28th in-tunt, together with other lauds for auction nn tho 29th instant. 'lho leault of the jour's selection of land on settlement conditions 13 considered very satisfactory as iconuls numbi r and niea, as theio aie over 10 selectors under 500 acres for ciery one above that area. The Government have declined to piovide counsel for tho acaiacd at the murder in-quc.-t in New Pljmouln, but 111 the event of the pii-oner being committed for tiiil the Oo\ernmcnt wouM then engage coiit-sel. Old linen for surgical purposes is always ' thankfully recened at the Uospilal Some . dt tho okl men on (he Charitable AiJ are . much 111 need of clothing. Gentlemen , haung Miy cist-olt gaiments might communicnto with the secretary of the Bonrd, ! who will see tliat tliej are sent for. \ The .Tusticc Bepaitmeiit have culled on Mr Bird, V M. at Reefton, to resign, and 1 have suspended him from taking any flesh ) dittic-. Jfr GrotntieM, R.Jf. and Waiden i at Collmgwood, has been Bent down to tnko ! up tho work pending tho arrival of Mr Honncdv, wlio succeeds Mr Biul. 1

Under the ami Military Settlers' and Volunteers' Land Act, 1889, the Commissioner of Crown Lands, Mr J. W. A. Miirchunt, attended nt I lie Masonic Hall fiom Saturday List to Wednesday, and took evidence- in connection wilh tiio claims of four olli.ier' and fifty one non commissioned ollicei'3, and men of tho Imperial service ana ot se\en ofllcois and twentj -five noncommissioned < Ulcers and nun of tho Volunteers. He vi^is Wiivci'l 1 ) to mon on on the same business, and after duo notice tlic other centres througnout tho Wellington ProMiicinl l)i-tiiet Bcfoie le.n ing Wellington, the complete chums there wcro in\e3tigateil. Wanganui will bo ic-usitcd. A committee meeting of the Wnnginiii Football Club was held last evening at the Vittona Hotel, the following being present — Me-srs Gray fehair), Mason, K-inkin, Marshall, McLean, Bullock, C.iklivell, and Woon The societal y ie,id n challenge lecenod from the Mangamu Cl 'b at Stratfoid to pi iv them on tl'e 2Gth, but it was decijeil not tj ateopt this, onin;; to its taking up an e\(ia dnj, which several mcmbeis of the team arc unable to procuie. Two new members were elected, V. IC. Woon ai.rl Townsend, and final nriangements irido with regaid (0 tho Now PlMiioi.tb trip A letter was leeeivcd from ! the societavv of tl-o last mentioned club, int'nutine lint they intend to leave no si one unturned to make our visit a success This concluded the busme-s.

A I ondon correspondent states (hat an effort will thoitly be m.ule !o budge the distance between America and JCurope in tlneo and a-lialf to four dai s. '1 his will bo done bj rcdiuinffthc length of (he Atlantic vojago to something like 1700 miles as aghiiM tlio 3052 miles betneen New York pnd Lnerpool. It is proposed toaccouiiilish this by eoiistrueling a 1 lilwav from Quebec to St.Chailcs' Bay on the Labrador const, a di-fance of 8 11 miles. With vessels steaming 20 knots tho promotcis ot lh\s scheme calculate upon the sea io-\n£»o betweon St, Charles' l!ay and MiU'oid Haven, a distance ot !700 miles, being made in 3 days thirteen hour 5 , as against the .i\ernge of (j days 8J hours, fiom New York to Lnerpool. Tho row routo is c\[)ected to somire (ho bulk of

the American western pvjsengor business

and of the shipment of perishable freight. Compnin named the Noith Cnniulinn Atlantic Riilway and Steamship Company, willi 11 of 20,000,000 dollars is being formed to develop the scheme, It hopes

to leocivo as-ibtanco from tho Canadian Goici'iimonl to the extent of 3,000,000 or 4,000,000 dollars. 1 lie ■\Veslcyan Schoolroom was well filled list evening, lhe occasion loni'j the nnni-Tcr-arj of tho Sunday School. A first-

class tea was pro\ idod by the parents and

f 1 lends of UlO ehi'dren, and the tables v.cro presided o\cr h\ Mi-sos Cmtis, Dickson, Carey, Clark, lliJop, A Beaven, 1?. Beaven, S'mi po, Sign •!, Cummins, and Mosdames Hicks and Spurdlp, assisted b,\ a number of young Indies. After full justice had been to the first pirt (and judging b % i the way the childi nn cleared some of tne t ibles more than justice w r us dune), tho tables were cleared and arrangements made for tho enteuammcnl, wliich \uis ably presided o\cr by tho Rev. F. Densbury. Aftor tho singing of a hymn and prayer tho secretary read the annuil 'repoit, from which we gather th'it the school is piogrcssing favourably,

having 22 teachers and 200 children on the

roll. Tho meeting was nd'lrea-ed by the Rev. Mr Trcndncll and Mr Carson. Tho foimer, in tho course ot lii 3 remarks, complimente:! tlio We3le=an body on tho advancement made in providing cia33-room for tho children -a thing most ncecsnry. '1 ho rev. gentlemen impressed upon patents the desirability of seeing tint their children

attended the seliool regulurl) and learned tho # lessons nppointcd them, ifr Carson compared tlio secular Bunco's with tho Sab-

bath Schools and thequnlifieations necessary for a lenchcr before he tan un.lcilake tlie duties of imparting knowledge

in the

diy school, :ml


the opinion that Kiibbath school teachers should also advance and be tlioioughly fitted and cducited for Sunday school kachin jr. Songs v.cic rendered h) Miss Cummins and Messrs Lenn.ird, Murray, and Mpnal ; leeilations by Al.isteis B". Bcavcn

and M. Spuvdloj dialogue, by Misses Hick's, Goldsburv, and 1C BiM\i>n ; two anthems by the choir ; suul =ouM'a! hymns by the u'f.inh under Mr Home, nnd Hie joungar gi i la under ills Goldsbury. IScfoie concluding, the Superintendent (Mr Goldsbin )) proposed voles of thanks to nil who liatl iis-istcd to make the tea and enteii'unmeat so successful, lifter which the doxology was s tng and Benc'liction pionouncod by tho Chairman. AVc understand that with the pioceccls of last night's meeting sufficient monri h is bet n raised to clear tho now infant schoolroom, lea> mgn, few pounds in hand. The agony of Nemalgm nnd Toothache flushes litio ii -hadow jjtloro "Ronshaw's Moiiaieb of ram," Tin) public should bo w.irncJ against tho fatal result * of ncglei ling to cure Bronchitis, Cougb a , and C»lds b\ ?. timely uso of "Rensh.iw'3 Monarch of lain " ToWLls'fl i'M'tfTKOYAL AHD STEEL PILLS for FemaTjlt, quickly eonectall irregularities, and rolievo tho distressing sjmptoms so pro.alent nirh the pox. Eo\rs la ltd nnd 23 Od of all chemists and patent medicine venuoii. PropaieJ only by Tho Lincolr and Midland Countiis Dug Co., Lincoln Engl'ind. Uewmo of imitations Hunger is the best bauco ; but for hungry mon nnd womon tho sauce known as "Renshuw '9 Auckland Relish" is tlio most welcome addition to all kinds of meat, game, fioh, soup*, stons, giuucs, &c , &c. Agitations tor rcl'oinis in tho conditions of hi 0 are going on tho world round. 'Lho cry is for an unproved ccUlcnco. Ono means of tins end is the production of better goods for the people, "liciiihan's Vinegar"' is pine, '■iiong, and genuine. Ask lor it. . Keatino'b Couaii Lo/.e.vocs euro Coughs, Asthma, Bronchitis. Medical testimony 'state, that no oil or mediciuo is so eflcclual in tho cure of tlieje dangerous maladies. One Lo/cngo alone ghe3 ease, ono or two at bcdtimo ensures re»t. For lchc^i.g difficulty ol breathing they aro 111inluablc. They contain no opium nor any violent drng Sold by all Chemists, in Tins, Is Ijd and 2» Oil each, Tiidin is noted fc its Curii- Ponder, but army oflicer-i, and olhrrs who have spent many ye iri in that country, altlrm that "Rpii-lnitt's Curiie Powder' Bcq'uilto any, and superior in strong l h and richness of lloiiTour, to moat ot tho native productions,

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Bibliographic details

Wanganui Herald, Volume XXIV, Issue 7108, 22 May 1890, Page 2

Word Count

THE WANGANUI MEAT EXPORT COMPANY. Wanganui Herald, Volume XXIV, Issue 7108, 22 May 1890, Page 2

THE WANGANUI MEAT EXPORT COMPANY. Wanganui Herald, Volume XXIV, Issue 7108, 22 May 1890, Page 2