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HAVE YOU SAMPLED /^.fcORGE: /lALMAM 1 PURE CEYLON TEA, 2s 4d, 2s 6d, & 2s lOd per 1b Also, in Boxes and Half-chosts. For Purity, Strength. & Flavor unoqualled Wanted. W~ ANTED Known — Just arrived C'antoibury Hams and Bacon; splendid condition; firot of tho Nevr Season's Cure. At J. L. Stovonson's. \ \ 'TNTED^Fo,.' Rivcrly, a steady Man ** of all Work. Apply to H. S.iijcjni. Tl/ ANTEiTTo~~Pin'ch-we - A four or * • five roomed Hou»e. Terms Cash. Apply by letter stating price and particurarsto J.J.F., Post Offlce, Wanganui. ilj ANTED Known — MUs Bacon » * Teacher of Fancy Work (who ha laloly nriivod fiom Melbourne), b°gs to in form the Ladies ot Wanganui lhat she ha taken those premises in Victoria Avenuo neit MrK' esing's Aui tionllart,and will open on Saturday evening, May ]7th, for a short season with a Choice Assortment of Fancy Work. Instructions gi\ en in the following subjects :— Poonah, Lu-tre, and Crystolun, Pa-nting, Toint and Macrame Lace, Wax, Paper, Leithcr, Fish Scale, and Hair Flowers, Wattle and Clematis, Applacequo, Lilliesand Sun Flowers in Velvet, Bleached Fern Seed, Creme, Arrasiue, Splash Work, etc. For tho convenience of thoso engaged during the clay a class will bo hold Wednesday Evenings. By permission of the Colonial Secretary thero will be a Grand Art Union of Fancy Work. Tickets, 2s. WANTED Known— lhat M. Gavin having ictired from business, desires to thank his customers for past lavoi-s, and begs to inform them that he has disposed of the goodwill of his business to Messrs Crichton and Newman, with whom allordors and repairing will receive prompt attention combined with good workmanship and material nt tho ruling prices for Cash. All kinds of Boots, Shoes, and Slippers made to order on the premi-es at Crichlon and Newman's Phconu Cash Boot and Shoe Worehouce, opposito the Post Office. WANTED Known -Danco (for genth> men only) at old Council Chambers evory Tuesday aud Friday at 7.30 p m. \> ANTED Known— Tho undersigned * * begs to notifiy to owners of Gardens and Orchauls (large or small) lhat he has dotcrcßincd to place his services at their disposal either in Tow nor Country. S. A.,havlng had eightoon years practical experience in every branch of his Profession, seven in the Old Country and eleven in Now Zealand, ho confidently assures overy lady or gontloman favouring liim with thoir patron, ago that every effort will bo made on his part to ensure entire satisfaction as to Workmanship. Having beenengaged for tho past eight years by tho owners of two of tho most extensive and variest Gardens in tho district,!! ve and three years respectively, from whom references as to character and ability can be had if required ; also seven yeurs Homo certificates. Wages, 7b per day. Trusting to receive a fair share of patronago._S. Adams, Gardeuor, Ball Street. WANTED Known -That Nosworth/s LWor Tonic, Blood Purifier, an'l Kidney Curo aro tho best and cheapest, procurable. 2s 6d por bottle' WANTED~Known-Just to hand, a Large Stock of Wright's Celebrated Cigarette Tobacco (in bulk), cut from specially selected Virginia Leaf. TTTf ANTED Known— At Ainsworth's » » Corner Boot Shop you can have a pair of Watertight*, Shooting Boots, Balmoruls, Elintic Hde Boots, Oxford or Derby, Calf Shoes, nmde to order from 12s (id. A fow pairs of thoso Boots and Shoes always on hand to fit a customer. Men's Bools Soled und Heolcd fiom 3s; Women's, fiom 2s; Children's, from Is. Let the sham Shoemakers, snail-like, como out of their shell and show their horns, and then hide their diminished heads. Aiasworth's Corner Boot Shop. Everybody knows itANTED~Known — Kosuorihpi Rheumatic Ouro is the iuo-st efficacious remedy mado - cures sciatica. 2s Gd per bottle. XjLJ ANTED~Known— Dinner" from"l 2 w « till 2. Soup, Fish, Entieus, Joints Sweets, and Cheese— Ono Shilling. The Buffet, Victoria Avenue. ANTED Known — * o^vortlrps Rheumatic^ Curo is the latest and best discovery for that complaint. 2j 6d per bottle. W' ANT E D Known — Noßworthv's Rhoumaf.c Curo, never fails in any reasonable case. 2s Gd por bottle. WANTED Known— The talk of the Town is Crichton's Splendid Stock of Pipes. Ho always selects First-class Goods.

»S ANTED Known- All kinds of Snuff, * » Picsso and Lubin's Perfume, Gosnell's Cherry Toothpaste, at Crichtou's Al Tobacconist Shop, opposite Smiley's Stables. •_ WANTED Known — A splendidly assorted Stock of Drapery and Clothing just opened up in the shop next Drew's, Victoria Avenue. WANTEDW 'ANTED — Everybody to study economy and buy thoir Drapery and Clothing at tho shop next Drew's. WANTED Known— Wo import direct^ which enables us to sell at Regular Wholesale Prices at the shop next Drew's. J. Sole, Manager. 'ANTED Known— Stop that Cough with Gatonby's Cough Mixture. See advertisement over Leader. W' ANTED Knoln^G"aTe^byVcough Mixtm-o cures Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Inllnonza, &c, &c. \,y ANTED Known— That J Provost, *'V of Mosstowc, formerly of Gordon Park, cau supply prime Cider in any quantity from two gallons upwards. He bas appointed Mr Siddle, of llidgw ay-street, as his agent, and all orders left at Mr Siddle's (whero the Cider can bo sampled) will bo promptly attended to. Price per gallon, in bulk, 6s ; price per gallon m bottle (is \Jtj AIN TED Known- Tfco Buffet, Vie W toria Avenue, Wanganui (Opposite Freoman R. Jackßon & Co.'s). J, Shelloy, Propriotor. Good Accommodation, for Boarders. All Meals, One frhilling. Comfortable Beds, One Shilling. Passengers callod in time fo? oarly trains 1 WANTED Known— Gatonby's Cough Mixture is a Genuine Remedy, and can be obtained from any Storekeeper. ANTED Known— That tho under, signed is prepareeMo break Horses to saddle or harness, school them for Hunt* ing, Racing, or any othor purposes, and to make horses thoroughly quiet and paved for Ladies' Hacks. Excellent paddock ing and tabling accommodation. For teims and furthor particulars apply to John Green Crofton Rangitikei. W*ANTED Known — That Crichton and Newman havo just received ft Splendid Assortment of Boots and Shoes suitable for tho coming Season, which for Quality and Price cannot bo excelled.'- We have Evening Shoes in great variety, also a grand selection of Dancing Pumps to choose from at prices within the reach of all. We keep tho Best English, German, French, and Colonial Boots and Shoco. All kinds of Boots and Shoos made to order and repaired at tho Ruling Prices for Cash at Crichton and Newman's Phoenix Cash Boot and Shoo Warehouse, opposito tho Post Qitk-e. H" OHMS— If your children aro suffering from these parasites, give them acourso of Marshall's Safo Worm Powders, and they will soon bo cured -Is. All Chomists. A GRIPPE (Influenza)— lt has come! Use Marshall's Extract of Eucalyptus for the distressing head and chest symptoms. — Is. All Chomists. r|^OOTHACHE"-Whyjufforsuchagonis A ing pain from decayed teeth when a remedy like Marshall's Odontalgicon can be purchased for Is from all Chemists ? IN every Town and Village of New Zealand yon can buy Marshall's renowned Corn Curo— Cura Clava. The only safo euro ; gives no pain on application. — Is 6d everywhere. ' I 'EETfllNG— Read this, Mothers who X have children lhat aro ending their Teeth, and don't forgot that Marshall b Teething B owders contain neither meroury nor opium -19, All Chemists,

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Wanganui Herald, Volume XXIV, Issue 7108, 22 May 1890, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 8 Wanganui Herald, Volume XXIV, Issue 7108, 22 May 1890, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 8 Wanganui Herald, Volume XXIV, Issue 7108, 22 May 1890, Page 3