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We direct special attention to n containing tho boundaries of tho now districts. Tho changes uro so great as to almost tako one's breath away. Wo uro afiaid there will bo much weeping and wailing and gnashing of teoth over these oxtraoidmury parcelling out of communities. Wo soo no reason, however, to doubt but what tho Commissioners havo done their best to comply with tho law, and wo must supposo that if anyone is to blnino it is tho " gorrymandorers " who tried to work tho oracle with Tory objects in view. Wo are pleased to find that tho Waitotara electorate has beon presorvod. Turakina is to bo part of tho Wanganui oloetorato. Tho present mombor for Wanganui represented Turakina when it was part of tho electorate- of Rangitikoi.

Tlio rumour that Do Caprivi, Into elriof of fcho Admiralty, and not Walderseo, the head of tlio Gorman army, is to succeed Prmco Bismnrok as Chancellor is ropoatod by the Qlobo. Somewhat like tlio Germans i» respect of thoiv unforlunuto rolntions in Africa aro tlio French, who avo not ouly suffering repulses in Dahoinoj ,but havo had an outpost on tho Congo attacked. Thoro in still dissatisfuclion over tho Newfoundland flishcrios qucstion.undtho latest cables state that tho arrangement cowo to botween England and Franco for a return to tlio tt'ito of things oxistonfc in IBSS 13 not accepted by tho colonists. Franco, it will be rocollected, holds tho islands of Miquolou and St. Pioro of tho coast of Newfoundland, and tho troublo of our colonists is that the French subjects encroach'on their fisheries. In 1889 tha " Bait Act," forbidding tho

sale of bait to French fishermen, who by the aid of bountios wore able to undersoil the Newfoundlanders in foreign markets, winch was first of all vetoed by the Imperial Government, was finally allowed on petition from the colonists. It is said that through this the value of tho fish haa bconincreased to tho islanders at least 20 per cent. What the present dispute rests on we have no rocent information, but it seemß to be limited entirely to tho lobster fisheries. The labour strikes in England continue, and 30,000 mill hands are out of work, while the Liverpool dockmon aro experiencing great distress. Tho Leicester colliery owners are yielding, but not thoso of Cheshire and Lancashire. During tho month of February, 1537 persons armed in tho colony, and 1000 loft. Bishop Hadfield will proaeh at Christ Church on Sunday morning only, and not at both services The Exhibition Commissioners havo definitely decided to closo the Exhibition on April 19th. Portion of Gipsy King's sporting notes dealing with tho Sandon Meeting are crowded out. By Ga/ette it is notified that native game, excepting tins, white heron, and native gamo, may bo killed from May Ist. Tho Shah 13 writing, or dictating, his impressions of his recont tour through Europe, which nro to. appear, in the first instance, in the Figaro. Tho Foilding Star congratulates the Wnngamu City Bides on scouring tho services of the most enorgelic man in Wauganui as its captain. Justus wo wove- going to press with our first edition, ire heard that Johnston's body had been found in the river near the Gasworks. In consequence of Mr Keesing having to ccII roofing iron at Mr Tawse's yards at 1 p.m., ho has altored the timo of his usual sale at the rooms to 1.45 p.m., when ho will off or a very large assortment of furnituro and general merchandise. Rumour has it that the now Wsnganui electorate will include the town and parts of fell© "Wmtotuni and Wanganui counties. Tho Rangitikci electorate will take in tho remainder of the Waitotara electorate, the southern boundary ot Hangitikei oxtending to the river of that name. It is freely asserted in naval circles that the new cruder Australia, lister ship of the Undaunted, which Captain Lord Charles Beresford, C.8., was to commision on 18th 1 February, is leaking so badly where tlio weight of tho armor bears on the structure of tho vessel that she is unable to go to sea until several tons of red lead have been, so to Bay, caulked in and had timo to set. Sir Charles Kussell has received tho largest sum ever earned at the English bar in one week, 110 had a retainer of 1000 guineas in tho Euston case; he was tho leading counsel in Mr. Herbert Gladstone's action against Colonol Maileson j and he was engaged all tho week m (lie "blackmailing" case. His total earnings aro estimated as between £3000 and £4000.

The Government do not appear to be m a very groat hurrj to pay the lanous Voliinteor companies tho amounts earned for lust yoar's capitation. The returns havo beon to hand for somo timo,but no tidings of any cash has jet been received. The amount paid to tho Volunteers for their time is snvill enough, and surolj the companies should not bo put to the inconvenience of waiting three months for it. — Ljttelton Times.

Tho following telogram was recoiled to" day by tho secretary of tho Fro7on Meat Company:— "Am applying for 50 shares. Letter and cheque by post. Wish you good speed.— Jamks Smith, Waitahuuu." In addition to tho above pleasing sign of the confidence folt in tho enterprise, every day is producing proof of tho deepening interest in the movement to ostablish tbo frozen moat industry in this centre.

Town and country peoplo who contemplate building shods, outhouses, or even residences, will have a splendid opportunity to-morrow of obtaining corrugated iron at their own prices, as wo notico tint Mr Keesing will sell some 2uO sheets, without reserved, at Mr Taw bo's yards in Tiidgway Struct, commencing at 1 p.m. Tho iron will be offered in lots of 12 sheets, with the option of taking more, ao as to meet the roquiremonts of small buyers.

A story is current in railway circles that on a recent journey, Her Maiesty, while engines were being changed, noticed an official on the platform wearing a jubilee medal, nnd,on enquiry being made,thoman said ho had received it as a former member of a Rojal household. "And," he ad led, knowing that his w lsh could not be fulfilled for two and twenty, or, a* somo say, scvon jcars moie, "may I live until I cm get a clasp for it." The Queen understood tho lojalwieh so readily expressed, and fairly laughed, as goes the tale ; which, if not truo, is at leust woll invented.

Direct intelligence hrn beon received reporting that tho building off ho Dolngoa Bay railway has been resumed, and ib being zealously pushed forward. Tho part from Moruni to the Transvaal frontier is almost finished, and that to tho Komatio Kivor is to be completed before tho rainy season Tho eurthwork has beon contracted for as far as Barberton, which plueo the line is to roach within a year. Tho pnrfc from Barberton to Pretoria is being marked out and many ongineors are still being engaged.

A privuto letter received from Jolidtinwburg states that businoss thero at present is very dull. Tho water supply is wretched. In wot weather the water is t lie colour of blood, owing to tho red clvi washing into tho reservoir. There are 150 cases of typhoid at tho present time, and inflammation of the lungs is also very proialcnt enured b) frequent dust storms. Though tho writer is earning from V.) to £10 per week as a compositor, lie intends to Icmo tho country 111 a few months.

With respect to tho Gisborno Standard's remarks on tho Firo Brigade fcenn from that locality wo may say that tho information supplied us cumo from a sourco such as w 0 considered rehablo, but if tho Standard pays that it is not a fact that two of the members of the team woro maintained for somo lime before tho competition, we lu-rcpt the a-mmuiee, and oxpress regret that anything against tlio team should havo appeared, but our statement emanated from a Gisborno man, and wus goueral talk among tho firemen.

Ihe Union S.S, Company nro making further additions to their nlrcndj' largo ilcot in tho S3 Tauum and Eotokino, which are now undor construction by Denny and Bothers on the Clyde. The Tmiuiii is to ropl.ico the Taupo in the Melbournc-Now Ilobrulci-Fiji trade, and the Rotokino (bad luko) is to take the Arawatu's placo in tho Now Zealand-Fiji somco. The ilonowai, 3500 tons, which is shortly o\]iected from Glasgow, will bo tho iinost steamship, for her si?e, in these wators. Captain Uaroy,'oomniodoro of tho company's (loot, at present in command of tlio company's jucht Kotomuhttnu, will tako charge of tho Mononai on hor ai rival, CapluiiiMacintosl^of the To Anau, succeeding him in tho Rotomahana. Tho managing director, Mr James Mills, is going homo immediately for tho purpose it is understood, of procuring moro steamers for tho increasing coal trade.

Tho opponents of marriage with adeeoiisod wife's Bister will uo lonfior be able to base thoir principal argument upon the famous text contained in Leviticus, vn'i, 18, for (writes tho New \ ork Tribune), aceoiduig to ft letter winch lins (list been reeoiral by tl'o Marriage taw heform Association in England from Professor Sehroidor, tho prosident of tho Imperial Gorman Commission for tho Eovision o£ the Bible, tho correct translation of tho verso from tho Hebrew is co constructed as to moan that a man must not take Ins Biutor-in-lnw as )iib wife while lior sinter is ulivo. 'lluit ia to say, ho must not luiio two wives hung at the sumo time in Ins houso who are sistors. On a ])oiut ol this kind tho opinion of tho greatest Biblical scholar in Germany— a hind which has a proud pro-ominonco as regards Scriptural oxogesis — is impoitant. Luther's text is in essential agreement with Profe»w Schroedor's rondonng of tho pasßiigf.

Towiis's Pknnyroyat. and Stebl Pimb von Females qnickly correct all irregularities, and roliova the distressing symptoms so prevalent with tho soi. Boxes Is lid and 2s 9d of all chemists and patent medicine vondors. Prepared only by The Lincoln and Midland Counties Drug Co.,?,liinooln England, 3fwaro of imitations

Surefoot is a strong favourite for tho English Derby at 1 to 2 against. The Australian horsos are doing well.

Mr John Stovens, of Rangitikei, is said to have been a passengpr to tho Bluff by the Wairurapa on Monday week.

District Judge Kettlo, finding that the work at Palmerston will preclude him from siting in bankruptcy here to-day, has adjourned the sittings till Monday.

This evening there will be three meetings going on— Rugby Union (annual), and monthly of the School Committee and the Library directors.

ThcDuncdin chemists are reported to bo having a busy timo of it with la grippe or influenza, which appears to be going through the enhro population. No serious cases are reported, but moat of those seized are laid asido for two days or so.

A movement is on foot by one or two of our local musicians to get up a performance of "Elijah." The Rev. Mr Dewsbury and Mr Drew are, we behove, the promoters, and if tho idea is taken up with spirit Mr Prouso, of Wellington, will probably be asked to tako tho rile of tho prophet,

Freeman, tho Invereargill suicido, had been in depressed spirits for some time, 1113 rents having fallen from £25 a weok to ' 7, but ho was still a wealthy man, am l iuid no family. Ho seemed moro cheerful than usual the night before Ins death, and was considered of a particularly jolly disposition.

It is expected in Wellington that Mr George Braithwuite will compete in the champion sculling race at Wellington Regatta. The prao is a cup worth £15. The senior sculling prizes are £15 and £5

In Chambers at Auckland Mr E. Hcsketh aeked His Honor Mr Justice Connolly if it was necessary for a person placed on the jnry list, whose ago wus over 60 years, to appear before His Honor to depose to the fact. His Honor replied that he had made ie a rule that all persons wishing tor exemption must appear in person before him to state the grounds.

The half-yearly report of the Colonial Bank of New Zealand states that tho net profit on tho half year, after duly providing for everything, was £15,533 17s, to which has been added -£43G1 Os Od, balance from last year. After deducting note tax and property tax, £2031 10s 3d, there 10 avail- v ablo 1.17,863 7s Od, out of which tho directors propose to pay 7 per cent dividend, absorbing £14,000, and carrying forward £3863 7s Gd.

The Vory Eov Father Kuk preached at tho Duncdm Cathedral on Sunday morning last. Tho Times says that he gave "an impressive sermon on the gospel of tho day." The choir was assisted by some ot tho members of the opera company. The mass sung was " Weber's Mass in G," tho soloists being Miss Wood (soprano), Sirs Angus (alto), Mr Neilson (tenor), and Mr Sheath (bass). During tho offertory Mr Neilson sang Rossini's " Cujus animam" with splendid effect. In the evening Bishop Moran do livored a panogj ric on St. Patrick.

In dilating on the valuo of the finow ledge imparted to members of ambuianco associations, ]>r Kemp, of Wellington (says tho Post), mentioned the other day that a case hud recently come undor his notico in which v girl Intel the misfortune to Lro '. her leg at 11 picnic beyond Wadestow n Thoiniurcd limb was immediately atteiun... lv by a member of tho Ambuianco Association who was present, and tho patient wus then carried through tho bush for about five miles. When lie (Dr Komp) took tho bandages off he found that although sho had been convej od at least six or soven miles, the ambulance worker mid done so well that no doubt a simple fracture had been prevented frombecominga compound one.

Tho now* Judgo of the District Court, Mr Kettle, is a quite young — and wo may say a handiomo — man. Ho looks not more than 28 or 30, and far more resembles a mombor of tho Junior Bar than "a gravo and roverend Signor." Grey hairs, however, do not always guarantee brains, and his Honor's face, scanned by the rules of Lavator, indicates shrewdness, tact and common sense. Ho bos a doheato Grecian nose, slightly aquiline, .1 high forehead, somewhat furroncd between the eyebrows, largo grny eyes, light brown inustacliios, darker brown hair, a clear-cut mouth but a soft, rounded chin. In fact (s.i\s the Mauawatu Standard) ho looks as if hois equally at homo in ball-room, or justice room, in Tennis Court or District Comtj and that he can bo as gay at the convivial gathering 113 ho ib grave when seated above Ins fellows on the Boneh to which he has been so recently raised.

Peter Laing, the Elgin cenfenanan, who is physically one of tho most wonderful men of modern times, entered on his 100 th year recently A carter by trade, he still continues to enioy excellent health, all his faculties being unimpaired, and any day ho may be seen on tlio streets of Elgin in tho north of Scotland, in ehargo of his horso and cart. Ho comes of a family Celebrated for longevity. His father died at 1619, and his groit grandfather, who fought under the Duko ot Cumberland at the Battle of Cullodcn, died at tho remarkable ago of 135. Potor lived in tho time of Eobbie Burns and, his memory is co retontive that he can remember opisodca in tho life of tho Scottish national bard. Ho was married, and since his wife died, over 30 years ago, ho has acted the part of his own cook, housekeeper, and everything else. Ho has a mast robust constitution, hia diet being "broso," porridge, potatoes, and salt herrings, and ho declares that a ehango in the shape of dainties would be to him worso than drugs.

" Oilous," who writes tho sporting notes for the Wellington Evening Press is very scvoro on the W.J.C. Stewards, moro so, wo think, than thoso who watched tho running would think is warranted. His remarks aro made in connection with tho running of Antelope- and HUda at our late meeting. He says :— On tho first day tho Auckland mare Antelopo showed sho was quite woll by winning tho Flying with &st 121 bin lmin 18^. On tho second day, however, in tho Autumn Handicap, 11 miles, sho finished third with Bst 71b in a field of four, to Montrosc 11, who wou va«ily in 2mm lUJsec. At tho Mauawutu meeting a week previous sho had carried Ost, and won the Stonurds' Hundicnp, l\ miles, in 2nun 'isee, though at Wnnganui sho could only get third with 71bs loss in a raeo which took 2isecs longer to run. At Napier on Monday she cut out a mile with Bst 121 bin lmin 45 2-sth sees, nnd tho other quarte-milo would havo been dono in about aCsecs, which would have boon 2min 11 2-sth socs, and tho other quarter milo would ha\o boon done in about liOsccs. which would have been 2mm II 2.5 th sees, or osocs quicker than the winner took at Wanganui, where she canied 51bs less. Thoro was also wonderful discrepancy 111 Hilda's running. On the first day in tho Cup with Bst sho ran last. With tho samo weight the next day sho cut out lVniilcs in 2mm tOiecs, being at the vatn of 2(S:;3ccs for oaeh quarter mile. On that running sho bhoulcl have cut out tho Cup distanco, If miles, 111 3iuin ti^secs, or 2',secs qmckor \(lmn Dudu won 111. At Napier sho had 81bs moro to carry and won hard held in 3min 0 2-sth sec." This ho calls barotuced lobberj of tho public.

Many women in making loaves use cream of tartar and sodu which makes them yellow and of a peculiar flavor. If you want to nmko delicious whito sconos use only Henshaw's Perfected Baking Ponder, which iB prepared with tho purest ingredients ami in scientific proportions, whereby tho best possible results are attainable.

Evoryono should bo photographed, net nocessanly for thoir own sako, but for the sako of parents, Bi3tors, brothors, and relations and friends generally. It is important that it should bo a good likeness and that it should be pormanent — that is not liable to fade It 13 most desirable therefore to employ a photographer on whom reliance may bo placed. We can with confidenco recommend Mr JlAimN, of Wanganui, as an artist whose work invariably take highest awards at the various Exhibitions. — Advt.

ONE BOX OF CLARKE'S U 41 PILLS isjwurrar.tei'd to euro all discharge* lroin the Urinary, in either sex (acquired or constitutional, Gravel, and Pains in Back. Guarantvod free from Mercury. Sold in boxes, 4o u'd each, by all Chemists and Patout Modicino Vondors throughout the World. Proprietors: Tllß LINCOLN AND MIDLAND CoUNTIHB DMIO COMPANY Lincoln, Fnahuid.

It is not the supouor neatness nor tho oxtraordiuary cheapness alone, that attracts public attontion to Ainsworth's boots and shoos, but, hko that special class of beauty that improves with acquaintance, the longer you #oar them the better you like them. Tho Corner Boot Shop. Everybody knows it.

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Wanganui Herald, Volume XXIV, Issue 7061, 21 March 1890, Page 2

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THE NEW DISTRICTS. Wanganui Herald, Volume XXIV, Issue 7061, 21 March 1890, Page 2

THE NEW DISTRICTS. Wanganui Herald, Volume XXIV, Issue 7061, 21 March 1890, Page 2