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We have been shewn a letter from an engineer in England which came out by the last mail, in which it is stated that the New Zealand Government had referred the question of the present state of the New Plymouth Harbour to Sir John Coode, and that that gentleman has given his opinion to the effect that the prosecution of the work ought to bo abandoned, and that the present work can only be used by constant and expensive dredging ; and even if this ia done, tho enormous quantity of sand which is ever being cast up may make it impossible to keep a narrow channel opon inside the present breakwater. The Wanganui Rowing Club will hold its annual meeting on Saturday next. The Governor was to have visited Haveloek yesterday and have been banquelted. Messrs A. Hatrick and Co's vessel, the St. Kilda, left Sydney on Friday for Wanganui. We direct attention to Mr A. Johnson's adveitisement in this issue. It i 8 expected that tho stamp duty in the estate of late Hon. W. Robinson will reach fully £35,000. Ifc is stated that Mr Stitt, storekeeper, of Opunake, is again moving in the direction of getting satisfaction from Te Whifci on a judgment summons for over £150, for goods sold and delivered. The Premier is still unwell, but was able to take a carriage airing on Saturday. His medical attendants are Drs Kemp and Collins. "Maritana" is being started again by the Harmonic Society, which has for some time been in difficulties about a pianiste,a trouble that has been overcome by the return of the lady who has acted in that capacity for some time past. Cable advices received by a mercantile firm in Wellington announce a rise of £3 10s per ton in nee. The reason for this serioiiß advance in value (says the Post) will no doubt be found in the cable news as to serious (loods in China. Mr Perritt yesterday received a nasty shaking near Kai Iwi. His horse stumbled and fell, Mr Perritt going down with him and getting rolled on. He was insensible for a time, and ultimately had to come into town by train and leave his horse behind. Mr Heniy Weston, of New Plymouth, who was a fellow-passenger with Major Jackson from New Plymouth, states that the Major was quiet well, but, he thinks, did not seem to bo quite so buoyant in spirits as he had usually scon him, but attributed it to the fatigue and worry of the session, The half-jearly balance-sheet of the Waitotara County Council laid on tho table at yesterday's meeting showed a credit of £221 14s 2d, which led Cr Peat to remark that this was the first time the Council had gone through the year without needing an overdraft, it meant that all their repairs had been carried out on their ordinary revenue.

A rifle match of some importance was fired on Saturday between two active volunteers, one representing the hardware intereats and tho other "rags," to test tho new Martini-Henry lilies. The conditions were five shots each at 200 and 300 yards, and the scores were very close, tho totals being — Tin-tacks, 2 fan outer for the first shot) ; and rags, 3 (a magpie,also for the first shot).

Judge Denniston, in charging the Grand Jury at Dnnedin, extended his references to the changes in the law of evidence made during last session, by which criminals may be examined on oath, and wives and husbands give evidence for each other. He also drew attention to the dangerous position in which judges are placed by new Acts coming into force the veiy moment they receive the Governor's assent at Wellington. It might lead to most awkward results, and ifc was advisable that a certain lapse of time should be allowed, 60 that it might be physically possible for a Judge to know the law he was administering.

Atthe]WaitotaraCounty Council yesterday there were present Crs Peat (chair), Tawse, and Mitchell. Mr William Taylor wrote stating that he had no objection to tho gates on the Perekama road, and Messrs Parsons and Hartwell also attended the Council about these same gates, and the Foremen v. as instructed to report on them. Tenders are to be called for 57 chains formation on Jtho Tokomaru We3t road deviation. Messrs Bunting and Bhodos' tender for contract 57 was accepted. It was resolved to inform Mr Lomax that there is a legal road from his boundary to the Okehu Station. Mr Handlcy acquiesced in the formation and fencing of tho road, the same having been taken under the Wanga-nui-Waitotaru Highway Board. The Foreman's report was read and corifirmed.and the secretary was instructed to|writetothePatea County Council about the Waitotara bridge. Tenders are to be called for next meeting for the principal repairs required on tho varioub roads.

Tho usual fortnightly meeting of the Muu'cal and Literary Society was held last evening in the Wosleyan Schoolroom, there being a large attendance, which, considering the inclement state of the weather, must bo considered very satisfactory. Soveral musical selections were given during tho evening, both vocnl and instrumental, the principal item being n. vocal duet by Mrs Jones and the Rer. Powsbury, and songs by the Misses Battle and Wilcox, and tho Rev. Dowsbury and Mr Lonnard, all of which were well received. The debating portion of tho programme took the form of a President's Question Box, by which a varied number of subjects were discussed, tho handling nnd criticising of some provoking considerable mirth. One individual wns evidently seeking information as tho question " How to propose " was drawn. Ho did not learn much, as most of the names drawn to speak on tho subject were mostly youths of 17 or 18 summers, all of whom pleaded inoxpenence. Among the questions was, " Why was not Parliament prorogued in the usual way last session ?" and the general opinion was that Sir Harry was so ashamed of tho barron results that he had not tho impudence to attempt to deal with them in a closing Queen's speech. Regarding tho accession of Captain Bussell to the Ministry, the Rangitikei Advocateforciblyremarks : — " Theaccession of Captain Russell to the ranks of the Minislrv may add a little respectability to it, but we aro inclined to think that in joining the Government the gallant captain has sacrificed all reputation for consistency. He is a Erectrader of the most pronounced type. Ho fought against the Protectionist tariff with all his might, and now he has allied himself with tho very Government that introduced that villainous measuro and forced it on the country. It is no reply to say that the question is now settled, and that there is fhereforo no use in lighting against it any longer, for in the very last speech which lie made to his constituents, Captain Russell devoted nearly the whole of his address to a slashing attack on tho tariff, and a trenchant criticism of its j manifold enormities. He seemed then determined to carry on the battle with relentless and remorseless vigour, Yet wo find that ho has only to be offered, a seat in the Government, and ho gqcs over to the ranks of the enemy. After this where shall wo look for political stability 5 whero sook for a politician who can bo relio 1 on to stand to his colours ovon on questions of supreme consequence ■"'

To my customers and tho public generally — I have determined to keep to the pricos heroin mentioned. No second prices kept. Men's Soleing and Heeling, 3s 6d ; Women's Soloing and Heeling, 2s 6(1 ; and Shoes of all descriptions made to order. Samples of repairs aro shown in the window. W. Turner, Bootmaker, Ridgway-street.— Advt

"Keating's Powdpb'' destroys Biros FiißAs, Moths, Bbmibs, and all other insects, whilst quite harmless to domesl in animals. In exterminating Beetlos tho success of this powder is extraordinary. It is perfectly clean in application. Sea the article you purchase is "Keating's," as imitations are noxious and ineffectual. Sold in Tins, 6d, Ib, and 2a 6d each, by all cliemis'fl.

The nominations for the Spring Meeting Handicap close to-night.

Unclaimed letters for the following people are lying afc the Post Office: — Joseph Gildon, Miss Howitt (passenger R.M.S. Tongariro for Wanganui), Mrs Charles Judd, and Mr William Red. At the ordinary meeting of the Wanganui J.C. last uighfc the programmes of the Manawatu, Foxton, and Foilding Clubs wcie passed without much discussion. Mr E. MeElwain was elected a member of the Club. Messrs Sclandcrs and Co. notify that they are prepared to send Home produce of all soi'lb on consignment, either with or without advances, and the facilities offered by tho connection of their London houso place them in a favourable position for so doing. To-morrow Mr Bush's stock of drapery is to be auctioned on the premises, Taupo Quay, formerly occupied by Mr W. Barr. From what we have seen of the stock w e shall expect it to bring good prices. Seals are to be provided for ladies attending, and ariangements have been made to secure the comfort of all present.

Tho first competition thia season by the W.R.V. for Lieut. Foster's cup will take place on Friday morning. The following are the handicaps : — Lieutenants Foster and Hughes, Sergeants Remington, Rodwell and Armstrong, Privates Armstrong, Anderson, Churton, Connell, Couchman, T. Garner, Hooker, G. Laird, Pawson, Ramson, and Wright, scratch ; Sergeant Howard, Privates Quin and Roldy, 4 points; Corporal Bertram and Sykes, and Private Hughes, 6 points; Color-Sergt. Bush, Privates Campbell, Sarten, Staifce and Thompson, 8 points. All the rest of the corps have 10 points. The following have wins in for for this cup : — Couchman (2), Churtou, G. Laiid (2), A. Laird (2) Pawson, Parkinson, Magilton, Comrie, Roddy, T. Garner (2), Remington, Wright, Quin, and Howard. ONE BOX OF CLARKE'S B 41 PILLS ia warranteed to cure all discharges from the Urinary Organs, in either sex (acquired or constitutional, G-ravel, and Puins in j Back. Guarantied free from MercurySold in boxes, 4« (id each, by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors throughout the World. Proprietors : The Lincoln AND MIPIAND Cor/NTIES DlHJff COMPANY' Lincoln, Enriind Kkatino's Cott on Lozenges cure Coughs Asthma.Bronchitis. Medicaltestimony states thafc no other medicine is so effectual in the cure of these dangerous maladies. One Lozenge alone give 3 ease, one or two at bedtime ensures rest. For relieving difficulty in breathing they are invaluable, They lontain no opium nor any violent drug. Sold Sy all chemists. Towib's Pennyroyal and Stbel Pills fob Fbmalbs quickly correct all irregularities, and relieve the distressing symptoms so prevalent with tho sex. Boxes Is lid and 2s 9d of all chemists and patent medicine vendors. Prepared only by The Lincoln and Midland Counties Drug Co., Lincoln, England. Beware of imitations.

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Wanganui Herald, Volume XXIII, Issue 6926, 8 October 1889, Page 2

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Untitled Wanganui Herald, Volume XXIII, Issue 6926, 8 October 1889, Page 2

Untitled Wanganui Herald, Volume XXIII, Issue 6926, 8 October 1889, Page 2