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Bnsinesa Attvertisements. I ""*-™ ■a.uvarHSßmerns. CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS. TVTTniTOT.T^ & TinTTATr.v CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS. _M lOJjlUJjJjfe <& J_.(JUIVDY I ______ Herewith annonnoe the Arrival of a Shipment of JOSEPH PAUL & CO. NEWGOOJ>B.«L.D E p ARTMENTS> Specially timed to meet the requirements of the Have received a Magnificent Lot of CHRISTMAS TRAII If MEN'S, BOYS', & YOUTHS' CLOTHING, including many Scarce Llnsanad Noveltie, , SUITABSEjANDSPBCIALLYSELSOTED FORTHE COMING SUMMER SEASON. MADE AND UNMADE WASHING C^mls .„ white Sky Pink and P - For value and selection we defy sucoessf-nTZp^tion, hav^g purchased at 40, per cent fSg^SS^ciSSSSSi' o^^___^_SS___l Discount for Cash. WRAPPERS in a variety of styles and material! SUNSiADE^ro fuiMwHS -» full range in both, with latest designs in handles. KID AND SILK GLOVES in aU : yotj can purchase 1 XTJ - selection. TRIMMED MILLINERY- We have had a nice assortment of ti» leadinK > shapes, specially trimmed by our own Milliner for the Holiday Season. Also, a 50>« .«___-._..-. n- |ff«ffl^_g__&«_WtisSrtSiS OU^ _. . . -, .p*, „„., ..a -. «* ». _aC_S &B___s_tt?__C_t__S! — 2i_3_=! &»_p?__r__«___i?i_ __£_*_ BOYS' FULL TROUSERS SUITS ... 13/8, 14/6, and 19/6 . 91^* f " m . th ? Homo M « ket «- •VOOTHB' FDLL TROUSERS bOITsL 15/6, 16/6, 19/8 LUE L4IKBI waa - '~[™} °*l s *®* ed forjthe preservation X TITEN-S TWEED TROUSERS .-3/9, 4/11, 5/11, 7/6 of good and assistance to failing sight. 1 IVI H/TEN'S TWEED COATS -7/6. 9 /6, 12/6. ■ iVI T\/f EN'S BLUE SERGE COATS ... 5/6, 6/6, 10/6 with the Compliments of the Season, and sincere thanks to all customers for their XtJL esteemed patronage. OA Dozen MBN'S REGATTA SH'RTS,-with collars ... 2/11 ATTrnUYYT T C JP~" T./VTT TVT~A^T Z[} TADozenBOYS-lAIT^HATS ... « NIOHOLLS & BOUND V, W) VICTORIA AVENUE.' ; JOSEPH PAUL & CO. ADVANCE WANGANUI. QPEOIAL NOTICE. DVANCB WANGANUI. >-> CELEBRATION OF THE FIRST CHRISTMA H. I. JONES & SON, °* " HK Wish to call speoial attention to their NEW VICTORIA MOUSE. & VARIED aTOO^ T>T^rpTn 13 R"RT i\ j Which is far toolextensive for present requirements, and must be sold. Has deoided to celebrate the RE-OPENING OF VICTORIA HOUSE in a manner The Prices asked shonld command a ready sale during the coming season worthy of and befitting the inauguration of CHRISTMAS & NEW YEAR 1887-8. ' THE LARGEST, CHEAPE3T, AND BEST DRAPERY AND CLOTHING ESTABLIBHMENT ON THIS COABT _ , „ Favonr us with a vißit, and satisfy yourselves as to the genuineness of our advertisement. «T IX JX A IMJ triXX O__.__X_Ta - he fo!lo _ mR NEW SEEIALa for 1887 jnßt t0 hand: _ Tha Boys . andQiria-Own — aud— Annual, Every Boys' Annual, Young England, Chatterbox, Sunday, British Work _. in „ man, Band of Hope Review, Children's Friend, Child's Companion, The Prize, Child's W ILLUMINATED EXHIBITION •&& Own Magazine, L ttle Folks, _c, *o. A_o on Hand— BECK SERIALS & OTHER WORKS, whioh will be offered at Great 1 QQT J p OR CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR » 1 QQQ. Reductions on former prioes. 100 I j FOR CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR \ 1000 On a soale and with a liberality HITHEETO UNKNOWN IN WA.NGANUI. Our stock of CHRISTMAS NOVELTIES has arrived, And having been purohased in tbe Home Market from First Hands will enable us to sell THIS GREAT SALE ohe * per th9n any other Hon ' B in w * DD B annl - will commence —— — — SATURDAY —TO IVTOT?ROW SATURDAY full supply 'of church services, prayer books, and hymn books, O_._UJS_»_.X — XU-JUUJ-^KtJW — Oa.l.vaua.X, Wlth and w ,thout Musio, in various bindings, Cloth and Mo usedinthe ohur And will be continued FAMILY BIBLES EVER¥ DAY NEXT WEEK, AND ON CHRISTMAS EVE. —" Very Large Stock of REWARD BOOKS, %&• During this Great Complimentary Salo, EVERY CABH CUSTOMER, young and ' old (however small the purohase), will receive a Carefully seleoted from the Best Publishing Houses, inoluding Nesbitt and Co., F. Warne __._,_,_,,, _, _„__, __„___ „r . T,r-.»Tm/-w »na Co-i Griffin and Farran, Ward and Locke, Routledge, Nelson and Son, Cassell CHRISTMAS GIFT OR A JUBILEE M-MENTO. -d Co., offers a rare opportunity to those who are desirous of scouring Cbriitmas and New Year Gifts, and our supply for Sunday Sohool Prizes are well worthy of inspection, as they are the CHEAPEST and BEST SELECTION ever shown in SPEOIAL TABLES LOADED WITO HANDSOME GIFTS 4 PRETTY PRESENTS mM o T n TR-AnnwßQ * «mr™r ™m m ™ m «. FOR ALL, WITH THE COMPLIMENTB OF THE SEASON. <ir Bpa CIAL TERMS TO TEACHERS & SOHOOL COMMITTEES. "W ASTOUNDING BARGAINS IN CHILDREN'S HATS CHRISTMAS & NEW YEAR CARDS EXTRAORDINARY BARGAINS IK CHILDREN'S PINAFORES WONDERFUL BARGAINB IN SILK AND KID GLOVES Of all descriptions from Id to 103 eaoh. Packets from Is upwardß. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN SUMMER DRESSES GUKAT BARGAINS IN LAOES, FRILLING, & RIBBONS 'PAIVDY fl. aatv o t m MEN ' s cLOT^-Gf YOUTHS ' ! EX BAiffi AM WONDERFUL J IN SHIRTS, TIES, SCARES, BRACES, J SPECIAL Ladies' Hand bags Ornaments '" ' Glove and Handkerchief Boxes BARGAINS ] &0,, &c. S BARGAINS Ftns Inkatands Easels Purses Photograph Frames Reticuleß "■""""""""" Work Boxes Photograph Albums Paper Knives URMEMBER !-FOR GIFTS- REMEMBER ! SSSS? »d view, J ° wel °" ea SATURDAY — TO-MORROW — SATURDAY, And other artloleß l0 ° namerc "" to mentioni ALL NEXT WEEK, AND ON CHRISTMAS EVE. NOW LANDENG> e _ B# , - AlNni> tondon _ N.B—There will not be any Almanacs or Christmas Cards sent out from Viotoria LAWN TENNIS & CROQUET GOODS, House thii season, and friends are kindly asked to aooapt this intimation. Direot from Ayre. Inspection invited. PETER BELL, letts diaries isss. PROPRIETOR VI'JTORIA HOUSE. Full Supply. Great Variety. Best and Most Reliable Diary Published COMPULSORY CLOSING — AT— ALPHA TTOUSE. . IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. \ It will be seen by another Advertisement that Mr S. Hooper has plaoed the Lease of Alpha House in the market, Itjwll be thus necessary that GEORGE FLYGER'S GREAT BANKRUPT STOCK MUST BE SOLD. G.F. will positively sell THE BALANCE OF THE STOCK AT PBICES THAT WILL ASTONISH ALL VISITORS. ALL MUST BE SOLD AT FULLY ONE-QUARTER THE ORIGINAL COBT. The Stook comprises Blaok and Coloured Frenoh Merinos and Cashmeres, Dress Goods in every variety, Prints, Drilletts and Cashmeretts {a large variety to seleot from), < E Hosiery, and Gloves in endless variety, Sheetings, Calicoes, Quilts, Towels, Laoe Curtains, Linens, Silesias and Hollands. Splendid assortment of BOYS', YOUTHS', and MEN'S CLOTHING, Ties, Soarves 1 and Collars, Ltdies' Hats, Bonnets at less than one-tenth of the Original Price. Splendid assortment of Laces, Ribbons, Feathers, Flowers, and Bonnet Trimmings in fact a complete and well-assorted Stook of General Drapery. 83T This will be a grand opportunity for any person intending to enter business to , purchase|urider most favourable^termtt AN EXCELLENT-GOING BUSINESS, GEORGE FLYGER, ALPHA TT O U S E, RIDGWAY STREET. 1 BROOKDALE COAL DEPOT. j PAPERHANGINGS 1 -r, r ANGANUI SASH & DOOR FAC T ► -,-v ■- vor . ART .„„ -DENDELIX WATSON, I "«_«■ P.porb.nging, 1 W TORY & TIMBER COMPANY J. §D. MT" 1 Jtt VV T3 g "CI nniNGEY, '' SHIP CHANDLERS _ SAILMAKERS, COAL GRAIN, & PRODOCE [MKR- ■£«•• •* J-^« J- Taupo Quay and Ridgway Stbeet, Tadpo Qday, Wakoasdi! • CHANTS. VIOTOBIA AVENUE, WANGANUI. _!_ 1 The attention of Builders, Country Settlerß, INf STOCK _ MADE TO ORDER— | AgentsforUnionSteamShipCompany. BEAUTIFUL OLEOGRAPHS and other. ..invited to our stock, Tents, Tarpaulins, Oilskins, Dray Riok and To be given away, framed and unfram in comprising— Horse Covers Reaper and Maohinn Importers of Fresh Fruit by every steamer. m S nt hs of December and January, RIMU, WHITE PINE.TOTARA.KAURI, ' sheets m * mae to Cash Purohaseis of 5s BLUE GUM, H.T. PALINGS, & " General 'commission and Custom House • and upwards. DRESSED PICKETS. First Prize awarded at the Patea _ Ecmont business undertaken, ann attended to with Agricultural Show for Knanm- .nd promptitude. GIFTS! GIFIS I GIFTS! DOORS _ SASHES Binder Taohine ßheX . . _ Amount purohased ... 5a ... Gift Is 3d Ia Kauri, Totara, or Figured Rimu. 1 Sole Importers in Wanganui of Westport Amount phased ... 10s ... Gift 2s 6d First Prize awarded at the Wancanui Coal Company's Amount purohased ... 15s .„ Gift 3s 9d Shop Fronts, Sash Frames, Green-house Exhibition for Horse Covers. COALBROOKDALEICOAL. Amount purchased ... 20s ._ Gift 5s Od Sashes, and every description of Amount purohased ... 30s ... Gift 7s 6d Joinery made to order. The above lines are manufaotured on the Greymouth Coal at great reduction in priof Amount purchased ... 40a ... Gift 10s Od t - — premises, and are sold g^S^rt*^ »__« i- a M^cent Collection of S^JJiSSff I**1 ** WHOLESALE _ RETAIL. 1^ tSI&SSPt Mann^nrersof^d.ofCOOPEßAGE. "^^Z^T I*** ° ftte alw^. a nd kiDd ' ! ° f *° n ° FMd irf " ** """ "" "* " SSt *&& '^SS^^J!^^ Spirit Kegs, Brewers' Vats, &o, DTRFOT IMPORTOHH Direot Imnorters of Sydney Frnito by VIOTORIA AVENUE. — - iJiKttl/l X_lW-,l_iKß. * every steamer. Evert Description oeCaevino&Tobnino -pRIVATE Board and Residence for _..r- nn . done on me premises. JT single gentlemen or families ; sin R le BROOKDALE COAL DEPOT, tpr-R 1 Tf!P.m l TfiP.aill . i, mn , » , CT . „ ,_ tl gentlemen £1 por week. Addresi-^Mrs BELL STREET. ICEB I IUSB M 1U_8 ! ■ i A largo] .took of^Langstrath and Cottage Kennerley, Sediebroofc. • ttuareal - wra TIJTOTTLT'S Christmas and _ow Year TIfANTBD the Publio to know that "U^"' - M OW.-»toW__S4" X V J'SrViSfJS'i?? ° R , E P. MS FieldiGates and Sheep Hurdles. NOTICE, .tor-V tn .olnnt fi-nn, calling at DUSTIN'S, Wiokstead Plaoe. * * — _ ! 1 j S Col " c » Dd tr y them ' onl y 3d * nA 6d por F. M. SPURDLE ALL .r ount " duß t0 m B^L to be yr OULT has some splendidj ,od 3 suit. glaSB M - Hru ___^L r< JX paid toMr David Bell, St HilLstreet, ■ IVI. able for Chnstmaa, Birt iday, and ll- b whose reoeipt will be a sufficient disoharae • sga^___i__r rsir-ssi; t - w - bell/ I periW^-^am Jaw, 2s 3d ne^. Every Avenue, Joppositeithe Club. FI TZ HERBERT & MABSHAIA, Meulding in the colony.

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Wanganui Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 6406, 6 January 1888, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Wanganui Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 6406, 6 January 1888, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Wanganui Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 6406, 6 January 1888, Page 3