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Racing. a mile and* half. Nomination 1 soy ; acceptance lsov. tVinner of the F.B.G. Handicap to oirry a penalty ot 71bi. To stirt at 2.4j p.m , 6. Hack Baob, of 10 toys. Entrance, 1 soy. Distance once round the course. Qualification •line ai ,ln Hack Hurdle Bace. Weight to be "not under Bst To itart at 8.30 p.m 1. Flviho Stakes HiNDioir, of 60 iovi. Secona horse three ioti from the itakes. Diitance three quarters of a mile. Nomination, 1 soy ; acceptance 1 soy. To start at 4 p.m. 8. Foboid HAhdioip, of 20 iot!. Once round the course. Entrance, winning horses 1 soy, loiing hones lOs. To itart 4is p.m. Nominations for all Handicaps, and entriei for the Juvenile Stakes, cloio on Thursday, 16 December, at 9 p.m. Weights to be declared on Friday, January 6th. General entries and acceptances close on Friday, 13th January, at 9 p.m. For rules and regulations see offlclf 1 programme JOHNB. BUSSBLt. Hon. Secretary. ■m/TANAWATU KACINQ ciTu'R SUMMEB MEETING. To bo held on thePalmerstonKorth Bacecourie on MOUDAY.DEC. 26,1887. Preiident IMr D.,H. Macarthur, M.H.B. VicePresidents : Messrs H. McNeil and Jamei Ilnton. Stewardi : Meisra J. E. Foriter Pratt, M. Prendergast, A. B. Eussel E. 8. Abraham, Adam McDenald, W. Akers, and D. Bulck. Judge : Mr Themas Knight. Starter : Mr J. B. Forater Pratt. Handic»pper: Mr J. O. BTett.' Timekeeper : Mr H. W. Haybittle. Clerk of Scales : Mr Thomai King. Clerk of Course : Mr li. Skerman. Treasurer : Mr J. C. Hanna. PROGRAMME FOB THE DAY. 1. HANDIOAF HURDLE RACK of 60 iovs. Second horse 5 sovi from the Stakei. To ftart at 11 a.m Nomination, 1 iov. ; acceptance, 1 soy. Siitance, 2 miles, over eight flights of hurdlei 3ft C'n high. , 2. Eaok Hurdle Saox of 10 iots. To start at 11.40 a.m. Poit entry, 1 iov. Weight not leis than 10 stone. Open to hacks that have never won public money (hack races excepted). Distance once ronnd the coune. Jockeys to ride in colon. 3. MA'DPN FIiATE of 40 SOTI. To itart at 12.20 p.m. Entrance 1 iot. Weig'it for age. Open to aU hones that have never won an advertlied raoe prior to date of entry, after which the winner of any luch race to carry a penalty o( alb. Distance 1} miles. 4. Jdbubb Handicap of 40 soys. Second hone to receiro lOsovs from stakes. To start ai 1p m. Nomination, 1 soy. ; acceptance, 1 iov. Distance H miles. 6. Tns Palveestoh GoiNEis, a handicap of 100 guineassiecond hone to receive lOsovs from the itakes. To start at 2.30 p.m. Nomlmtlon lsov, acceptance 2 soys. Distance 1} miles. The winner of »ny race of 100 sots, after the declaration of weights to carry a penalty of 51b ; of £160, a penalty of 7lbi. 8. Hack rack of 10 soys. To itart at 3 IS. p.m. Post entry, 1 soy. Weight not leu toan 10 stone. For all hack! that have never won public money (hack races excepted). niitance, one mile and a distance. Jockeyi to ride in colors. 7. Flyiho HANDiatPof 60 iovs. Second hone to fecond hone to receive lOsos from stakes. To start at 4. p.m. Nomination, 1 soy. ; Diitance, 6 forlonfts. The winner of the Palmentoo Guineas to carry 71bs penalty. Nominations for Handicap Hurdlei, Jubilee Handicap, Palmenton Guioeasand Hying Handicap, will be received, addressed to the Secretary Manawatu Facing Club, at the Commercial Hotel. Palmenton North, up to Thursday, 24th Nst., at 9pm Weights weights will be declared on Tuesday, 6th December. Acceptances for Handicap Hurdlei, Jubilee Handicap, Palmenton Guineas, and Flying HundiEntries for Maiden Plate close on Thursday, 15 th December, at 9 p.m. ETJLBS AND EEGTJXATIONB. >'o entry will be received for any rao except upon thb condition : That aU diiputes, clauni, and obiectioni, ariiing out of the racing ihall be decided by a majority of the Stowardi prosent, or those whom they may appoint; Their deciiion upon all points connected with the carrying out of thii programme shall be final: All entries to be sealed and addressed to the c ecretary, Palmenton North; entrance money enclosed, with name, age at time of entry, pedigree, and (in the case of handicaps) performances of the hone, name of mvner, and colon of the rider. Any Jockey riding except in tho colon entered, will be fined S iovs. When two or more horses start, the property of the same owner, a distinguishing color must be worn. All persons Intend! g to withdraw hones are required to give notice 1 0 that oHect to the Secretary or Clerk ol the Scales one half-hour before the advertised time of starting. Any penon neglecting or refusing to comply with this rule shall pay a fine of 5 soys to tho race fund. All racei to be ran under the W.X.C. rules. Hones walklog over will only receive half the stakes. Jo horse to »»ve its stakes in any race except where otherwise ipeclfled. ■ 1 All entriei and nominations must be in the handi of the Secretary at the time and place as ndvertlied Nonomination, entry, or acceptance will be received on any pretence whatever, unle si actually accompanied by the necessary amount payable. The attention of owners li particularity ciiled to this rrgulatian. Post maru will not be received. I'enaltlei in above programme not to be cumulative. No qualification fee required. C. MILES, Socretary. [The M.B.C. Handicap will appear in Programme ef Autumn Meeting, which will be duly notified.] mAEANAKI JOCKEY CLUB. SPRING "MKEriNG. To be held on * BOXING DAY. MONDAY, DECEMBER 26TH, 1887. Judge— Jumei Paul, Starter— Captain Mace. Clerk of Sclm— B. Cock. Clerk of Course — C. Messenger, stewards— Mesm A. Standlih, O. Simuel, M.H.8., DrO'Carrol, C. W. Govett, R. G. Bauchope, Newton King, W. Cutfield, Captain Mace, D. Berry, J. T. Davis. PROGEAMJIE OF EVENTS. HAfK Hubd is, of £15. Entrance IDs ; diittnco, 1} miles, over seven Jumps; no weight under lOst. Maiden Plate of £25. Entrance £1 ; distance li miles ; open to all hones that have never won an advertised stake of over £26 Spuing Hahdio 1p ot £60. Second hone to receive £10 from the itakei ; nomination 1 iov ; acceptance, 2 soTi ; distance, 1} miles. Novel Hack eace, of £25. Entrance, 1 «ot ;no weight under Ost ; poit entry ; the winner to become the property of the Clnb, and 'sold immediately after the race ; diitince, 1} miles. Welter hahdioap, of £30. Nomination, 10s 6d ; acceptance lsov; minimum weight, 8 stone; diitince ' '".lie. Hick Bice, of £10. Entnnco 10s ; poit «ntry ; no weight under Sit ; diitance, }of a mile. Consolation handicap, of £2o. Entrance, 1 iov ; distance, once round the coune. Date: of Nominations, Acceptances, etc., and amounts to be forwarded. Nomination! closo at 9 p.m. on Monday, 14th November, 1887. Spring Handicap, 1 soy. Welter Handicap, half-a-sov. Weights to be declared on Wednesday, 23' d November, 18S7. Acceptances and General Entries on Tuesday, December 20th, 1887, at 9 p.m. Spring Handicap, 2jovs. Welter Handicap, 1 'OV EULES AND KEGULATfONS. All entries to be sealed and adddrclsed to the Hon Secretary, at tbo White Bart Hotel, with name, age at time of entry, colon of the riders and in caie rf Handicaps, where horiei have not previously itarted on tho TaranaU coune, pedigree and performance of hone: ,No entry will be received for any ofthencei on the condition, "That all disputes, claims, and obiectioni arising out of the racing shall be decided by a majority ofthe Stewards present, or thoie whom they appoint. Their decision upon all points connected with the carrying out of the programme shall be final. All penoni intending to withdraw hones, or make declaration! to win, are required to give notice to the Secretary, one half-hour before tho official time of starting. Any penon neglecting or refusing to comply with this rule shall pay a fine not excacding 5 sots to the race fund: In the event of any penon entering a paoteit, the sum of £2 must be lodged with the Secretary before iuch protest is considered ; this mm to be forfeited to the fundi should tho Stewards conlider the protest filvolous or vexatious: No entry will be received on any pret°ncs whatever, after the hour named or without being accompanied by the necessary amonnt in cash: Five per cent will be deducted from ail winnings towards the expenios of the coune: All races to be run under tho Taranaki Jockey Clnb rules. JAMES PAUL. Hon Se-retary. ATHIETIC SPOETS. To be held on the Waverley Kcreatioi Ground, OU Oth NOVEMBER President— Mr J. B. Walklngton. Judges— Messrs F.Symei and G.Johnston. Committeo-Meisrs Kemp, Gibson, J. Alken, Muldrock, W. Davis, Banks, Andenon, 1. Dnrie, Bllli, J. Price, A. Cornwall, Mann, and J. Mulr. Handiaappen— Mesm Gibson, Andenon, and Davis. Starter— Mr G. Ulbion. Secretary and Treasuror— Mr H. ET, Mason. 1 PBOOItAMHE: 1. Maiden, 160ydi. Ist prize £2, 2 nd IDs ; acceptanco 2i. 2. Boys' Race, 160ydi, hdcp (under 10 yean), lit - prize 7« <M, 2nd 2s Oil ; acceptance 6(1. 3. lOOydi Handicap. Ist prize £3, 2 nd £I, Brd 10s ntmlnatlon li, acceptance 2s. 4. BunnhuHign Jump,handicap. Ist prize £I ,2nd 10s ; nomination Is, acceptance Is. , 6. 220 yds Hurdles, handicap, lit prize £3, 2nd 10s, 3rd ss ; nomination Is, acceptance 2s. 6. Girli'Esco (under 12 yean),handicap,lst prize 7s Gd, 2nd 2s flcl ; acceptance 6d. 7. 220 yds Handicap Flat Eace. lit prize £8, 2nd £1, Brd 10s, 3rd 6» ; nomination Is, acceptance 25. 8. Long Jnmp, handicap. Ist prize £I, 2nd lOi ; nomination li, acceptance li. 9. Cavn'rv Bace (in uniform), handicap. Ist prize £2, 2uu lOi ; nomination li, acceptance li. 10. Three-Logged Haco. lit prizo 15s, 2nd Cs; acceptance It. 11. MOyds Handicap, lit prizo £3, 2 nd £l,3rd 10s; nomination Is, acceptance 2s. 12. Boyi' Eace, 150 yd*, handicap (under 14). lit prize 10s, 2nd 6s ; acceptance Is. 18. £20yds Diitrict Eace, a three-months' rei'dence immediately prior to nomination between Waitotara and Whenuakura Biven to qualify. Ist prizo £2 10s ; 2nd £1 ; nomination li, acceptance U, 14. Sack Eace. lit prize 16s, 2nd Ei ; nomination Is. 15. Half-MUe Handicap, lit prize £3, 2 nd £l,Brd 10s; nomination li, acceptance 2s. 16. Uaail Eace. 220ydi, hurdlei. lit prize, £1. 17. Four-Legged Raco. lit prizo 158,2 nd 7s Cd; nomination, Is 18. One- Mile Handicap, lit prize £8, 2nd £1, 3rd lOi ; nomination li, acceptance 2s. 19. Consolation, lit prizo £1 10s, 2nd 10s ; nomination li, acceptance Is. 20. Greasy Pig. 1 Nomination! must be in the hands of theSecreretary not later than 7.80 p.m. on SATUBDAY, the 29th init., accompanied by feei, or they will not be accepted

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Wanganui Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 6363, 8 November 1887, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Wanganui Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 6363, 8 November 1887, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Wanganui Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 6363, 8 November 1887, Page 4