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Business Advertisements. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. SLAUGHTER I SLAUGHTER GROCERIE3. FOE CASH! FOE CASH! FOB GASH! tar THE CABH SYSTEM TO /CUMMINS, OHARPE & Having determined to open a Branoh Establishment on a 0* STBIOTLY OABH BASIS, Have taken temporary premises in Victoria A venae (lately t oooapied by Hastings Moore) between Thompion, Shannon * Co.'s and P. Pell's, and intend opening the same THIS DAY (SATURDAY) With a fall|and varied assortment of GROCEBIES & '.PROVISIONS, Which we intend to sell for CASH I CASH I CASHI At the very & LOWEST POSSIBLEIRATES. Oar term* at this shop admit oftno dispute, They are OASU, and we intend selling our |Goods at each prioes^as to defy competition. In this advertisement wa will not attempt to particoUrize the prioes of all onr Goods. We will jast quote a few lines, and we gnarantea all our articles wlUJba sold a equally Cheap, TEAS— At Is 2d, Is 4d Is6d, 2i, 2s 6d Do Boxes from 10s 6d Do h Chests from 44s (Just f»noy,J4olb To* for 44a 1) SUGAR— Fine White, 3d per lb Do, per Bag, 9s 4Jd KEROSENE-130 Test, 6s 3d per tin SOAP— Good Household, 6 Bars for is CANDLES— Brandon's Sperm.^id OURRANTS-6lbs for 3s SULTANA RAISINS-61bs for 3s 6d JAM— 4id perTm; VINEGAR & KEKOSENE-5d per bottle TAPIOCA ft SAGO-Sd per lb SILVER DUST FLOUR— 6OIb 6s 6d SNOWFLAKE FLOUR-501b 6s OATMEAL-Per 251 b Bag, 2s lOd BOY our 61b SUGAR and lib TEA for 2a 6d-Splendid Value BUY our LONDON BOOK TEA CO ■ PANY'S TEA at 2s 3d,, aud get One Shilling's worth ofJLITEBATOREj thrownjin, WEIHAVE REDUCED EVERY LINE IN THE TRADE. Come>nd Inspeot our List Marked Up^in Plain Figures I For the convenience of the Publ|o, we will deliver Paroels of Goods to the value of 40s and over FREE inside the Town Boundary. Country ,Settlers are requested to fiend their orders prepaid, and they will be Packed and Booked at the Railway .Station "FREE OF CHARGE. —I This is the GENUINE CASH GROCERY Establishment I Patronise itjand Save your Money I Jtr Remember the Address— THE AVENDE: (Next Thompson, Shannon & Co., opposite F.R.Jaokson's.) Oummins, Dharpe ft yjo. I TV R Q P EER 'S Private Obpeniary permanently Eitabllihed In WeUington. lor the Bclentino and Speedy Cuxeol Ohronlo, Nervoui, and Special DUeuei The Expert Speolaliit, Dr Spear, Is a Regular Ondoatea Phjnlolin. educated at Earrard College, U.S. Ho hu davoted a lifetime to and Is acknowledged to be the molt expert Fhyilclan to Us speciality In thu United Stam Young Men and Middle-aged Mon. who taller (rom Nervooi and PhjiicalDebUity,loM oiEnergv and Memory, ErnptioDi on tha Face, Mental Depreulon, Kidney aud Bladder Troubles. *c, &c, vrill do well to ooniolt Dr Speer. Hoipltal experience.— Havlni; been Fhrtlcltn in one ol the lading HotpiUli o( tbe United Stttoi enable! him to treat all private troubles with eiceUent reiulti. He wilhei It dlitinotly nndentood that he don not claim to perform Impossibilities, or to have a mJmculcrai power. He claims only to be a Skilled and Succaulul Pbyilclan, thoroughly informed in hit speciality -Chronlo Dl«ues of Men aiid Women. All applying to hto iriU receive il» honeit opinion of their complaint* No experimenting. He will guarantee a poilUve cure In every cue ho onderUkei, or forfeit £200. Consultation In Office or by Letter. Fbm. N.B.— All medldnei uoceutry for a complete core can b» xent free from obiervation on receipt of syrnDtomv The Doctor's famous Pllli li and it per boi. Ointment Is 6d per box. Ibii Ointment positively curei Irritation, itching, and all skin dlieaiei. By port, 2d extra. Chargei Moderate. Examination and Advics Free. Call or Address -Dr H. J. Spber, tfortoern Chambers (Next Empire Hotel). Office houn-10 to 12 a.m. .2 to 4 and 6to 8 p.m. Sundaysl 10 to 12. P.O. Box 3<6 N.8.-A8 A TEST I)It;SpBER will send a trial bottlo ol hi* msdlclae free of charge (oanUge excepted) to any ponon applyln? to him who will give full particulars ol their trouble.Thii will domomtrato his unbounded coirff dence in these wonderful temedlei,wbich are only known to hlnuelf, and whioh for over two yearn have achieved such unvaried succeis In his New Zealand practice. All applicant) for a trial bottle of hli medicine niuat Bncloaa 2d itamp tor reply. LESSONS. IN DRAWING ft PAINTING Given by "ITISS "DLANCHE OTEWART Either at Pupils' own bouses or at the Studio, Vlotoria Avenue, opposite Presbyterian Church, where Classes are held every Monday, Wednesday, and f Thnrsday after* noon from 2 till 4. SUBJECTS Taught— Freehand Drwingr Model Drawing, Water Colour, Oil, Mlrro Painting. Classes for Ladies and Gentlemen two evenings in the week from 8 till 10. Tkbms— Per Month of fourweeks— Twios a week, £1 10s ; once a week, 15s. Per Quarter— twice a week, £3 ; onoe a week .ci ios. Qnarter commenoo from date of entry W M°A BTHnA & C°" •WKOLESALB WAREHOUSEMEN «g- STOOK AND SAMPLE ROOMS Taupo Quay •(Opposite Steam Packet Hotel, WANGANUI, Orders by letter or telegram promptly atattended to. .L. OUNINGHAM.] [RIDID T. BASHAK .TIUNINGHAM DADHAM&i^O., \j D V^ AUCTIONEERS AND BROKERS, Bbandon Sxebet, Wbiiinoton. Speoial attention paid to consignmentsof all Classes of Goods. COMMISSIONJONLY.

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Bibliographic details

Wanganui Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 6363, 8 November 1887, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Wanganui Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 6363, 8 November 1887, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Wanganui Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 6363, 8 November 1887, Page 1