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— >•- . {PEB UNITED PBESS ASSOCIATION. J ... Auckland, I^ay^. FRANCE. The Budget Committee of tbeQhamber of Deputes i have unanimously accepted M. de Freycinet'a p'r'opbsal, that a new loan of 90,000,000 francs be issued at 3 per cent, perpetual Rentes, and that 40,000,000 francs be raised directly in order to repay money borrowed by savings bank fund*, and that tb<s remaining 60,000,0(fo francs be obtained by public subscription. ' Despatches from Anam, at>, April 1, report fresh massacres at Catholic missions ia the province of Quang Bag, The number of victims is^aid to be 442. M. de jLespeps was entertained' in Paris by a'numb'er of British shipowners op April; 6 j A brilliant assemblage was present,, " GERMANY* ' *'«' ' >■.'■ 'On the 2nd, the Anti-Socialist law waa /prolonged by a vote of 169 to 138. " Herr Vjefceo^taejnber 1 of the. Reichstag, has been jumnumea for .belonging to a secret organisation during nis J term "of 'office. The' Vaticaa has changed front on the duestion between' Rome and the Government. :J?. r £ O #P S8 taken an ultimatum to Prince Bismarck that the Church cannot consider the May laws as really amended jf the Government insists upon a veto power over all appointments made by the Vatican. ' ' INDIA: A deapatoh from Calcutta of April 22 says that Chinese emissaries are urging Brahmins to mutiny, in- retaliation for England's refusal to oede Bhamo, or grant an outlet for the south-western trade, via the Irawaddy river. GREECE, . The 57th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence was celebrated as a holiday on April 6. There were public demonstrations, but the King and Queen were present at a Te Deum in the Cathedral of Athens. COMMENTS OF THE PRESS ON GLAD* STONE'S SPEECH. The London Morning Post, of April 9th, while admitting Mr Gladstone's speech to be a great eratorioal effort, wanting in none of his oldfire, is bewildered at the crudity of his plan, and thinks it will not be sanctioned by Parliament; The London Daily News remarks as follows— " If enthusiastic ringing cheers on both sides of the House are slgnincant, Mr Gladstone's speech has already received the approval of tbe House ot Commons, The' speech will rank as one of Mr Gladstone's highest efforts. The Liverpool Post sayß whether Mr Gladstone is sucoensful or not in carrying his Bill through Parliament, he "-has surely killed oppontlbqT and coercion in Ireland. The Manctteiter Guardian says— lt js. a scheme substantially for repeal of the Legislative union between Great Britain and Ireland. Representation of Ireland at Westminster mußt"be retained. With this modification, the measure may pass. The Newcastle Journal says—The scheme is cumbersome, unworkable, and certain to be rejected. The' Newcastle Chronicle Bays— Though the measure may admit of im* provement 1 in detail; it is the best! scheme ever presented to Parliament, . The Edin* burgh Scotsman says~The Bill will not do ob its stands. The exclusion of Irish members from Westminster will be fatal; Mr Gladstone has approaohed • the subject with a heroio spirit, but his desire' to be generous to Ireland has carried him too ffcr.i He w«s asked to give Home Rule, and h6 proposes to give repeal, It is safe to say the country will not sanction the, •oheme, The Edinburgh Daily Review is disappointed at the exclusion of Irish members from the Imperial Parlia* ment. The Edinburgh Scottish Reformer commends the scheme, and pleada for Scotch Home Rule , The Aberdeen Journal says the proposals are repulsive to every instinct of the British people, and fatal to Mr Glad* stone's reputation. The Aberdeen Free Press, Glasgow Herald, Belfast Whig, and Londonderry Standard, all Liberal, oppose the Bill, The Leeds Meroury says jt is inge*, and original, The Dublin Free* man's Journal approves the scheme. The Dub* lin Irish Times and Dublin Express bothdis* approve it. The London Globe says :— lt la a thinly veiled projeot for total separation, and ie already doomed to failure. The Pall Mall Gazette under the head "This won't do," repudiates the scheme, and says that ai it stands it places a premium on separation. The Paris editors all speak with admiration of the courage and power exhibited by Mr Gladstone in his address. La Franoe speaks and alludeß to the "venerable Statesman" as "a redeemer." Le Paris expresses a hope that Mr Gladstone will triumph. The Berlin German' Gazette says 'that instead of clearing the situation Mr Gladstone's sentiment appears to complicate it, and the outlook of this Parliamentary future ia very gloomy indeed. The Berlin Zeitung says that Mr Gladstone's sohetna passes .in gran* deur and boldness of conception all previous reforms, and predicts that when the first stupef action caused by the boldness of the measure is over, and the details are examined, a more correct judgment will bo formed. The Paris Republic Francaise thinks that the adoption of Mr Gladstone's Home Rule scheme would be followed by Ireland aapiijngto an alliance with tho United States, SUICIDE OF AN EARL, The Earl of Shaftesbury killed himself in a. oab while driving through Regent-atreet, London, on April 13th, discharging the coatents.of a revolver into his person, He fired the first shot at his right temple, but missed his aim. The cabman then- descended from his seat, and refused to proceed further, aa be feared hn would be shot, Lord Shaftes* bury tried to persuade him to continue to drive, and offered him £5, but the man was immovable. By this time a policeman, who had heard the shot fired, approached the oab, and at this moment the E»rl fired again, the ball taking effect in his temple. The policeman tried to seize his arm to prevent; him firing, but failed. Death ensued in ten minutes after the second shot. Lord Shaftes* bury was 54 years of age. He succeeded, on October Ist, 1335, to the title, on the death of his father, the eminent philanthropist. He leaves a widow, Harriet, daughter of the third Marquis of Donegal, a son and five daughters. The Earl has latterly been un* well, and complained of mental depression.

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Wanganui Herald, Volume XX, Issue 5899, 11 May 1886, Page 2

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MAIL ITEMS. Wanganui Herald, Volume XX, Issue 5899, 11 May 1886, Page 2

MAIL ITEMS. Wanganui Herald, Volume XX, Issue 5899, 11 May 1886, Page 2