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B Racing. B ITSTANG **TO J JOCKEY CLUB SPRING MEET- ■ NOVEMBER 9IH, 1885. B Tbiaii Stakes Handicap, of £50 ; noirlnation, 1 soy H Handicap Hurdles, of £50 ; nomination, 2 sovsj H Hack Htjkdles, of £20 ; post entries . SB Wahoahui Stakes Handicap, of £150 ; nomination H 2 soys HH * -MAIDEN Plate, of £5C : entrance, 3 soy H Hack Race, oi £10 ; post entries H Nominations for Handicaps close qn Tuesday, H October 13th ; weights, Tuesday, October 27th. H Entries aud acceptances on Tuesday, November 3. H J?or full particulars see Programme, which can bo m had on application to B FREEMAN It. JACKSON, Secretary. I TMr^tfA-WATTJ RACING CLUB. I SUMMERMELTING. S To be held on the Palmerston North Racecourse on H - SATURDAY, 20TH DECEMBER, 1885. S Prbsident— Mr D. H Macarthur, M.H.R. VioeH PRESIDENTS— Messrs B.MoN eil and .I ames Linton. II STEWARDS— JIessss J. R. Forster-Pratt, M. Pi en1 dergaat, A. E. Russell, R. S. Abraham, J. Kiug, ■ Adam McDonald. JUDGE— Mr Thomas Knight. I STAhTBR— Sir J. C. Nathan. HANDICAPPER— Mr 1 J. O. Evett. TIMEKEErEK- Mr H. W. Haybittle. i clebk OFSeALEs~Mr A. &. Bentley. Clerk of I Course— llr j. Lane. Treasurer— Mr J. c. Hanna. PROGRAMME~FOR THE DAY. 1. HANDICAP HURDLE RACE, 30 soys. To start at 11 a.m. Nomination 1 soy, acceptance 1 soy ; distance 2 miles, over eight flights of hurdles 3ft 6in high " 2. HACK HURDLE RACE, 10 soys. To start at 11,45 a.m. Post entry 1 soy ; weifeht not less than 1 10 stone ; open to all horses that have never von public moaey (hack races excepted); distance once round the r course ; jockejs to lide in colors. 3. MAIDEN PLATE, 25 soys. To stait at 12.30 pm. Entrance 1 soy ; weight for age ; open to all horses that have never won an advertised race prior to date of entry, after which the ay inner of any such race to cany a penalty of 51b ; distance 1* miles. 4. JJO"VEL HACK RACE, 30 soys. To start afc 1.15 p.m. Post entry 1 soy ; Aveights not lei>s that 9bt ; £or all horses tliat have never won public money (hack races excepted); the Avinner of this race to become the propeity of the SteAvardb, and to be sold immediately after the race ; any other horse in the lace may be put up to auction at the request of any Steward or competitor in the race, vhe OAtner to receive the upset price of £20 ; any further suni realised to go to the funds of the Club ; dis auce, once round the course ; jockeys to rf do in colors. E, THE PALMERSTON GUINEAS, a handicap of 100 guiueus ; second horse to receive it soys Ironi Btakea ; to start at 2.30 pm.; nomination 1 soy, acceptance 2 soy ; distance ij miles ; theAvimur of any r«ce ol KO boys after the declaration ot ■weights to cairy a penalty of 51b ; of £l&0, ot 71b. fl, HANDICAP HACK RACE, of 10 soy. To start at 3.1& p,m. Nomination 10s, acceptance lus ; for horses that have never Avon au advertised race for six months prior to date oi nom.nution (hack races excepted); nominations niustbe in the hands of the Secretary by 2 p.m. on race day ; Aveights posted at 2.i;0p.m.; acceptances not later tlian 2.45 p.m ; jockeys to ride in colors ; distanceji mile. • 7. FLYING HANDICAP, 60 boys ; second horse to receive 10 soys from stakes. To start at 4 p.m. Nomination 1 soy, acceptance 1 soy ; distance 6 furlongs ; the Avinner of the Palmerston Guineas to carry 71b extm.

Nominations for Handicap Hurdles, Palmerston Guineas, and Flying Handicap will be received addressed to the Secretary ManawaiU Racing Club, at the Commercial Hotel, talnnrston North, up to Wednesday, 25th .November, at 9p.m. "Weights will be declared on Monday,7thDeceinber Acceptances for Handicap Hurdles, Palmeiston Guineas, Flying Handicap, and entries for Maiden Plate cose on Tuesday, 15th December, at 9 p.m.

RULES AND REGULATIONS. No entry will be received for any race except on this condition : That all disputes, claims, and objections aribjng out of the racing shall L.c decided by a majority of the Stewaids present, or those whom they may appoint. Their decision on all points connecttd with the canning out of this 4 rogramme shall be final.— All Entiies to ue sealed and addiessedto the Secretary, Pahuerston In onh, entrance money enclosed, with name, age ai the time of entiy, pedigree, and in cate of handicaps, peiformances of the horse, name of ihe owner, and colora of the lider. Any jockeys riding except iv color* entered will be fined 3 soys.— When two or more horses stait, tLe pioperty of the same owner, a uistiuguishing color n.ust be worn.—^ll persons iutendmgco withdraw hoises, treiequired to give notice to that efttct to the Secretary or Cierk 01 the Scales one half-hour before starting. Any pe. son neglecting or lef using to comply with tins Rule shall pay a fine of 5 soys to the Race Fund.— AU races to be run under the W.J.C. Rules.— Hu-s s walking over will only receive half the stakes.— No hoise to save its siakes in any race except where othei wise specified. -All entries and nominations nuiitbe in the hands of the Secrctarj, at the time and place as advertised, accompanied by the AttoONl of nomination and enhance money. Postmarks will not be received under any preteuce whatever, and nominations unpaid at tlu time <.f due date of weights will be struck otf the list.— Penalties in above rogramme not to be cumulative.— No qualification fee required. T. KING, Secretary. The M.R.C. Haadioap will appear in programme el Autumu Meeting, wlucn will be duly notified.


PRESIDENT— Major Marshall. ViCE-PRE&IDE.sT- - Air H S. Hainson. Judge— Air Donald Fruser. CukRK »'F THfc. Scales— Colonel Gorton. Siakter —Mr John Stevens. Clekk of the Course— Mr E. Levett. HaNDiCapper— Mi J. O. Evct. STEWARDS— Air J. Stevens, Mr A. Dalzille, Mr D. Scott, Mr T. Hammond, Mr J. Cubbin, Colonel Gorton, and Dr Frood. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, January Ist and md, ]Bss.

OFFICIAL PrOGRAMME.— FIRST DAY. , HANDICAP HtiKDIiE Race of 60 soys ; second horse to receive 6 s.ovs out of the stakeb ; nomination 1 soy, acceptance 2 soys ; 2 miles, over * ilights of hurdles 3ft 9in high ; mimmum weight, 9st, To start at 12 o'clock. Hack Hlrdle Race of 10 soys ; entrance 1 soy., post entry ; once round the couioe ; for horses that 'have never won an advertised race, nor entered for any race at this meeting, hack races excepted ; minimum weight 9st ; Jockeys to ride id colors. I o start at 12.46 p.m. JFIXING' STAKES HANDICAP of 40 soys ; second horse to receive 10 soys out of the stakes ; nomination 1 soy, acceptance 2 boy ; three. quarters of a mile. To start at 1.45 p.m. HACK. Rack of 10 soys ; entrance 1 soy., post entry ; once round the course ; conditions same as Hack Hurdle Race. To start at 2.30 p.m. MAKTON-KANawiKEi Hahdicap of 200 soys, second horse 20 soys, third horse 10 soys, both out of the stakes ; nomination 1 soy, acceptance 3 soys ; final payments 3 soys ; 1} miles ; winner of any Buch race after the declaration of weights of the value of 100 soys, penalised 61bs ; of 150 soys, 71bs. To start at 4 p.m. MAIDEN PiATE of 40 soys ; for 2-year-olds and upwards ; entrance 3 soys ; for hor3es that have never won an advertised race of 25 soys prior to date of entry ; the v inner of any such race after entry to carry a penalty of 6lbs ; two or more, 71bs ; one and a-quarter miles ; weight for age. To start at 4.30 p.m.

SECOND DAY. Hahdioap Utjrdle Eace of 40 soys ; second horse to save its stakes ; nomination 1 soy, acceptance 2 boys ; lowest weight 9st ; weights to be declared at 8 p.m. on first day, acceptance! 10 a.m. on morning of race, at Criterion Hotel, Bulls ; 2 miles ; over 8 flights of hurdles 3ft 9in high. To start at 12 o clock, Hamwoap Hack Hukdle Race of 10 soys; entrance 1 soy, at or before 12.16 p.m.; once round the course ; conditions same as Hack Itaee previous day. To start at 1^.45 p.m. MARTON-Rangitikei Dekby, a sweepstake of 10 soys for starters, 100 soys added ; for 3-year-olds ; colts Bst lUlbs, fillies and gildings tst ilbs ; 3 soys on acceptance, and 5 soys at the post ; one and a-ha!f miles ; close with 5 subs. X'o start at I, CO p.m. District Handicap of 60 soys ; second horse to receive 10 soys out of the stakes ; nomination, 1 boy, acceptance 2 suvs, for horses owned six months prior to date of entry by bona tide residents who have been liv ng within the boundaries of the Waingongora and otaki Rivers on the West Copst for that time ; one and a-quarter mile*. To start at 2. 30 pm. Handicap Hack Hack i 1 10 soy ; entrance 1 soy ; entrence at or before 2 16 p.m.; once round the course ; conditions same as Li Hack JRace previous d^y, excepting as to weight. To btsrt at » p.m RAIiWAY HANDICAP of 100 soys ; second horse to receive 10 soys out of the Btakes ; nomination 1 soy, acceptance 3 soys ; weights to bo declared at S p.m. on the first day ; acceptance at 10 a.m. on morning of race at tho Criterion Hotel, Bulls ; one aud a-half milos. To start at 4 p.m. Consolation Handicap of 20 eovs ; handicap for all beaten horses ; nomination 1 soy. ; once round the course ; post entry. To start at 6 p.m. RULES.

1. No entry will be received for anj race except upon this condition, That all disputes, claims, and objections arising put of the racing shall be decided by a majority of the Stewards present, or those whom tney may appoint. Tneir decision upon all poirts connected »ith the carrying out of the programme shall be final.— 2. All entries to be sealed and addressed to the Hon Secretary, £ulls,entraneo money enclosed, with the name, age at time of entry, pedigree, and, in case of handicaps, performances of the horse, name of the owner, and colors of the rider.— 3. Any jockey riding except iv the colors entered will be fined a soys.— 4. When two or more horses start, the property of the same owner, a distinguishing color must be worn.- 5. races to be run under the A J.C. Bules.— o. Horses walking over will only receive half the stakes.— 7. Qualification fee for non-members 1 sov.— B. In all races the second horse only saves his stakes when It Is specially mentioned.


9. All entries and nommauous must be in the hands of the Secretary at the stated time and place > as advertised, accompanied by the amount of nomi ' nation and entrance money. "Postmarks will not be received m iuture under any pretence whatever, and nominations unpaid at tho tune of the due dute ,of weights will bej, struck oil the list." — 10. In all handicaps of 1$ miles and under, the lowest weight shall not be under Cat, and if the highest weight accepting be less than 9st, it shall be raised to 9st,and the others in proportion. And in all handicaps •OVBBIi miles the lowest weight shall n t ho less . thau6st7lbs ; and if the highest we gbt accepting be less than fcst iOlbs, it shall be raised to bt>t i> lbs, - anu the othirsm proportion Consolation Handi- . cape exempted, 5 per ceut will b,e deducted from all 1 miauiae*. " I

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Wanganui Herald, Volume XX, Issue 5745, 15 October 1885, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Wanganui Herald, Volume XX, Issue 5745, 15 October 1885, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Wanganui Herald, Volume XX, Issue 5745, 15 October 1885, Page 4