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Iv"I v " Racing '■■■■■_ Z®»@^ ■ 'Sfk/ ANG 42ftTI JOCKEY CLUB SPRING MEET- - ING. '" ' ' NOVEMBER 9TH, 1885. '- TaiiA Stakes Handicap, of £60 ; nomination, 1 soy 1 HAfiiyCAP HCRDiiES, ol £50 ; nominat'on, 2 sovsj *. -jßMti. Hurdles, of £20 ; pose entries . \ .Wjinoanci Sbakes Handioap, of £160 *, nomination ; JSHmdbk Piatk, of £6C ; entrance, 3 soy - Hack Race, of £10 ; post entries ji '-.^(Nominations for Hsndicaps close on Tuesday, ' %»ctol)er 13th ; weights, Tuesday, October 2?tn. j 1 "•Entries and acceptances on Tuesday, November S. For full particulars see Programme, which can be > /.hatj'ion application to ! ; , . FREEMAN E. JACKSON, Secretary. I ,>^r,A2STA WAIU BACIN6 CLUB.! :, SUMMER MEETING. ,To'be "hold on the Palmerston North ißacecourse on SATUKDAY/26TH 'DECEMBER, 1885. PKRSmEN'x— Mr D. H Macarthur, M.H.K. Vice- ( PBJSSOENig— Messrs B .MeN eil ana J ames Linton. - iBIBWAKPS— Mossss J. JL tforster-Pratt, M. Pien- ' derg'ast, A. E. Russell, R. S. Abraham, J. King, Adam McDonald. Judqk— Mr Thomas Knight. . .'(Stahteb— Mr-J, C. Bathan. Hamdicapper— Mr . J. O. Evett. Timekeeper- Mr H. W. Haybittle. ' ' 'CMBKOPSeAiiMS— Mr A. S. Bentley. Clebk of ■ Course— Mr J. Lane. TREASURER~Mr J. C. 'Hanna. PROGRAMME FOR THE DAY. • . 1.- HANDICAP B;URI>LE RACi-, 30 soys. To start ■,'at 11 a.m. Nomination 1 soy, acceptance 1 suv ', distance 2 miles, over eight flights ot hurdles 3ft tin high 2. BACK HURDLE RACE, 10 soys. To start at 11,45 a.m. Post entry 1 soy ; weight not less than 1 " 10 stone ; open toall horses that have never >von ' public money (hack races exctpted); distance once round the course ; jockeys to ride in colois. 3. MAIDKIS PLATE, 25 soys. To Start at 12.30 pm: Entrance 1 soy ; weight lor age ; open to all horses that have never wou an advertised race prior to date of entry, after which the winner of • any such race to cany a ptnalty of 51b ; distance 1* miles. 4. HI/VM, HACK RACE, 3o boys. To start at 1.16 p.m. Post entry 1 soy ; weights not less that 9at ; tor all horses that have never won public money «hack races excepted); the winner of this race to become the propeity of the Stewaids, and 10 be Bold immediately after the race ; any other horse in the race may be put up to auction at the request of any steward or competitor in ihe race, the owner to receive the upset price of £20 ; any further sum lealised to go to the funds of tho -Club ; dis ance, once round the qgurse ; jockeys to ride in colors. 5. THE PALMERSTOM GUINEAS, a handicap 01 , 100 guineas ; second horse to leceive 1> soys irom stakes; to start at 2.30 pm.; nomination. 1 soy, acceptance 2 soy ; di&tance l$ miles ; the winn< r of any race ol lvO fcovs afttr the declaration ot . weights to carry a penulty of 51b ;of tloO, ot 71b. 6. HANDICAP HACK RACE, of 10 eov. To start at 3.i5 p,m. Nomination Us, acceptance 10s ; . for horses that have never won an udvertised nice for sis months prior to date of nomination (hack races excepted); nominations must be in the hands of the Secretary by 2 p.m. on race day ; weights posted at 2.30 p.m.; acceptances not later than 2.45 p.m ; jockeys to ride in colois ; distancel mile. 1. I'LYING HANDICAP, BO soys ; second horse to receive 10 soys from slakes. To start at 4 p.m, Nomination 1 soy, acceptance 1 soy ; distance C furlongs ; the winner of the Palmerston Guineas to cairy 7lb extra. Nominations for Handicap Hurdles, Palnierston Guineas, and Flying Handicap will be received addressed to the Secietary Manawaiu Racing Uub, at the Commercial Hotel, l/almui'ston Worth, up to >\ ednesuay, sdsth Jiovemher, at 0 p.m. ■Weights will be declared on Alonday,7thDecember Acceptances for Handicap Hurdles, PalmeiStou Guineas, I'lymg Handicap, and entries for Maiden Plute close on Tuesday, 16th December, at 9 p.m. RULES AND REGULATIONS. No entiy will be received for any race except on this condition : That all disputes, claims, and objections arising oui of the racing shall ue decided by a majoiity of the Stewaids piesent, or those whom they may appoint. Their decision on all points connecttd with the causing out ol this > 10grumme shull be nnal —All laitiies to ue sealed and add.esstdto the Secietary, PaluierstonNonh, entrance mone> enclosed, wiih name, age at the time of entiy, pedigree, and m cas>e ot handicaps, performances of the horse, name of ihe owner, and colors oftheiider. Any jockeys riding except iv color.eutered will be fined 3 soys.— AN hen two or more horses stait, the property of the same owner, a uisttnguishing color must be worn.— All persons intending to withdraw horses, ».re letiuired to give notice to that eiltct to the Secretarj or Cierk or the Scales one hulf-nour before starting. Any pe. son "* k nfcglecting or refusing to comply with this Rule shall pay a fine of 5 soys to the Race Ifund.— All races to be run under the W.J.C. Rules.— Hors s walking over will only receive half the stakes.— No ■ horse to save its stakes in any race except where ■ otherwise specified. -All entiits ana nominations mu a t be in the hands of the Secretary at the tune and place as advertised, accompanied by the amount of nomination and enti ance money. Postmarks will not be received under aay pretence whatever, and nominations unpaid at the tune ol due date of weights will be struck off the list.— Penalties in above programme not to be cumulative.—fto qualification lee required. X. KING, Secretary. The M.R.C. Handicap will appear in piogramme of Autumn Meeting, which will be duly notified.

-myrARTON-BAKGITIKEI JOCKEY CLUB RACE PRKStDEHT— Major Marshall. VICE-PRESIDENT -- Mr H S Harrison. JUDGE- Mr Donald Eraser. fViTiK of IHE SCALES— Colonel Gorton. Stakter -WiJolin Stevens. Clekk of ihe Cotosk-JJ r F Luvett. HanD'CAK?er— Tnv J. O. Evett. SOTARDS-AJr J. Stevens, Mr A. Dalzffle, Mr D Scott Mr T. Hammond, Mr J. Cubbin, Colonel Gorton, and Dr JErood. FKIDAY AUD SATURDAY, January ist and und, 1835. OFJ-ICIAL PSOGBAMME.-FERST DAY. ■a atj-dtcap Htjrdik Race ol 60 sovb ; second horse to receive 6 soys out ol the stake* ; nomiiiation 1 boy, acceptance 2 aovs ; 2 miles, over * flights of hurdles 3ft 9in high ; nnniniuni weight, 9st, To start at 12 o'clock. Haok HDJtDIB Back of 10 soys ; entrance 1 boy., nnst entry ; once round the course ; for horses j that have never won an advertised race, nor entered for any race at this meeting, hack races txcepted ; minimum wight (Ist ; Jockeys to ride in colors. 1 o start at 12.i6 p.m. i Ptxiko STAKES JdAKDICAP of 40 sovß ; second horse to receive 10 sovb out of Ihe stakes ; nomination 1 soy, acceptance 2 soy ; three. quarters of a mile. HACK IUOB <J 10 bots ; entrance 1 soy., post entry; once round the course ; conditions same as Hack Hurdle Kace. To start at 2.30 p.m. ■M-ATvroN-KAHGITIKEi HANDICAP of 200 boys, second horse 1 20 boys, third horse 10 soys, both out of the stakes • nomination 1 soy, acceptance 3 soys ; final payments 3 soys ; 1J miles ; winner of any such race after the declaration of weights of the value of 100 soys, penalised 61bs ; of 150 soys, 71bs. To start at 4 p.m. MAXDES PiATE of 40 soys ; for 2-year-olds and up- ! wards ; entrance 3 soys ; for hones that have j never won an advertised race of i 5 soys prior to date of entry ; the winner of any such race after entry to carry a penalty of 6lb 8 ; two or more, 71bs; oneaiid a-quarter miles; weight for age. To start at 4.30 p.m. SECOND DAY. : HANDICAP DUKDLE JRace of 40 soys ; second horse to save its stakes; nomination 1 soy, acceptance 2 boys • lowest weight 9st ; weights to be declared at 8 p.m. on first day, acceptances 10 a.m. on morning of i ace, at triteiion Hotel, Bulls ; -i miles ; over 8 flights of hurdles 3ft 9m high. Xo start at Handicap Hack Hurdle Race of 10 soys; entrance leov at or before 12.15 p.m.; once round ihe course ; conditions same as Hack Kace previous day. To start at 1^.45 p.m. Mabtom-BangitiKEi Derby, a sweepstake of 10 soys for starters, 100 soys added ; for 3-year-olds ; colts Sst iOlbs, fillies and g.ldings tst (lbs ; 3 boys on acceptance, and 6 soys at the post; one and a-half miles ; close with 6 subs, lo start at . District Handicap of 60 soys ; second horse to receive 10 boys out of the stakes ; nomination, 1 soy, acceptance * suvs, for horses owned six months prior to date of entry by bona fide residents who have been within the boundaries of the "Waingongora and otaki Rivers on the West Coast for that time ; one and a-quarter mile*. To start at 2.30 pm. Handicap h ack JKace .. 1 10 soy ; entrance 1 soy , entvenceator before 215 p.m.; once round the course - conditions same as ia Hack itace previous duy, excepting as to weight. To start at o ■railway Handicap of 100 soys ; second horse to receive 10 soys out of the stakes ; nomination 1 boy. acceptance 3 soys ; weights to be declared at 8 pm. oil the firbt day ; acceptance at on morning ol race at the Criterion Hotel, Hulls ; j one and a-half miles. To start at 4 p.m. J CONSOLAHON HAMDIOAP of 20 soys ; handicap for all beaten horses ; nomination i soy.; once round the course ; pest entry. To start at 5 p.m. j BULES. 1 No entry will be received for anj race except upon this condition, That all disputes, claims, and objections arising out of thu racing shall be decided by a majority ol the Stewards present, or those winom they may appoint. Their decision upon aU noiats connected with the carrying out of the proHxamme shall be flnal.-2. AU entries to be Bealed andaddressed to the Hon Secretary, Bulls.eiitrance money enclosed, with the name, age at time of entoyrpedigree, and, in case of handicaps, performances of the horse, name of the owner, and colors of toe rider.- 3. Any jockey riding except ni the colors entered will be fined t soys.-4. When two or more horses start, the property of the same ' owner, a distinguishing color must be worn.-6. aU races &> be run under the A' J.C. Rules.- 6. Horses walkißKOver will only receive half the stakes.- 7. • Qualification fee for non-members 1 soy.-8. In all races the second horse only saves his stakes when it is specially mentioned. NEW RTJIjES. 9 All entriea ana nominations must be in the hands of the Secretary at the stated time aud place as advertieeu, accompanied by the amouut of nomination and entrance nioney. ".Postmarks «ill not Le received in iuture under any pietcncb whatever, A»d nominations unpaid nt the time of the due date '^eights will be 6 atmck off the list."~ip. Hi all Mttdic*Pß of li miles and under, the lowest weight Sail noi bo under 6st, and if the highest weight ac- - ceptiag J>a less than 9st, it shall be raised to 9st,and 1 the others in proportion. And in all handicaps ovm 1? miles the lowest weight shall n t be leßs ' than Sat 71ba ; aud if the highest we.ght accepting be less than' wt xOlbs, it.Bhall be raised to tst lulbs, ana the othirs in proportion, Consotatiou Handisl;s 1 ; cap* efceepted, 6 per cent will be deductedjrom all

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Wanganui Herald, Volume XX, Issue 5744, 14 October 1885, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Wanganui Herald, Volume XX, Issue 5744, 14 October 1885, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Wanganui Herald, Volume XX, Issue 5744, 14 October 1885, Page 4