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We are anthorised to state tJS^'the^asgertipn of .the Hon. W. For-tnafc'tKe Balaries A of 'the civil servants at Duiiedin had not been , paidj irregular course is absolately without foundation. His assertions look-like deliberate attempt to injure thWOoloriy. for" r !p3UV ■ Ucft'l purposes. The copy of a leader from ; the'Ti^aiu Herald sent by the Press Agency 1 to the' effect that Government oheques have been dishonoured is also false v/ The .a.u|h9ra of i thege | fabrications must know they are cirqulating falsehoods.

The'ue!e of needlessly strong language has been seldom rebuked in a more-telling manner than in the following /letterHwhichV ithe ,' Madras ;Timeß says.was penned in good faith bj; the mapager of a great company in Madras, ,and addressed to a European subordinate.— " Dear Sir— lt is with extreme regret that I have to bring to your nofrioe that } I observed very unprofessional conduct on youfparb this morning when making a trial trip. I allude to the Abusive langauge you used to the drivers and others. This I consider an unwarrantable assumption /of, my -duties) and funotions, and I may say rights and privileges. Should' , you wish to abuse any of our 'emplayees,l think it will be best in future to 'dd so m regular form, and I beg to point out what I consider this to be. Yotrwil^ please submit to me in writing^ the /'form' of bath 'you wish' to use, when, if it meets my approval; jl shall at once sanction it, but if not I shall refer the same to the Directors, and in the course of a few weeks their decision will be known". Perhaps, to save time, it might be as well to submit a list of expletives general! y^use/by^ou^and I can then at once ; refer*fno^e lo whion l^object to the Directors for their c decision.' But, pending that, you will please' .underst^rid'iiliat-air cursing and swearing at drivers and others engaged on the traf^q arrangements in which you may wish to indulge " must; be done in writing and through me. By adopting tbis course you will perceive how much responsibility you will save yourself, and how YfSyTOubh the business of the company wi^be expedited and it's interests promoted." v Ov^^

The ordinary meeting of the^oung^len's Mutu'alf 'Imp'i^vep/ent SqpEffi ~ys*%6lMri the 'City Hall last nightie' Viceprc^a«% , Mr John Hurley, in the/phaV^ T,fie minute^ f of'tlie'previous meetijSg vss6re\^eaH and dOn* • firmed, after which tjrp new members were^ ballotted for and eleclßdt? I ', Mr Rainbow th^n^ proposed the follow^ig motion,; > notice of which' waajgivjen by : hirtf?at the preceding;! meeting, viz.^That BaIe3XXII be addled tßbo as'to r£'ad «'No teadin^or^ecUation^hftlr belaliowed to occiipy a lonf^>.spjftbei.o£time than ten minutes ; dialogued ;lScc T eJ>ted." Seconded by Mr Bennio and carried by 15 to 3. The debate •' Monarchy versus Kepublicanisni " was then dpen!ea<'by 'Mr <:Harvey in favor 6f jbhefiforbaer, ' followed by Mr C. S. v Crosß, .in}favor v of the latter. An exceedingly spirited' debate ensued, in which several members foot' 5 a 4 prominent' part. 'If •was then proposed carried thdt'tbe 'de^ >bate be adjoui'ned^urttil ,the 3rd June, when .it is understood that the subject will be considered) so'as to.inajkeitapply^exclu^iyply to the CJo'lonies'l/The meetine tlieti 1 adjourned. Ne'kfc Tuesd"Jiy' evening an essay on " Time ' will bffTead by Mr Wychodil. ' Timaru appears : to 'fcee'rim^ k a very 'hotbed 1 of practical'jdlsiog^tabdiittliei time of holding ;the athletipispdjrts. 1 HeQently. a pawnbroker's Bign. was,, removed, irndt-jplaofid /the entranoe "door of the' Bank of New Zealand. .The joke was much appreciated by, the towns.- \ peopf e, buC the ''ctfuse <6f the laugh waS "sooa rembWdbytle^aiiE^mal^'TreSiffiedtib'r withitho;p"ra)Jti<jal sjqking referred Jojrathe? ftj rather a good thing is recorded by the Ly,ttelton Times. It appears that one of the, " j6kists"'werifc into' a-tfairdr'dsfeerVin town'^b' have the down of eighteen-sumraersTerndved.!! from {his phil?, apftdurjing'ithai^perdtti?!!; the operator began ta-.reja^ the, loss ,pn previous. night of ms 6f trade^ saying •'Itshoul'dnot HaVe' cared so miicb'; as" I h&W sirice found the pole, but I hav^'lbst the- g'ilt ■ knob that wason,it." r ; r frhe .indiscreet ( youth i who had evidently b^en,one qfihe / raa^auding ( parly, immediately'replied';' (i The kuob was not on the pole when i( We|''t6ok l> it.''' i ''The .result of this reply!' may! »be imagined;' In! addition to .the [slaving .|«e, the ypung i athlete, at one? haftded.over 2s 6d -ip payment for the" gilt koob."'',. -;r; r , " ' ' ■yVe notic^ that, ov^r, Jpcal.cpntempojrary.this (Wednesday*) 'morning takes r the account ox the relief of Ekovve' from' 'the 'Post. "It'taust" have been an excess of delicacy'Whfch:prbvented it from copying the telegram Jrom: our columns on Monday nightyybut a day has been lost notwithstanding. /The, special news to the federated eVenlng joh'rrials is of great service to' the morning papers.

W<s notice that Messrs jGibbs and Pinches have! bought ttie offices 'known 'iis klb'any Chambers, and' haVd 66mrae'n6ed ,'bnsiness aaj Engineers, Ayohi^eqts, &c, i Bo,th ; geqtlemen are widely kq,a\y n^in j .disticipt . . „ , , • The tender of Messrs, Chfisney and "Beard for; the ereofcionjof police station at Build f6r I £47B\aM- ! that''df Mi T. Oatrieroh for' alteration 'a^d'/rfemovftl of'thcrp'olicai station at tiqftem $2gfolftpj beptv.apce.R^e.d. .Thb hitherto yery meagta acoommodaUoa eive^fco ! co.ui!itry ( police ilius seemrfn'-'a' 1 faii w'fty J 't'o'>be' ! ienaerer- ihm' Baitable, ! '''M ( - Palmerstohi there hasiust been- coniplfeted a residences for^ the. 4opal - c9pstablR l jiiear,,the Court-house. ] vvifcp phe duties the' up-co ( ancry . police have to 'perform' at' fill hours, it i^'but 1 right thati'a house, 'should 'be provided'forfcbem in close proximity ,to itlw-iGourfc- house and Lock-up, i \\i'\ ,'< , • ' „ <• !<! < s ;

\ .TVo% b*biler ! mlake^ for Mesfrs puncan'arid Tork^Wa's^ hauled, into tlieir-yafd this ! ''affcern6on'. l|;will -bejBxed onVt^e s!6s of Me v pniß.»wMoli)rdcent(ly^urst, cpur^e r ofv;cbnp^ruotipn -at the tinre of 4he erploaibri.^All tcSce's^orthe late accident are rapidly disappearing and as soon as this boiler is fixed the factory will • Btatii»ftgaiß*=«'''” «i«w<«m -wcer- vw»— ««r»iMim> T business .hajS-sp^-much^ -JWPJtOVfcI -4% 9^ljC^nibe as^o.^rr'ajQt^theji^t^blisJjnjenf <p an Aucfionear's business combined with ajLand "°SaS"Ehia.B"Agenpy. "" *Me"ssTs^'A"7!C"Gapper r ' 4nd Co notify; J;BiaV,thejOhave. gpmra^nced in tjhe line mentioned. - - [ j The tender of Messrs Wakelin for the j Additions to the Girls' School has been accepted! ... j- ,_, , } ui iy , j ,T^e!m^oriTawljana,.whQ,,was oonviojiMiwi^ '.the Coroner's inquest of manslaughter, was liberated on bail to-day, the bail being bims )lf in £500, and two sureties of £250 each, fiz., the chief| Ha.karai,and Wiap .furoa. £he scarWth#na^jes h^ei.fflid Ibferthis dffair has induced many of them to strike their tents opposite the Court-house, and there are now only a few remaining. .When, will be allowed td^ctiiat'^lieVeV | The friends of Mr John Anderson will be • plejas^d, to hjar that he has recovered jfrom hij if(fen| Bevere;illne9S fc Jand ia Bow|a|)le|to > ] ifesumeNairsufess. ■' v ' *■ f ■* '" ' J '^J.i

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Wanganui Herald, Volume XII, Issue 9419, 14 May 1879, Page 2

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OPPOSITION TACTICS. Wanganui Herald, Volume XII, Issue 9419, 14 May 1879, Page 2

OPPOSITION TACTICS. Wanganui Herald, Volume XII, Issue 9419, 14 May 1879, Page 2