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I _ ' turniiurei „ .'. ( - ,-'i. ..."'/'•/' •y-' A < i w->% ' THE PRINCIPAL FUKNjITtJiEE : AND ••.' CABLET;:- "f '•....■,. • - ' . ,-WAREB[QUaE|. '"•'■••■ "/-'■' -X^ : .*.>> J) O isr'"A' liW""'' ; K' : 6"ftr'S>/ \: '".$ I .. (1 . ; • . /'" !j?AUPO ,9UAY ; ; WANGANUI,: - < .f; ' •;,'-..'. .'.' , .-s^^^^^^^s^^^v B["^^ PLEAJSIJRE'"in du'ecting afctentjoji/. j^^^^^^^^ni^ 1 - V^ EY EXTENSIJE^p^SIGNiMENT* C6st6m ! ers rind' thei "Public are ,'3nvßed!^ iinspectfor themselves f the> ian^bm'eSir 1 and best lot of Furaitur^^vef'laiidelin'WanlalimV'c^^^ < j|».noi2-.vA-<i v>'f . )i{ , - - r^LNt/fl)RAWlN'^l§i) SUITES, m. r the '6^ I r.rf: /?.,r:.-U"yj? 'E,ngji^h fltyl^c.o.Yieyp^vfithiblue satin arid^He ; b'esl: f |^racco leather. ! . l f»>nu'.T < c4WP!RBPf Tables ; P,ccasipnaJ,tSuihealand, Qj&fieeV'and'Od'gtafee T^blei'' A ;; ! — -• ~ Mediaeval AjjJi-andTßladrfiutfes, p\fah^a^andoßlac^ J guiteF.-r r: '' r^ f-'':;;f -'':;; j ''- ° Sideboardi, ifi ttfre J^fljerent design* B " ••''-•««« cn3 f" 011 t'«^3 ri « '• : Br&s's Beditjeads,' Croquet GhairsV*Occasional Ghalr's^MarMl^to^-Wasiistands ! t „„ , rr , Dreas|ng- Tables and Gheffon^ersin walnut^ttdifflatogfany'"''*^ w 1 ( » l '^'ff Ar{ £ !«r! «r ;<a "' ; -' : InM'd ipraJnuV'OaD'inet?, iHu^Srools, Mirrors (very large-and handsome) Irilaio! liadib^.'yPor^ Tables, Mahogany PedestaK Waiting-Tabled | ! Whathbts' attS^aiterburys in endless^ variety; 1 <o;;v.!;fu -- ' .'; ! i~ ti~ t '•) >rr r> >. '?. nmo ?t ' »unvV ioi -ve.vift ju»n jjro/± xlJi^v'u — Arsfifici | . ..AXjjge Stock oraiqrinds of AMIRMn AND ENGILIS^ OTHNOTESi on S ihand/tlie whblo,^ wjbic"h Vill be sow on* the sioaU j>rofij; andjquicl-rerarn principle. ' 7:- ,-:,■' .- .- - <. „ 'r-STT— "* ' • !r ' ; ' f " Vl< - "J^l'tOrroij ►>-- i-9l'r>3 { '-» '■ li ''■ •-,<; DONALD KOs»;j T^^BQ^.QB'A^i^--««-™ f »*«w!^wj = - jt, *.*.:. •• • . -^oß^,,;;m:Ni)Eiissi!t^^r::' v ' , r „_r rr~ . . - r « c .-- "Y"T-> •t.-j' ' JtQ^-T ir/Bltit/na yUJr, / TSyOywTu ikja'H DOO3 j :') (".VJI i>" .•i..ifi t ri:.>U'.'.M .I*l t !JrtouT.o7.o i "j'n!.f.n 11 IJraT-si;,i1 J raT-si;,i u^i's n- a>'tcf .'^oha jpOME; and inspecj;>tlie largest-fitock M!%ii?ge.%4n^- J T*aps6iagr;tCflrpets [inVth^i jV^VjiDistsrici:, ; alsb^Flbor'JiOlo^f'ffrbrri- |;yardrup.t'o 18"feet 'pattdtosw^ whi6n' J surpa^"an'y f pi^viott& ihtifflfttotid. A(tilU J- vos'"v 05 '"' 1 rtv/ftri • J!tH:< - f j ' lsT ' m ™?l I J f. r J(^y^s§aMa^^ I^Mjk f M#Wf ?™4Ma» k!t4i^ ca)l^|;Ke ( |a f tii6ntipn;of/tHe'p,u^ Omdmiil-maiie "^ Furiiture^of e,ye bined with utility 'and taste. ' ..m^Vl Tf ;,7f;" Uir - f; ? rlH . .'P^Mjo v ! * ; * ' ! l i * l •' ij ft j; i't':",^, J-«i»,'i ofji.rn O'.'jiii hawftu BWf Dcawing- and 'Dimng-fooni Sitites m* Walnut, Cedar, and Rimu (anyiooyemflgifl i v'Y'FtaJoiir/ B^dfoomy iind irj EifccMf Furmtufe-^ofMfevery^i descrtpiionff ffl j or j kfufied"C6u& l eß^^ Pidderminsteiy Dute; and, Felt^sqwareß, Mattings, Js|£&'- \ H'eai'th: Rxtgs,- Door M«t§, -'.|f b]Tand)p f {Damaskg* and/'Reßp^r>h&?iii Table Cloths, Surtains/lFnngeiS^aizes^aricJoUpholstery^trinit^mgs'bf- efefW I Mattrasses 'fs^rin'g, ' I b.air^flo,ck and flax^J^lUagßeS J^SSiß?^^tS f te Cots, Bassinettes,' Wicker 'and Wpod~stuff§d > >Pci i amb»la^r3r J (o'Ur,^owtt' iDftlikl&^A v a.K ,rrr-j - Toilet Sets, &c. . .ov'-um Iraasr.* , ' .j'.';'. Pipliure'; Kin,^, 1 jtf '_' i&x'^s^Ve^yayie^ l j':.^:^ l I "^*.^ I TOMBSTONES AND IRON RAILiNGs'-'sUPPLfBD/.A^I). jf^E^'iN.^ANy'/'PifecS , „ . „, . j/, of the DisTKioT. . . j , , :, .y \ . .; r, „r ,:j ; f ;^ - Photographed • patterns" , on ',",,;/,'',;./ • »ij:.; ! /Tk

HALL OF i .COMifeficl" 3 i|^^^t% ; sea|q^i^Sc H. t. NICHOLAS < > Are . now < making their ' •'; ■ > [' ■ p i r;s Tr;-'T r; -'D r f s'pVa-y"- '.*'-* AUTUMN) '. \ \,;,>; ( WINTER AUTUMN V GOODS < WINTER .AUTUMN jv-. ••_ ii-i!o'vl-!»TO'EBB tfi ''jAir' the Best^o^ties.^in^the^,,} ,-.- English and Fo^ei^nM^Sis^ " : Are bffered'-foirinspe^tion I .' >ar^ The First ShipinenV^consisting of 50'J^iPACfeAGES $0 ■ --• *'H 'Nbw"';<)pfene| tTp? V' j) -'V H9lf i And marked';^ thaf'H. L. t ]\icliplas jind ''^ tnerit is^notedf dr. The MMneiflmi Paiicy . JPeparttt^ent J : ::u '^ Is now under the -charge. , of r^JSS KJ]^^eterß«ti|Hs^ son's," Regent str,eet, ;24ondorr.-);:Ladiis~' may rely that all 'or'dk'.s/entrusie'd^ to her will be ; ■ ' eieCUted -ih 'iner riATEST f . r LPN,pp^]S-TYAES,i< ,A;jar|&aslprSnfel of new. andi . fashionable ; goods hasr beent added to this'ddpfiimeiit.;^;:!;:; :t ; •^ Will' be fotirid tb^cdiiibfise^^-s^len^fd ass^tment olf^j>da.ff v iulij:il ThebressmaHng;aad|laiiie »^-r "-—^ss Is still coAaucKa'^nd'er o^ efficient pjanasen^nt pf ;gsO pEffi, wHftWfcC ißff drte ,have giv*?n. s^ch, entire «a|isf acaea^ liadie^mayi'elV'Up'dtt 'getting- fKefirdvesaea iriade mHhe lateW 'styleß^cbmbiii^a-.^lth excellence of wtfrk tod p' erf option I 'df'ftt.w'i: i ".We .Confidently splicit s 'thC|atr6^eo£ heads of f anailies; - notelkeepers/- aiidi 'all those' .'about'. to 'furnfejij •to;onr i stqd^6f J household drapery? which, will be,,'fc«nd thoroughly ' complete; > and ' ; the ; ;- p.rlcea? 'ebccepftonally low- 1 - „ : . -^ . '■ ;'". '■'•^■i'-''".':',\£ : The 016thi^TOpartifi#"' g as . received •specialjattention^twjdiwm ha f nnn^' thoroughly 'assorted.' »^ootch,^. "Pnrfish ah Oolonial.made a Olo^ng. v? Ld, maciintoshe/ j r CWnf «g ii£^?t harvard and white longcloth-i^w Sf^ 3 . iolie^r^larra^a-mn^yq^be^^^? irierMo^aiiaialttbs.wbbllfiaff-hoSH^I 6^ i shirts and Dants r in"b t Krwn po,ttpn. j?hx vjf . colored, aftof awy meiyoj-plalnwd fancy ribbed^tymbswopl;^-— n, r •: „ | Aa-exdeptibaally Mrge 'variety l of / me ! n's $ud" boys' blacky jbiowiij.^mUidiab hard andoS.o.ffJ,el^ ;^fei^^Jl^lieleaiiliagisha|>& suites. *■■ ' - - " v* U- -• ' ! 'tf. ■L/NlOlrOlfAS^^OoT'^; TTJ E R G U S -O^itil^o U- ' K\;<AXnl6nQ*W®£slo&po*H -W't ■ , | Next{rhomps^<SiJßi^ah^^Q3y/? Ito

MONSTER SALE, ' _ '' ■' OI 1 ' MEN'S, YOUTH'S & BOY'S C " i 0 T H X feU NOTICE. NOTICE. NOTICE. To the inhabitants of Wangainrt and neighbouring districts, TN consequence -of contemplated im.provements in the premises now in the occupation of- Samuel Coombes, clothier ; | we Jbave . reqeived p.osxtiy^ in- !• ■; ' - •!; V " 'tit structipris from Aubkl^nd to- hold a Clearing Sale for ONE MONTH, when the whole of the stock will be cleared ! out at prices never, before heard of in i ■ • - t , . i ' LiJ r "'\ ' • ' ' '* ' ' |Wangasn\/ ' ,- /7 f f'!; r ."" > ' J1 It'^;1 t '^;^ j 1 Oounfciy • storekeepers * and-. ( large buyers liberally dealt with. > i; The address is— - SAMUEL COOMBES, * Ridgway-street, ■ .' , '* y 'i Next Empire Hotel. Sale bbmmences on Saturday, 15th] ; • March; 1879.' r# "' ' .'>, ; f «f • ;;u I (t'r t.t i' i i ; , i" ,'ius ma? Be in time for ihe many- bargains, ,irr 'Ai'rr ,'i> s :>i '<\ /.".jtoiuit i -''■•' "' " r ,">:'3U vJ | ,'. iEBKOSBNH^'^-a* ! .';"A'i;i "-'fMM'i' m-.'i > Now Landing, ex. . Aberdeen from New ! a '. •{... cYorkjaudßonitav.jh.'i ,;:-j,/-i KAA CASES KEROSENE ofrsanTe ILIUvJ superior quality' Las'- former special shipments. to 150° flagitota&i}. Price ifs .ty tin ,\ :'. '.r - * .} /who, •« JOHN 'DUTHIEycJ Inl \ ■ Victoria Avenue.

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Bibliographic details

Wanganui Herald, Volume XII, Issue 9414, 8 May 1879, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Wanganui Herald, Volume XII, Issue 9414, 8 May 1879, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Wanganui Herald, Volume XII, Issue 9414, 8 May 1879, Page 1