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'" ~ " "A. O. A SB. • TT^S- on han-J a well assorted-and varied Selection of.Season II ab>e Dress Materials iv Sitiri -GlotiH. Fancy iloliaira, WooU.Picuds, French Merino'ex, Phi a aivi Tvyiilfid Winceys, '"' •' Plain Wool Shwis (the fashionable amcle),iu Scarlet awl Bi-uts, Black Velveteens, Sheetings i n p| a i n aiul Twilled, Calicoes, Flannels, white ?'irl colourc* 1 Oi-imoin Shirting CorsoU.. Glove*, Jiiboons, £c , Ac, fn U'.e Moaruing Depart in mil wH bo -found Black Satin Cloth, Paramatra, Kiviic.h ihuin<)o*, L-istrcw, Cobour£s, Cvape Flowers and Trbnniings, Tho iIKVo and ■HOY'S ready made English and Colonial Clothing Dopartni-znt 'will be foun.-Vas "always admil ted to he >:i;\ce th.>. (stablisli.-aent ■ ■; of this hu.sines.sin 1805 ; t!ie CIT ill A. P ivST and B'blS L' SELWJ TED STOCJv, ltoth i\n- quality and style in this di.sU'ui, wilii t.!io usual Immense Variety of Hats iv Soft, Medium, and l.Lu-J Felt of the latest design. Included in the Clothing Dop-irU.sioiifc is a liirge. stock of IHac'; Goods in Paget,Sai«, and Walking Coals, Trousers and Vests, and 15oy'.s Suite. !%-vhil!y good value in Blauketa, white at.d coloured, do do T'.vpfjds and Elack Cioths. do do Wiiite and Colouoca Flannels. ~ do . do JI ac iv tosh Wateipi-oof Coats, do do Radios' Waterproof Cloaks. A. CASS having made cxoeu'-Hve improvements in en!ai-uin<r Ids establishment owing to the reqiiireinent.s of thft trade, is now able tog;we tliai attention to hi.-> patrons which nioi-« convenient pvemist'S indAice ) his stock being 'very l;>r^e ami well assorted, he would solicit the attention of tlio public of W.-in^a. irai and country districts. Country orders [iiinctunMy attended to A. CMSS, Taiijio Quay, near tho Bridge. July 20, 1874.

.«g|B|§K ' Selected for use | TJsed by • .* TnES&W'" ■ 7>,u: i >r .• , , f V» iheJLiOyal I'amily, w-A«x" N^^l^i | xji-itisii i\ntioiiiil ami 6-^9 J> : . |«gS^W| v, M^^t lutLiihfci-ial Schools of §~§ Sultan of Turkey, MIL J||' A-^^^ls Eritftill- |4 I Khedive of Egypt, f^CvJ^^JP ' Schools far Blind Tg and other m^®^^§ig& I Children. !<| Eoya l Eamilies# 'PSffi^^^ -J°-- X:- T' TCH LOCK-STITCH LOCK-STITCH LOCK-STITCH Wo stron-ly recom- j^ Orders by Post wiU "^^^^t^^^^y mend this a« the most i-fl have our prompt per>W-*, .r-i^^^^ Simple and Perfect X sonal attaniisn, and TH3 LITTLE WANZEE. Machine i a the be tewudad a. If wiUi Marble Slab extra WnvVl I j • i If with Travelling Bex i" 'extra. desired. : B^"-; Please note the number of " ~~ Extras given Gratis. JOHN IDTJTEHGEj Jte^i^'iSa.iSwf: IMPORTER & IRONMONGER, sewuiy Thread-eiler, Oilcwi, Surewdviver, and full Diractioiis. WANGANUI. Price reduced to ... £4 L 0 Od. Casli,

PE'IER LOFTUS, VICTORIA AVENUE, Wishes to,inform ilr oli c , that be has now on hand a fine quantity of first class BOC IS, of every description arid every price, MX:|?.EW GO 0 D. S. Consisting of the following—Ladies' Boots of all kinds • Children's ditto, ditto-; Gent's eWib tide Jioots j Gont's shooting ditto ; Ueni'a Lace Boots : - : ; i ; ; :;. Working Men's Watertight : Ditto Bluchers i; W.B.-—Every description of Boots made on the premises. lyf Inspection invited. ,'• ; June 8. 1874. ggg • Extensive Clearing-out Sale, a§lo,ooo worth ; ;; TO SELECT FROM. GEORGE" BEAVEN, HAS -determined to relinquish some braxche; of his business to enable him huiealterto evtend others, therefore, he intends to hold a tfENEdAL CLIL VHIKG-O'OT SALE FOR ONE MONTH COM MINCING FUOM MONDAY, JUNE 29th. Buyers willdo well to avail themselves of this opportunity as it is a rare one ■for laying in their requirements. -The assortment will be found on inspection, to be far the largest in Wun«anui. It comprises (to use a familiar phmsc) everything froni v needle to In anchor.- It is impossible to enumerate all tho items, but the following lines will befound among"the stock: nothing sliort of a person*! inspection will give any idea of the variel"-. Men's extra super waterproof coats, and assorted qualities. Colonial and -Enghsh-nuule Clothing eomprisir.o—Geolong and other Tweed suits, Trousers Tmusers and Yesls, 3Julcskin aji.l Cord Trowsers, Kiain-.-- Vav.u Tweed -md Be.irorc[ Cord i Inveruess C'«pes ; and Pilot Coats, Crimean and all kinds oi whirls and UikWcloiluh^. I'oy'sand Tonth's Tweed !siiits ffiekei-bocker, LoophaM Zuare &c Inver nesses, Pilot Jackets, Mellon Over Coats, Crimean and other shirts ' An assorlmentof iNEW TWEEDS in tho piece. Habit Cloth,' Pilot Cloth Bedford Cord, &c. A very large quantity of MenV, Women's, Boy's, Youili's, and Children's Book Slippers, Shoes. A fine lot of Aleu'.s and Boy's Leather Losings. j, fow c . ls^ of nssorted Chairs, Perambulators, (double and singh). Ij7ussels and other Carpets, Matting (assorted), Door Mats, Hearth Rugs, Swing; mid Hancjin» r.ooki'u.r glasses, Clocks. Men's, Boy>, and ToutlrsPelt, Si raw, ~Tid' TweJfl Hats, and Cloth Caps. {Solid Leatlier Hiurotlier Portmanteaus of a supt-rior nvike Ladies' imd Ctutl(>men's Saddles, Bridles, .Whips, and Gi- Jun-uess. .Fancy Uodds of all 'do« riptions, comprising: Vases, .Tci.let. Sets, Jjrsks, .DlvuiiKms. Cl' ( 4 ware, Lamps, Silver and Plated-ware, Meerschaums, Stationary. P.itt-ut'Mhlu' ciiies, PeH"um(iy ; dr. Hardware, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Urns).-ware, JJaskei" \7Jire, Tin-wat-p, etc. Croquet Sets, Chessmen, Jjrausiiusinen^ CriijbV-e an'J (Ira-aj-ht I', &«• Prints, I),c?s rtuttrf, Calicoes,"PlanneU, lJussiu Or«»h i>lass Cloths,_«c\ Some very superior TK\ ii.». Pilots, ijnlt Chests-uid Uoxes. ' O'oodv bookt'.-! as usual during the Sale at the ordinal y bdlili^ Drin' All n'horo will bo sold for CASH ONLY. . ol ' L'leiß The object in vi«\y,.in holding this sale, is to effect as jrreat a clearing as possible; Ihcrefoie no leasonable ofilr will be glased trom'those wiio m.■ v j-urchaj good sized parcels. - " JUST RICELYED—A Very Superior lot of Gentlemen's Over-Co U?, Pa->et at>d I). El Coats, (Melbourne make) ": All New Goods thut may arrive d-irilje th-; Wie, will be at once marked and sold as near Cost Price as uossiblc. — GEOEtJE BEAVEN, Taupo Quay.

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Wanganui Herald, Volume VIII, Issue 2238, 3 August 1874, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Wanganui Herald, Volume VIII, Issue 2238, 3 August 1874, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Wanganui Herald, Volume VIII, Issue 2238, 3 August 1874, Page 4